Supreme Demon

Chapter 2942: Tongtianxingfu!

The eighth statue fell!

This means that there is a comprehensive tragedy at the top five levels of the last five layers, and no creature can stop the steps of the inverse gods.


The damage against God is also very serious. First of all, it is at the top level. Ling Feng and Dongfang Yulu are seriously injured and dying. I am afraid that it will take a long time to recover. Even waking up cannot be achieved in a short time.

Ye Witch, Han Ruyue, Ling Qing, etc. are now the main characters of the inverse god.

Lingfeng and Dongfang Yuluo have to work hard to live, but they have no time to wait. They must calm down the fifth floor as soon as possible before Lingfeng and Dongfang Yuluo wake up, otherwise they will be too sorry for Lingfeng's hard work.

To know.

The current Huangquan Pingluo is the same as the original starry sky. The heyday is a crazy period, and all major figures and powers are fighting for the trend. Huangquan Pingluo should be like this now.

The reason why there are no movements in the last eight floors is that there is an essential difference between the last eight floors and the first ten floors, where the general trend is more different.

How easy is it to want to settle down for a while?

They need more time.


The current last eight floors are really inconspicuous for the first ten floors, because the first five floors are not full of yin and death, and even the terrain and **** earth are not much, and the last eight floors are the most important.

At the same time, there is a natural divide between the first ten floors and the last eight floors. It is not easy to cross.

This is an opportunity for Ye Witch and others.

Once missed, when the creatures in the last eight layers come up, they will pay more blood and life.

"It must be settled in a short time!"

Ye Witch is pretty cold, Ling Feng is almost dead. If they do n’t know the last five levels when there is no top supreme, would n’t that be too disappointing?

The next day.

The leaf witch flew out of the fifth layer of blue sky, borrowed the underworld, and rushed to the sixth layer.

Ling Qing, Han Ruyue, and others are important forces. Shenlie walks with her. After all, she has a better understanding of Huangquan's blues than Shenlie.

Tianqi and Qingyi were left behind, along with several Tianzhuang characters from Tianhuang.


Although the first five floors have been settled, no one can guarantee that an accident will occur. Lingfeng and Oriental Rainfall are more important and need strong character protection.

Tianqi and Qingyi are both arrogant enough to suppress the situation, and Tianhuang is the last line of defense.

These characters, Ye Witch and Ling Qing, are fighting in front. If there is a problem in the back, then the sky is down.

Only by ensuring Lingfeng's safety, they can rest assured that fierce fighting.

This day.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and other imposing momentums, like the unicorns, broke into the last five layers, opening up their magic-like fighting style, covered with Yin and Death, the last five layers of creatures will not rebound.

The eighth is too proud and powerful, and there is no time to inform the eighth floor.

Even if he wanted to, it would not be easy.

Ye Witch and others naturally have no scruples, sweeping five layers after the sweep.

of course.

It is difficult to sweep across the main brains such as Ye Witch and Ling Qing. At this time, the Anti-Blood Corps has played a role. They are fast and spread five layers backward, just like a giant net.

Just half a month.

The sixth floor was swept away by them, and some of the characters left by the gods were used to control the situation on the sixth floor.

The Witch Ye has planted several heavenly creatures on the sixth floor, and they used them to stabilize the situation, when those creatures knew they were not trying to kill them clean.


Ye Witch, Ling Qing, and others flew to the seventh floor, still in full swing.

Although after the "Black Snow Weather" appeared, many of the Celestial Creatures in the last five layers withdrew from the battlefield. When they reached the Seventh Supreme and even the eighth fell behind, they immediately flew back to the last five layers, but they still escaped. No luck.

Here Comes Against God!

These heavenly creatures are still going to be tragedy.

To know.

In the fierce battle in the underworld, Ye Witch and others can specifically deal with first-class celestial creatures. Only by killing these creatures cleanly can they be more calm in the later stage.

It can be said.

Back to the last five levels of the Celestial creature alive, none of them are first-class Celestial creatures.

Because of this.

They were able to sweep the sixth floor and then the seventh floor in a short time.


At the eighth and ninth levels, even the inverse gods felt struggling. Although these creatures did not have top-level creatures, they were quite scary overall, and very bloodthirsty and crazy. I wanted to make them bow and not easy.

It took a small price for the inverse gods to suppress these two layers of creatures.

"The last layer!"

Ye Witch looked forward, her eyes burning.

It took them exactly three months to calm down the four layers of blue sky, and the blood flowing against the gods was too much, and many characters have been sacrificed, making them sad.


This is Huang Quan.

Since Xiangu and Wangu, I don't know how many characters are buried here.

of course.

There is another more important reason for being weak against God and becoming more and more strenuous, which is Qiyun.

The eighteenth floor of Huangquan is more terrible and deeper than the other. It is good for Huangquan creatures, but it is a tragedy for them.

Like them, they feel better, and other gods are struggling too much.

not to mention.

Every time they settle down a layer of blue sky, they have to divide a part of the characters to suppress it. When this time comes, even the Inverse Blood Legion is incomplete.

They are too difficult!

"Calm it!"

God's eyes were burning, cold to the end.

A whole ten layers of Huangquanbi fell.

They don't know where Xiangu Wandao has gone, but they are proud of their current achievements, because Xiangu Wangu did not know how many talented people had paid to achieve such achievements.

What they paid was small enough.


Nine Chaos Creatures have no extra words, it is looking forward to the last five layers of Dirt.

Since they stepped into Huangquanbi, although they paid a lot, they got more, especially Dirt. Otherwise, why can they compete with the first-class Wrench?


Going against the gods, the momentum is like tide.

As they set foot on the tenth floor, the butterflies rushed to the endless yin like moths, and tried their best to find the way for the gods.

The Hidden God is behind the butterfly, slashing the thorns for the inverse god.

Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. went straight to the center, where there was no Qingpeng divine bird, and even the eighth statue, but it was still not easy to fight.

Rumble ...

A **** battle erupted in no time.

The scene was extremely hot and steamed the sky.

The Ye Witch is as powerful as a rainbow, and the two short knives played an invincible style, letting people fully realize how terrible this second **** is.

Ling Qing's ice fairy.

Cold butterfly.

Liu Shushu's cutting edge.


Every character is suffocating.

Although the tenth layer of creatures is more powerful, it still can't stop the invincible style of anti-God.

Two full months!

It was against the gods that they managed to calm down the tenth floor. Even so, the gods felt that they had a lot of fear.

The tenth layer is not a little stronger than the ninth layer, but much stronger.

Even the Ye Witch and Han Ruyue were all injured.


Everyone was pleasantly surprised because they calmed down the last five floors and could look straight into the distance.

In the tenth floor of the void, there is a chaotic airstream that stretches towards the distant horizon, and there is the direction of the last eight floors.

"It won't be long before we set foot there!"

The **** said fiercely, after smashing the eighth bird, the bird who likes to swell again swelled "this **** bird wants to smash the Supreme!"

Ye Witch and others are too lazy to take care of this irrational bird.

They are really tired.

"I ’m sitting here with Ruyue. You go back to the fifth floor first, and wait for him to wake up!"

"it is good!"

Ling Qing didn't pretend. In the current situation, only Ye Witch and Han Ruyue would be more reasonable, and they would have to wait until Ling Feng woke up to have the next plan.


Just that day.

Shura Pluto has undergone drastic changes. In the hidden areas, the void suddenly flashes, and a wild Tianwei is roaring in this direction.


Tianyu trembled and the ground subsided.

A ray of light broke through the void and appeared at Shura Bluefall.

at the same time.

A Dodge Gate spread out from the void, like a stream of water, and filled the entire sky in an instant.

That Dodge Gate evolved in the void, magnificent like a rainbow in the sky.

Just over ten days.

On that day, Honghong calmed down and formed a thirty-two-fold giant singular gate, which fell down one by one and fell vertically to the ground.


At this moment, there was a sudden explosion on the ground, and there were nine giant giant gates shining, echoing those thirty-two giant giants, blending little by little to form a whole.

Collapse of Shura Biluo occurred in this direction.

Ripples and air blasts rang far away, shocking many characters for unknown reasons.

"They are coming!"

Qing Yi raised her head, her eyes shining.

They have been waiting for this moment.

The void was opened, and the strange door was pushed down. This means that the starry sky has found a breakthrough and it is really opening up.

"Yeah, they always try their best!"

Tian Qi said with a smile, the anti-god in this life is really amazing.

They have done many things that ancient times have not done.

In other words, the immortal ancient characters are too proud, and when they were born against the gods, they know how to cherish life.

If such forces are unsuccessful, what other forces can succeed?

"It will take a while!"

Qin Feng's eyes brightened, because he knew that once the door was opened, the inverse gods would really come in, and no force or character could suppress this rhythm.

They have been stunned for a long time.

They want to see the Lord!

How can they bear to let the Lord bleed all the time?

They live humblely, but there is stubbornness flowing in their bones!

A few days later.

Jitian Qimen finally stabilized, and there were no waves.

At this time, Ling Qing had already returned and flew to Xiuluo Pluo personally to meet the gods who were about to fly into the air.

No doubt.

Not to mention.

The first one to appear must be the gods.

really. The next day, the strange door burst into endless waves, and the ban extended from itself. There are powerful characters in the starry sky to come to Huangquan and fall! URL ( )

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