Supreme Demon

Chapter 3158: Tianxu Spirit God!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The high mountains are cold.

The scenery is unique and beautiful.

At this moment, what is colder than the wind is the solemn atmosphere, and what is more beautiful than the scenery is the sky and stars.

Ahead, a magnificent aura came suddenly, with a **** chill, like covering the sky from the cold current, and instantly appeared in front of Ling Feng and others.

The endless waves of air surging from the distant sky made all the alpine creatures bow their heads, scared and trembling, and did not dare to breathe or breathe.


The void was dull and trembling, and a terrifying ancient chariot was breaking through the space, and it came quickly. Behind the ancient chariot, an endless tail flame appeared. That was the picture of the essence of heaven and earth being destroyed by the ancient chariot and then burned.

The tail flames set off the aura of an ancient chariot, and the mere appearance made many people tremble and chill in their hearts.

Eight ancient beasts appeared in the air, dragging the ancient chariot. Each ancient beast was very handsome, like a horse like a tiger. A bunch of hairs appeared on the top of their heads, which were gilt-colored. Engraved with **** patterns, but it is very vague to see.

That is the eight gods!

Every **** tiger and horse are ancient beasts. They are all Dao beasts. They can rival those of the heaven and the Dao. It's just that these eight gods and tigers have just asked Dao successfully. At present, they are only the ancient beasts of the Yuan Emperor. This level of emperor.

If the small universe placed in front of Ling Feng, just this way of appearance could shock the powers of the heavens, and even trigger a war between the monster race and the human race, but in the spiritual world, this is a normal thing.

The powerful can control everything.

Ancient beasts can pull carts, Dao types can pull carts, even people can pull carts.


In the other direction, an ancient chariot galloped in, breaking through many spaces, disintegrating it, and flying around the curtain with an ancient beast carved on it, like a crane soaring into the sky, and the sky reflected.

This ancient chariot is extraordinary, there is no ancient beast to pull a cart, only one ancient chariot can gallop through the world.


There was a sound in the third direction, and another ancient chariot appeared. This ancient chariot was even more different. Its body was broken, and its wheels and wooden axles were decayed. However, the entire ancient chariot was engraved with simple road patterns. In the middle, the lines flow out like spring water.

It merged into an ancient beast, turned out to be a flaming bird.

It was not a flaming bird with flesh and blood, it was only evolved from Dao patterns, and it was used to pull a cart. It was strange and powerful, surpassing the other two ancient chariots.

at the same time.

The fourth ancient chariot came from afar and appeared in the fourth direction. This ancient chariot was much more normal. It was pulled by six ancient beasts, with colored ribbons all over the sky, and dancing in the wind. A woman sat in the middle of it. It is a beautiful and refined generation.

"Four Spirits Gods, really worthy of us!"

Xu Yuetian’s female jade face changed suddenly, and her voice became much colder. She had suffered a big loss and knew how terrifying the eight spirit gods were. Especially among the five spirit gods, there were ancient chariots beside them, which was an invincible myth.

The other three spirit gods are weaker, there is no ancient chariot, but the overall strength is not weak at all, but extremely strong.

"Really obsessed, can be called obsessiveness."

The Son of Glory said coldly: "They can't find the Peerless Dao Seed, so they want to attack us."

"The Tao is not visible, we must always be passive!"

The Little Spirit King sighed, the celestial elephant Tao seed appeared in the Shenhai, but it quickly disappeared before people, so many people looked at the Xu Yue goddess, feeling that the Tao seed fell in the hands of the goddess.

Of course, some characters are afraid that they are not limited to Taoism, and some people want to take advantage of Taoism to get rid of them.

The reason is that the Phoenix Heavenly Kungfu has come out, and other forces should have received the news. It is very likely that they know that it is not a complete Phoenix Heavenly Kungfu. The last volume is in the sea of ​​Xu Yuetian female souls. They do not want it to return to the origin and want to eliminate the troubles.

Soon after, the mountains were turbulent, the crowds rolled, and too many people came.

In addition to the Four Spirits Gods, there are some other powers' Heavenly Sovereigns, and even the Supreme Sovereigns, who hide in them, waiting for opportunities.

Of course, the Fifth Spiritual God and the other three Spiritual Gods should have also come, but they don't want to come forward now.


Ling Feng smiled. He sensed that the Heavenly Cave Spirit God, Heavenly Lake Spirit God, and Snow Mountain Spirit God were far away, but he didn't want to show up for fear of angering Ling Feng, so he unveiled their "black scarf" on the spot.

They were even more reluctant to leave, and now facing Ling Feng and others' disadvantage, as long as the four spirit gods can suppress Ling Feng and others, they will immediately appear, take Ling Feng out, and eliminate the troubles forever.

"I can't find Dao Seed, so I want to use our sacrificial sword."

Ling Feng pointed out the key, sometimes too good, but also at fault.


The forehead that the Son of Glory believed deeply, he dared to guarantee that some of these people came for the Phoenix Heavenly Art, and some even wanted to kill the wizards and didn't want them to grow up.

Some people are afraid that the Phoenix Heavenly Power will be completely blended and will make them reach the limit.

At that time, the eight spirit gods will be transposed.

"Xu Yue goddess, hand over Dao seed."

After the ancient chariot, one person flew out, coldly to Ling Feng and the four, shouting: "Don't force us to be strong against you!"

"I said, I didn't catch the Dao Seed." Xu Yue Tiannv said gloomily, "You have found the wrong person, and even the wrong direction."

"The mouth is unprovoked, how do we believe you?" The man obviously didn't believe it.

"Then what are you going to do?" Xu Yuetian asked.

"Expand the soul sea, let us explore!" The person said quite domineeringly.

"I was presumptuously calculated before, but now everything is lost, there is nothing to detect." Xu Yuetian said coldly, "The peerless Taoist is not here."

"Then let the Glory Son and the Little Spirit King unfold the soul sea, let us explore!"

"Go away, what are you?"

The Glory Emperor and the Little Spirit King yelled on the spot. They were all Tianjiao. Although they did not take the last step, they were not detectable by a servant. The man made it clear that he would insult them.

"Huh, are you guilty?"

"I think Dao seeds are in their hands."

Someone around said that they would encourage everyone to use swords on the three of them.


Ling Feng hissed, despising the people's careful thoughts, clearly thinking of them, but looking for an extremely legitimate reason.

Everyone squinted their eyes, but no one spoke, because they were very taboo against this ruthless man.

Even the three ancient forces have killed many characters, and the three ancient chariots have been seized. They are still in their hands. This shows that they are strong, even the spirit and gods will not necessarily be able to win the battle.

Without the permission of the spirits, they dare to make trouble?

"The Taoist seed is indeed not the goddess's income, you are looking in the wrong direction." Ling Feng said coldly: "Those who want to get the Taoist seed can leave now, and those who want to deal with us, want to get rid of the Tianjiao, can stay."

People's faces are all sinking, and this ruthless man feels tricky with a word.

Those who are looking for peerless Dao species need to leave, but those who remain are to get rid of them and make their stand clear.

The gods are silent, not knowing how to express their position.

To stay here is to disadvantage them, and to get rid of their future troubles, this sentence is too shameful.

"Brother Dao, we are not going to be against them, but the truth has not surfaced." Inside an ancient chariot, a spirit **** spoke, and at this time only he dared to confront.

"Which power?"

"Which spirit god?"

Ling Feng raised his head and squinted at the ancient chariot, which made everyone present a heartbeat.

At the beginning, this ruthless man had asked the Spiritual God of Snow Mountain in this way, and then the Spiritual God of Snow Mountain was suppressed, and the ancient chariot and the broken bowl treasure were taken away.

"Tianxu Road!"

"They call me Tianxu Spirit God!"

There was a voice inside the ancient chariot, neither humble nor overbearing, and was not frightened by the ruthless man Ling Feng.

"Really not humble."

Ling Feng hissed: "Look at me suppressing the Three Spiritual Gods and kicking them off Wuming Mountain. Have you ever claimed to be a Spiritual God?"


People couldn't help changing their colors, especially the survivors and latecomers of the three ancient forces, their faces were embarrassing, because Ling Feng used the fiasco of the Three Spirits to set off his wise martial arts, modest and low-key.


Tianxu Lingshen was almost suffocated to death by Ling Feng's words.

He is not humble!

Ruthless and humble!

Ling Feng used to set off more than Dongtian Lingshen and others, including him.

"I'm waiting for Dao seed, Dao brother is so arrogant, I'm afraid there is something wrong." Tianxu Lingshen try to keep calm, not as knowledgeable as Ling Feng, because he wants to maintain the image of Tianxu Tao.

"Is it?"

Ling Feng said coldly: "We have already said very clearly, and indeed we have never obtained Dao Seed."

"The mouth is unproven, Dao brother should know."

"Do you have to fight a battle?"

"If Dao brother understands this way, it would be good." Tianxu Spiritual God is very calm, showing a strong side, even if he is not afraid of facing ruthless people, this makes the faces of Tianxu Dao gods happy.

Although the eight spirit gods are all the arrogant gods of the spiritual **** universe, like the eight brightest stars in the sky, the brightness of each star is different.

Dongtian spirit god, Tianchi spirit god, etc. should be the weakest three spirit gods, while other spirit gods are obviously stronger.

"Um... right."

Ling Feng seemed to think of something, and said, "I once promised others that I would catch you and plead guilty in front of her."


Shocked thousands of waves.

Not to mention that all the gods present were stunned, even the Tianxu Spiritual God himself was stunned, and he didn't expect that Ling Feng would say this.

"I am also entrusted by others, and want to take your head!"

Tianxu Lingshen was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "For so many years, there are really not many people who dare to be arrogant in front of me."

"Then let's fight!"

Ling Feng strode forward and confronted the Tianxu Spiritual God. He had long been fascinated by the rusty, about to decay, ancient chariot that could travel through the sky with the road pattern. Naturally, he would not miss it at this time.

"it is good!"

The ancient chariot roared and drove slowly towards Lingfeng. The road pattern was shining, and the flaming bird was outlined.

This is a Taoist bird!

It is definitely a creature of the Tianzun level, and now it is controlled by the Tianxu Spirit God, and its combat power can be imagined, just this way of playing can suppress the Dongtian Spirit God and so on.

Ling Feng was very calm, without any fear, and then sacrificed three ancient chariots, directly confronted them, and suppressed them all.


Xu Yuetian was shocked. Although she had heard of this ruthless person's name in the past two days, she was still shocked when she saw the three ancient chariots.


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