Supreme Demon

Chapter 3043: There is no return in this battle!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Five days!

This is a very short time for the characters in the fierce battle, but it also gives them time to say goodbye to the stars.

"Farewell to the stars!"

Looking at the two-day character who left in a hurry, Ling Feng sighed.

"Wine and song, life geometry?"

Shen Lie flew over and said goodbye to the starry sky. He set up a jade table with wine and meat. Although it was not top-notch, people had long lost their appetite.


Xuan Kong flew down and said with a smile: "The last battle, a drink to succumb!"

He raised his glass to salute his former opponent.

"Xingkong is a family, there is no return in this battle!"

Chaos Supreme smiled and sat down and drank with Xuankong. The former grudges were not worth mentioning in front of the starry sky, but now they want to succumb to the last battle.

"Then make a grudge!"

Someone from the Grim Reaper’s roster sat down and drank the two characters.

"Hehe, you guys are cruel enough, there were no characters who hadn't punished the Void Dao." Xuan Kong raised his glass.

"If I tell the truth, you won't get angry, will you?"

Grim Reaper said with a smile.

"will not!"

"One thousand, two hundred and thirty-two people!" The owner of the death roster said with a smile.

"You shit!"

Xuan Kong changed his face on the spot, trying to choke the owner of the Death List alive.

"You said you won't get angry!"

The Grim Reaper's roster said aside.

"Huh, fortunately, we have slaughtered a lot of people from the Death List!" Xuan Kong said, "Since we discovered you, we have slaughtered more than 2,000 people, which is a tie!"

"I know you are ruthless!" The owner of the Death List said disapprovingly.

The two characters are in love.

"It's really going to be a grudge, should Nishen bring back all the characters in the influence?" Chaos Supreme said with a smile.

"Say it!"

Ling Feng smiled and glanced at the direction of Chaos Mountain. For a moment, tens of thousands of people flew out of Chaos Mountain and merged into the gods.


The Supreme Primal Chaos wanted to swear, it's time for Nishen to still have so many characters among the forces of Chaos Mountain. If Chaos Mountain is really strange, I am afraid that he will be slaughtered on the spot?

What is even more frightening is that there are several Tianzun figures in Chaos Mountain who have been turned against God.

The faces of the figures of other forces are not good-looking, so many gods have been used to deal with Chaos Mountain, let alone other forces.

"Lord, you don't want to favor one another, right?"

People from other forces looked towards Ling Feng. To tell the truth, at this time, people knew that the gods were huge and there must be people who were against the gods, but it was not easy to find them, not to mention that they could only close their eyes when they found out.

"Hehe, this is really not me!"

Ling Feng smiled and looked at Ling Qing.

People's complexion changed drastically again. They always thought that Ling Qing was only a member of the gods. Although his personal strength was very strong, it was limited to individuals. It was not as strong as Ye Witch's level, but at this time they realized that they were wrong. How outrageous.

Ling Qing is the most tolerant big brother among the gods.


Ling Qing gave a soft sigh.

In an instant, millions of people flew out of the major forces, even those close to the gods, such as the Void Dao and the Dongfang clan, had many characters, which made Dongfang Yuluo speechless.

How vigilant this girl must be.

"That one……"

Liu Shushu wanted to say something but stopped, she didn't know what Ling Feng meant.

"what happened?"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, and he understood what Liu Shushu meant, and said with a smile: "Let them all go home, this battle is no return, they are now on the gods!"


Liu Shushu's forehead, that's what she meant.

"Reaper go home!"


Hundreds of thousands of death gods flew out of the major forces, and each one was very inconspicuous, but they were the elites of the major forces, especially some strange gates that could be directly ignited to punish the gods, and even slaughter them.

Feelings are the ultimate killer move against God!

"You are cruel!"

Even Xuankong is weak, Ling Qing and Liu Shushu, they really did not expect.

Ling Qing controls the undercover, while Liu Shushu controls the death!

This is aimed at the heavenly figures of the major forces. God knows what a tragic price they will pay if they really want to be against the gods.


Dongfang Yuluo rolled his eyes, really afraid that there were still godless people lurking beside him.

"No more!"

Ling Feng nodded, Nishen's energy is limited, especially when Nishen's wings are full, he really doesn't have any intentions to attack other forces.

"The devil, let those characters go home!"

Ling Feng made a stab at the Demon Lord, and at this time, the **** rebellious crowd had already started to expel tens of thousands of people. They had discovered the demon clan's subordinates a long time ago, but they didn't use their swords.

"I really don't want to meet you in this life!"

The Demon Lord sighed. The God of Inverse is really terrible, far from being able to match the Immortal Ancient Dynasty and the Eternal Kingdom, because Ling Feng and others appeared too late, otherwise the God of Inverse will really be born with Meng Po and Gold A character rivaling the coffin owner.

The demon's subordinates went home.

But when the forces separated, the starry sky lost its voice, because the god-inverse characters actually occupied almost half of the starry sky.

Half the country!

This is something that neither the Immortal Kingdom nor the Eternal Kingdom could do.

"Well, everyone drink!"

Ling Feng raised his glass to drink with the characters in the starry sky, and all his grievances disappeared at this moment. Although there were a lot of antagonisms, it did not really hurt other forces, so other forces did not care too much.

not to mention.

In the next battle, they were just cannon fodder. What's the point of caring so much?

"Ren King, you are worthy of this name!"

The Mozu Supreme was the first to toast to Ling Feng, and he bluntly said that a person who slaughtered a dog like a dog, was not worthy of this name?

"The supreme is too much!"

Ling Feng and his thrush cup.

"I only hate my Demon Race for doing something wrong!" Demon Race Supreme said sadly.

Some stories belong to the past, the demon master is from the demon clan, and Ling Feng is from the demon clan. They were once brothers.


The demon clan confronts the starry sky, and the star demon is not allowed to fall in love, causing Ling Feng to be thrown on the street while his parents are killed. This is the pain of the demon master, and it is also the pain of Ling Feng.

Because he is the son of gods and demons!

"I know!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Although I didn't let Nishen thoroughly investigate the truth, I wanted to come to them to investigate thoroughly. If you don't want me to be enchanted, I won't be enchanted. The past is empty, but some pain shouldn't pass like this. , This battle is our ultimate battle, and it is also your ultimate battle!"

This is Ling Feng's response to the past!


He just asked, but it doesn't mean that he is not hurt!

But from the standpoint of the Demon Race, the parents did something wrong, but the mistake is not dead!

He is the King of People!

But his real parents are not Star Demon, and now he is just remedying the pain of the former "Ling Feng".

Although the same is the ultimate battle, the meaning is quite different.

Ling Feng wanted the Demon Race Supreme not to come back alive.

"it is good!"

The Mozu Supreme smiled miserably, but didn't say anything more.

The Demon Lord's face was gloomy, and based on his IQ, he was afraid that he would have known this ending.

Forcing the Supreme to fall!

Just because of Ling Feng's words, the demon supreme had to fall, and the horror of rebellion was in this place, even the demon did not have the ability to resist.

Witch Ye came and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder.

She knew that Ling Feng felt uncomfortable, because the demon supreme could be regarded as Ling Feng's grandfather, and he personally forced Ling Feng's parents to death, and then even scorned against the gods.

Although Ling Feng did not intervene, would he not think of it with his IQ?

He knows it!

"I am a brother in this life, can I wish to fight in the next life?" The devil came, and he was very powerless in some things, but it was always a pity that he did not defeat Ling Feng in this life.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng's calm forehead.

"Good brother, for a lifetime!"

Shen Lie was holding the wine glass, swaying it, and shook the glass with Ling Feng.

"If you only meet for the first time in your life, what's the matter with the autumn wind painting a fan!"

Eastern poems are coming, and Ling Feng's cupped cups, his eyes hurt.

"One more battle!"

Dongfang Yingyu is much more refreshing.

"Ling Feng, can you let me meet you sooner?"

Qiu Shuyi came slowly, with a sad face. If we could meet earlier, would the story be different?

"Well, next time we meet soon!"

Ling Feng patted Qiu Shuyi on the shoulder, but Qiu Shuyi hugged Ling Feng hard: "Ling Feng, you know that I am willing to die for you!"

Ling Feng's body trembled, but in the end he said nothing.

Graceful beauty!

But he couldn't bear it!

"You have the same name as my brother, but my brother has no luck with you!"

Cui Mingfeng is here.


Ling Feng was in vain, how many years had passed since he was young and frivolous.

He hugged Cui Mingfeng hard, and slammed Cui Mingfeng's shoulder hard, everything was silent.

Cui Mingfeng froze, then his eyes were wet and weeping.

"I knew it!"

He held Ling Feng and wiped all his nose and tears on Ling Feng.


Ling Feng smiled and didn't mind.

Cui Mingfeng got it!

But he won't say much.

The former brother, he is still there!

Everyone is drunk...

Five days later.

Po Meng and the owner of the golden coffin were all born. Their injuries were healed, their aura was strong, and their strongest side broke out, but they looked at Ling Feng with gloomy eyes, and they always felt that they were cheated.

This is poisonous!

However, Ling Feng and others had long since ceased to be drunk, and they became sober one by one, and they could not tolerate any carelessness in the final battle.

"Notify them!"

Ling Feng spoke. At this time, they were going to have the ultimate decisive battle, and they should let the entire starry sky know.

"it is good!"


A huge explosion sounded in the void, Ling Feng was the first to make a move, Wu Zhiyun was in full bloom, igniting the entire sky, and the four characters were set off.

There is no return in this battle!


Ye Witch did it, and also engraved four characters!

There is no return in this battle!


The demon took the initiative and engraved four characters!

There is no return in this battle!

This is the battlefield of the entire starry sky. The top ranks are all engraving. That is their last obsession, the last battle!

They want the entire starry sky to know that they have worked hard for the starry sky, fought for the starry sky, and even tried their best for the starry sky.


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