Supreme Demon

Chapter 1900: Three layers of common respect!

Shura creatures are excited!


When the cemetery is flying out, they are worried that Ling Wang will fall. After all, Ling Wang is only a person, and the cemetery has many Tianzun creatures, and there is also a supreme creature, and Ling Wang has just smashed Huang Quan’s ancestors. hurt.


They are even more convinced that Ling Wang is Xeon, even if Huang Quan's ancestors failed to make him seriously injured.

When the tomb is supremely degraded, when the tomb is full of glory, the person who can defend the starry sky is not the king of Ling, even if it is the secluded spring, the tomb house creatures are afraid to disrespect the Ling Wang at this time.

Standing in the position of Huang Quan, they hope that Ling Wang can defeat the starry creatures.

The day.

The leaf witches bring the heavens to the sky, and come crazy. There are not many creatures who really understand their intentions. There are only a few creatures in the tomb, and the leaf witches are quite simple. The sacred palace is desperately killed by the hands of the eastern rain, and this situation has already developed in their favorable direction.

The butterfly and the hidden **** are controlling the situation of the cemetery. The wilderness is sweeping the sacred creatures. At this time, it is really necessary for a person to stand up and turn the tide.

Ling Feng stood up without Huang Quan’s knowledge.

In an instant, the three-tiered Huangquan creature will be cherished.

They are eager to win the wind.

They are eager for Huang Quan to press the stars!

Ling Feng fulfilled their wishes.

Just on the day.

Ling Feng confronted the rain in the east, and Xianyu carried the bombardment of Bohai Tianwei. The four bans carried the power that made the whole scorpion turbulent and opened the Wantian Scorpio.


A Tianwei showdown started in the secluded spring, and the whole scorpio was smashed. The battle at the supreme level was terrible. I don’t know how many sacred creatures died.

Even the Tianzun creatures trembled at this moment, and dare not look close.

When the day was too fierce, Ling Feng tore open the Tianzhu, directly to thirty-three, almost to play Huangquan, and the frenzy is even more of the heavens.


This is the sound of the magic weapon.


This is the bang of the two supreme figures.

Only one punch and one foot can disintegrate thousands of roads. Only one eye can destroy the earth and destroy the earth. The time and space power is flowing, and the black air is hit by a number of black holes, and the heavy ones are swaying around, scaring the heavenly creatures. Flying backwards in madness, do not want to be affected by this power.

Going to the back.

Huang Quanmu had long been unable to see the scene of the fierce battle. He could only see the endless blasphemy, the endless light rain, and when the light rain and the hustle and bustle fell, the whole scorpio calmed down.

A figure will be banned and smothered by the power of the fairy, and will disappear in an instant.

There is only one character left in the whole day!

A **** and proud figure!

Ling Feng!

The thin body really propped up for a day, and the dark eyes illuminated the entire fountain.

The infinite starry sky is in the hands of Ling Wang.

He proved to the entire secluded spring that he is stronger than the tomb of the cemetery!

"That's it!"

Ling Feng flew down from the void, spurting blood, but his eyes were full of arrogance, and he did not put the starry sky in his eyes.

"Excuse the deity to heal, you wait for it!"

He looked at everything, even if it was bleeding, the shocking picture is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, do not know how many Huangquan creature can not help but behead.

Ling Wang Tianxiu!

Three layers of common respect!

"My Lord Tianwei, who dares to rival?"

Wu Wang couldn't help but laugh. These creatures really realized the power of Ling Wang, and the starry sky of the tomb can not be destroyed, but Ling Feng can kill.

This shows that Ling Wang Yuan Chao Huang Quan ancestors.

It was previously rumored that Ling Wang was besieged, and the tragedy was degraded and untrue.

"What if it is a starry sky?"

Feiquan Wang said with a smile, "Who is the Lord, who dares not to accept?"

At this time, the tombs and the secluded springs were completely shut up. They did not dare to refute them. It was equivalent to being a face, and they were also convinced by Ling Wang.

When the secluded spring is guilty, the tomb of the cemetery will come to an end.

Can be when the starry sky is flying, only Ling Wang has the ability to turn the tide.

In this respectful force of Huang Quan, the creatures are more awe-inspiring and strong, and Ling Feng gave them this idol.

His sky show is very reasonable!

His Tianxiu let the three-layered creatures bow their heads.

"Ling Wang, the secluded springs are on all sides, and please ask Ling Wang's starry characters!" You Quanfei flew, and asked Ling Wang to take a shot and calm down.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng agreed on the spot and did not mention any conditions.

Then he flew out and disappeared in front of the creatures. When it reappeared, he was already at the scene of the turmoil, facing many Tianzun characters, and he was an old acquaintance.

The first one is the solitary rainy month.

"The second class is not fast enough to die!"

Ling Feng Dao flashed a flash, and the characters in the solitary rainy month were black hands. He always had a very unpredictable feeling.

Although this is a play, but the ghost knows what tricks are behind these women?

He broke into Huang Quan without authorization. Can these women be mad at heart?

This is a big layout. Huang Quan is a fish. Who said that Ling Feng is not a fish?


Ling Feng had no choice but to fly out immediately after the strength was healed. Only a quick knife can solve the problem in the shortest time.


With just one blow, the violent rhythm carries the power of hitting the sky and completely drowns the solitary rainy moon. When the light rain dissipates, the scene has been emptied, and the starry sky is in front of Ling Wang’s Tianwei.

"Ling Wang mighty!"

"My Lord can stare at the stars!"

"Slag, trembling!"

Huang Quan's creatures are completely boiling, and Ling Feng's performance is too strong. The star-studded characters who make them bleed and tragedy are vulnerable to death and are all killed by Ling Wang.

"Next location!"

Ling Feng flew down to the scene, where there was a leaf witch leading the army, a heavenly figure is extremely extraordinary, and there is a **** army.

"You are Ling Wang?"

The leaf witch is staring at the wind, and the eyes make Ling Feng straight hair.

"I am!"

Ling Feng’s heart was awkward, and he knew that Ye Mo’s girl was angry.

"I will make you die hard to see!"

The leaf witch said in a pun.


Ling Feng felt that this day had not been sent, although the Ye Witch did not show any anger, but the unbearable tone made it cold.

She seems to be saying, I want to beat you, do you still try?

Ling Feng, he dare to try?

Ling Feng dare to run?

When the Huang Quan creature appeared, the leaf witch killed and the anger value burst into an instant, which was warning Ling Feng.


Ling Feng can only reluctantly get rid of Ye Witch and so on.

However, he knows how painful the Ye Witch is playing at this time, and how much pain he has afterwards.


Ling Feng blinked, and then I thought about what reason to shirk it. It is obviously unrealistic to push it to the gods. This guy is afraid of being miserable afterwards. How can Tian Qi easily let him go?

Push to Xiaolong?

Let's not say that Ye Witch and others will cook the dragon. For this reason, I am afraid that they will not be mixed.

Can Xiaolong drive them to two big men?


Is your face big?

The three of them always have someone to back the pot, and the wisdom of the leaf witch is afraid that no reason can be said.

"Whoever has me miserable!"

Ling Feng’s sorrow screamed and then rushed to the third scene.

A punch has collapsed and hidden!


He kept his hoof, airborne the fourth scene, and slammed the ball and asked the fairy.


Ling Wang did not think that this was over. He took the initiative to search and found out more than a dozen star creatures that were sneaking, and “forced” the whereabouts of other characters from their mouths.

Then one by one!

Just three days.

The stars in the sky were all destroyed by the wind, and no one could survive.

The momentum of the star attack against Huang Quan was finally destroyed. Whether it was Tianzun or Supreme, it was all in the air, and it cast the style of the Lingfeng Devil.

"The stars in the sky are in full swing, so don't worry anymore!"

Ling Feng was cold and said to the void, "I was insulted by Huang Quan's ancestors, but I did not think about encountering such a thing."

"Now, Huang Quan's ancestors have been smashed, and I am time to go back!"

Ling Feng said very calmly.

It also shows his own attitude. His purpose is not to invade the secluded spring. It is only Huang Quan's ancestors who insulted him and made him angry. This only screamed at the secluded spring and smashed Huang Quan's ancestors.

As for how to cover the fountain, the tomb, he does not want to possess.

"Ling Wang, help!"

At this moment, a creature flew in, beheading in front of Ling Feng, and eagerly said, "Today, the tomb is being attacked by starry people. The situation is going on in a thousand miles, and Ling Wang is on the verge of defeating the stars."


Ling Feng hesitated.

"I am not the supreme of the cemetery. The things in the secluded spring are out of helplessness. It is not good to be too far out of bounds." Ling Feng sighed.

Wu Wang is a bit blind.

Feiquan Wang is also blinded.

Are they coming to lay down the secluded spring?

How is Ling Wang suddenly wrong?

"Okay, we should go back to repair!"

Ling Feng smiled and then recalled Shura creatures and wanted to return home.

Although Shura's creatures are unknown, no one can dare to rebel against Ling Wang.


Before they were properly packed, the cemetery and the sacred springs flew together, and the number was quite large. They were the leaders of the big forces.

"Please Ling Wang suppress the stars!"

"I have intervened in the secluded things, and how can I intervene in the cemetery?" Ling Feng refused.

"If Ling Wang doesn't shoot again, the cemetery will be finished."

"Yeah, those starry figures are flying back, only because the characters in this area have been smashed by the wind." The sacred creatures also said.

"It’s not good to cross the border!"

Ling Feng said profoundly, "After all, this is not the territory of the Ling Dynasty!"

"I can guarantee that if they dare to set foot on the Ling Dynasty, they must be in vain!"

At this time, several sovereign creatures heard the taste.

Ling Wang does not want to shoot, but does not want to intervene in its layers of things, as if to avoid suspicion.

Can also be forced to the palace!

Either Youquan, the cemetery, please Gaoming, or take the initiative to invite him to sit down.

What is sitting in town?

Needless to say, right?

In fact, the cemetery creatures are selfish, want to monopolize the cemetery, and have wanted to ask for help on the fourth floor, but the banned gates are ignited, cutting off their connection with the fourth floor.

Nowadays, the situation is urgent, and only Ling Wang can be asked for help.

"Please Ling Wang enter the main tomb!"

"Please Ling Wang enter the main spring mountain!"


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