Supreme Demon

Chapter 2823: 诛 God dusk!

God devils daggers.

Wandao a total respect!

The sense of the picture was completely ignited by Ling Feng, and the golden star figure was flourishing and the vision was numerous. The endless golden light was flying and the momentum was endless.

Ling Feng was indulging in the hurricane of Jin Jin. He did not notice the drastic changes in the surrounding area, but he was immersed in his own power. The little gold was deducting his power to the extreme. It was because of this extreme detonated the 鎏金星Figure.

The tragedy is a god.

He still didn't figure out what was going on, he was beheaded on the spot, his image was unsightly, his face was damaged.

There is a horrible suppression in the void, so that he can not do it in the capital. The whole head and body are like being rubbed on the ground by an invisible big hand. It feels a lot of wrongs.

Xiaolong should be a little better, kneeling on the ground, this is what it is good at, who can see it?

"Ling Feng, you are jealous!"

The gods and heroes disregarded the image and screamed, and this was too poisonous, and they even decapitated themselves.

Is there any morality?


Ling Feng can't hear, he is immersed in his own strength, and he can't extricate himself.

"If you are embarrassed, don't let me get up, believe it or not, I am desperately fighting with you?" The gods were anxious. Although they did not know what had happened, they were able to explode these forces. Only Ling Feng could do it in the field.

This guy knows that he cursed him in his heart just now?

Shen Lie thought a little guilty.


That is in his heart, even if the wind is extraordinary, there is a fairy power, but it is impossible to spy on his heart.

Isn't Ling Feng deliberate?

The sorrowful thoughts of the sorrowful heart, such a thing Lingfeng is not the first time to do it. When the Lingfeng broke through, it was regarded as a white mouse, and it was strongly suppressed. Now Lingfeng has such a suppression, which is also the nature.

He did it out!

Is this just too much this time?

"Oh, if you can't beat him, he must suppress him for thousands of years!"

God's heart is thinking more viciously.

of course.

He can only think about it, because the Lingfeng at this time is really strong enough to make people suffocate. In the absence of using Xianli, they are all beheaded.

What is this power?

Don't say that he can't understand it, that is, burning the Supreme is coming, I am afraid that I will be shocked.

This is beyond the scope of their understanding.

In fact.

The Burning Supreme is really coming. He is in the fifth star map. Here is such a drastic change. How can he not know?


When he saw that Ling Feng was in the golden wind, the gods and devils were beheaded, and the images of the eternal respects were also shocked and speechless.

This is too fantasy!

This is too ridiculous!

"All the way!"

For a long time, the burning of the Supreme was a sigh. Since the ancient world, the Burning Supreme knows more than others, but the things that happen in Lingfeng and the magic are too much.

Xianli, the flames burned the immortals, and even the fairy cold.

This is what has not happened in the ages, but it is this moment that makes the burning of the heavens horrified.

The eternal honor is only in mythology.

Just as the king overlooks the sentient beings, it is the temperament of the king to be decapitated by the eyes alone.

That is the gas field!

That is a kind of supreme power that is detached from the world and immune to law.

The creatures like Shenlie can only be beheaded. With this point, we can see the terribleness of the eternal respect.

This is not just a vision.

It is even more natural.

“Is this the evolution of the sigh of the immortal?”

Burning the heavens to see the more thorough, the sigh of sighs arrogantly sighs, sighs, who fights.


This does not mean that there is no power to restrain the sigh of the immortal in the world, but now that Ling Feng has found it, that is the eternal respect.

Although the Burning Supreme still does not know what more extraordinary powers are in the sacred sacredness, it is only because of the trick of the dagger that many people are grieve and many people want to die.

Meet first and beheaded.

Don't say that the Taoist figure is that Tianzun also has to be embarrassed, and the characters like the savage ancestors are afraid to live alive.

From Shenlie and Xiaolong, it can be seen that the 10,000-dollar cult is used for the production of Tianzun. As for the extent to which it can be achieved, this must be seen in detail.

"From the strength of Ling Feng, at least second-class Tianzun wants to be!"

The burning of the Supreme Court whispered, the strength of Ling Feng is really strong, and once the eruption of Wan Dao is erupted, it is like a broken bamboo.

of course.

Burning the Supreme Supreme feels that the eternal respect is still affecting the first-class celestial beings. As for the respect of the heavens, it is not enough.


The birth of such power is a sensation for the entire universe, only because the wind once asked the sky, the supreme must be embarrassed.

At this moment, the Burning Supreme wants to stay away from the wind, this character is really too dangerous.

Get along with him and be prepared to kneel at any time.

Are these gods and supremes shameless?

Hey! The hurricane in the golden storm was dissipated, and both hands were slowly launched. A stronger hurricane appeared, and it exploded directly in the void, forming a hollow space. The hollow had a golden rain and rain, and a drop of rain fell. Flying down, can burn the sky

Supreme still finds differences in it.


The golden light rain is different. The golden light rain in the fifth star map is just the charm, and the golden hollow of Ling Feng is not only the charm, but the fusion of various forces.

The confinement space, Xianli, flame burning, and fairy cold have all become raindrops.

Such voids become terrible.

A drop of rain can burn the fairy.

A drop of rain can be a fairy!

In the face of such an empty space, don't say that the gods are sorrowful, that is, the ancestors of the wilderness, the ancestors, and other figures must be beheaded.

Ling Feng did not evolve this power to the extreme, but stopped at its most dazzling moment.

"It's still a little worse!"

He sighed and said that the sheet metal space is a dramatic change that Ling Feng learned in the nine Hongqiao, different from the fairy cold.

It is a change of detachment.

This is an important upheaval that he can take a step forward.


He only touched the threshold of the golden hole, and it takes time and energy to really make it perfect.

It is not easy to do it in the second-class heavenly realm.

The gods and sorrows must cry. He had always insisted on getting up and using the ultimate strength. He did make a small movement, but the strength of the swaying wind became stronger. When the golden hole appeared, he was paralyzed.

Moreover, it is quite thorough.

He is kneeling on the ground and his face is attached to it.

What image, face is sweeping the ground.

Shen Li feels that he is a mop at the moment.

"Ling Feng, I am not finished with you!"

Shen Li said with tears, he was really hurt, and the gods and gods, the face of this family was dragged by him.


Just as he secretly cursed the wind, the gas field around him dispersed, and the gold hole disappeared.

Shen Lie restored his freedom. He gritted his teeth and could not wait to find a blood hole on the back of Ling Feng.

Xiaolong is very depressed, but it is different from the gods, but there is no courage to find the trouble of Lingfeng. At the same time, it strengthens its own confidence. Lingfeng is indeed a human king, and it is worthy of its full force to follow.

"Ling Feng!"

God is cold and cold, and the anger is rising.


Ling Feng looked innocent, but he didn't know it at first, but later he knew the situation.

At this time he can't admit it, otherwise God is really going to fight with him.

"What are you doing!"

God is sad, and the more you say the more sad. "Do you say it is intentional?"

"What is deliberate?"

Ling Feng's frowning.. "What are you talking about? I can't understand it at all."

"You are deliberate!"

How can God believe in the wind? If a person who is so smart like Ling Feng does not understand, the ghost believes.


Just when the gods were to ask further questions and ask questions, the heavens burned to the highest.

"Wan Dao Gong Zun, what is this power?" asked the burning of the Supreme.

He has heard of this power, but he has not really seen it, and the specific Tianwei is even less aware of it.

"An evolution."

Ling Feng himself is not very clear.. "Is this a million respects? I don't know."

He indulged for a moment, then explained: "At the beginning, I was in a very vague state, and various forces evolved, naturally forming this kind of power. I don't know how to respect, I call it the dusk of the gods!"


Burning the Supreme has to sigh the good luck of Ling Feng.


The weight of these four words is really heavy.

"Hey God is dim!"

Burning the heavens to chew these four words, smile slightly, although the names are different, but they are essentially the same.

That is oh!

Shen Lie did not think so. He felt that Ling Feng was deliberately avoiding a problem.

"Why don't you call the gods to bow down and worship the gods?" Shen Li said with a sneer.


Ling Feng pretended not to understand, and asked inexplicably. "This is just a kind of power. Where can I let the gods bow down, and Tian Zun beheaded? You see that you have not been affected."


Shen Lie opened his mouth, and he did not know how to respond.

Does he have to say that he has been jealous?

It is also the top gift of the five-body vote!

This special thing is that Ling Feng did not hit his face, he sent it up to let Ling Feng fight.

Burning the Supreme can only be stupid at this time, the situation is a bit subtle.

獒龙努努口, but did not open, just a little pain in the knees, so thick and strong armor can not stand, can be seen how terrible the gods at dusk.

"Let's go, we should enter that place."

Ling Feng urged, do not want to let the gods hold this topic.

"it is good!"

Burning the sky to the top of the forehead, said: "These days I have been exploring the realities of the door to hell, and indeed found some problems."

"In the beginning, I was afraid that the ancient world would be **** here, and I was just lucky not to fight."

Burning the sky is full of grief.

At the beginning, he was ordered to go to the restricted area, the demon, the entrance to the town, **** battles, but there was no tragic **** battle from the ancient world. He survived, but little is known about the fall of the ancient world.


After hearing the comments of Ling Feng, the Burning Supreme will enter the star map and want to find out the truth. How can these characters be willing to let the ancient heavens unclear?

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