Supreme Demon

Chapter 3161: Who dares to stun the front?

"Supreme God and Demon"

A fierce knife!

If you can't solve the problem, then hand the problem to someone who can solve it.

Ling Feng felt that this sentence was the most reasonable saying.

Tianxu Spirit God wants to use the altar to get rid of this battle, the Nether Demon Flame is restrained and turned into a weapon for ruthless people, if he still has to fight, I am afraid he will become a sacrifice and a servant.

Although he is far away from the battlefield at this moment, it is very unsightly and will be laughed at by many characters, but he dares to stay, fearing that it will become an eternal joke.

Ruthless Man is too unpredictable, if he can deal with it, it is very likely that it is the peerless Tianjiao who has come out of those big domains, with high strength, and only the Spirit God Tianyu wants to deal with these characters, I am afraid it is not enough.

However, Ling Feng didn't want to let this character go. He couldn't keep the Tianxu Spiritual God, but he was seriously injured and Dao Gen was damaged. At this time, he released the news in a "timely" manner.

So, what will the forces that are hostile to Tianxu Dao do?

What will people who are also spirits do?

Unless it is a strategic alliance force, they all want the Tianxu Spirit God to stay here forever.

Just this one sentence is like a thousand swords breaking through the air, making the scalp numb. It is conceivable that in the years to come, the Tianxu Spiritual God will live in the shadows. Without Ling Feng's hands, there will be countless characters who want to get rid of Tianxu spirit god.

When Ling Feng's voice fell, dozens of eyes looked at the Tianxu spirit gods, and all the four spirit gods cast their eyes, but the eyes were very clear, and the true intention could not be seen.

If you want to get rid of the Tianxu Spiritual God, you need to be unaware of it, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to them if the Tianxu Dao learns the truth, because the forces behind it are afraid that they will suffer.

There was a trembling, endless ripples appeared in the void, the light gate closed, and the Tianxu Spirit God broke out, borrowing the altar to leave.

"Unfortunately, let him run away."

Ling Feng sighed. In the future, the Tianxu Spirit God will be the enemy of the Sun Moon Tianjiao, and he will definitely go to the opposite of the gods. He wants to get rid of it, but where are the descendants of these ancient forces easy to get rid of?

Those altars are very powerful, even if the **** emperor wants to completely retain the Tianxu spirit gods, he needs to do his best. Although Ling Feng is supreme, he can only sigh at this time.

"Ruthless people are really cruel people."

People murmured to themselves that the ancient altars offered by the spirits of the market that day were almost broken in ruthless hands, and this news is even more released today.

Undoubtedly, in the following years, it will be a question whether Tianxu Spirit God can get out of Tianxiang Mountain.

Some people, some forces do not want him to leave safely.

"However, this ancient chariot is very good."

Ling Feng looked at the ancient chariot with a smile on his face: "If you can collect all eight ancient chariots, then the defense should be unprecedented, right?"

Although Ling Feng whispered in a low voice, the people present were all clever and ears, how could he not hear him?

The people were all stunned, and they were crushed by Ling Feng's words.

Ruthless guy wants to collect all eight ancient chariots?

Is this going to declare war with the eight ancient forces?

The Dongtian Lingshen was defeated, the Snow Mountain Lingshen was defeated, and the Tianchi Lingshen was also defeated, and today the market spirits were swept away, and the chariots fell beside them, becoming the ruthless people's defensive tools.

Ruthless man defeated the four spirit gods.

This is undoubtedly unprecedented in the history of Spirit God Tianyu, and it is suffocating.

Until now, people still haven't seen Ruthless people through. Previously, people thought Ruthless people were just flesh and blood, comparable to Taoism, but later discovered that Ruthless people was still a powerful martial artist, unique in space, and withered in a single flame.

Tianxu Spirit God is very strong, but Ling Feng's flames naturally restrain him and belong to the top-level flames. When the flames are restrained, the defeat of Tianxu Spirit God is actually doomed.

The light rain of the four ancient chariots broke through the void, and all of its internal restrictions were suppressed. The **** Emperor Tianwei in the ancient chariots of Tianxu was torn apart, and it was difficult to block the charm of all things and trees, and completely became Lingfeng's "plaything".

However, he still felt that it was not enough and wanted to collect all eight ancient chariots.

The eight ancient power chariots are all different, and their defenses are even more different. If you want to collect all eight ancient chariots, there is really no dead end in defense. Even if the emperor wants to slaughter him, he needs to break through the ancient chariot formation.

"It is said that eight ancient chariots can be cast into the eight ancient Tongtianqi door control. If the ruthless brother can get it, how about facing the Supreme?"

The emperor of glory said with a smile: "It's rare that the eight ancient power chariots appear together. If you miss it, I'm afraid I don't want to see it in this life." The little spirit king said quietly, speaking to the eight ancient chariots. The praise and admiration.

"I wipe it!"

The eyes of the four spirit gods were all staring. The two men were too vicious. Although they didn't say it clearly, they were all bewildered. I hope the ruthless people can take action to completely suppress them and looting the ancient chariot.

"Hehe, nonsense!"

A voice came from an ancient chariot, full of anger at the little spirit king and the emperor of glory. They are not weaker than the Tianxu spirit gods, and they are not ruthless opponents. If they are targeted by ruthless people at this time, it will be fatal. thing.

"Is it nonsense? Brother Dao can count all eight ancient chariots, and he will know it at first try." The Son of Honor said with a smile.


The Four Spirits really wanted to crush it to death. This trick is too vicious. Are the eight ancient chariots used for testing?

The Glory Son can afford it.

Xiaolingwang can afford it.

Ling Feng could afford it.

Can the four spirits afford it?

Falling next to the ancient chariot is equivalent to slashing one's arm. It has too much influence, and it also involves the face of the ancient forces. How can it be lost?

"Brother Ruthless, there are not many opportunities like this." Xu Yuetian smiled.

They were all for fear that the world would not be chaotic. They were targeted by several spirit gods before, and they were almost broken. At this moment, Ling Feng had the upper hand and overwhelmed the Tianxu spirit gods. They naturally wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of a few spirit gods.

"It's a pity, I didn't capture the Tianxu Spirit God alive, I originally wanted him to beg the goddess."

Ling Feng sighed and apologized.

"It's okay, Brother Ruthless, this is a very pleasant move, I am very satisfied."

Xu Yuetian smiled cutely, and her voice came in a clear voice, expressing that she was very satisfied with Ling Feng, Tianxu Spirit God was extremely strong, and not everyone could beat it and swept it away.

People were shocked. They knew that the relationship between Ruthless Man and the Son of Glory was extraordinary. They had crossed obstacles several times, but now they saw it but felt it differently.

Ruthless person is the admirer of Xu Yuetian woman?

Just because of one sentence and Xu Yue Tiannv being bullied by the Tianxu Spiritual God, the ruthless people swept the Tianxu Spiritual God and seized its ancient chariots, not hesitating to offend the Tianxu Dao, its strength is taboo.

"Four people, who of you is going to fight?"

Ling Feng turned to look at the four spirit gods, and said proudly, "Or the four of you can fight with me!"

The scene instantly became cold, and people were dumbfounded.

Ruthless Man is indeed too strong. He doesn't put the four spirit gods in his eyes at all. He wants to fight four people together. People can see the madness and desire from his eyes. This is to take four ancient chariots and complete The strongest meaning of door control is unprecedented.

In the history of Lingshen Tianyu, there is no such strongman who can get eight ancient chariots, but Ruthless Man does have such strength and qualifications.

Tianxu Spirit God should belong to the top three among the Eight Spirit Gods, but even this was easily suppressed by Ruthless People, which shows how strong Ruthless People are.

People looked at the four spiritual gods, their eyes shone, hoping that spiritual gods could suppress ruthless people, and on the other hand, they longed for ruthless people to be suppressed.

This is an ambivalent mentality, and the most important thing is that they can witness a battle of prosperity.

The four spirit gods did not express their opinions. The Tianxu spirit gods were inexplicably defeated and injured by their demon flames, but they saw it really that there was a strange force flying out of the ruthless people, which led to the tragedy of the Tianxu spirit gods end.

If they want to deal with ruthless people, they have to figure out what that power is.

It is not suitable to express a position at this time.

They did not leave, but watched indifferently.

"If you don't say anything, I will assume that you agree."

Ling Feng smiled, and Lightning pushed forward, to force the four spirit gods to come off the court and have a duel.

"Brother Dao misunderstood."

At this time, a voice rang out from an ancient chariot: "I have all come for peerless Taoism, with different purposes than others."


Against a powerful opponent like Shang Ruin, the other spirit gods were not sure, if the ancient chariot was taken, it would be a disaster for him and the forces behind him.

The impact is too great!

"Not bad!"

Another Spiritual God said: "I didn't intend to have a bad relationship with Dao brothers. I only came for the peerless Dao seed. Now that the peerless Dao seed is missing, I just want to ask the goddess, the whereabouts of the peerless Dao seed."

"Brother Dao is really ruthless, and the arrogant talent that can defeat the Spirit God of Tianxu in the Spirit God Realm is no longer found."

The four spirit gods expressed their stance one after another, clearing the relationship with the Tianxu spirit god, and were unwilling to engage in evil with ruthless people, let alone go to war.

The figures of other forces dare not go to war.

The entire battlefield seemed to be centered on Ling Feng. He was invincible, looked down upon Tianyu, and looked down on the audience. Who would dare to stand up?

"what a pity."

It was a pity that Ling Fengyanchu circled the four ancient chariots.

The corners of the four spirit gods couldn't help but twitch, the ruthless man really wanted to fight the ancient chariot.

It's just that they didn't take the initiative to befriend them, and Ruthless had no reason to act on them, which made them wipe a cold sweat.

"I don't know the fate of the peerless Taoist species."

Xu Yuetian's female Taoist eyes are a bit gloomy, why doesn't she want to get a peerless Taoist seed?

But the fat that should have reached his mouth flew away, and then he disappeared, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

"Well, I'm waiting to believe what the goddess said."

The four spirit gods laughed and said, "How disturbed, goodbye!"

They were very uncomfortable being stared at by Ling Feng, and they were afraid that if they delayed any longer, they would be completely watched by ruthless people, especially the ancient chariots, if they fell into ruthless hands, it would not be easy to ask for them.

Soon, they left.

Some figures from other forces also left one after another. No one dared to do anything to Xu Yuetiannu and others. Unless the ruthless people were suppressed first, the end would not be good.


At this moment, a bright light appeared in the eyes of an old man who was about to leave: "Peerless Taoism!"


"Where is the Peerless Dao Seed?"

In an instant, the low-spirited people completely boiled, looking at the old man one by one, following the old man's gaze, looking at a peak not far away, and then all eyes straightened.


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