Supreme Demon

Chapter 2858: King Tianwei!

Ling Dynasty.

This super dynasty created by Ling Feng has already fallen into the hands of the five major forces. The creatures of Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang are not the opponents of the five major forces.


Because there are ghosts inside, Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang Hao are not even a chance to do it. The gates of the city and the gates of the defense are opened. The five major forces are surging in, and the first teaching is inundated in an instant.

Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang were very simple. They did not resist, and they threw away their weapons and let the five forces dispose of them.

They know very well that at this time they are not the opponents of the five major powers. Rebellion and dissatisfaction are the same as finding death. They still do not want to die.


They believe that the characters of Ling Feng and Shen Lie will return, just like the words that Ling Feng said before he left.

Bow down and wait for them to return.

of course.

The five major forces did not value Wuwang and Feiquanwang. The district’s strength was not as good as that of Tiandao. It was really despising, and the five major forces had a disagreement over the issue of the Lingwang Dynasty. The five masters did not return, so they had to let They pondered.

Last resort.

Before the whereabouts of the five sovereigns were found, they could only sit in the Ling Dynasty and wait until the five masters returned to divide them.

The creatures of Wu Wang, Fei Quan Wang and Leng You are forgotten. They are not important roles.

They were thrown into the prison, and although they bowed, the five forces did not want to use these creatures.

Because they don't need ghosts, and they don't want to let other sinister soldiers chill, and imprisonment is the best result.

Two months time.

On the one hand, they are sorting out the internal problems of the Ling Dynasty, on the other hand, they are searching for the whereabouts of the five lords. Although they firmly believe that the only one in the first layer of Huangquan that can incite the five lords is the one, there is still some concern.

not to mention.

The things of the Ling Dynasty will be dominated by five sovereigns.


The last thing they waited for was Ling Feng, Shen Lie and Xiao Long, and the five lords would never come back.

It’s the day, and the sky is clear.

Although the yin and dead air are still very heavy, compared with the sullen and boring weather at the beginning, this kind of weather is enough to make people feel happy.


There was a stream of air in the first teaching, the suffocation of the yin and the sound of the screaming sound, the initial sound was not eye-catching, but for a moment, the blasting sound was like the thunder of the thunder, let the five major creatures All are shocked.

"what's the situation?"

Several creatures flew into the sky and looked at the source of the sound.

Non-human is not strong.

It is only the friction and turbulence between the airflows that naturally form this terrible thunder. The top five creatures are not Wuxia Amon, and they immediately understand the truth.

"There are strong people coming!"

The huge explosion caused by the collision of air currents can only be ignited by the speed of the strongest characters, and the direction is the first teaching.

"Is the lords coming back?"

One of the gods smiled and felt that only the first-class Tianzun creature had such a power, and only five lords could do it in this position.

"But why are the five lords flying fast?

Isn't it faster to use odd gates? ”

A Tianzun creature frowned, indicating incomprehension.

"The meaning of the sovereigns, where can we guess?"

The **** smiled and looked ahead and waited for the appearance of five sovereigns.


Only a few breaths, their faces changed, only because the thunder was louder that day, like the whole scorpion was blown through, and even a hurricane was formed in the first teaching, if there was a strange ban on suppressing I am afraid that many buildings in the first teaching will be flying on the spot.


At this time, several creatures are found to be wrong. If the five lords should cut their momentum at this moment, they will prevent the destruction of the first religion and destroy them at the same time.

But the airflow that is stirring is not there.

This is not the style of the five lords.

"Immediately guard against enemy attacks!"


Under the command of several creatures, the five major forces immediately warned and arranged strange doors to prevent the emergence of strong enemies.


Just when they were alert, the raging wind suddenly dissipated. It was very abrupt, that is, the creatures could not react. If it were not the turbulent gates and the ban, they even suspected that the wind had never appeared.

"I am afraid that it is really a sovereign."

A Tianzun creature said with a smile, I was afraid that they were misunderstood.

The five lords are just expressing their joy?

They slaughtered Ling Wang and the two creatures?

Hey! The emptiness of the emptiness, the three figures flew at this moment, and they fell on the first teaching sky. They seemed to jump into the space and let a few creatures react, but it was incredible.

To know.

These three figures can not use the strange door ban, but fly out of thin air, which is not what ordinary Tianzun can do.

The head of the figure, the temperament is like a fairy, standing tall and standing, wearing a black dress, embroidered with a sharp edge, representing the supreme totem.

On the left side is a more handsome young man whose "beauty" overshadows the young man in the middle and on his right is a lobster.

They are the three people from Lingwu who returned from the land.

Several creatures looked into the sky, and the smile on the face was frozen at this moment, and then fell a little bit and fell from the face.

They don't know the wind and the gods, but they know the dragon.

Even in Huangquan, the lobster of the Tianzun class has only one dragon.

"Ling Wang!"

Someone in the first teaching shouted, could not help but shudder, although they bowed to the five forces, but Ling Wang's power is deep-rooted, it is a gas field step by step.

That is the king of heaven from the blood.

Looking at it will make people shudder.

Two months ago, the Ling Dynasty fell, people were in a complicated mood, because Ling Wang did not appear, they once felt abandoned, but later learned that Ling Wang suffered more tragic things.

He is being pursued by five sovereign-level creatures, not knowing where his life and death are.

Because of this, Ling Wang did not come back in time, but he could change his mind. Ling Wang had five hard-core creatures in front of him, which made them have a time to breathe. Unfortunately, the Ling Dynasty lacked top-level creatures and was finally conquered by the five forces.

The main cause is not Ling Wang, but themselves.


Ling Wang returned.

God returned.

Xiaolong returned.

The characters of the Ling Dynasty’s pillars and columns are all coming back at this moment, and the five lords are not coming back. What does this mean?

At this point, the savage soldiers of the Ling Dynasty understood that they were completely different from the five forces.

Standing on the standpoint of the dynasty soldiers of the Ling Dynasty, they witnessed a miracle. Ling Wang’s detached record of the past is always in the annals of history. Even if the Ling Dynasty has sunk at this moment, as long as Ling Wang returns, they still believe that Ling Wang can Turn the tide.

This is the power of Ling Wang.

He is never defeated! but.

The creatures of the five major forces did not understand this. They felt that Lingfeng was escaping from the pursuit of the five masters. This happened here, and the disappearance of the five masters was caused by the flying wind.

As for the record of Ling Feng, they are not seen by them. Because such things, if the five forces want to do it, it is not a problem.

"Is Ling Wang?"

A blood-loving sect, Tian Zun, said with a smile, "We are looking for you, and you have come to the door personally."

"I haven’t been easy in the past two months?

Is it like the dog of the family that is chased by my five masters? ”

"Unfortunately, the Ling Dynasty has now changed its name to change its surname. Now it belongs to my five major forces!"

Ling Feng Waner.

I don't care about the sneer of the blood-stained celestial creature. He smiled. "I know that you have been searching for my whereabouts. I think you must be very tired, so I will come to the door."

"These two months are not easy, but the outcome is perfect."

"As for the Ling Dynasty, I am not coming here to get it back?"

The bloodthirsty sect of Tian Zun’s face sank and said coldly, “If you appear here, you are not afraid that we will immediately inform the five masters, so that you can’t fly?”

"Great notice!"

Lingfeng Qiaodao "If they can still come!"

The five major forces of Tianzun are all discolored, and Lingfeng’s sentence is not generally strong.

"What did you do to the Sovereign?"

Everyone who was present at the scene asked, wanting to know the truth, what happened in the past two months?

"I am coming, this is the answer you want!"

Ling Feng said with a voice, "Although the process is a bit more complicated than we think, the ending is unchanged, and the Ling Dynasty is not as fragile as you think."

"This is impossible!"

Several Tianzun creatures simply don't believe in Lingfeng's words, and quickly inform the five masters that they must figure out the truth, otherwise they will have trouble sleeping.


As Ling Feng said, the five main lords did not move, which made the Tianzun creatures on the scene sink.

"Don't care about this, get rid of Ling Wang, the truth will come to the surface!"

The bloodthirsty sect of the celestial creature is simply more, as long as the culprits of Lingfeng die, the lies that they create will not break.

It does not want the blood of the bloodthirsty sect.

"Yes, let's get rid of Ling Wang!"

Several heavens are full of anger, no matter how the five masters live and die, now Ling Wang is a big problem and must be removed.

"Do not bother you."

Ling Feng said with a smile, "This kind of force will be handed over to us!"


He opened his hands, and a hollow sky flew down from the void. The vast expanse of Tianwei smashed the sky, and did not know how many creatures were kneeling on the spot. I don't know how many cities are crumbling, and I don't know how much charm is at this moment.

That is the real king Tianwei.

And when this kind of gas field appeared, the five major forces of heavenly creatures were as dead as they were, and they knew that the five great masters would never come back.

Because Lingfeng's gas field has already surpassed the first-class Tianzun, stepping into the level of Tianzun.

not to mention.

It is not only Lingfeng that shows the force of force, but also the gods and dragons, a third-class demon statue, a second-class demon statue, such a three creatures, where are the five masters still coming back?

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