Supreme Demon

Chapter 3184: A hatchet!

"Supreme God and Demon"


In fact, when the Son of Glory spoke out about the Five Kingdoms God War, Ling Feng guessed that the war between kingdoms is about the overall strength of the soldiers, which can reflect the overall strength of an ancient country.

of course.

The strength of the leader is more important, not only to be strong, but also to have a very high IQ, just because this person is the soul of the entire legion, if the "soul" is too fragile, even the Hundred Wars Legion is a mess.

Unlike the personal battle, the Five Kingdoms battle is more to see. To win this battle, the leader and the elite army of the hundred battles are indispensable.


Ling Feng can judge a few things from the look of the Son of Glory: First, the things that need to be decided in the Five Kingdoms Battle are very important, otherwise how can the Five Kingdoms be so important? Second, the Five Kingdoms Battle has extremely high requirements for the elites and leaders of the Hundred Battles. It should be a matter of their generation. The older generations are not qualified to participate. Third, there should be more than one elite group of the Five Kingdoms Hundred Battles. A legion, at least two legions, otherwise the Glory Son is enough and he does not need him.

Ling Feng's eyes flickered, and his eyes flickered with light that the Emperor of Glory didn't understand. He could tell something from his words. Leadership is different from personal strength. A person's strength is very strong, but he may not be able to display the strength of an elite of the hundred battles. .

This is totally different.

The emperor of Glory felt that Ling Feng had no experience in leading soldiers, so he only needed Ling Feng to be convinced by the elite army of hundred battles, and did not mention complete control, even tempering and forging.

To put it simply, the emperor of glory felt that Ling Feng did not have the ability to lead soldiers, and all he wanted to borrow was Ling Feng's personal strength.


Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, looked at the sincere look in the eyes of Emperor Honor, and finally agreed.

With the Five Kingdoms War, you will not be eager to persecute yourself if you want to glorify the kingdom, and before you find out the power behind you, the glory of the kingdom must always be a little taboo.

What Ling Feng needs is this time difference.

"Then we shall return to Heaven City first?"

The Son of Glory secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The Five Kingdoms War is really important to the Glory Kingdom. The reason why he is eager to transform is because of the Five Kingdoms War.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng's forehead, what he needed was an excuse to show hesitation to dispel the doubts of the Son of Glory. Otherwise, if the Son of Glory had invited him, he would agree to it, which would always make people wonder, right?

"However, I am not good at leading soldiers..."

The two galloped side by side. Although the injuries were not minor, they did not have as many worries in the Glory Realm.

"Brother Dao don't worry, my ancient country is going to ration Dao Brothers a hundred battle elite."

On the way, the emperor of glory explained that the elite of the hundred battles was very strong, and all Ling Feng needed to do was show that he was strong enough.

Obviously, the Son of Glory had confidence in the elite army of the Hundred Battles, because that army was the elite soldiers who survived life and death battles, even against the elite soldiers of the other four countries.

Of course, these elite soldiers must be proud, and it is not easy to convince them.

"I will try my best."

Ling Feng smiled, his face was thoughtful, curiosity and pressure on the elite army of hundred battles.

But my eyes are very indifferent. Although I don't know how strong the elite army of the hundred battles is, can it be stronger than the army of the gods?

They refined from life and death, they fought fiercely against Biluo, and they slaughtered immortals.

One day, the God Rebellious Legion will make the entire God Realm tremble!

The next day.

Ling Feng and the emperor of Glory appeared in a city. The **** battle flag was floating on the city, and the ancient light rain was flowing, and there were phoenixes, real dragons and other sculptures on it, making the ancient battle flag extraordinary.

After the city gate guard asked about the origin of the emperor of glory, he hurriedly entered the city, and soon the city lord greeted him, extremely humble and flattering.

Ling Feng followed closely behind the emperor glory, without saying much, and other people seemed to ignore this character. Some old people gathered around the emperor glory and asked warmly.

"We need a strange door, and we have to go back to Heaven." The Son of Glory expressed his meaning.

"Yes, Qimen is in the middle of the main city."

Soon after, the Son of Glory and Ling Feng appeared in the center of the main city. There was a huge strange gate, built from an ancient altar, flowing with ancient light and rain, and after endless wind and rain, it showed the vicissitudes of life.

"Okay, we will go back now!"

The Son of Glory is condescending to the people around him, like a king looking down on sentient beings. In the kingdom of Glory, he does have such qualifications.

"Subordinates send the emperor!"

The surrounding gods bowed humbly, until the Son of Glory and Ling Feng stepped into the strange gate and were submerged by the vast rain and light before they raised their heads.


The imaginary light broke through the sky, forming a channel, sending Ling Feng and the emperor of glory to the distance.

Time is rushing.

Even in the passage, with the speed of light flowing, Ling Feng felt that a few days had passed, and when they fell again, they were in a vast ancient city.

Surrounded by a vast martial arts field, paved with gravel, it leads straight to the distance, as if the end cannot be seen.

Shops on both sides of the martial arts field are raining, with eaves side by side, neatly rushing to the end of the martial arts field, which is full of dazzling arrays, including medicinal herbs, medicinal herbs, magic weapons, and ancient exercise books.

With this kind of momentum and courage, even the supreme star of that small universe would be willing to stand down.

Territory makes characters.

Territory creates the pattern even more.

The small universe is still too small, and if they were born in this vast universe, the pattern should not be small here.


A chariot was approaching, the whole body was gilded, that is, the wheels were engraved with gold and totems, and the chariot was pulled by eight ancient beasts. Although it was not fast, it was not slow.

When the emperor of glory and Ling Feng walked out of the odd door, the chariot stopped in front of them.

An old man jumped down on the front of the chariot, and respectfully greeted him, and please honor the emperor and Ling Feng to board the chariot.


After the emperor of glory left, the characters in that city must send the news back to the city, and then someone came to greet him in time.


When the two got on the chariot, the chariot gave off eight rays of light and rain, like a dream, and they were all gilt colors, which could sting people's eyes and was dazzling.

The chariot moved forward with lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed out of the martial arts field and galloped toward a vast palace in the distance.

Glory Palace!

There are still thousands of miles away, and those four characters are like totems, shining eternal light, which can make people see clearly, which really surprised Ling Feng.

Obviously, the Palace of Glory is the imperial city of the Kingdom of Glory, and it was just the main city before.

In the Tea Light Kungfu, the ancient chariot appeared in front of the Glory Palace, the four dazzling ancient characters turned out to be much grayer, the light diminished, and it was not as dazzling as before.

The Palace of Glory is extremely majestic and extraordinary. It has nine main palaces, twenty-seven auxiliary palaces, and thirty-six arch guard palaces. It is surrounded by other courtyards and forest gardens, making the glory of the palace unparalleled, like a phoenix of all souls.

"Son of Heaven, the Lord is waiting for you in Yushan Palace." The old man sitting in the front of the chariot jumped down and said respectfully.

"Got it."

Glory the emperor's forehead, and then said to Ling Feng: "Brother Ling, my father wants to see you."

When he came, the Son of Glory asked Ling Feng's name, but Ling Feng didn't hide it. There shouldn't be many people in the gods universe who would know his name, especially in the spirit gods.

Even if the Kingdom of Glory wanted to find out his background through this name, he was afraid that he would be defeated.

"The Lord of Glory disregards the past and the present. Ling Feng is here today, so naturally he wants to see him." Ling Feng said with a smile, praising the Lord of Glory.

"it is good!"

The smile on the face of the emperor of glory increased, and then he flew to the kingdom of glory with Ling Feng.

They traversed the five palaces and appeared in the main city of Tiangong.

At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly shuddered and couldn't help looking forward. A bright light and shock flashed under his eyes. In a martial arts arena right in front of him, a hatchet was inserted diagonally on the ground. The hatchet was rusty. But there was a terrifying aura radiating out, just watching from a distance, Ling Feng felt that the blood was boiling, and then it quickly cooled down.

The murderous rhyme will last forever!

It looks like a heavenly sword!

Near the hatchet, the gravel on the surface had already turned into ashes, but there was no vegetation or other growth, as if it was a forbidden soil, which contained no living things.


Ling Feng also found nine prohibitions around the hatchet, which seemed to be forged to suppress the hatchet, but Ling Feng felt that the nine prohibitions were just the aura of the suppression of the hatchet, and even this performance. The field is a prohibition, also to suppress the aura that escapes from the hatchet, otherwise, just that aura can destroy everything here.

What kind of hatchet is that?

Ling Feng's chest became hot, and the fairy blade was about to get out. Fortunately, Ling Feng found it in time and directly suppressed it under the tree of all things to prevent accidents.

"This hatchet is weird."

The Son of Glory found that Ling Feng was staring at the hatchet, but he was not surprised, as if he had known the result.

Whenever entering the Palace of Glory, there is no one who is not surprised by that hatchet.

"What level of magical soldiers?"

Ling Feng finally retracted his eyes, shocked.

"do not know."

The Son of Glory shook his head, and then he pondered for a moment before he said, "It flew down from the nine heavens and plunged straight into this area, not to mention me, even the **** emperor can't shake it.

Ling Feng's color changed suddenly, and he didn't expect this hatchet to be so big.

At the same time, Ling Feng was even more sure of the guess in his heart that the nine prohibitions and martial arts grounds were all suppressing the killing power of the hatchet, but what level of weapon is that? This is a taboo for the emperor of glory. It's hard to ask too much.

The emperor of Glory led Ling Feng into the main city and walked towards the central palace, where it was magnificent and full of vibes. The nine-headed true dragon guarding the sky soared in the sky, showing its extraordinaryness.


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