Supreme Demon

Chapter 2832: A duck!

The sky is clear! Everything is full of yin, and every sinister who enters here feels a kind of pressure.

Although the land of Huangquan is a desolate place, each of the lords has its own climate and is not subject to jurisdiction. However, Tianyin Mausoleum is one of the 12 tombs in the west. It is similar to the small dynasty. It is not as scattered as the jurisdiction of the major lords.


The Twelve Tombs have high requirements for the ghost power of Huangquan creatures. The general creatures are really not qualified to enter the Tianyin Mausoleum, and like the Yin, this creature, although eligible to enter the 12th Tomb, is subject to too much jurisdiction. There are not many resources available, but these small ones can get more resources.

after all.

In the Tombs of the Tombs, the competition is very cruel, without strong strength and potential, it will only be awesome.


Like these sinisters, they are more willing to enter the 12th tomb, especially those with potential, toughness, and wrestling blood and impulsiveness.

to be honest.

Like Ling Feng’s current squatting, most of his potential is general, his strength is average, and true genius and supreme characters are not among them.

However, this creature is often more prone to red-eye, and Ling Feng knows how to take advantage of this.

"Many days, yin, if I am afraid I am not willing to surrender?"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "This shows that the owner is a very powerful person!"

"It makes sense!"

Shen Lie laughed at the side. "The Twelve Tombs are all tricky creatures!"

"If they don't want to surrender, then kill the city."

Ling Feng Fengyun said lightly, the expression is like a child who is not awake, talking in a dream.

There is no breath in his body, and the whole person looks very dull, but everyone looks at Lingfeng's eyes differently.

This is not a character who can only talk about it.

He said that the massacre, then really want to kill the city! Of course, in Huangquan, it is not a massacre, but a tomb.

"I think so!"

The gods are full of enthusiasm. Although he got what is the treasure of the gods in the massacre, he was able to slaughter the Huangquan creatures and let the gods sigh.

Because, when the ancestor of the **** god was the commander of Huang Quan, he was full of maliciousness to Huang Quan.

"I agree!"

The dragon is not yin and yang, it seems very weak, but once it breaks out, it will be unbeatable and powerful.


Just as Ling Feng was ready to start, the Yinling hole suddenly opened, and a horse-faced creature flew out of it with a cold smile.

"Don't you ask who is the opposite?"

It appeared in front, arrogantly looking at the central position of the million squadrons, waiting for the headed figure to appear.

"Who are you?"

Cold secluded, cold-eyed the horse-faced creature, because the other is a god-level creature, Ling Feng simply did not want to take care of.

"In the next day, Yinling will be a bitter top for six days!"

"do not know!"

Cold and quiet is very simple and rude, even more cold than the bitter top.

"You" bitter gyro face changed, and it has been gloomy. For so many years, no one has ever dared to speak like this. What's more, it has already seen that cold secluded is just a low god, and it is a few levels.

If it was before, it would have been cold and alive.

However, there are tasks now, but it does not work.

"There is something to say, nothing to get out!"

Cold and secluded with three winds supporting the wind, completely do not care about the bitter top, a Tianquan level of Huangquan creatures only.

"My lord asked me to come and ask, dare to ask which lord is opposite, can you come back and say something?"

The bitter top smirked and said.

"What are you?"

Cool and cool, said: "On your own creature, I want my Lord to give you a message?"

"Do you match?"

"You" bitter gyro binoculars, staring at the cold, this time is to completely remember this creature.

"I am giving my order, I want to know what you want to do?"

This time, the bitter top is no longer pretentious, but is earnestly questioned. There is no desire to ask questions or to lower the figure of the opposite person.

"Let your Lord come out and surrender, or let us let it surrender!"

Cold and quietly said.


The face of the bitter gyro changed suddenly, and their guess came true. These characters are really coming to the siege.

“The old people like the massacre, either surrender or be conquered!”

The gods flew out and said with disdain. "Give you a chance to think for a quarter of an hour, don't wait until we attack."



It does not take care of the bitter top.

"You" bitter gyro face is more ugly, but it can be seen that the spirit of the gods is strong, at least it is also the creature at the level of the lord, not that it can deal with it.


Their reasons are too far-fetched, just like the massacre?

Your uncle! "roll!"

Cold and disdainful, now that their squadrons are not inferior to Tianyin Mausoleum, they really want to fight, but maybe who can win, but it is more optimistic about Lingfeng, because they have three mausoleums The main level of creatures.

It may be even stronger.

The bitter top did not say much, lightning flew into the Tianyin Mausoleum, and the news was sent to the hands of the mausoleum.


Ling Feng faintly glanced at the direction of the bitter gyro leaving, and said directly.


It’s cold and stunned. What do you mean?

Didn’t the bird just say that they gave them a quarter of an hour of thinking time?

How do you get started right away?


Ling Feng’s cold smile.. “I think I’ll hit the door first and let them think.”

"I mean this too."

God smiled.

next moment.

Under the leadership of Xiaolong, a million yin soldiers flew to the Tianyin Mausoleum. Because of the hustle and bustle among the many Huangquan creatures, the breath of the dragon was so dark that it could not be distinguished.

In front of the Tianyin Mausoleum, there is a giant yellow spring gate, flowing with yellow spring water.

Extremely terrible.

However, this is really not a problem for Xiaolong. It swept out the big pliers and cut the yellow spring Qimen's life. Then it was processed in the same way, and the odd door was smashed in a short time. A big hole.

"I rub, what is the situation?"

The bitter gyro just discovered the terrible side when it entered the Tianyin Mausoleum, and the whole horse was stunned.

These people still say no honesty?

Do these people still have a moral bottom line?

Say a good quarter of an hour?

"I will fight now, don't let them attack!"

The bitter gyro was ordered at the first time, and at the same time, it flew to the center and first notified the owner.

After the departure of the gyro, the Tianyiling Mausoleum broke out in the vast battle. The sky of the entire Yinling Mausoleum was smashed, and the vastness of the yin like the water wave pushed to the Quartet.

Xiaolong Chong is in the first place, and cold and other days will follow.

Millions of sinisters are like a dragon! The rumbling land subsided and the road collapsed.

The land of the West has been the largest battle in thousands of years. The death of Huang Quan’s creatures, the face of Ling Feng, and the face of Tianyiling, is a miserable mess.

this moment.

Ling Feng did not simply kill the mausoleum to end, he just wants to do this, let Huang Quan creatures play themselves.

When the entire battlefield gradually stabilized and Huang Quan’s deaths and injuries were hundreds of thousands, he and Shen Lie came to the scene.

after all.

Tianyin Mausoleum is only his first step plan, and there are more great plans. If Huang Quan’s creatures all die, it’s really hard to do.

He and the gods came forward to contain, and pushed the remaining Huangquan creatures on the spot and pushed toward the center.

"Come with me into the mausoleum, kill the mausoleum!"

Ling Feng shouted and took the gods on it.


The opposite side is strong, and ten creatures such as the bitter top fly out. They are not weak, and they are suppressed together. There is really a miracle of heavenly creatures.


They are against each other.

Sting! A knife is crisp and neat.

The ten Huangquan creatures have not reacted yet. What happened, the head flew up from the neck and fell on the ground. The bones rolled out very far, and their ghosts and bodies disappeared bit by bit.

I can't stop it! That knife is very popular! That knife is proud of the sky! Do not say that the ten Huang Quantian will not see it, that is, the cold and quiet day, the heavens will not see clearly, only saw the bright knife.

Everything is over at the moment when the knife shines.

"Do you really want to do things?"

A sound screamed coldly and faintly. "You, like you, will only be criticized by other lords, even the **** of death. No one has a good end!"

"Tian Yin Mausoleum?"

Cold and faint face change, this is a very legendary creature, the Tianyin Mausoleum has not been declining for thousands of years.

"Do you really think that you can take my Tianyin?"

The voice then sounded, but the sound became very cold and cold. "You can't attack it, because you are going to die today!"


Surrounded by hurricanes, the yin was intertwined with lightning, giving off a faint glow, and then falling from the air.

One after another.

One more wins! At the beginning, the power reached the level of heaven. A lightning bolt could kill the cold creatures of this level, scaring many Huangquan creatures to fly back, but they were trapped in this range and could not escape.

"This is the scope of the ban, we are fooled!"

The cold and faint face said palely.

They immediately flew to Lingfeng. In this ban, only the two who could suppress the mausoleum were Lingfeng and Shenlie.


Ling Feng spit out two words coldly, and then reached out and grabbed the void, that is, that hand contained the endless yin lightning.

Everything came to an abrupt end.

"A dead duck, you know that your mouth is hard!"

Ling Feng caught in his hand as a duck, but this duck has already died, gray, with a rancid taste, although the eyes are still there, but it is white.

"Tian Yin Mausoleum?"

The cold chin was almost shocked, which is completely different from what it imagined.

"You dare to deal with the deity, the deity." Ling Feng responded very simply and rudely, directly licking the duck's neck and slamming on the ground. After five times, the duck lay on the ground and tongue. , dying.


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