Supreme Demon

Chapter 2826: Unable to fight!

The sky is turbulent.

Everything trembles.

The mouth of Huangquan was opened by the giant light door, and it was like a wave of water. The sound of the sky was turbulent, forming a terrible chilling force. The sand and sand in the sky disappeared in a short time.

The whole scene is really terrible.

But for everyone present, these scenes are not terrible. What is really terrible is the creature behind the smoke.

Huangquandong is open, is it really only Lingfeng, Shenlie, etc. can enter?

Not! The ban on the Huangquan cave entrance is not only to suppress the starry sky, but also to protect the starry sky, because it was originally a ban on the containment of Huangquan. Once there is no ban, the Huangquan creature will come over.

By then.

The entire universe must be in the midst of war.

just now.

The headless corpse unveiled this prohibition, causing Huangquan to turmoil, and endless creatures flying out of it. Like the prisoners being released, the horror effect escalated, and a vast expanse of Tianwei was destroying everything.

At this time, the gods were aware of the seriousness of the problem.

There are so many Huangquan creatures flying, and their strength is like a mountain. Don’t say that these days, the gods and gods, are the ones who burn the heavens and frown.

Massive creatures, how to deal with them?

Ten thousand ants are not amazing, but hundreds of millions of ants?

I am afraid that I can bite an elephant into minced meat in an instant?


The headless corpse said that they hoped that their fragrant martial arts could enter Huangquanzhong, otherwise the Huangquan cave ban would fly out again, suppressing endless creatures and preventing them from entering the universe.


At this moment, Ling Feng did not hesitate, lightning forward, the confinement space was instantly ignited, and the immortal soil of the immortal was sacrificed to the Huang Quan creature.

He did not use the flames to burn the fairy, the cold and so on.

Because these Huangquan biological forces are not very strong, the flames burning incense and the cold can cause terrible lethality, but it is against the top level of Huangquan Tianzun, not these creatures.

The more effective force to deal with these creatures should be group attack.

Like the duo of the rainy month, the white dragonfly and the night of the candle dragon.

In fact, Ling Feng can also be used, but that kind of power is still not enough in front of the confinement space.

call! He was like a lightning bolt and broke into the yellow spring creature.

A fallen angel flew, carrying a heavy rancid smell, and Nathan White's 骷髅天威, he has no longer a human appearance, and some are just ghostly images that make people look cold, very ugly, that kind of Now I can scare the image of Miss Sister during the day.

His first flight came, and the power of God was placed in the universe, not to be underestimated.


In front of Ling Feng, I really didn't see enough.

A tremor.

The confined space blew, and the lightning swayed for thirty miles, forming a silent electric light. The devastating force inside was heavy and abnormal. Once it fell, the heavens and the earth collapsed and the space annihilated.

There is a sense of sinking throughout the world.

Thirty miles of space.

Although it is only a glimpse of the Huangquan Cave, the coverage is quite considerable. Because there are so many creatures in Huangquan, there are 2,000 in the 30-mile space in front of Lingfeng. When this space falls, it will instantly The fly is gone.


Lingfeng did not delay, the strength was forward, the speed was not affected, and it was rapidly advanced. After the confinement space was consumed, the forbidden soil of Xian was immediately exploding.

Hey! The power of the immortal earth can be different from the confined space. Its attack power is stronger. If the confined space is a rusty knife, the immortal soil is a sharp knife.

It does not have as much space as the confinement space, but wherever it passes, it is like a sickle flying over a wheat field, and the plow opens a blank.

Those yellow spring creatures were opened like tides, forming a fifty-mile vacuum.

of course.

This is fifty miles ahead, not the entire space.

This is enough for Lingfeng and others to pass.

The gods and the dragons are not weak, the space is unfolding, and behind the wind, they have entered the Huangquan creatures, and they are like bamboo. In this rank, they are really unsolvable.

Crossing three hundred miles.

They approached the mouth of Huangquan, and at this time the burning of the Supreme, headless corpse has been suppressing the situation, not allowing any Huangquan creature to break into the star map.



Huang Quan’s creatures felt it, and they made a roar of the sky. They were unwilling to be slaughtered like this. The top-level creatures are moving forward, trying to suppress the rhythm of the wind and the spirit.

That is a place in Huangquan.

There are also two Huangquan Tianzun, the strength can not be underestimated.


They are just just entering the ranks of Huangquan Tianzun in the fifth grade. It is not easy to deal with Xiaolong, let alone Lingfeng and Shenlie.


Ling Feng is unrivaled. He wants to break into Huang Quanzhong as soon as possible. Therefore, he has not wasted time and spends time on these two Huangquan Tianzun.

When it flew, the immortal soil of the immortal was a little gray, and he played a fierce battle song in the forbidden soil of the dark fairy.

Hey! Xianyin 袅袅, straight into the sky.

The sigh of the fairy finally sounded at this moment, pulling the mountains and rivers and pushing the world.

A loud noise.

The first one to bear the brunt is the first five-year-old Huang Quan Tianzun. It has not yet understood how it was destroyed by the smoke on the spot. The second Huangquan Tianzun is much more cunning, and there is no positive hard steel wind, but lightning Open, you have to rush out of the Yellow Spring range.

Ling Feng did not let it go. When the sigh of sighs was exhausted, the burning blade edged out and formed a fierce light rain.

A flash of stun! The body of the second Huang Quan Tian Zun’s galloping came to an abrupt end, with endless sighs and unwillingness, slowly dissipating.

After all, it failed to survive the power of Ling Feng.


Lingfeng is still strong, unimpeded, lightning galloping, the forbidden soil of the immortal and the confinement space is a knife, is cutting wheat, in this respect, the gods and the dragons are much easier, because the pressure is in the face of Lingfeng.


Just when Ling Feng and other people want to break into Huangquan, a strange gray light suddenly came to an end, forming a fierce blade, to open Ling Feng's head.

"not good!"

Lingfeng lightning flew down, his face was extremely ugly.

Because he felt the supreme breath in the power just now, it was not the match between the two fifth-class Huang Quan Tianzun.

Bang! At the entrance to Huangquan, a big wave occurred. The entire space and the ground were blasted by the gray light rain, forming a large black hole, and the momentum was turbulent, like annihilation.

It can be said.

If it is not fast enough to avoid the wind, I am afraid that I will be scrapped.

A yellow spring creature flew down from the void. It was like an octopus. It squirmed and looked very bloated, but it didn't feel like this.

It has no binoculars, and it has blood flowing inside, like it has just been shot, and it is empty and godless.

Yes, that is the empty eyes, but it gives a very ghastly feeling, and it is always uncomfortable to be stared at by this kind of eye.

"The gatekeeper?"

Ling Feng wrinkled, like Huang Quan, the stars are different.

Stars can have gatekeepers, and Huang Quan should also have gatekeepers.


The level of the goalkeeper is mostly the supreme level, and ordinary creatures do not have such qualifications.

Like the Huang Quan creatures that they are now killing, they should only be part of the "spasm" of Huang Quanzhong. They did not form an attacking force at the rank of the regiment. Otherwise, Shenlie, Xiaolong or Lingfeng could not be so easily hit here.

The legion is harder to overcome than a loose sand.

"Give it to us, you will move forward immediately, and the Yellow Spring Cave will be closed!"


With the burning of the Supreme Supreme, Ling Feng no longer hesitated, and rushed to Huang Quan with the gods and dragons.

next moment.

Burning the heavens to the highest hand, the breath of the ancient heavens shines, surpassing the lightning, and the cockroaches appear in the mouth of the Huangquan, hit the octopus.

"I will die!"

The octopus has a cold cursed sound, and the empty eyes look at the burning of the sky, giving a cold beam of cold hair.

It was like two ghosts, sullen.

"A supreme, I will chew your time rules!"

This is the voice of the Octopus, even if the face of the Burning Supreme is full of danger.

"I couldn’t fight a war, I have been sorry, now I want to make up for this regret!"

The Burning Supreme took a step forward and his face was full of sorrow. He remembered the last battle of the ancient heavens, and the entire ancient heavens were buried inside.

He wants to complete this last battle for the ancient world.

Even if you die.

"It turned out to be the embers of the ancient heavens, then you are even more damn!"

The octopus said indifferently that he did not put the burning heaven supreme in his eyes.

Ling Feng endured the impulse without turning back and flew to the entrance of Huang Quan. He knew that the ancient heavens had fallen here. He knew that the burning of the Supreme will be a shopping spree. He wanted to look back and kill him.


He has more important tasks and must move forward.

Bang! The next moment, a violent force burst into the air, strong power swooped from behind, Ling Feng did not turn around, and then flew to Huang Quan with the cold killing.

"Alive..." Behind, Burning the Supreme voice, reminding Ling Feng.


This is Ling Feng's response.

It is not only to promise to burn the Supreme, but also to remind the burning of the Supreme to live.

The tyrannical force exploded in the void, the Burning Supreme and the Octopus were strangled, and the entire Scorpio was smashed. In the process, the headless corpse also rushed in and suppressed the Octopus together.

Two unpredictable Supreme against the Octopus also made the Octopus sad.

It is not an opponent! "Don't fight!"

The headless corpse is burning to the Supreme Heaven, and does not want to burn the Supreme to entangle here, because their purpose is to send Ling Feng and others into Huang Quanzhong.

"it is good!"

Burning the sky is red-eyed, but it has not lost its sense. He finally stepped back and flew out of the battlefield, because the winds of this time have entered Huangquan and disappeared into it.

It doesn't make sense for him to fight here.


He can't die now, Ling Feng has left, and the gods need strong people to suppress the situation.

This is the intention of Ling Feng to let it stay.

Hey! The headless corpse used the giant gate of the world to shut down the yellow spring.

"Must be alive and come back!"

Regardless of the roar of the octopus in the ban, the burning of the sky to the entrance of Huangquan, full of sorrow.

Because this is an unfortunate battle!

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