Supreme Demon

Chapter 2817: Nine Kings!


Shen Lie has been looking at the wind, and he whispered in his mouth.

He longed for the Holy Spirit, but Ling Feng did not let go, which made him very innocent.


Because the door was opened, he felt that he could really give birth to Xianli, because the little power in the Holy Spirit of the Immortal Tao is like a little flame. He is grilling his body, igniting its power, and tempering it little by little. , evolved toward the power of immortality.


In the near future, his power will become Xianli.

Although Xiaolong is a mount of Lingfeng, there is no such treatment.


There are so many red charms, and it is already the limit to be able to give birth to the nine fairy tales. It is unrealistic to want to give birth to more fairy sacred spirits. Ling Feng did not look for it again, but sinks his heart.

"We have to go ahead!"

Ling Feng looked ahead and his face became serious.


God’s forehead, said: “Brothers are united, what is the map of the district?”

He is very optimistic, there is not much worry, Ling Feng has become stronger, and there is a kind of ban on the whole body. It is not too difficult to want to open the star map.

"Master has stepped into it, we don't fall behind too much!"

"it is good!"


They went to the depths of the red temperament layer. There was a mountain there. Before Ling Feng and Shen Li had passed by here, they stayed for a while and found something.

"This is a strange mountain!"

Ling Feng stood in front of the mountain, as said.

"It is a weapon for a powerful person!"

Shen Li added.

This is what they have long discovered. This strange mountain is amazingly powerful. It is no less than the Xiangu Medicine Garden. It can appear here, which means that there was a Battle of the World in the original star map, and the weapon was left behind.

They don't know if the owner of this mountain has fallen.


This strange mountain is not so simple here.

"The same as Xiangu Medicine Park!"

Ling Feng saw the problem, because around the mountain, the dead, sullen, and inconspicuous with the red temperament around.

There is only one situation.

That is the strange mountain in the suppression of the door of hell! "Do you want to enter from here?"

God asked.

"This is not an entrance!"

Ling Feng sneered and said: "The real entrance is deeper, but it should suppress all the dead, this mountain is to prevent the dead from rushing out!"

"What about us?"

Asked indifferently.

"First sharpen the knife!"

This is the intention of Ling Feng. This is not the entrance to the gate of Hell, because the headless body is not here, but there was a fierce battle that proved that there was a terrible dead.

The character would rather not have to suppress it in this mountain, only to be really degraded.

Only suppression can prevent the dead and the starry sky.

A strange mountain can suppress it, it should not be a powerful dead object, otherwise it will have already rushed out.

"Okay, then from here!"

Xiaolong has some trepidation. Only it is the weakest in the field. Lingfeng is too strong, and the gods are not weak. Only it is a fifth-class demon, and it is really a dead thing. It is looking for death.

"Small, we are responsible for the powerful dead, you are responsible for the weak and dead!"

Ling Feng knew about Xiaolong’s fears and explained.

"it is good!"

Xiaolong’s forehead was relieved, and it was afraid that Lingfeng would use it as cannon fodder.

"I am going to open this mountain!"


They flew to the mountain, and Xianli and the flames burned the immortals to form the setting sun. The vast Tianwei flew from afar and fell under the mountain.

"Get up!"

Ling Feng broke out of Tianwei and opened the mountain little by little.


Qimen shines, all roads collapse, and there is a golden force to contain all of this, but it has been suppressed by Lingfeng.

Boom! Finally, the mountain was moved by the wind, and the dead air spurted out like a volcano. The heavy ones were invisible, and the gloomy airflow was flocking in all directions, and there were indeed creatures to be born.


A screaming voice rang from the mountain, carrying a creepy breath.

"The deity has come alive again!"

"Chu Xian, you can't stop me after all!"

A humanoid creature wearing a gray armor flew out of it, full of excitement and anger. He hated the "cracked fairy" and even trapped him for so long. If he was not a dead object, before the smoke was extinguished, It won't die, I'm afraid I can't really come.

"I am still alive, and you are dead!"

The voice sounded and made Ling Feng feel sad.

The original character could not live until the end.

After a while.

The dead air spread a little, the yin was not so strong, and a humanoid creature wearing a gray armor appeared in front of Ling Feng and others.

Its eyes are like dead gray, and there is no spiritual light.

It is a sinister death.

Its flesh and blood is vague and rotten, and it makes the wind blow straight.

There is a trench in his hand, which has been rusty and has no spirituality, but it has uttered the opposite death of Tianwei.

The trenches pierced several holes, and there was still a **** red water dripping.

"grim Reaper?"

God frowns, this breath is not simple, belongs to the supreme level, just because the breath is weak, not so tyrannical.

"grim Reaper?"

The voice heard the voice of the gods, and became scornful. It was cold and open.. "I am a nine-soul!"

"Wang Luo Wang?"

Ling Feng asked.

"Not bad!"

The dead man laughed wildly. "I am the nine kings!"

He looked around, his eyes fell on Ling Feng's body and became ridiculed. "The cracked fairy you saw, you personally suppressed, but did not expect to let me out, still your own people!"

"" "I should say grateful?"

Nine Yu Wang said with a smile. "Is it grateful?"

"Is it moving?"

Ling Feng also said with a smile.

“It’s very moving!”

Jiu You Wang laughs more sinister.. "I want to eat you!"

"That's still not here?"

Ling Feng grinned.

"Not urgent!"

The nine secluded kings were cold and cold, and they used the trenches directly. The slamming sound was inserted under the mountain and pushed hard. The whole mountain was roaring and was moved more. The next faint hole opened, and the air was more dead. Shen, more yin.


There was a sorrowful scream in the inside, which made the scalp numb.


A dead object flies out of it, there are only big tigers, only creatures with skulls, and humanoid creatures with wings.

"A fallen angel?"

Ling Feng smiled.

In a short period of time, Jiuyou Wang’s “corps” appeared, vast and endless, among which the nine princes belonged to the supreme level, and in the “corps of the back” there were several ghost-level creatures, strong, even It was suppressed by Xiangu Wangu, still not dead, and exudes terrible momentum.

"Repressing hundreds of millions of years, can you help me?"

The nine secluded kings made a pleasant voice, he said coldly. "Are you in the end?"

That slaughter begins from this moment! ”

"you are wrong!"

Ling Feng grinned.. "The world has not yet reached the end of the world!"


That nine secluded king.

"We are letting you out."

Ling Feng went on to say.

Nine Kings did not speak, but stared straight at Ling Feng, wanting to know his true intentions.

“Do you feel very contradictory?”

Ling Feng smiled.

"Do you want to trust us?"

The nine secluded king said.

"Do not!"

"I want to sharpen the knife before the end of the world!"

"You are looking for death!"

The nine secluded king's face sank, a anger rushed to the soul, the trenches in his hand exudes a fascinating airflow, and a sky-high killing sound blew in front of him, and the gray airflow swayed in all directions, trying to influence the soul of Lingfeng.


Lingfeng soul is not affected at all, let alone the trenches of the district, that is, the nine secluded kings themselves may not be able to shake the soul of Ling Feng.

"Repression should be very weak for hundreds of millions of years?"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "We want to sharpen the knife, I hope you can fulfill it!"

"To fulfill your uncle!"

The nine princes were mad, and a character only dared to speak out to him. In the immortal period, it was the crackers who dared not talk to him.

"Today, the deity wants to eat you!"

"That is afraid to let you down!"

Ling Feng said helplessly.


Nine Yu Wang couldn't stand the windy face of Ling Feng, and he swooped over on the spot, and he was strong.

Massive forces directly hit Lingfeng, and the trenches in their hands sent out a deadly rainbow, and nine days were smashed.

The smoldering winds of the hustle and bustle, carrying the leaves and blush of the sky, make people fry.

And the power of terror has reached the supreme level more directly.


Ling Feng looked at the power coming from the attack and laughed. "If it was your original time, I should not be your opponent, but here is the world!"

"You are too weak!"


Xianli and the flames burned the cast of the sun, and the Burning Path Blade carried Wanwei Tianwei.

Sting! There is no suspense, the death pressure of Sensen can't keep the light of Xianli, the weak nine secluded king is not the opponent of Lingfeng, even if it is the supreme of hell, but it is weak, although the situation is much better than the original rain, then The power of weakness simply does not reach the level of supreme.

Strong outside! That's it! When Ling Feng came up, he used the power of the third-class Tianzun to push it to the second-class Tianzun, and cut off the deep and dead air. He opened a strong yin, and a blade smashed the nine secluded king. The blade was more blushing. The flesh and blood, the gray blood rushes out of its body.

The nine secluded kings made a sigh of sorrow.

It feels like the soul is stabbed.

"How is your Xianli?"

The nine kings are like ghosts. What did he see in the world?

Xianli! The non-cracking fairy is the half-sweet fairy power, but the real fairy power, the gods destroy the ghost's worldly power.

Xian Like made a million roads, and even more restrained.


This character is not weak. Although it shows only the strength of the third-class Tianzun, its true power is definitely the second-class Tianzun level. Plus, Xianli’s use of his gram is at least a first-class level, if he When it is strong, it can kill it, but in its weak moment, Ling Feng is really a butcher knife.


Jiu You Wang was shocked. It took a step back and let the "corps" behind it to kill the power of the wind. He wandered around the sea and tried to recover in a short time, otherwise it would be dead. what.

Really want to be sharpened by Ling Feng! (

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