Supreme Demon

Chapter 3124: The first tree!

"Supreme God and Demon"

"I wipe it!"

Ling Feng was stunned. It was the number one star in the world, with extraordinary good fortune and magical abilities. A single star could be called a god-level realm, making the gods bow and bow down.

The characters of Zhu Tiandao are not a problem.

But now it has turned into a leaf on the tender seedling, crystal clear, radiant, and flowing with chaos and ancient aura, so bright that it is impossible to look directly at it.


The power of the big medicine is condensed but not dispersed, like a torrential river, nurturing the seedling, making it grow a little longer, just a little bit.

A piece of emptiness jumped out, and the seedling flew down, becoming the second leaf on the seedling. It was so beautiful that it was like a beautiful young girl, dancing lightly, as if to walk out of the seedling, horizontally and horizontally.

That was the magical place of nothingness that was born in the realm of Heaven's Dao, and it was unfathomable. Even with Ling Feng's current understanding of the avenue, he couldn't see how good fortune and magic this place of nothingness was.

Today, it has also become a leaf.

When this leaf is formed, ten thousand ways will disintegrate and cannot appear. The five thunders roar and the heavens return to the origin. They are all singing in Zen. The place of nothingness is like an old monk sitting in the morning, knocking on a wooden fish in the morning, and singing hymns in the sunset .

All the avenues of the heavens kowtow.

At the same time, Ling Feng discovered that he had actually advanced to the Supreme Realm, and his power was like a broken bamboo without any influence. It was only because of the appearance of the seedling, not even the Heavenly Dao killing.

Perhaps this is because he had the mark of the avenue before, so he could easily advance to the ranks without being imprisoned by the avenue.

The rhyme of Wu reappeared, the essence of heaven and earth, the primordial energy of all things and the power of great medicine condensed, bursting out incomparable light, shining through the mountains and rivers, sinking the avenue and destroying the universe.

The rhyme of Wu at this moment is different. It is bred from the beginning of all things. Its power is not limited to the supreme. It feels like going to the celestial pole. Shen Lie is watching from a distance, separated by a few spaces, with both eyes She shed blood, tears, and pain.

Even he can't look directly at him.

But Wu Zhiyun did not hang on the branches, although it was conceived from the beginning of all things, it did not belong to the extreme leap, and the sky fire became more intense, burning the flesh and blood of Lingfeng, wanting to swallow everything.

Ling Feng snorted, sensing the terrifying aura in the sky fire, his flesh, blood and bones were quickly disintegrating, and he was afraid that he would persist soon.

"The ultimate leap must be completed as soon as possible!"

Tianhuo reacted fiercely, like urging, more like urging.

When Ling Feng found the source of the problem, it was equivalent to opening the door of Skyfire and speeding up the entire process.

It was not Ling Feng that took the initiative to respond to the robbery, but the sky fire forced Ling Feng to respond.

This is a test of life and death, but also a time contest.

Soon afterwards, the endless essence and all things began to flourish, catalyzing the rhyme of six martial arts, these are the six martial arts of ancient martial arts, each is different, and each other is cast into a sickle, called the whirlwind sickle.

So far, this is Ling Feng's top comprehension, and the most magnificent chapter is born by serving the Tao.

But this is still not the limit of serving the Tao.


Ling Feng didn't think much about it. If he wanted to go further and complete the ultimate leap, he had to break and stand. He directly shattered the charm of the six martial arts, causing the whirlwind sickle to fall apart, become fragments, kneaded by it, and form dust.

next moment.

These dusts are melted in one place to undergo the ultimate evolution, and a more dazzling picture will be shot out of the sudden change.

The qi of all things is turbulent, and through the Spirit Devouring Orb, absorbing the essence of the heavens and the earth, making this world dry up, but it is very vague, and does not alarm the Sifang Wuxiu.

The galaxy in Lingfeng Dantian surged, endless waves hit the shore, and then formed a billowing qi rushing into the sky, blending into the broken whirlwind sickle.

All the auras that Ling Feng had escaped before were incorporated into the body, and the auras spawned by the Spirit Devouring Orb was also taken over and became a small wave in the Beginning Qi Galaxy.

Ling Feng is taking drugs again.

Qi Yun was consumed too quickly, and it was too slow to absorb the essence of heaven and earth. He couldn't keep up with the rhythm, so he had to use various drugs.

"Fight, we still have time!"

Shen Lie shouted across a few spaces, he knew Ling Feng was still scrupulous and didn't want to run out of everything, because some big medicines were meant to be left for him and Qiu Shuyi to continue their lives.

But the situation waited for no one, and if he didn't do everything he could, Ling Feng was afraid he would lose his credit.

"it is good!"

After hesitating for a long time and insisting a little, Ling Feng sighed.

This time there is too much movement, if you don't use all of it, he will be swallowed up by the sky fire and completely wiped out.

Ling Feng took out six great medicines. They were colorful and bloomed in the void. One plant was in harmony with the empty space. The color was almost the same. It should be the great medicine of the void. There was glow in the medicine, and it produced star-like fruits.

It is very precious and belongs to the rare kind in the world.

The reason why Ling Feng took Xu Yuetian female into captivity was to torture the origin of this Void Medicine.


Ling Feng threw six big medicines into his mouth, chewed hard, all kinds of medicinal liquids quickly melted into the body, and finally even the residue was eaten by Ling Feng, so he didn't want to waste any medicine.


The top-level medicine brings a huge amount of aura, and the dry beginning gas galaxy is quickly filled up, filled with mist, spraying out all kinds of visions, there are ancient void beasts covering the sky, the world's ancient trees flying up in the sky, and even more so The faint guillotine was looming... even the true dragon and divine phoenix were squeezed away and left aside.

The endless vibes merged into the atmosphere of the beginning of the world, rushing to the six broken sickles.

The atmosphere there is like a sea, constantly changing and evolving, and in the end there are more roads vacated, and the atmosphere is endless.


After a long time, it turned into nothingness, all the fragments and light disappeared, only the law of time and the rule of ten thousand were shining, rising up like a stream of water, and transpiring rays of light, magnificent like a rainbow.

at the same time.

The sky fire in Ling Feng's body flew, and the flesh, muscles, bones and skins were relieved. It landed on the pubic area and burned the glow and the rainbow with the supreme sky fire, making the six-handed sickle fragments completely virtual, as if to be wiped out.

All kinds of visions boiled, breaking through the sky, endless glow and flames, magnificent beyond imagination.

The Lingfeng Dantian boiled, the blue sea was generating waves, which stirred up a thousand waves, and then quickly dried up, that is, the seabed springs were all dried up, and there was no beginning Qi gushing out, and all the power was integrated into the glow of the sun and the rainbow.

Ling Feng's flesh, muscles, bones and skin were cracked, and the essence was lost, which was absorbed by the glow and became the nutrient for the ultimate leap.

His hair withered yellow, then gray.

His skin was dry and cracked and then turned to ashes.

Even the bones of the Dao are cracked, and there is no human appearance.

This was an unprecedented refinement, crueler than any refinement that Ling Feng had experienced. For a moment, it seemed as if an eternity had passed, and various pictures flashed in his heart.


Finally, Ling Feng came over, although he was on the verge of death, he did not completely die.

At this moment, there was a strange noise from his dantian, like an ancient creature awakening, a beam of light pierced the sky, making the gods kowtowed, and they dared not look directly. Even the creatures like Shen Lie closed their eyes for fear of injury.

All kinds of light and rain scattered, revealing a leaf.

That leaf was like a void agate, and there seemed to be drops of water on the leaf, hanging like a drop, only as big as a baby's nails, but like a universe, reflecting the heavens, surrounded by the primordial energy of all things, and various visions appeared, like opening up the world.

"That's not a leaf!"

Ling Feng stared at that leaf, saying that it was a leaf because it was as thin as a cicada's wing and shone like a leaf, but its essence was not a leaf, but a metal weapon.

"Like a blade tire!"

Ling Feng said in surprise, the six sickles shattered like a fish leaping over a dragon gate, jumping out, completing an unprecedented detachment.

And, tempered by the fire of heaven, it gradually improved and became indestructible.

However, it turned out to be a blade tire.

Not a leaf or a blade.

It is the most primitive part of the blade. It has not been finely polished, and there is no extremely sharp blade. Although the whole is smooth enough, it is not sharp enough, and there is no shank.

As far as casters are concerned, blade tires are only the initial form and need to be further refined.

"Not enough power?"

Ling Feng muttered to himself, very puzzled, the blade is a kind of obsession in his heart, it is the most ideal weapon, so after the six sickles were broken, he cast the blade as he pleased.

It's just not complete, only blade tires appeared.

"It should be that all kinds of power are not enough."

Ling Feng explained that the six sickles must be broken because they wanted to give birth to the blade, but the power was not enough in the later stage, and only the blade was cast.

"I need big medicine, I need essence, I need the qi of all things."

Ling Feng's eyes were burning, and now he does not have the feeling of perfection in the Supreme Realm. He has not reached the limit in this realm, and it is much worse, at least not as good as before.

But the overall strength is stronger, but there is a gap in the realm.

If the supreme realm is divided into four levels: beginning, middle, later, and perfection, he should only be in the middle stage.

"There is still a way to go. If you want the Supreme Consummation, you have to cast an unparalleled tire."


With a flash of the blade, it landed on the small tree, causing the tree body to tremble slightly, emitting a little bit of aura, and then it hung on the tree body and became the third leaf.

At this point, the fire of Nirvana dissipated, letting Ling Feng bleed, and the eighth fire of heaven in trouble was extinguished.

Nirvana is successful!

Ling Feng was vigorous and his flesh and blood revived. There were three leaves hanging on the small tree. At this moment, all things began to gush out from the small tree, nourishing Ling Feng's damaged and dry body. The speed was terrifying, only for a moment. Suddenly, Ling Feng was full of flesh and blood, and his muscles and bones were full, and the godless eyes also became radiant, flying up.

The little tree swayed slightly, Ling Feng's vitality and blood revived, and Dao Soul stepped into its heyday. He was completely healed, detached, and embarked on an invincible road with no one before or after.

"Humanity casts the sea of ​​primordial energy, Shendao casts the first star in the world, and heaven casts the land of nothingness, and now it has cast a blade."

Looking inside, Ling Feng smiled dumbly.

Now, the sea of ​​Beginning Qi has become the Beginning Qi Galaxy, as since ancient times, the first star, the land of nothingness, and the blade womb are all hung on the small tree. It spills the mist of the void, like the ancient chaos, If the immortal air is hazy, the beginning of the air is gurgling.

Lightwaves are incomparably holy.

Whether it is the first star, the land of nothingness, or the unobservable blade fetus, they are all extraordinary and powerful. I am afraid that there are not many seedlings in the world that can withstand this kind of power?

"Shenyu's first tree?"

Ling Feng suddenly asked, "Is this the tree of all things?"


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