Supreme Demon

Chapter 3122: Everything begins to breathe!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The eighth level of nirvana, like the chasm of the sky, lies in front of you and is difficult to cross.

It is different from the past, it does not burn too fiercely, but is carried out in a "warm and moist" way, bit by bit to dissolve Ling Feng's persistence, such as cutting meat with a soft knife, which is more terrifying and unpredictable.

Ling Feng’s Dao wounds have long been cut off by the Eighth Heavenly Fire, and now his wounds come from the Heavenly Fire, and its horror is even greater than the Dao scars. Because the Heavenly Fire can cut off the Dao scars, it is even more terrifying and more difficult to cut unless it is refined by himself. .

Ling Feng sits cross-legged in the cave, meditation to realize, the spiritual consciousness wanders with the eight-fold heavenly fire, blending with it, to realize its intention and feel its feelings.

In the end, Ling Feng discovered the essence.

The eight-fold sky fire wanders through the flesh, muscles, bones and skin, cutting out everything, making it out of refinement, completely detached, but it is not extinguished, but it is the refinement of Lingfeng's meridians, dantian, and Wuzhiyun.

This kind of situation has happened before, but it is quite fierce. There is no such gradual progress as the eight-fold sky fire. It is precisely because of such Lingfeng that it is helpless.

"Exercise muscles and bones, and train a breath of energy inside!"

Ling Feng's eyes brightened a lot. In the past, he was helpless because he didn't know how to deal with when the eight-fold sky fire would go out. Now that he found the "dao wound", knowing how to prescribe the right medicine is naturally much easier.

"Exercising to the limit, to detachment!"

Ling Feng murmured, when he felt the original intention of the eight-fold sky fire, he was stunned by this nirvana.

This is not to guard against the sky, but to slaughter people!

There are thousands of people in the world, and there are so many outstanding talents, but how many people can really be refined?

"It's crazy, too dangerous." Shen Lie frowned, the more he understood, the more alarming he became. This kind of training needs to start from the most basic Qi training, step by step to the ultimate.

How to refine in Lingfeng Supreme Realm?

It is not enough to only refine the supreme realm. You need to jump out and make the ultimate leap, like a fish leaping over a dragon gate.

Ling Feng didn't speak, but his eyes were extremely cold. He was hurt to this point, only the ultimate leap could detach himself.

He wants to live, live to see Witch Ye, to see Ling Qing.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Lie sighed, and he saw that Ling Feng was going his own way.

"A great leap!"

Ling Feng responded with a serious face.

"You know what I want to ask is not this." Shen Lie's face was gloomy. This step was really too dangerous to make it completely tragic.

"Actually, you don't have to fight like that. This is not the only way. We still have a way."

"Serving the Tao with my body is to take a different path, relying on my loneliness and courage to move forward. If I dare not even take this step, how can I talk about being alone?"

Ling Feng shook his head, he was shaken in his heart at first, this is not a trivial matter, but desperate.

After only five breaths, his heart calmed down, his Dao heart was firm, and he no longer wavered.

Although extremely dangerous, it can open up a stronger way.

Shen Lie's injuries and Qiu Shuyi's injuries can't stand it anymore, and Dao Pill must be refined as soon as possible, at least to stabilize their injuries.

Ling Feng didn't dare to wait, let alone wait.

"Don't say more, I am willing to take my loneliness and courage, and finally make a leap!"

On this day, Ling Feng sacrificed the Spirit Devouring Orb and dashed into the cave. Although the cave was restricted, there were strong enemies around, which was still not reassuring enough. Only in the Spirit Devouring Orb, Ling Feng dared to let go.

The Spirit Devouring Orb is becoming more and more different. There are thousands of vibes shining here, the ancient thunder gliding through the void, and the chaotic vibes flowing slowly, and the space within it becomes solid and unmatched. Even the celestial figures will never want to shake it.

The Spirit Devouring Orb is more like a vast universe, separated by endless light.

This kind of change occurred after Ling Feng was promoted to the Supreme, and Wu Zhiyun was flooded with it and was absorbed by the Spirit Devouring Orb, which led to this drastic change.

To tell the truth, Ling Feng was stunned by this sight. The previous Spirit Devouring Orb did not have such a sight. The space was distinct and separated from each other. There was a sense of beauty, but there was absolutely no chaotic charm, and there was no flow of light.

Mysterious and unpredictable, with extraordinary momentum.

"Spirit Devouring Orb is getting more and more mysterious."

Shen Lie smiled, it seemed as if the universe was heading for a prosperous age, and although the chaotic aura of today was weak, it was beneficial to Wu Xiu, it could nourish their injuries and strengthen their road.

"Perhaps in this world, we can lift its veil."

On Ling Feng's forehead, the Spirit Devouring Orb appeared magically, and even the chaotic aura came out, vaguely giving Ling Feng a very strange feeling.

It is like a sky, lying in front of it.

In the distance, mountains and rivers emerge, all floating in the void, entangled by chaos, invisible and true, as if it were a prehistoric mountain, revealing sharp aura.

Ling Fengfei rose and landed on the huge mountain, looking down at the mountains and rivers, and had a different feeling.

"Disperse as much as possible to reshape!"

Ling Feng looked at Dantian inwardly, his eyes were sharp and not sentimental. He wanted to break the limit. In every realm, he needed to disperse everything and start from the beginning.

This requires considerable courage.

More to face the grief of losing everything.

Born in destruction.

Jump in front of the dragon gate!


Nine days of trembling, rumbling completely, the Spirit Devouring Orb space collapsed, I don’t know how heavy it was. Although Ling Feng had already hid to the edge, a supreme had all gone, and Wu Zhiyun had completely collapsed and escaped to the surroundings. Like the sky collapsed.

Ling Feng deliberately suppressed, not wanting to destroy everything with his own power, but still shook three thousand ways and destroyed hundreds of spaces, causing many trapped creatures and characters to tremble, as if the end is coming.

Shen Lie changed his color, he was thrown on the other side by Ling Feng, but he was still blasted into the distance, almost collapsed to death.

"What a monster!"

Divine light flew, ten thousand ways mingled together, terrible power swept the world, and the entire Spirit Devouring Orb space was turbulent, which could not be calmed for a long time.

This is still in the Spirit Devouring Orb. If it falls on the outside world, one can imagine what kind of tsunami response will be caused. I am afraid that the Heavenly Venerable will fall, and the Supreme Venerable will be hit hard. If it is discovered by the God Emperor and other characters, Ling Feng’s whereabouts can be a tragedy.

This is exactly what he worried about.

A few days later, Ling Feng became a lot older at once, with more white hair and withered skin, like a flower, without vitality, it would fall at any time.

Wu Zhiyun is his great avenue, but also his source of life.

When the rhyme of Wu was exhausted, his vitality seemed to have been taken away, making him aged instantly, almost dead of old age.

"Born in the tiny, leap in front of the dragon gate!"

Ling Feng's eyes were firm, and he didn't want to waver, he had a big medicine in his mouth, even if the years were merciless, he could hold on.


"Void Dao" was running, the surrounding area of ​​Ling Feng glowed, and endless aura came slowly, submerged in his pores and seven orifices, and immediately nine air currents appeared, hovering at the bottom of his dantian.


Ling Feng used nine air currents to make a collision, which gave birth to the four elephants, Tianwei.

Blue dragon, white, tiger, Suzaku, basalt.

The four elephants sit at the four corners of the pubic field, and then nine air currents boil from the pubic field, turning into four real dragons, disregarding the sky, uttering the sound of dragons, and then rushing into it to form the four dragons.

Ling Feng is currently in a state of transcendence, and his vision is naturally different. He can see more and condense more.


This is the foundation of all things, the origin of the Great Dao, and the cornerstone of the Ten Thousand Dao. Ling Feng started with the martial arts realm and wanted to build it to the most solid state and make it solid and immortal. Only in this way can he go further and be more determined.

Four images, four dragons, gossip, **** pictures... all kinds of pictures are presented.

In the end, nine images appeared in Lingfeng's Dantian.

"Nine Nine into One!"

Ling Feng yelled, various images smashed, and the strongest warrior in history was born!


Nine days and tens of thousands of ways rang together, the world was in turmoil, even through the Spirit Devouring Orb, a flash of lightning fell down, stabbing, and suppressing Ling Feng.

The lightning flashed across the sky like a sword, almost cutting Ling Feng open.


Ling Feng let out a mournful cry, supported him with his flesh and blood, and his flesh and blood was immortal. He survived this kind of wound and survived, while the medicine in his mouth played the most crucial role, moisturizing his body.

"Away to kill!"

Ling Feng said in a muffled voice, the birth of the four elephants with nine air currents is already against the sky, and he will be punished by the sky, but he uses nine airflows to build the supreme cornerstone.

Even the Spirit Devouring Orb couldn't prevent this kind of slaughter.

Obviously, the way of heaven is not tolerated, and it proves that the "foundation stone" that Ling Feng will cast is too heavenly.

"Chaos gas?"

When the nine different pictures were torn apart, a fuzzy chaotic ground was formed, with a faint faint earthy yellow gleaming, like fireflies, extremely thin and invisible, but Ling Feng could sense it.

It looked like an ancient qi of chaos, more like two qi of black and yellow.

At the beginning of the world, everything is born!

Is this going to break the ground?

"A great leap, this is the beginning!"

Ling Feng recovered from his injuries, and after healed himself, he attacked the martial arts realm, the nine cyclones were unified, and various top-level pictures were born, like a vision, and then merged into one.


The Spirit Devouring Orb is full of weather, the main road is roaring, the picture is fragmented, there are faults, the world is turbulent, and many creatures are trembling and inexplicably panic, although the momentum is not strong.

A cyclone is like a dragon across the sky, like the sun and the moon, and like a river of heaven.

It appeared in Lingfeng's dantian, and the chaotic air current did not dissipate, but turned into a source, rushing to all parts of Lingfeng's body, drawing strength from it, and watering the dantian.

"No, this is not chaotic and ancient."

Ling Feng was stunned, then surprised.

Chaos Air Current does not have such power, it is more like the beginning of all things.

Although small, it is absolutely terrifying.

That is the first qi that nourishes all things, and the first ray that opens up the world.

As the sun shines, it revives everything.

And the cyclone was born from that strand, slowly rising, rushing to the realm of the martial master, towards the martial master, and spreading to the martial master.

Wu Zun is a boundary.

Up is Shinto, and down is Humanity.

Ling Feng was not eager to break through. He used various powers to temper himself, making the realm of Dao indestructible, reaching an astounding level. Only then did he bombard the divine Dao and rush in bravely.


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