Supreme Demon

Chapter 2838: Go crazy again!

The void is dull.

Huang Quan creatures looked up to the sky. When their eyes touched the snakehead and the sickle imprinted on their chest, the pupil could not help but shrink.

Here, who doesn't know the brand?

That belongs to the **** of death, and it belongs to Huang Quan law enforcement.

These creatures are all taboos of Huangquan. Even if the monarch of a country is to be kind to death, it will bear the anger of death.

Perhaps, the strength of death is not enough for them to pay attention to, but the right of death in Huangquan is not small, once its energy bursts, it is a strong ancient country that may not be able to eat.


In Huangquan, there is a saying that "see the death of the short three points."

When the long years have flowed down, people’s jealousy of death has long been ingrained, and it has also contributed to the arrogance of death.

They may have a low-key for the super-old countries and even the super-powers. But for the small country that was just established in the Shangling Dynasty, the **** of death really does not need to be low-key.

If you are a sensible dynasty, I am afraid that I should personally welcome it at this moment, and I will offer you treasures, pink enamel, etc.

In fact.

At the moment when I saw the **** of death, the cold and the sorcerer couldn’t help but bow down. I dare not look at it. The power of death is in full swing. They have no strength to challenge these creatures.

To put it bluntly, their original dynasty was still too small. In the vast Yellow Spring, they were just a drop in the ocean.

It is the entire Huangquan standing behind the death.

Although the attitude of death is extremely high, but the endure is over, they do not have to be on the attitude and the **** of death, it is not worthwhile.

of course.

Even in the face of death, it is not that they want to be embarrassed, they need to look at Ling Wang's attitude, but they have to wait until Ling Wang is kneeling, they can be embarrassed, otherwise it is a violation of King Tianwei, but the end is quite miserable.

They think so, but they still don't understand Ling Feng.

"I am Ling Wang!"

Ling Feng flew out, slightly frowning, the other side came to the momentum, the attitude is extremely high, completely overlooking them.

What are the meanings?

He is from the starry sky, but it is not a Huangquan creature. Even if he knows the rules of Huangquan, he will not kneel down.

He floated in the air, facing the **** of death, with a faint smile on his face.

"You are Ling Wang?"

The head of the snakehead is flashing, and the coldness is glaring at Lingfeng. This Ling Wang is a bit interesting, and he even sees it.

"Who are you?

Why is it coming? ”

Ling Feng did not answer the question of death, but called the problem back.

"Oh... a bit sturdy!"

The voice of the snakehead is much colder, and it has always developed an arrogant temperament. Even if the first ten monarchs saw it, they must be devotional, and this person dared to insult it.

Yes, the snakehead death thinks this is an insult.

Hey! The next moment, it is extravagant, and the gas field that is only available in the top heavens is driving away from the Lingfeng lightning. Like the frenzy, it is necessary to drown the Lingfeng.

Ling Feng does not move like a mountain, do not say that these gas fields, that is, Huang Quan Tianzun, the Supreme came?

Who can let him kneel?

The face of the snakehead has changed. Because Lingfeng is actually talking and laughing, it is not affected by its gas field. At least its strength is at this level, and Lingfeng can marry many monarchs. It may be a person who wants to step forward.

On the gas field, it wants to suppress the wind.

"I am entrusted by the king, come to give it!"

In the heart of death, he has already become angry and angry, but at this time, he must hold back anyway, and Ling Wang is not jealous, then he is forced to kneel.


Ling Feng sneered in the heart, the district of death wants to let him kneel?


His heart is full of doubts. Which one is the so-called king?

He did not know that Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang were no strangers to the king of the king. They were filled with joy and excitement on their faces, because the king of the king was not the monarch of the great west, but the character in the restricted area of ​​Huangquan. Competing for the super sect.

The strength is unfathomable.

The dynasty dynasty arrogantly.

Such a king in the first layer of Huangquan is extremely dazzling. Although the pattern of the Ling Dynasty and the territory are not small, it is still a chicken and a dog in front of the Sui Dynasty.

to date.

They haven't heard anything about the king's concern for the land of the West. At the beginning, they also thought that they could be favored by the king. Unfortunately, they were not qualified to contact even the king's subordinate dynasty, but now the king has actually kneel down. Let the **** of death not come far behind.

This is not to be annihilated or accountable.

"I am afraid I have to value it!"

People think about it.

If you really want to ask, it’s not the **** of death, it’s the soldiers of the dynasty.

not to mention.

Death belongs to the law enforcement of Huang Quan. It is extraordinary and can entrust such an important task. This explains the problem.

It is not difficult to understand why this creature of death is to be ordered by the king. Some of the dynasties have great powers above the rules. The **** of death dares to raise his posture in front of the wind, but in front of the king A dirt dog.

This is the gap! "Gift?"

Ling Feng smiled with interest and the words were really fresh for him.. "Read!"

The whole scene was completely settled by the word Ling Feng.

Don't say that the **** of death is stunned, that is, the cold secluded, the martial arts king, the flying spring king are all stunned, and I did not expect Lingfeng to respond like this.

Read! Is this like putting death in a dazzling position?

Is this more like a command to a subordinate?

Did Ling Wang regard death as a subordinate?

Both Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang were stunned and shuddered from the heart. They would rather offend 30,000 sins and not want to offend the **** of death. Although the authority of the **** of death is not heavy, it is not easy to deal with the Ling dynasty in the far west.

However, I am afraid that the **** of death will kill people by knife.

It is that it is enough for the king to say a word that is not conducive to the Ling Dynasty, it is enough for them to drink a pot.

The same is true of death.

The difference is that it has been swayed by the wind. From ancient times to the present, no one is disrespectful to death. This is not only challenging the king, but also challenging it, and even challenging the entire Huangquan death.

This is insulting it! "You...very good!"

The snakehead death smiled gloomyly, and the eyes of the gods forcedly looked at Lingfeng.. "Hey, you should be beheaded!"

Although insulted by Ling Feng, the snakehead still did not forget his responsibility.

On the one hand, we can see the weight of the king's prestige, on the other hand, the importance of the order, even if it is humiliated, it must be announced.


Ling Feng was very calm, and he did not face the consciousness of death. He closed his eyes slightly, as if he did not notice the expression of death, did not hear the words of death, and the eyes of Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang.

Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang are all insane, but Ling Feng still maintains that state.

Very boring! "Do you know what you are doing?"

The snakehead was angry and angry, and the whole snakehead was distorted, showing a **** extreme ugliness.

"Don't the king let you come over is not chanting?"

Ling Feng pretended to be awkward. "Otherwise, let you do something?"

"You..." The ugly smile on the face of the snakehead disappeared little by little, and the rest was extreme anger.

It has never seen such a deadly person, dare to yell at it, and even less mean to squat, is this not to put the king in the eye?

"Listen to the book of Wang Shu, and kneel down."

The snakehead death is trying to suppress the inner anger, and said bluntly. "If you insist on doing this, then you have to think about the consequences."

"as a result of?"

Ling Feng avoided the swearing and said with a smile. "I don't understand what you mean."

"You will know!"


The snakehead **** of death no longer wants to take care of Lingfeng. Today, it has not been able to deal with Lingfeng, and it can only pass the king.

At this time, it did not want Ling Feng to listen to the script. If Ling Feng really surrendered to Yu Wang, then it would have to work hard to deal with Ling Feng.

Those who want to move him under the eyes of the king of the king are even more taboo.

"When the king squats, don't you go and finish?"

Ling Feng smiles indifferently.

"no need!"

The snakehead death no longer cares about the wind, the lightning disappears and flies into the distance.

"Ling Wang..." Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang were eclipsed. This should have been a beautiful thing. How did it turn into such a look?

Death is angry.

Ling Feng’s ignorance is equivalent to offending the king.

Will the king of the kings let go of the Ling Dynasty?

Facing the king of the behemoth, the Ling Dynasty was hitting the stone with an egg.

"what happened?"

Ling Feng smiled and looked at Feiquan Wang and Wu Wang, but the smile was very cold.. "Do you want the deity to kneel down?"

"This..." Wu Wang, Fei Quan Wang suffocated, how dare they let Ling Wang kneel down?

However, this is an unwritten rule.

In front of the king of the king, these little dynasties are really not worth mentioning.

"Are you afraid?"

"..." The crowd bowed their heads and did not dare to speak up.

"If he dares to come, I don't mind letting him see it!"

After Ling Feng finished saying this sentence, he flew back to the dynasty. He did not take the king of the king seriously. They have already smashed such a large hole and are waiting for someone to come to the door.

Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang can only sigh.

The king was angry and bleed.

The anger was extremely fast. In the three days of the death of the snakehead, the squadrons of the Bohai Sea came slowly from the border of the Ling Dynasty. They were like a rainbow, and the same sword was forbidden from the heart of the Ling Dynasty. Plug in.

The sinister army of the king of the king came! “Is this a shame?”

Ling Feng smiled.

"Not counting, this is!"

God is also laughing.

"That breaks it!"

Xiaolong said with great vigour: "Dare to move us, then hit the king of the king and let him kneel down!"

"it is good!"

Lingfeng eyes shine with the cold flames, and began to point the soldiers. "" You lead the 20 million squadrons to suppress the forward, so that the King of the Kings attacked the Ling Dynasty."


On the same day, Xiaolong led a 20 million elite soldiers.

"God, you lead 50 million soldiers, and break the defense of the dynasty!"


Shen Li simply headed for the head, he knew that Ling Feng had to do a big job.

"Other characters follow me directly to the king of the king, let the king of the king bowe!"

Still the soldiers are divided into three ways.

Such a layout allows Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang to refrain from chilling, and they have to attack the dynasty dynasty?

are you crazy?

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