Supreme Demon

Chapter 3105: Create a life!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Dark matter.

The empty Tianxu.

There were no celestial creatures, and no four heavenly kings. Ultimate Tianxu was unprecedentedly silent, so quiet that the needle fell, only the dark matter slowly turbulent, forming a mist, covering people's eyes.

The dark matter was like a curtain of night, covering people's eyes and spirits, and the visibility was extremely low, only a few meters from the front and back, even Ling Feng and Shen Lie could not see the distance.

Although they are better and can see farther, they are also limited to a range of tens of meters or hundreds of meters.

This is an extremely safe distance for low-level martial artists, but for them, a range of hundreds of meters is an extremely dangerous distance, and even a fatal distance.

Once a celestial pole, a heavenly king-level creature appears in the Tianxu, a distance of several hundred feet is enough to sweep the entire field, provided that the creature can see them clearly.

Ling Feng did not underestimate the immortal, so he was so vigilant.


What makes him frown is that there are no creatures here. Since they broke in, a few hours have passed, but no creatures have appeared. Does this mean that there are indeed no creatures in the Tianxu?

But this doesn't seem to be in line with the personality of that fairy.

"Critters were born on the first few floors. Will there be no creatures in the Tianxu?"

Ling Feng remained vigilant, if the immortal had only such a few means, Ling Feng would really look down on the immortal.

However, even if no creatures were born, the Ultimate Tianxu couldn't be underestimated, and the dark matter alone was enough for them to drink a pot, at least the creatures of Shen Lie's level would fall.

Ling Feng was able to persist because of differences in Wuzhiyun and Immortal Blade, which contained immortal power, which could confront the dark matter and even suppress it, but the amount was not so majestic.


He was also quite strenuous, with huge physical exertion, if he hadn't had enough pills, Ling Feng would not dare to fight like this.

It is conceivable that if the sentient beings of the Immortal Ancient Dynasty and the Eternal Heavenly Kingdom fly in, they are afraid that they will fall, and they will not be able to withstand this dark matter.

"At least you need the strength of the king of heaven to dare to hold on."

Ling Feng frowned. This dark matter made him feel troublesome. Unless he had the strength of the Heavenly King class, he would be unlucky when he came.

Meng Po, Huang Jingjing, and Celestial Reincarnation will all suffer.

It can be said that if Nishen encountered this situation, few would be alive, let alone slaughter the blue creatures.

of course.

If Biluo is in this situation, there shouldn't be much room for growth.

"That fairy wants to suppress us!"

Ling Feng made a judgment, and the current situation is extremely unfavorable for Biluo. It is obviously unrealistic that the immortal wants to create a force to contain the world in a short time, but it is not too dangerous to cast the terrain to suppress human figures. problem.

"What are we going to do?"

Shen Lie hadn't encountered this situation before, and didn't know what to do for a while.

after all.

Only the terrain and natural danger make them difficult, if there is any danger ahead, I am afraid that they will not be able to deal with it.

"Even if there are thousands of sentient beings ahead and immortals blocking us, we will all split it!"

Ling Feng's performance is extremely strong, he is here, he naturally won't look back, if only the dangerous terrain scares them away, then there is no need to think about it.

To fight!

Fight to the end!

"I'm here to split the dark matter, don't get out of the range of Wu Zhiyun!"

Ling Feng explained that he was going forward.


Forehead of the crowd, only Ling Feng alone can solve the current situation. Although they are interested, they are very weak.


When the voice fell, Ling Feng stepped forward, and power gushed out from his body. Except for the part of Wu Zhiyun that controlled the bureau, the other powers fully pressed forward, bursting out ten thousand powers of heaven.

The law of time, the six reincarnations and other forces have fully awakened, forming a light rain against the war, breaking through the constraints of the universe, and splitting forward.


The front was split, and the dark matter wanted a certain amount to block Ling Feng's power.

Ling Feng moved forward step by step along the split dark matter. Although their speed was not fast, they had waited for thousands of years and didn't care about this little time.


Ling Feng's hand picked up the knife and fell quite quickly. Although the dark matter was getting stronger, he still couldn't stop Ling Feng's power.

However, with Ling Feng's current strength, he can only split five hundred feet. If he moves forward, his strength will collapse. If he wants to be truly unaffected, unless he can break through the celestial pole.

But this couldn't stop Ling Feng's enthusiasm, he regarded this contest as moving the mountain.

If the strength is not enough, move them one by one until the mountain collapses.

Fifty days.

Ling Feng tirelessly split the dark matter blade after blade, but in the later stage, he seemed to be struggling. He used more and more Wu Zhiyun, which caused the change of the Wu Zhiyun suppressed in Shen Lie and Sun Yue Tian Jiao. Got thinner.

The distance they walked is not far, compared to the vast ultimate sky ruins, this is a negligible distance.

"Madan, brother is going to pass krypton gold today!"

Ling Feng went mad.

The situation is extremely unfavorable to them, the ultimate Tianxu seems to never end, the consumption is massive, even if it is drug use, it is a bit too much.

The problem was that the immortal did not appear, and the door to the unknown did not appear. This is where Ling Feng finds it difficult.

He is really krypton gold.

A huge amount of pill was sacrificed. One pill can do a hundred steps, but God knows how many pill is needed to break through that gate?

Ling Feng has a hundred pills, but he has ten thousand pills? One hundred thousand pills?

There are some things that Krypton cannot solve.


At the time of a hundred days, Ling Feng stopped abruptly, his face darkened, because he found that the dark matter around him was changing. Although it was very small, it should not be ignored.

Any slight changes in the Ultimate Tianxu may cause terrible disasters, and he has to pay attention to it.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Sure enough, shortly after Ling Feng stopped, Tianxu's momentum suddenly changed, and a low power was awakening.

That is dark matter.

They formed storms, showers, and even invisible sharp knives, and they fell from the void in a flash of lightning. They were extremely fierce, extremely domineering, and did not drag the water.


A dark sky knife fell from Ling Feng's face, and fell on the ground against the bridge of his nose, forming a terrible hole.


A storm passed behind Lingfeng, forming a canyon like death.

And this is just the embryonic form of the storm, and the real "wind and rain" has yet to appear.

"Finally can't help but do it?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes, but at this moment, he was calm, which meant that the fairy was taboo and afraid.

Prove from the side that what they did was correct.

"If you dare to come, I will dare to fight!"

Ling Feng looked at the void and said disdainfully.

next moment.

The fairy blade carried the top-level storm and blasted out of the air. The suppressed low power was fully awakened at this moment, tearing the terrible storm, the top-level shower with a stab.


Ling Feng also had reservations before, and didn't really use his full strength. This was what he was defending against.


A word exploded, Ling Feng broke through the endless wind and rain, and displayed the Shutian technique, so that the charm of Wu and the six-character mantra were blended, and then shot the strongest brilliant light, pierced the darkness, and broke through the wind and rain.

With a lightning jump, he flew out of the range of the storm.


At this moment, the sky changed drastically, and the Heavenly Punishment of the Extreme Way was formed, but the source was not the Heavenly Way, but the Dark Matter.

The galloping lightning, the impenetrable guillotine and the soaring dragon all came from dark matter.

The dark matter has upgraded.

The storm turned into a punishing day, completely crushing Lingfeng.

"Why be afraid?"

Ling Feng smiled indifferently, using the Chuyuan prohibition, the sky sack, and the immortal ancient palace for the ultimate duel, breaking through the nine heavens and facing the lightning and the guillotine.

He flew up into the air, slammed his foot on the back of the big dragon, and rode it.


The big dragon roared, and the dragon's breath that spewed out was dark matter, and it was darker dark matter, enough to annihilate the supreme and severely wound the sky.


Ling Feng flew at lightning speed, avoiding the dragon's breath, and then he spread his five fingers, Chu Yuan forbidden to fly together with the fairy blade, and fell into Ling Feng's hands.

Ling Feng stabbed the fairy blade without hesitation, cut through the back of the dragon, and nailed it to death in the void.

With a puff, Ling Feng cut off the head of the big dragon and ended the battle.

"What else? Even if you say hello, I agreed to all of you today."

Ling Feng was arrogant, even though he was injured, it did not affect his temperament and aura, but added to his supreme charm.

The lightning disappeared.

The guillotine broke.

The dragon was dead.

Ling Feng jumped out of the bounds of Heaven's Punishment.

But the power formed by the dark matter was escalating, and the momentum became more violent. Five Tianshan Mountains appeared together, and each mountain was filled with swords. When Ling Feng appeared, the endless sword flew out from the Tianshan Mountains, stabbing straight. Ling Feng.

Sword Tribulation!

Ling Feng passed by without any fear.

When the sword comes, it falls apart.

When the mountain comes, the fist collapses!

He is incomparably strong, showing the top style, the supreme realm was exerted to the limit by him, and he played the celestial power, even the dark matter could not help it.

In the end, the landslide was broken, and Ling Feng was still unmatched.

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng walked towards the sky step by step. He had already peeked through some of the truth, but he just needed to prove it: "If there is no way to immortal way, I will make a door!"

"A student!"

They climbed over a "mountain" and appeared in a vacuum zone. Everything here was evacuated, without any breath of life, let alone any aura, as if the dark matter had disappeared.

Ling Feng did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he kept on guard. With the urinary nature of the immortal, the more difficult it was, he was afraid that a big storm would come.

as predicted.

The weird darkness was suddenly suppressed, and human and animal shadows flashed by, and even guillotines and sharp blades flashed by, and they all rushed towards Ling Feng.

People's shadows crowded this space.

Every human shadow and beast shadow represents a celestial creature, whose strength is really suffocating. At least with Ling Feng's current strength, it is simply dreamy to face so many creatures directly.


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