Supreme Demon

Chapter 3156: confusing!

"Supreme God and Demon"

In front of Shenhai.

Don't mention how frustrated the Little Spirit King and the Emperor of Glory are. They wanted to dismiss Ling Feng and find the whereabouts of Xu Yue Tiannv first, because the peerless Taoist seed might be in the hands of Xu Yue Tiannv.

As for how to divide up, it's the latter matter.

However, Ling Feng was too "kind", and he did not want the two characters to go alone. They wanted to go together to prevent them from being attacked by the Eight Spirits, and Ling Feng explained.

Shenhai is not Tianxiang Mountain, and it will happen any time. Everyone walks forward together and forms an alliance, watching and helping each other, and it is not easy to be sniped.

"I have admired Xu Yuetian for a long time."

In the end, Ling Feng is the ultimate ultimate move, expressing his admiration for Xu Yuetian, like a surging river, endless.

"The Xuyue goddess is the proud daughter of heaven. If you see her true face, she will be blessed by the three."

Ling Feng said facelessly, completely unaware of the expressions of the Little Spirit King and the Son of Glory.

If the person in front of him were not that ruthless person, they would now want to rub this shamelessly on the ground.

The two Tianjiao persuaded each other kindly, and they both spoke with each other's words: "Brother Ruthless Dao, Peerless Taoism is too important. If you are caught by the Eight Spirits and others first, you will miss a good luck."

"It's okay."

Ling Feng said confidently: "If they get it, then they will completely suppress it and take it back."

The two Tianjiao were dumbfounded, this is indeed a ruthless style, and they will be suppressed at every turn to retake the Taoism.

"Brother Dao does not know that there is no simple figure in the Eight Spirits Gods. If he catches the peerless Dao seeds, he will use the ancient altar to cross the void, fly directly out of the Tianxiang Mountain and appear next to the **** emperor. It will be too late then."

"It's kind of tricky."

Ling Feng frowned, underestimated the Eight Spirit Gods, and ignored the ancient altar. How could the **** emperor dare to let the Eight Spirit Gods enter Tianxiang Mountain?

It may be easy to defeat the Eight Spiritual Gods, but it is as difficult to ascend to heaven if you want to slaughter the Eight Spiritual Gods.

"Brother Dao, don't miss this good fortune."

The emperor Glory sighed: "We were entrusted by the ancient Xu Yue clan to find the whereabouts of the Xu Yue goddess first, and then we can enter the competition. If the Dao brother takes a step forward, at least we can know the whereabouts of the peerless Taoist species."

"If we wait for us to find the Xu Yue goddess, and the Peerless Dao Seed is not left behind, then we will join forces to sweep the Eight Spirit Gods and other forces and take the Peerless Dao Seed."

"Brother Dao, can you agree?"

The emperor of glory and the little spirit king were struggling to speak, tongue, and saliva, and their mouths were worn out. They still only made Ling Feng move, and did not make a statement.

"Brother Dao, don't wait for me."

The Little Spirit King urged Ling Feng to make a decision as soon as possible: "The Eight Spirit Gods are missing. Obviously they will be much faster than us. I am afraid that it will be too late."

Suddenly, Ling Feng raised his head and looked at the Little Spirit King and the Son of Glory. The expressions in his eyes made the two characters feel like they were standing upright.

"I know."

Ling Feng said with some enlightenment: "You definitely don't want to walk with me."


The little spirit king and the emperor of glory almost spit out their essence. Although they did mean that, they were pierced by Ling Feng face to face.

They just wanted to dismiss Ling Feng first, not to annoy Ling Feng.

"Brother Ruthless, we didn't mean that."

The Son of Glory woke up in shock, he smiled and explained: "Walking with ruthless people, we can't ask for it, but..."

"With your words, I will walk with you today."

Ling Feng waved his hand and said quite refreshingly: "I know you are afraid of trouble, so think for me, but if I really leave, I will be a dog meat friend, I am so sorry to you."


The little spirit king and the emperor of glory only felt that their chests were tight and panicked. They wanted to spray but couldn't spray them, and they were almost suffocated.

Can you understand it this way?

"Brother Ruthless Dao, I haven't finished my words yet." The Son of Honor resisted the urge to vomit blood, and said, "That's a peerless Dao, everyone regards it as a treasure. We are just being shackled, otherwise..."

"I know."

Ling Feng smiled, and said, "I just made a joke with you, and it scares you all."


The Emperor of Glory and the King of Little Spirit really wanted to strangle him directly. This ruthless man was definitely deliberate, but he finally made it clear that Ling Feng could act separately without being followed.

Once they got the Peerless Dao Seed, they decided to return home immediately, or take this ruthless man back home.

Those three ancient chariots and treasures made them extremely excited.

At the same time, Ling Feng's strength is extremely strong, and his background is afraid to reach the sky, otherwise it will be difficult to cultivate such a talented arrogant.

They not only value Ling Feng, but also attach great importance to the "power" behind Ling Feng.

"Then I will first find the whereabouts of the peerless Dao Seed for you, but please be sure to bring Xu Yue Tiannv back. I have been a goddess for a long time."

Ling Feng made a sincere request, and then left in the sight of the Glory Emperor and the Little Spirit King.

"It's a plague god."

The emperor Glory said with a headache, Ling Feng, a ruthless person, made people want to get close, but also wanted to stay away immediately.

"Find Xu Yue Tiannv first!"

The Little Spirit King frowned. That ruthless man was indeed a troublesome figure, and he needed to stay away.

Soon, the two of them flew into the distance, following the breath of Xu Yuetian lady.

"You are so poisonous!"

In the other direction, Shen Lie looked at the direction where the Little Spirit King and the Son of Glory were leaving, grinning and said to Ling Feng: "Those two people are probably going crazy by you."

"They wanted to leave me and search for the whereabouts of Xu Yue Tiannv alone. They were very anxious, so I dragged them."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "However, the green face is quite interesting."

"Now, they should be amnesty?"

Shen Lie said with a smile.

"Let them find it first."

"no problem?"

"What can be the problem?"

"If they really get the Peerless Dao Seed, then all their plans will be ruined." Shen Lie reminded that Ling Feng was playing too much this time. He released the Peerless Dao Seed and Xu Yue Tiannv together, causing disaster.

"Hehe, if they get the Peerless Dao Seed, how can I play it?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and flew slowly in the sky, not in a hurry.

A few days ago, he quietly sneaked into the Shenhai, threw out the Peerless Dao Seed, and threw Xu Yue Tiannv into the Shenhai Forbidden Land. He would wake up within an hour, and he would definitely find the Peerless Dao Seed.

By then, the truth will be even more confusing.

Because Ling Feng knew that whether it was the Eight Spirit Gods, the Son of Glory, and the Little Spirit King, they suspected that there was a fourth person in the Tianxiang Mountain.

As far as the current performance is concerned, people may guess that it is him, but that is just suspicion.

He released the Xu Yue goddess. On the one hand, he had no grievances with the goddess and was unwilling to use swords against her. On the other hand, he wanted to confuse the gods and make the truth more difficult to guess.

Of course, it is not so easy to grab the celestial phenomenon Tao seed, but Ling Feng released the God Devouring Stone, and it was used to drive the peerless Tao seed, even the Eight Spirit Gods, even the supreme, wanted to capture it alive.

"We follow the breath of the Eight Spirit Gods, and sooner or later we will find the Xu Yue goddess."

Ling Feng galloped forward, not fast, but firmly grasped the direction of the Eight Spirits.

The Eight Spiritual Gods are all extraordinary people. It is not difficult to find the whereabouts of Xu Yuetian Girl. With Ling Feng's strength, even the Eight Spiritual Gods would never find out.


Not long afterwards, a fierce battle broke out in Yuancong. Someone discovered the whereabouts of Xu Yue Tiannv, and the celestial phenomenon was more intense, and it was in the same direction as Xu Yue Tiannv, not far away.

When Ling Feng arrived, the fierce battle had ended. There were several **** corpses on the ground. As far as the clothes were concerned, it was possible to tell which forces they were, but Ling Feng did not know them well.

"Someone is chasing the goddess Xu Yue, the Little Spirit King and the Son of Glory have already arrived here."

Ling Feng sniffed the air and found the breath of the two.

"Xu Yue Tiannv should be injured. She is not as strong as the Eight Spirit Gods and those two." Shen Lie nodded and said.

Ling Feng followed and galloped, and he didn't worry about the peerless Dao species. It had its own pride. Even the top arrogant such as Ling Feng needed to show strength and convince the peerless Dao species to bow its head.

Peerless Dao species were captured alive, not attracted by talent.


Not long after, another fierce battle broke out, flying for three hundred miles, causing great turbulence. Some Wuxiu gods fell and some were seriously injured, but more people chased forward.

"The Eight Spirits have started, and the three Xu Yuetian women were injured!"

When Ling Feng landed on this battlefield, he made a judgment from the ruins everywhere.

"God Devouring Stone is not a small thing to play." Shen Lie grinned, his perception here is more obvious, with the breath of God Devouring Stone.

"It's a bit floating!"

Ling Feng nodded, being surrounded and suppressed by the Eight Spirits God and others at such a close distance, even the Divine Devouring Stone is extremely dangerous, and it is not easy to get rid of it.

"Find the whereabouts of Xu Yuetian woman first, I think this story must be very exciting." Shen Lie smiled evilly.

Shortly after.

Ling Feng found the emperor of glory, the little spirit king, and the veiled, floating woman on a high mountain.

"Brother Ruthless, you are finally here!"

The Son of Glory lost his image at the moment, and became very enthusiastic, as if he was eager to see through.

"what happened?"

Ling Feng looked at the wounds on the bodies of several people, his eyes stunned.

"It's a long story, so I will make it short."

The Little Spirit King stood up and explained, "Presumably, Brother Dao should have heard of what happened in Tianxiang Mountain. The Son of Glory was photographed unconscious, I was framed, and the whereabouts of the Goddess Xu Yue is unknown."


"At the time, we suspected that there was a fourth person."


"But it turned out later that this is not the case."

"What's going on?" Ling Feng frowned and asked.

"Next, let me explain."

Xu Yuetian's voice was crisp and she came slowly. Although she was covered with a veil, her white forehead was still visible: "I was knocked out and taken away. I have been in a coma and didn't wake up until these few days."

Xu Yue Tiannv is very depressed, even more depressed, as if she had passed away.

"When I woke up, I was in Shenhai, and the peerless Taoist species also fled to Shenhai. I don't know what happened, or who took me abducted."

"True sumo is confusing."


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