Supreme Demon

Chapter 2844: Ancestral heritage

Xianli transpiration.

Everything is decaying.

Before the monument, Xianli paved the sky, the madness of the road, the magical force in the Lingfeng body uncontrollably flocked to the monument, the confined space released a large amount of Tianwei, the flames burned the immortals to form the sunset scene, the cold frozen all things, the gods dusk The surrounding is full of thousands of souls.

God magic bowed.

Wandao bowed.

Ling Feng is like a god. He is proud of the heavens and the sky. He looks down on the mortal beings. He has no yin and death. His sacred sacredness can no longer be sacred. There are also cranes around him, and everything is arched, so high in Wanzhong Mountain. The overall momentum is more non-world martial arts can describe.

When the fairy gods and the gods pushed to the monument at dusk, the monuments were violently turbulent, with golden matter peeling off on it, and it was showing the body.

That is a sword.

Straight into the stars.

A sword in the sword of the four days.

Hey! At this moment, Ling Feng’s chest was shining, and an ancient tower flew out, illuminating the future.

Boom! Ling Feng's eyebrows are hot, and the heavy stones fly out, pressing the mountains and rivers to disperse the endless light rain.


Six rounds of reincarnation fly out, releasing a large amount of Tianwei.

Then, the gods and the gods, the spiriting beads, the burning road, and so on, flying out, endless light rain, cover up the sky, and the wind is in the sky, these are the tools of Lingfeng's life, have an extraordinary role, and After a while, the three bans flew out from the soul sea of ​​Ling Feng, and the faint sorrow confronted the monument.

The whole picture was cut and broken by various banters, and the sky lost its color, and Wandao lost its scenery.

Only Ling Feng is proud of the sky.

Only the monument was trembled in the light rain. It had already given birth to spirituality, with ancient blood flowing on it, like the sages shed blood and tears.

After a glimpse of Xiangu Wangu, the starry sky finally came out of a character that was not allowed.

"If the sages are bloody, then this world will come from me."

Ling Feng looked directly at the monument and said his heart's position. "Do not let the sages bleed and cry!"

Bang! The monument is turbulent, the momentum is like a tide, and the waves of the air are over the air, forming a hurricane, and flying in this yellow spring, a little bit of swaying toward the void.

The entire space is rioting.

at last.

The monument has written a golden handwriting, which is essentially different from Shenlie and Xiaolong.

Ling Feng.

The son of the demon.

The potential is that the monument can not be written, it is just a ban, just want to fully understand the potential of a living person, how can it be done?


Because of the inability to portray, it is because of the guessing, the monument is more recognized by the potential of Ling Feng.

next moment.

The crane flew out and landed at the foot of Lingfeng, carrying him to fly and entered the monument.

Inside the monument.

A mountain rises into the sky, straight into the starry sky, can not see the top, the ancient woods, has a long history, not so much a mountain, it is better to say that it is a forbidden sword.

Shenlie and Xiaolong are on the forbidden sword. They are sitting at the moment, but they are not in the same position.

Because of their potential, talent, strength, and origin, they can get different things, but from their state, they should benefit a lot.

What about Ling Feng?

He landed at the top of the forbidden sword, the mountaintop of the mountain. There are no ancient trees standing here, no mountains and rivers, only bare mountains and rocks, and **** ancient corpses.

Ling Feng beheaded before the ancient corpse.

Because he sensed that this ancient corpse is the master of the forbidden sword. To get the inheritance of the ancient corpse, you must first get the approval of the forbidden sword. Only the potential and strength are not enough, and you must have a respectful heart.

Among them, the respected heart is more important.

"Tiangu" Lingfeng eyes tears, my heart is lost, this character in the immortal civilization is only the top strong, can get the sword in the sword of the four days, its strength, potential can be seen.


It is such a character that is still falling.

"The Son of the Devil" has a lot of thoughts. When he just got into this place, he saw the depiction of himself on the forbidden sword. Although he did not know the potential, the origin of the devil's son still made Ling Feng frown.

There is endless magic in his body, from the ages.

It is because of this power that he is young and weak, and the appearance of glass veins, but he does not know where the magic comes from.


The banned sword gave the truth.

He is the son of the demon.

Or, that Ling Feng is the son of the real demon, but he is only a cheaper.

What is the son of the demon?

Ling Feng didn't think much, he knew the truth, and that was the child of the demon.

The gods and the devils have two sorrows. Since ancient times, they have had grievances. They have not heard the words of the devil's son. Because the two forces of the gods and the devils are opposite each other, children cannot be born at all, but he is the exception.

"Who is the god?"

This is a problem.

Starry sky does not know, the Mozu should know a little, but who remembers?

"Then let the anti-God check it out."

Ling Feng's eyes burst into a cold, he hopes that the sword is wrong, because he does not want to be the son of the demon.

Too troublesome.

It’s too boring.

However, he found many differences.

At the beginning, the Mozu had been invading the Shenwu continent, just because of the difference in the Shenwu continent?

If he is the son of the demon, perhaps all the explanations become reasonable.

"What about the Lord?"

Ling Feng binoculars are cold, he thought of this devil, has been targeting himself, especially when his magic is awakened.

what does this mean?

Ling Feng didn't want to think deeply, and some problems were touching his bottom line.

Although the previous Ling Feng was not him, he did not want to see Ling Qing's dementia and the tragic strength of the previous Ling Feng. He was so miserable, how could Ling Feng endure to make it even more miserable?

"I hope that the Mozu will not let the Lord sacrifice the knife!"

Ling Fengsen said coldly.

He sat down on the top of the mountain and allowed his infinite force to flow into the body. This is indeed the inheritance of the immortal figure. It is only for the human race, and it is not enough for the gods and gods.

Different races.

I just don't know what it would be like to hear this news.


In just a moment, the whole mountain trembled. Although there are so many contents in the sword, the strength of Lingfeng is extraordinary. It is not difficult to understand.

"Xian Yu" Ling Yu faint sorrow.

The two words are like blood, even in the years, they have not been killed, this is the final obsession of the character.

Is this the meaning of the fall of the immortal?

Ling Feng was in a heavy mood and was not surprised by the inheritance.

In fact.

The inheritance of this character has no effect on Ling Feng, because Ling Feng has already taken his own steps.

Take care of the road and melt the way.

But it doesn't matter much.

This is the charm of the body, and it is the place of imprisonment.


He exhaled a sigh of relief, calming his feelings, and his brows were slowly loosening.

Perhaps this road is destined to be tragic, but martial arts like them care about the passion between life and death and the courage to repair the road.

next moment.

He stood up and his eyes burned.

"Inheritance is getting it, it's time to open the resources."

Ling Feng whispered.


He looked at the monument, which was the ban on the character. At this time, the body was exposed. It was indeed a handle in the four swords, and there were many seals on it.

"Open it."

Ling Feng said slowly: "I want endless resources, I want to be able to open the sea energy of Huangquan Gate."

It is like sensing the will of Lingfeng, and the banned sword whistling in the sky, and the light and rain are filled, from which the cave house is shot, and the figure is the end of the character.

Amazing! This is the name of the ancient figure.

Ling Feng did not count, and all those caves were put into the body, and they were integrated into the acupoints, letting the whole person exude the supreme power.

at this moment.

He has an intuitive feeling of stepping into the first class.

Because the resources created by those resources are extraordinary, not just the storage of resources, Dongfu is a kind of treasure that can be integrated into the acupuncture points.

In this way, Ao Xian wants to further open the potential of Wu Xiu.

If the creatures such as Shenlie and Xiaolong are afraid of being on the spot, they will show extraordinary momentum and dramatic changes, but Lingfeng does not have such a creation.

His potential has already been forced out by Xian Li.

"When I suppress Huang Quan, come here to worship you."

Ling Feng to the ancient corpse of Ao Xian, very devout, because the injury of Ao Xian is shocking, even if it is degenerate, it still envelopes the sacred light rain, not tolerated.

Although Ling Feng can see the ancient body of Ao Xian there, but this is not the case.

The ancient corpse is just a virtual image, and the real bones have already been buried deep in the starry sky.

Not much time.

Shen Lie and Xiao Long woke up, and inexplicably they were sent out of the monument.


Shen Lie said with some painful words. "Almost got an important inheritance."

Xiaolong is much more frank, it has already got enough resources, and it is difficult to get like this kind of inheritance.

"Ling Feng?"

Shen Lie looked at the front in a strange way, because until this moment, Ling Feng did not come out. "This is not really passed down?"

God is a bit awkward! "The predecessors of Ao Xian, your inheritance is not suitable for me, but I will definitely find the owner who suits it."

Ling Feng smiled and traveled.

to be frank.

The inheritance of Ao Xian is terrible and complete. It is like cultivating according to its inheritance and resources. I am afraid that if it is not thousands of years, it will be able to give birth to a Supreme Supreme, and a sacred figure will be born in less than three thousand years.


The inheritance of Ao Xian is not limited to the Supreme, but also has stronger power.

This means that in the age of Man, someone took that step, and there is a realm above the Supreme.

This is still very important for Ling Feng, and it has opened an important door.

of course.

They got the most resources in this trip, and the arrogant end of the year was so scary that even if they were compared with the current anti-God, this is an important step for them to lay down Huang Quan.

In the eyes of the gods and the eyes that the dragons are looking forward to, the wind is applied.

"First return to the Ling Dynasty, I want to brew the wind and rain for so long, it should be down?"

Ling Feng said with a smile, but the gloomy eyes are chilling.


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