Supreme Demon

Chapter 2813: End of the world!

The barren mountain is cold and people feel cold! A supreme, many heavenly figures and kings, all looking at the girl who is eating watermelon.

Her eyes are pure and unremarkable.

She is pretty, her body is tall! She was like a little fairy who flew down from the Tianshan Mountains, and she rushed into the world.

She is as beautiful as a fairy.

Such a pretty jade girl should not appear here, but she rushed like this.

No wind and rain! No poetry and painting! Her appearance made the gods in the room completely quiet, that is, the noisy chords were stunned. The gods who were eating melons and Bifang stopped the bite movement, letting the watermelon juice fall slowly.

Clear! No one thought of the pretending girl in front of him, it turned out to be the pretty Loli.

Although she did not have the beauty of Ye Xinran’s experience of rain and wind, she did not have the quietness of Ling Qing’s detachment from the world, but she had a tender face and a light and elegant taste.


All of this was pulled back to reality by the action of Qing Qing. She sat at the table and held an irregular watermelon. She took a bite out of Zhangkou.

Hey! The bright red watermelon juice is falling, and the Qing dynasty has not noticed the gods. Since the self-concern, the expression on the face remains unchanged and elegant.

"Little sister!"

The first one to break this strange silence, but the sound is still very small, for fear of awakening the clear.

Qing Yi did not look back, as if he did not hear the general.

"Little sister!"

The string continues, and the sound has improved a lot.

Clearance should not be done.


At this time, Wen Yuan wrinkled his eyebrows, and asked how to succeed. How many people are paying attention to her eyes. After she asked for her success, she did not respond at all.

Is it too unclear?

What's more, the Burning Supreme, Zhou Tian and his elders are here, and it is a bit unreasonable.

Clearance should not be done.


Ling Feng Emei, the clearness of this state makes him a little bit sloppy, looking at the Qing dynasty who is eating melon, he has a strange feeling.

He raised his hand and touched the forehead of Qing.

His hand has not touched the clear forehead.

Qing dynasty raised her head, her eyes brightened, but there was a violent flash of light, she looked at Ling Feng, with strange taste and inexplicable doubts.

"Little sister?"

Clearance should not be.


Clear or not.

"What is this flower?"

At this moment, the clear eyes are brighter, with more questions, and a cold light.

She held the watermelon in her hand and had two rows of teeth on it. The eyes were very cute and looked at the wind, and then turned to the gods, more questions.

"I am afraid that something is wrong."

Ling Feng frowned, this life flower is integrated into the body of Qing dynasty, this is not dominated by Qing dynasty, but he dominated.

He is not very clear about the method of cultivation, and even the cultivation of Qing dynasty. Such a rush to integrate this life into the Qing dynasty, is it dominated by Qing dynasty, or is it dominated by this life?

This is a problem.

"The process of integration has changed?"

Burning the Supreme is a glance at the essence.

"I am afraid...this is true."

Ling Feng said with a smile.

"The little sister was comatose, if it was spent in this life..." Ling Qing Yu Yan suddenly changed.

The faces of the gods around are even more ugly than Ling Qing.

They also think of this possibility. Once the dominant fusion is the flower of this life, is it clear?

"any idea?"

Zhou Tian asked anxiously.

Qing dynasty is the hope of the whole gods, and it is the lord of the next god. If it is so depraved, the whole gods will be sad.

Ling Feng did not speak, but his face was equally ugly.

Because Qing Qi is because he only got this end, if he waited for a moment, wait until Qing Qing wakes up, there is no such problem, right?

If the Qing Dynasty is really degraded, I am afraid that he will not forgive himself in this life.

"Her is too big to be traced back to the ancient times."

Burning the heavens and sighing and sighing.. "Only in that era did you know that Xiangu Wangu did not hear of such creatures."

Burning the Supreme does not know.

The gods at the scene did not even know.

In fact, it is not clear to clear yourself.

Things have gotten tricky.

Hey! The scene became even more awkward, people frowned, and Qing dynasty was eating melon, as if she was eating melons.

"I will check it out!"

Ling Feng said solemnly.

"it is good!"

The gods are forehead, only Ling Feng is the most insured, and Xianli is different, and perhaps the truth can be found.

People spread out, Ling Feng watched the Qing dynasty with vigilance, and then Xianli lightning flew out, and swept to the Qing dynasty with lightning speed.

It’s just that... let people blame God for clearing up and not defending, but looking at the wind with confusion.

At this time.

Ling Feng couldn't take care of the question of Qing dynasty. Xian Li instantly poured into the body of Qing dynasty, first limiting the ability to clear the scorpion, and then rushed to the clear Dantian and the soul sea.

Time is in a hurry.

People are waiting for a result.

There is no defense, no struggle, and this makes people secretly breathe a sigh of relief. If they defend their defenses and even fight fiercely, the result will only become different.

It will evolve into a battlefield.

Half awkward.

Ling Feng cold sweat slammed out, Xian Li flew back to the body.

The Qing dynasty is frowning, and some curiously looked at Ling Feng, I don’t know what he meant.

"what's the situation?"

People looked at the clear, and then looked at Ling Feng.

"something wrong!"

Ling Feng’s expression is strange, but it is not a worried expression.

"what is the problem?"

People are anxious, and can't wait to see the head of Ling Feng clearly.

"The soul of the little sister is still there, and it is not affected."


When people look at it, they don’t speak, but they wait for Ling Feng to go on.

"She is sleeping!"

Ling Feng said slowly. "Or the power of the flower is being digested."

"So what is going on?"

People ask, the state of clearing is really strange.


Ling Feng indulged for a moment before he said. "This life flower is just a birth of spirituality, but it can't affect the Qing dynasty. However, Qing dynasty is a flower of the past. Nowadays, it has been integrated into this life flower. It is necessary to take this step. Naturally, there will be changes. She is the flower of this life."

"Any questions?"

Asked everyone.


"The nature of her will change dramatically. Even if she wakes up, it may be a blank. It depends on the result of her final integration with this life."

People frown, this answer does not satisfy them.

"To put it bluntly, she may still be clear, or it may be another clean."

Ling Feng sighed. "All this has to wait until she really wakes up to know."

"That now..." People looked to Qing and asked.

"It’s just a soul."

Ling Feng said: "More precisely, the soul of this life, now... it should be a blank."


The gods and eyes flashed.

"Not bad!"

The beast of the beast flies and looks at the clear.


Bi Fang also said.

"You guys have to take a little sister!"

The chord face was blacked out in an instant, and for a long time, how could they not know the meaning of these three guys.

A blank clearing, once it is biased, when it wakes up, there are these memories and characters in the soul sea.

It is like a brand.

I am afraid that I have to wait until the Qing dynasty changes again.

The three guys don't care about the threat of chords, they take care of themselves and start interacting with Qing.

"I want to bring the little sister to the gods."

The chord looks to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng forehead, he is not assured of these three guys.


When the string expressed its meaning to Qingyi, it was rejected. In the subconscious, Qingyi trusted the wind and was not willing to leave here, and even more reluctant to leave Lingfeng.

"Little teacher, if the sister-in-law is infected with bad habits, I am not finished with you."

The string is sad and said.

"Small string, what do you mean?"

"Trust us a few?"

"I want to fight one?"

The three guys are quite straightforward, and they have to play with the strings on the spot.

The string is broken.

He is only a king, but can you sing the beast, the gods, and the other party?

Although the injury of the Bifang and Mingtian beasts has not recovered at this moment, it is still possible to pack him.

Wen Yuan’s words and stops are not safe and clear.

But he is afraid that these three goods will be confronted with him.

"Happy, hand over the little sister to you?"

Ling Feng asked.

The Leaf Witch has not promised to come down, and Shen Lie first opened his mouth.

"Why should you trouble the leaf fairy?"

It patted the chest and said: "Give us a hand to ensure that you will be alive and clear, and clear the spirit!"


It’s that Zhou Tian and Wen Lao couldn’t help but speak. They are most afraid of this.

"give it to me!"

Yeh Witch said without a smile.

"do not!"

Shen Lie argued with reason: "You have to believe us, although we are not the same as Ye Xian, but the whole is still quite powerful."

"She is a woman!"

The leaf witch only said one sentence, let the three guys shut up completely.

They can not accept other people, including Ling Feng, but they do not dare to offend.

Qingyan’s rejection of the Yew Witch is a little bit, but it is not very strong. After a long time, there is no problem naturally.

This result is satisfactory for the gods.

The two characters of Ye Witch and Ling Qing are actually more reliable than Ling Feng.

The punishment is exhausted.

Reversing the spirit has restored the calm of the past, but the major forces do not know whether there is any success in the Qing Dynasty. Why do we need to use these strange bans against the gods.


This is a secret they will never know.

at the same time.

The universe entered a period of peace, no disputes, and all major forces are adapting to the deep autumn of the universe as much as possible, and are fully prepared to meet the end of the universe.

The anti-God is more calm, but the undercurrent is surging.

The anti-God is put into the star map, to be polished in it, to use three charms to make yourself stronger, and Ling Feng and so on.

They want to hit a higher realm.

Even Lingfeng is like this, the end of the world is coming, the star map is their last chance, Ling Feng naturally wants faster progress, because the end of the world makes them full of pressure.

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