Supreme Demon

Chapter 2830: Do two things first!

God creatures bow down!

Under the strong winds of Lingfeng, no creatures dare to defy, only to bow down to have a life, to defy is to die.

Because of the Lord's reason.

The squadrons of the gods in all directions flew over and gathered in the giant cymbals. They were vast and full of 100,000 creatures. Although this number is not worth mentioning in the face of the gods, it is also true for the gods. It is quite impressive.

After all, they are in a western position, and it is not excessive in terms of desolateness and inaccessibility.

Ten thousand yin soldiers, the overall strength is not strong, but the lord is only the second-level god, where can the Yin soldiers be strong?

Ling Feng selected 12 true-spirited creatures among the 100,000 sinister soldiers, and gave them 12 Yinyin, and also gave the title of one hundred and eight Wushen-level creatures "Yin Shen".

This title can be more than just a title issue, but also a variety of resources.

Ling Feng took out all the resources of the lord, and in the face of the creatures, one by one gave the "powers", so that they will be as strong as possible, because they will soon launch an attack, to deal with the surrounding lords, to build a dynasty.


This is what the previous lord did not do. Huang Quan is a monarchy system. At the same time, what kind of resources are given to the subordinates?


The lord did not give the title of Twelve Yin and Yin God at all, but only created the leader of the Legion.

This kind of means of Ling Feng immediately got the support of many Yin soldiers, Yin Jiang and Yin Shen. These creatures did not care who is the owner, but how much resources they can get and whether they have any benefit.

They are bloodthirsty and they have no objection to other slaughter.

If Ling Feng can completely release the madness and bloodthirsty in their bodies, they can break the sky of this yellow spring.

Ling Feng believes he can do it.

at dusk.

The yin and yang in the sky fell, and a shallow and shallow yin moon flew up and sprinkled the overcast light, letting Ling Feng frown. This kind of yin moonlight is very beneficial to Huangquan creature, which can be very unfavorable to them.

In this light, he must use more power to suppress the truth in the body.

"You have to find a way to restrain yourself!"

Ling Feng’s headache is always relying on hiding, using force to suppress, even the second-class Tianzun has been consumed a clean day.

It is not enough to rely on medicine alone.

On the moonlit night, when the heavens and the earth are dim, the gods and the dragons are flying.

Their strength has been suppressed, wearing armor, gray, not seeing the true, more like Huang Quan creature, but these are all illusions, they just use the power, let Huang Quan power condense on the armor, only now appearance.

“Is there a change in the plan?”

God looked at Ling Feng and asked.


Ling Feng smiled and said: "I wonder if it is more useful if we use Huang Quan's strength to deal with Huang Quan?"

After that, his face sank.

"Xiangu Wangu characters are all fallen to Huangquan. They have not come to an end. We are not as good as those characters. If we want to repeat their roads, I am afraid..."

Ling Feng’s voice is a little hoarse. “If the power of a single person is not enough, then use the power of all beings to make up.”

He did not come in against the gods, and he did not dare to bring in at this time.

Then use the power of Huangquan creature!


God is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and use Huangquan creatures to deal with Huang Quan, which is enough to stimulate.

If they can, they still want to be the owner of Huang Quan.

"What are your plans for the next time?" Shen Lie asked.


Ling Feng’s smile: "War, the ideal has already been said, and it will be realized!"

"it is good!"

The gods are forehead, and they are ready to do a big job.

"However, we only need to kill the creatures at the master level. Other creatures have to do it, and they are handed over to them to prevent excessive consumption of power and to prevent them from being seen by Huang Quan."

"no problem!"

The next day.

Ling Feng let the Yin soldiers thunder the drums, with 100,000 Yin soldiers directly rushed to the Yinshan Temple not far from the gods.

This is not a tragedy, but a war of slaughter.

There is a powerful "冢主" in the presence of Lingfeng. The so-called Yinshan guard is a joke, and the Yinshan lord is not a Lingfeng opponent, and he is shot in a very short time.

"The surrender, don't kill!"

Twelve yin will burst into the air, and they will be extremely excited.

They got the resources of the gods, and they improved a lot in a short time, and they even made a yin mountain today. This is something that I never thought about in the past.

Although the friction between the two cockroaches occurs, but the strength is quite.

On the eve of the day, it will change.

The two lords were killed, and one king who did not know where to come from was the two giants.

Inside the Yinshan Mountain.

Ling Feng arrogantly empties into the air, like a Gestalt, is overlooking the sentient beings, a strong gas field and a sultry momentum, so that many Huang Quan creatures present at the scene.

Their lord's commandments, they can only be loyal to the new lord.


They also saw that the lord came from the gods, which means that the lord was the same as the yin mountain lord.

The creatures of the gods surrendered. How can they surrender?

Oh la la...

The sinisters threw away the rotten swordsmen and bowed to Ling Feng, expressing their loyalty.


Ling Feng eyes brightly, coldly said. "You will follow me to build a vast dynasty, you will all go down in history."

He first talked about ideals and dreams.

Then I started to talk about the reality.

"Same as the gods, I will give the twelve yin and the one hundred and eight yin gods, and together they will be given the endless resources of the yin mountain."

While talking.

Ling Feng has already made people to sort out the resources of Yinshan.


The resources of the Yinshan lord were moved out, like a hill, and they were so jealous that Lingfeng did not care. On the spot, these resources were given to the twelve yin, one hundred thousand from the gods. Hundreds of gods.

And it is the top resource to choose from.

This is going to drive other people crazy.

"There is a reward for meritorious service, and there is a penalty for it!"

Ling Feng immediately looked at dozens of sinister soldiers. These people had been hiding behind at the beginning, until he solved the Yinshan lord and ran out to invite merit.

"I don't need such a soldier!"

This is the first slaughter. He not only has to stand up, set an example, but also to sacrifice the butcher's knife and get rid of the dead creatures.

A big stick, a handful of radishes!

This is the result that Ling Feng wants.

He didn't want to cause his own killing plan to fail because of these creatures, and let himself wait for his death.

He wants to build a branch of the wolf-sex creature, to support the shackles, the impression of the previous period is like the same scattered sand, at least those who should not pay too much attention.


This kind of play is the most popular way of playing. Once they are blocked, there is a beating that can't be beaten. The forces that converge around the Lingfeng will soon collapse.

Therefore, Ling Feng is not worried that he will be jealous of those who are in the top.


After entering Huangquan, Ling Feng learned a lot and finally made a breakthrough here.

Huangquan has 18 floors, but it should belong to the first floor, and it is the position of the west. There are many rumors, no dynasties, lack of resources, and it is easy to make trouble.

in fact.

The superiors did not consider not to make it a whole, but they did not succeed.

Now that someone is showing up doing this kind of thing, who would like to come to these tops should not object?

Ling Feng smiled coldly.

When these superiors find out, the expression at that time must be very exciting?

Half a day later.

The Yinshan Mountain subsided, and the Yinshan 12 Yinyin and the One Hundred and Eighty Gods were jealous, because the resources they obtained were far less than those of the gods and the gods.

They witnessed the progress of the Yins and the power of the Yins.

They are eager for a fight!

As for those creatures who are afraid of fighting, they are ordered to be executed on the spot by Ling Feng. He is from the starry sky and will not be soft-hearted for Huang Quan.

"If you die and die, you are not eligible for resources."

"If you don't dare to fight, get out of here right away!"

"I want to build a dynasty, not a playground!"


Ling Feng looks into the distance, the gloomy eyes are cold and cold.. "Our next goal is quiet!"

The next day.

Ling Feng took a lot of creatures to the secluded, strong strength of the horizontal push, completely do not give the host to the host, strong suffocation.

"I surrender!"

Just what Ling Feng didn't think was that the secluded master did not have the yin and sorrow, the sacred master's persistence and arrogance, and even surrendered in the first time, and did not fight.

in fact.

The lord of the secluded lord was scared. The two lords succumbed to death. The culprits were powerful and invincible. Does he use his own eggs to lick other people's stones?

Can you think more about this?

Therefore, he only has to beheaded to be able to keep the head.

"You are so sincere, so I can't find a reason to kill you!" Ling Fengyin measured the laughter.


The secluded master was scared, and it was able to feel the power of the dragon in the Lingfeng body more directly.

If he had a tough attitude at the beginning, was this time afraid of broken eggs?

"Cold retreat is willing to be my master's general, thorns and thorns, and expand the territory!"

Cold and quiet, very sincere, because you are not sincere, you are going to die.

"Well, I am willing to give you this opportunity!"

Ling Feng laughed and said, "I am still missing the character of your level, and now I will give you the title of Heaven."


The sky will bow down respectfully, with a sincere and excited look.


He is the leader of the shackles, but he can feel the temperament of Ling Feng. If it is really successful, then it is the dynasty.

"Do two things first, then we will fight the Quartet and settle the pure land of Western Bliss!"

"Yes!" Sitting on three giant cymbals, Ling Feng can have no thoughts on business. He cares about attack power and cares about the damage that Huang Quan suffered.

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