Supreme Demon

Chapter 3116: Eight risks of eight mountains!

"Supreme God and Demon"

A wasteland, fragrant grass luxuriant, not old trees.

There is a rhyme flowing between heaven and earth, which is endless.

This wasteland is located in Tianxiang Mountain, in another direction, with little momentum, few people, and many low mountains. Seeing from a distance, there is no end.

Although they are both in Tianxiang Mountain, they are in different places and there are many differences in spirit and rhyme.

There are many low mountains, but the energy is low. For the lower martial artists, the energy here is enough to consume, but if you want to detach and have stronger changes, this wasteland is obviously not enough.

They need to stay away from the wasteland and step into other areas of Tianxiang Mountain, otherwise, the aura here will become a shackle and affect their martial arts.

The scenery here is beautiful and the mountains and rivers are picturesque. Sometimes there will be people in twos and threes looking at the mountains and rivers, but they are only a few people. Tianjiao who really wants to practice martial arts will not step into this place.

"God Tianyu is really different."

A voice sounded, and a person appeared with the voice, staggering, obviously hurting his feet.

His clothes are ragged, like walking out of a beggar’s den, his body exudes a faint smell of rancidity, as if he does not take a bath all the year round. The naked and exposed skin of his face, arms, etc. is dark, **** and stained, and thick dirt has formed. , And the rancid smell radiates from within.

He faltered, the shoes on his feet were scorched black, showing his jet black toes.

Inside the ragged clothes, blood would occasionally flow out, corroding the clothes, and his chest, limbs, etc. had wounds that had not healed yet. The wounds were **** and bloody, and a little blood would escape from time to time, like golden stars in the sky.

His eyes are gray, and he describes it as haggard, that is, his hair is dry and about to fall off.

And that voice came from this person.

During the speech, golden blood occasionally spilled from the corner of his mouth, making his face even more ugly.


There was also a little lightning-like flame mixed in the golden blood. When the golden blood escaped, it immediately ignited and annihilated it in the air. This process looked extremely amazing.

It seems that this person is a volcano, with terrible flames inside.

There was a bird lying on its shoulders. It was the same as this person. Its momentum was gray and the bird's hair was burnt and dry. Some of the bird's hair fell off directly in the wind. Its body was withered and its wounds could not heal.

Its eyes are slightly drooping, listless, and blood leaks from the corners of its mouth.

It is like a dying bird, and that person is like a dying person.

They are measuring this wasteland with their steps, very slowly, the person who describes the withered is looking at the surrounding mountains and rivers curiously, while the bird is slightly closed with his eyes, very weak.


They entered a scorched wasteland, the ancient trees turned into ashes, the grass turned into dust, even the low mountains collapsed a lot, without the previous prosperity, it was like a piece of scorched earth.

The already thin aura is even more exhausted, completely turning this wasteland into ruins, broken walls and broken mountains and rivers.

In the distance, the mountains and rivers are vast and lush, the rivers are rushing around the mountains, this wasteland falls in the Tianxiang Mountain, it seems out of place.

"At the wrong time, at the wrong place, we broke through, but is this the place we are looking for?"

That man was gloomy and overflowing with golden blood, and a flash of lightning flew out, destroying everything.

no doubt.

This dying person and that dying bird are the Ling Feng and Shen Lie who came from the shattered void and burst into the sky.

They broke through the restrictions of heaven and earth, destroyed the heavenly power of the extreme, and rushed in. When Ling Feng's power was exhausted and life and death were dying, it was Shen Lie who swooped out to cover Ling Feng's wind and rain.

They succeeded in training, breaking through the extremes of the sky and the horns of the sea, like a meteor falling, blasting down this wasteland.

That was five years ago.

In the past five years, Ling Feng and Shen Lie suffered heavy injuries. The scars on the Dao Dao and Tianmao erupted from their bodies. The situation was grim. They spent a long time trying to contain their injuries.

Shen Lie had to be a little better, only covering the last moment, while Ling Feng stood up to the sky, covering the sky with wind and rain, and his road scars were so serious that it disintegrated.

Any elixir is useless.

Ling Feng had to use the Ancient Nirvana Sutra to perform the eighth Nirvana. He cross-legged in this wasteland for five years, causing the lush wasteland to be completely blackened and the low mountains collapsed.

Everything was destroyed, and now the wasteland became a piece of bad soil, not suitable for martial arts training.


The eighth nirvana is different after all. In the previous seven nirvana, the flames soared into the sky, which could destroy all things. Ling Feng could only see the avenue through strong refinement and over the "big mountains".

But now?

The fire of Nirvana is not fierce as before, but it is long-lasting and cold. Ling Feng has not succeeded in refining it for five years. The fire of Nirvana still exists in his body, as if it will last forever.

Of course, Ling Feng's injury is also a major cause.

"Every mountain is dangerous!"

Ling Feng frowned and said: "I need to walk over eight mountains and survive the eightfold dangers. Now the most dangerous time has passed, but the eightfold Nirvana is always there, blending with flesh and blood, until the flesh and blood, martial art, and soul are completely different. ."

This is the power of Eightfold Nirvana.

This is not a short period of violent refinement, but a long period of suffering.

Don't say it's him, even if the fairy is afraid of breaking down, right?

Obviously, this kind of injury will always accompany Ling Feng, and don't want to heal in a short time, but once healed, it means that Ling Feng will change drastically, and the Phoenix will completely escape.

The flames evolve into lightning, like the heavens cutting the sky, with the supreme avenue aura rolling down, all kinds of gods are ups and downs, that is, the fairy capital once appeared occasionally, and the eight-headed phoenix was in all directions, completely locking Ling Feng.

Lingfeng's flesh and bones, dantian, Taoist spirit, etc. all flashed with ten thousand gods, which outlines the universe's grand atmosphere.

The original human universe has emerged again.

"Peep through the limits of the human body and open up a real universe!"

Ling Feng stopped, his eyes flashed with a gleam of light, Nirvana and the ancient scriptures indeed had the power against the heavens. It used the human body as the universe, cast all kinds of good fortune, and opened up the endless universe.

"The old cosmic space hole, like a tall house, was not strong enough."

Ling Feng muttered to himself that the eightfold nirvana made him feel deeply, interpreting the true meaning of the Dao, and having a deeper understanding of serving Dao with his body.

When he was in Xukongdao, he once cast the prototype of the universe, and finally gave birth to Xianli.

After that, the prototype of the universe dissipated.

Now, this kind of cosmic reproduction has made him discover many differences and interpretations.

Although the universe had all kinds of aura at the beginning, it was really too thin, but now his dantian has all kinds of auras, merged back to the Yuan, and gave birth to the rhyme of Wu.

What is Wu Zhiyun?

Wu Zhiyun also!

Qiyun is the origin of the universe and the cornerstone of all paths. It is like opening the heavens and the earth with it.

"Perhaps, after I break through life and death, I can refine the eightfold risks, and I can open up the universe of the human body."

Ling Feng was full of expectations, Wu Zhiyun was not waiting for the end of the Tao, more like opening a door to something different.

Diving away!

Ling Feng felt this way.

"Qiyun is the root. It was all wrong before."

Ling Feng sighed, in the final analysis, serving the Tao with his body is returning to the original source, so that its ten thousand Tao can be blended with aura, and then opened up the human body.


At the same time, he rushed in and penetrated the extremes of the sky and the corner of the sea. His insight was too deep and enlightened, and his interpretation of Tao was beyond the reach of others.

"It is said that the Ninth Nirvana can penetrate the eternal universe!"

Ling Feng said to himself.

The ninth level of Nirvana has the unpredictable heavenly majesty, which only exists in legends, and even the real Nirvana is not in the ancient scriptures. It depends on comprehension and uses the eightfold nirvana as the cornerstone to cast the ninefold heaven.

Once successful, you can penetrate the eternal horizon.

Obviously, in the eighth and ninth levels, Nirvana is no longer limited to Nirvana, but the evolution of the true meaning of the Dao, which is an interpretation of time, space, power, and the origin of the universe.

"I want to use the charm of martial arts as the cornerstone to cast the strongest divine universe and create a **** road!"

They walked on the wasteland, staggering, as if they would fall at any time, but each step was steady.

For five years, although Ling Feng was in Nirvana, he did not fall into a deep sleep like the previous Nirvana. He was very awake, so he learned something from Wu Xiu who occasionally flew by.

They knew that they had come to the realm of God.

This is a colorful and endless god's realm, with extraordinary momentum. I don't know how many years it has been. It is so vast that it is unimaginable. Even the universe, the devil's world, and the blue sky are far from an accident.

Only Lingshen Tianyu is comparable to the original universe.

The endless mountains and rivers cast the supreme master.

The years are faint, hundreds of millions of years old, just a pig will soar now, right?

"Does that immortal come from God's Domain?"

When Ling Feng asked, no one needed to answer.

The heavens of the gods are unpredictable, but they come, and sooner or later they will step through this heaven.

of course.

With their current strength, it is not easy to be high-profile, and it is easy to be knocked out.

They walked on the wasteland. On the one hand, the eightfold nirvana was different from the previous ones and did not require retreat. On the other hand, they were described by Shen Lie and Qiu Shuyi as haggard. With their current strength, they are difficult to heal and require various drugs. Refining top-level "Heaven Pill".

Their previous herbs were all consumed, and even if Ling Feng could refine the "Heaven Pill", it would be a clever woman without rice.

He needs top herbs!

Need a lot.

But he knew better that although this Tianxiang Mountain was extraordinary, it was unrealistic to get all kinds of big medicines. In a short time, it was almost impossible for him to get all kinds of herbs.

"How can I get it together quickly?"

Ling Feng frowned, closed his eyes and thought, but now the situation is indeed very difficult.

Soon, they came to a nearly dry creek, Ling Feng jumped in, and happily washed away the stains on his body, although it was described as haggard, it looked a little fresher in the end.

Shenlie was also tossed by him and cleaned up.

Suddenly, a creature blasted out from the bottom of the small river, leaving behind a dark hole. The sacred breath was permeated, enveloping and misty, and various visions appeared. Even if it was contaminated with mud and water, it was still extraordinary.

It is only a fist big, extremely agile, as if it was sealed at the bottom by a small river, and now it breaks through the soil and has to escape.


Ling Feng was startled, he hadn't noticed it before, and now he appeared in front of him, indeed a little strange.

He grabbed it and grabbed it like a huge mountain. Even if it was severely injured, the grandeur's vibe was like a natural, extraordinary posture, and he imprisoned the creature on the spot and landed it in his palm.


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