Supreme Demon

Chapter 2879: The Lord is asking for help!

to be frank.

Only the leaves witch, Ling Qing these characters are far from the opponent of the devil, and such a clever character as the devil, naturally think more, can make the leaf witch so confident, then there is only one person.

Ling Feng!


When Ling Feng left, he left some taboo powers, only fearing that he had to deal with himself.

The demon Lord is very curious about this power. After many years, why does Ling Feng feel that he can suppress himself only by the remaining strength?

of course.

From the power left by Ling Feng, you can glimpse the level of Ling Feng and the real strength, which is very important for the Lord.

"it is good!"

The leaves of the witches are determined to be idle, and one step falls in front of the demon Lord. The eyes are transmitted with a burning scent, and the endless gas fields around are being pushed out a little.

The vastness of the mountains!

The momentum is like a rainbow.

When the demon Lord is seriously looking at the leaf witch, the leaf witch is also looking at the demon Lord, only because the face of the devil is similar to Ling Feng, but the charm is different.

She frowned at the incomprehensible, not much.

Although, the demon Lord and Ling Feng are completely different, if not really intimate people, it is really not necessarily able to find the similarities between the demon Lord and Ling Feng, but it is precisely because of the discovery of Ye Devil's heart that there is concern.

Some things can't be touched.

With the ability of the butterfly, it is impossible to be ignorant of the cold as the moon, but nothing can be said as the moon is cold.

It's too tricky.

I am afraid that I need to solve it myself.

in fact.

The cold and the urgency of the invasion of the Mozu, I am afraid not to have a picture.

"Magic Lord, I just want to teach!"

The candle dragon flew proudly and glared at the devil, only because this character brought a blood disaster to the anti-God, but now it is even more so that the wind is not in the starry sky, to get rid of the god.

It is impossible for any one against the gods to let go of the Lord.

not to mention.

The candle dragon and the Mozu have a greater blood feud.

In the ancient times, many Dragon Kings were killed by the Mozu, and today the candle dragon naturally has to inherit the Dragon's will, and the devil is born.

"After many years, I am very curious about the strength of the Lord!"

Ling Qing laughed and flew, no glare, more is to use Ling Feng's eyesight to measure the Lord.


Yunxi, Dugu rainy moon, etc. have flown in succession. There are still rising stars behind them. Although they are not as good as the beasts and other creatures, they can ask for success in the late autumn of the universe. Their talents are not weak.

of course.

The main reason is still anti-blood remedy, there is no such Tao Dan, I am afraid that many characters will be smouldering.


The Burning Supreme has set up multiple bans in Tianfu, blocking some of Tianwei for them, and this is the glory of today's ruin.


These characters are all coming out, cold to the Lord.

Among them, it is worth noting that the king of the gods, the king of the devil, and the king of the poisonous gods, these three creatures can not be provoked at all, even if the Lord is careful.

after all.

Once bitten by a poisonous insect, the Lord must distract the venom, otherwise it will be poisoned.


Many gods have been stunned by the anti-God, but there are still more than a dozen Tianzun, even if the Lord does not dare to care.

"Let's go together!"

The Lord of the Lord held out a hand and hooked his finger. He said with a smile, "I really want to see how powerful this anti-God is!"

"as you wish!"

next moment.

The Witch of the Leaf is the first to do it. The endless gas field has been blasted from all sides, and the thunder and lightning have been smashed down from the void, and the leaf witch is guarded.


A slashing knife opened the dark and white scorpio, forming two distinct patterns.

After the end of the world.

Not seeing the horizon!

The gas field is unique.

All are the other side!

At that moment, the power of Ye Witch even broke through the fourth-class Tianzun, and a sharp knife appeared in the white and dark sky, tearing out the eternal shore.

"Magic knife!"

"One handle!"

The demon master carried his hands, and a magic knife flew down the top of his head, carrying the mountains and seas, and the fierce and powerful bombardment on the other side of the leaf witch.

In an instant, the sky is falling apart.

The whole Tianzhu was beaten and broken by these two forces, and Wan Dao was sinking at this moment.

I don't know how many heavy days are falling and destroying.

People's visions are blurred.


At this time, a magic knife smashed and ruined, and the other side of the knife was cut off, and the smashing bamboo was turned to the leaf witch.


The leaf witch's face changed dramatically, and the real knife was used. The hard-working and the magic knife smashed, and the whole person was swept away by the Xeon Tianwei.

She spurted her blood and her face was pale.

This is the Lord!

Only a magic knife is enough for the leaf witch to vomit blood.

"Half a step!"

Ye Witch said in a word, this time the devil is very embarrassed, there is a feeling of a foot, only one step away from the first-class Tianzun.

Sometimes he is in second class.

Sometimes, he is able to take another step and enter the ranks of first class.

This is a rather wonderful state, but it is undoubtedly powerful.

Just now.

The devil did not take that half step, but it has made the leaf witch tragedy. This is completely power, and more is the level. If the leaf witch is at the same level, then even the devil is afraid to win the leaf. The witches are not that easy.

"It's really good."

The Lord smiled and said, "It’s just a little worse than I was at the beginning!"

"Is it?"

The leaf witch sneered, and the Lord of the Lord really looked at himself too heavy.

"If you are willing to suppress the realm to the fourth-class god, I can fight with you to the end, and others can't intervene until the dead!"


The main character of the devil twitched.

This leaf witch is poisonous.

If you are stunned, you will have to fight. If you don’t move, you will be singled out. Do you know that this is a face?

He wanted to fight against the leaf witch, leaving a shadow in his heart, but at this moment he was led by the leaf witch.

If he is at the same level, he may not be able to defeat Ye Witch.

Once seriously injured, it is basically only a dead end.

"Would you be my idiot?" The Lord sneered.

"Other people can't intervene. If you beat me, you can leave. They won't blame you for your illness!"


The main face of the devil is green.

what does this mean?

Let him run away?

If he is really such an idiot, then the demon domain has long since vanished.

Once he leaves, the demon domain is a dead end, but the problem is that if he does not dare to fight, it is equivalent to entering the game, this life will leave a bad name.

At the same level, the devil is not as good as the witch!

Think of the Lord who wants to swindle!

At this time, the demon master further learned the horror of the leaf witch. Her power is not only the talent, but also the mind, just a problem, it is used by it, so that the devil can not afford it for a time.

"If I win, will you immediately withdraw from the scope of the Mozu?"

When the Mozu thought about it in his heart, he immediately shook his head. This is simply self-deprecating.


The situation has changed since the words of Ye Witch.

The Leaf Witch pushed it to a very high position and placed itself in a very low position, which itself stood in an invincible position.

"It doesn't mean anything to win."

The Lord sneered and said, "I prefer to get rid of you one by one!"

"Do you dare to say this?"

"Are you afraid?"

The leaf witch began to question.

"Ha ha!"

The Lord of the Lord smiled coldly and said, "There are more than a dozen Tianzuns in the district. It is easy to get rid of you!"


The devil does not want to talk nonsense with Ye Witch. This woman has been living with Ling Feng for a long time. She is just a bit of a hurricane. I want to dig a pit, and then I will continue to do so. It is estimated that the situation is more unfavorable to them.

Because the Lord has seen several other directions, the devils are in a downturn.

He must be quick and quick.

"I come!"

Ling Qing lightning flew out, a sword ran across the air, carrying the ultimate ice fairy Tianwei, facing the magic knife.


The magic knife emits the clear light, carries the color of endless blood, and slams into the sword of Ling Qing’s hand, and makes a fierce popping sound. Ling Qing’s power on the spot is soaring and flesh-and-blood. shocking.

Her hand bones were broken on the spot.

Her feet are crushed!

These tragic scenes have caused people to change color in the place.

They know that the Lord is strong, but to what extent, only Ling Feng knows.

At this moment, they really appreciate the devil's style.

"Up, group him!"

Mingtian beast screamed and smashed his opponent in the distance. He didn't want to rebel against these characters.

When the villain is a villain!

"it is good!"


Yunxi, Dugu rainy moon, etc. flew directly, and together they hit the demon Lord. The momentum was turbulent and majestic, and the horror of the Wandao was trembled.

The whole sky is falling apart.

The stars rolled down from afar, crashed into the power, and the rock broke into the gray fly.


The devil is still strong and unmatched, even if it is straightforward, it is still standing proudly, like a standout.

"You are really too weak!"

The Lord of the Lord sneered and said, "With this strength, you are still far away. I know that your intentions are not here. Now come up with real strength!"


He looked at the Ye Witch and said in a word, "What is the power of Ling Feng?"

Many people are at a loss.

Although they have long known that the leaf witch holds a trump card in his hand, it comes from Ling Feng, because they dare to fight against the demon master, but the devil is outspoken, or it feels a bit wrong.

That is the surprise they prepared!

That should be exclaimed, the screaming demon Lord actually guessed it directly?

What surprises are there?

What kind of strength do they have?

The things between smart people are really sad.

"Hey God... Dusk!"

Yeh Witch said with a very pious attitude.

"Let it out!"

The devil said, if Ling Feng is present, he should be jealous, but if it is only Ye Witch, then there are not so many taboos.

"it is good!"

Ye Witch smiled, and the smile was extremely gentle, with a gesture of disappointment.

She sacrificed a banner in her hand. There was a strange prohibition on the flag. It was not clear enough, but it had an incomparable scary magic.

When it is sacrificed.

惶惶天威 suddenly appeared, the cockroach appeared in the void, the lightning between the pressure on the Lord.


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