Supreme Demon

Chapter 3170: I have four ancient chariots!

"Supreme God and Demon"


Just one step.

Only one step!

The killing game set up by the people, the murderous aura brewing, all fell apart in this step.

The eight spirit gods are not idle figures, why are they scary?

They borrowed from the general situation of the world and the greed of the people. They came from all directions, with sharp weapons, and many ancient altars were set up on the mountains. Once Lingfeng fell into the scope of their encirclement and suppression, even the supreme would be sad.

What's more, the Eight Spiritual Gods used ancient taboo altars to specifically restrain the supreme and other characters, extremely unpredictable, unless they are the top supreme, or the **** emperor-level figure, they will fall.

This is a complete death!

However, Ling Feng was not as stupid as people imagined. He came from the ban, appeared in front of the Phoenix Forbidden Earth, stepped forward, broke through the Phoenix virtual flame, and appeared in the Phoenix Forbidden Earth.

Break the game in one step!

People clenched their fists tightly, but there was a sense of powerlessness in the air.

The Eight Spiritual Gods know how to borrow momentum, which is the power of the gods, that is, the human power; Ling Feng knows how to borrow the momentum, he borrows the terrain.

For the same purpose, Ling Feng dismissed the power of the Eight Spirit Gods by underlining.

The power of the gods is indeed extraordinary, the Supreme must sigh, and Ling Feng must show the Supreme strength if he wants to deal with it, but when the battlefield was placed on the Phoenix Forbidden Land, the situation changed suddenly.

Ling Feng has flesh and blood and invincible flames.

In the Phoenix Forbidden Land, his suppression was extremely limited, but people were different. Phoenix Ancient Rhyme restrained their space. Once they were crushed in the realm of the Celestial God, no one would be Lingfeng's opponent unless it was the Eight Spirit Gods.

Treasures, altars, and forbidden objects are also weakened and suppressed in the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

If in Tianxiang Mountain, this killing was a dead end, then in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, Ling Feng was their dead end.

The face of the Eight Spirits became dark in an instant, each of them became ugly as if they had eaten a child to death.

Previously, their setting was cracked.

Now, their setting has been cracked.

It was just one step, but it made them slap them, their faces seemed to be slapped.

The faces of other people were also ugly. They thought it was a dead end, but who would have thought that Ruthless would have taken such a step and would die here.

Want to fight fierce people in the Phoenix Forbidden Land?

Are they looking for death?

Phoenix Forbidden Land is Ling Feng's home ground. The flesh and blood body is too strong, and no one wants to fight against it, even the Eight Spirit Gods are not enough.

At the beginning, Dongtian Lingshen and Tianchi Lingshen were textbook-like grief.

Although the eight spirit gods are now working together and their strength is amazing, the Phoenix Forbidden Land still makes them numb their claws.

"Brother Dao, what do you mean?"

A spirit **** spoke up and sat in the ancient chariot: "I am not malicious in waiting."

"is it?"

Looking back, Ling Feng stood in front of the Phoenix Forbidden Land and stepped into the Phoenix Forbidden Land with one foot: "These few days have been too leisurely, I want to come to the Phoenix Forbidden Land to take a look."

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "What are you doing? So many people here want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Phoenix Forbidden Land with me?"


Many people are speechless, who dares to enjoy the scenery with him?

"Brother Dao, I am waiting for Shipi, and I will ask Brother Dao to fulfill it!"

Someone said with a smile, with a kind eyebrow and a gentle smile, and didn't mean to disadvantage Ling Feng at all.

"I said earlier enough, right?"

Ling Feng squinted and said: "Shipi is not with me, I did not crack the game of the Eight Spirits."

"Brother Dao, you must not belittle yourself."

"I did it, and I will naturally admit that I have done a lot of things like the face of the Eight Spirits. I don't care about doing more." Ling Feng didn't care about the face of the Eight Spirits God at all, and he took care of himself. Zi said: "But I didn't do it, I wouldn't do it for others."

"You found the wrong person."

"Brother Dao is not the one who broke the game?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Indeed!" Ling Feng's forehead.

"Brother Dao, would you like to find the person who broke the game with me?" Someone asked with a smile.


Ling Feng said quite simply, "I still want to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Phoenix Forbidden Land."

The scene instantly became cold and completely stiff.

As long as Ling Feng is not an idiot, he will not leave the Phoenix Forbidden Land easily, and as long as the Eight Spirit Gods are not idiots, he will never enter the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

"Brother Dao, the stone pirates do a lot of evil things, and the people and gods are angry, and the fostering of the stone pirates is the same."

Someone said pointedly.


Ling Feng replied indifferently: "But what does this have to do with me?"


"What else do you have?" Ling Feng said, squinting at the gods: "If there is nothing to do, you can enjoy the scenery with me?"

"It is said that there are several strange mountains in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, as well as an ancient road platform."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Oh, yes, I was in front of the ancient road platform before suppressing the three spirit gods, and those three ancient chariots became my trophy."


Hit people or face.

The spirits of Dongtian, Tianchi, and Snow Mountain only felt hot pain on their faces.

"That's an extraordinary platform."

Ling Feng said fascinatingly: "Of course, that battlefield is also good, do you want to appreciate it?"


The gods all swallowed their saliva. They were indeed fascinated by the Taoist platform, but they had to divide the time. Now if they show this intention, they are the deadly enemies of the three spirit gods.

Dongtian Lingshen, Tianchi Lingshen and others were trembling with anger. If they had to deal with Ling Feng, they would leave their sleeves at this moment.

Too much deception!

"Yuhua Lingshen, do you want to enjoy the scenery with me?"

Ling Feng made the invitation and said quite politely: "It is a beautiful thing in the world to be accompanied by a beautiful woman."

"I don't want it!"

Yuhua Lingshen had a dark face.


Ling Feng's eyes widened, and he said inexplicably, "You have an ancient chariot, and I have four ancient chariots. You don't want to share the scenery with me, but you want to share the scenery with those five people who don't have ancient chariots. Same place?"


Tianxu Lingshen, Tianchi Lingshen, etc. only felt that they had been stabbed a few times in the heart, and they were caught off guard by the face blow.

At this time, they felt that Ling Feng was a hundred times more vicious and dangerous than Shi Pi.

"Ha ha."

Suddenly, the dark-faced female spirit **** smiled, and a clear voice came from the ancient chariot: "Brother Dao is really different, but if Brother Dao wants to enjoy the scenery, this Phoenix Forbidden Land is not enough to see, I know one. A picturesque place."

The ancient chariot came slowly and stood out from the crowd.

"I want to invite Brother Dao to visit."

"Where is that place?" Ling Feng asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Brother Dao, you will know when you go."

"Meaning not in the Phoenix Forbidden Land?"


"Then I don't want to!" Ling Feng shook his head.

"Brother Dao, why is this?"

"Because I have four ancient chariots, but you only have one." Ling Feng said seriously.


The Feathered Female Spiritual God felt that she was also hit by the knife, and it was a few times. Without being hacked by the knife, it was already her own merit.

Tianxu Lingshen waited even more lying in the middle of the knife.

The Eight Spirits were so angry that they couldn't speak, Ling Feng, a guy who never played cards according to common sense, was really a headache.

The scene froze again.

No one dared to speak, for fear of entering the game and being bayonet by Ling Feng.

"If everyone has nothing to do, then I won't send it."

After that, Ling Feng was about to enter the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

"Brother Dao, you can't always stay in the forbidden soil, right?" A voice said with a sneer: "It should be noted that the Phoenix Forbidden Earth is also called Ertu, and it is not our generation that can hold back."

"It's just a scene, what about a lifetime?"

Ling Feng squinted and said with a smile: "As short as one month, as long as half a year, I will come out."

"Do you want to be together?"

Ling Feng looked at an ancient chariot.


"I knew that I have four ancient chariots, but you only have one, so the angle of viewing the scenery is different." Ling Feng said to himself.


The spirit **** also hit the knife.

Blood dripping.

"Four ancient chariots" is a topic that can't be bypassed, and he can always bring the topic to this.

Moreover, the thinking is very peculiar, and it is completely different from others.

"I have four ancient chariots, but you only have one, so your level is not enough, we can't play together." This is what Ling Feng expressed.

"I won't give it away, goodbye."

Ling Feng really entered the Phoenix Forbidden Land, leaving all the gods injured.

They can't wait here for the first half year, right?


Ling Feng didn't let them wait too long, and walked out in just three days.

"Huh? You are so polite, are you here to greet me?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

The gods are holding a anger, feeling that the wind is bullying too much.

"I thought the scenery here is gorgeous, so I enjoyed it for a few days." Someone explained with a smile.

"Then you continue to appreciate, I will go one step ahead."

After speaking, Ling Feng flew out and walked towards the gods.

The scene immediately became cold, like flying snow in June.

People holding the sharp weapon's hand can't help but tighten, as long as the ruthless person dares to get out of this place, he must pay a heavy price.

Ling Feng really came out, strode forward, treating the gods as pigs and dogs.


Suddenly, a sharp arrow pierced the void, Jian Zi came towards Ling Feng’s back, and the arrow was intertwined with lightning. They all evolved from space, exuding a fierce aura, bursting out of the rare aura of the world, forbidden to commit suicide To Ling Feng.

Ling Feng looked back abruptly and burst out with a punch, turbulent like a river, smashing the Nali arrow with a bang, staring at an old man behind him with a cold expression.

"What do you mean?"

"Ruthless person, hand over the stone ruffian, otherwise it will be difficult for you to leave this place today." The old man showed his "fangs", and today the ruthless person has already walked out of the Phoenix Forbidden Land, surrounded by them, naturally there is no previous So jealous.

"I said I didn't, are you looking for death?" Ling Feng said coldly.

"It's unprovoked by mouth!"

"Then you show evidence!"

"We found a piece of gravel that was not crushed in that battlefield."

At this moment, the Tianxu Spirit God flew forward and said with a smile, "Is there enough evidence?"


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