Supreme Demon

Chapter 3197: Take a long time!

"Supreme God and Demon"

One star!

Like a pebble, the whole body is like a void, more like a condensed space, which releases the light of the sky. Although the temperament is very different, the light rain is too warm and moist, like a spring water trickling, and nothing Lethality.

What can such a star do?

Tian Lan is a little puzzled. From her point of view, the Twilight of the Gods is even more terrifying. A pure land space can suppress the supreme. Only before really launching it, even the ninth phase would not want to retreat. If it is seriously injured, it will be returned by Ling Feng's strength. It is really possible to defeat the ninth phase.

However, Ling Feng did not do that.

He knows better than anyone that the gods cannot keep the ninth aspect at dusk unless he uses the supreme aura, but then it is easy to be seen through, and it is not easy for him to hide it.

But the first star is different.


Suddenly, Tianlan's face changed suddenly, and she could see the difference from the first star, because that star had various weather conditions, only suspended in the air, but when she wanted to peep through the soul, it was like a needle piercing. Tingling, as if the soul of Tao is about to be annihilated.

Being far away from each other, Tianlan still feels this way, one can imagine how powerful the star is.

"Do you want to suppress me with stars?"

The ninth minister smiled and couldn't figure it out. Although Ling Feng's performance was extraordinary, Tianzun was only Tianzun, which was fundamentally different from Supreme. It was not easy to fight across levels.

"You do not understand!"

Ling Feng shook his head, and felt very disappointed by the performance of Phase Nine today.

Too little attention!

Obviously, the Ninth Phase, after asking the Queen, should have never gone out, let alone a real life and death experience. In front of Ling Feng, he was like a greenhouse flower, unbearable.

The ninth phase's face was taken aback, and the dignified supreme was told by Tianzun that you didn't understand, even if he had a pattern in his chest, he couldn't help but want to get angry at this moment.

"Do your best!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng was disappointed and showed no interest in the ninth phase.

He intended to see how strong the Heavenly Sovereign Realm could be after the transformation. He had to know that Ling Feng was able to slaughter the Supreme when he was in Heavenly Sovereign, but there were so many things he needed to rely on, and now he only relies on himself.

He wants to know how strong he is!

But the ninth aspect is obviously too delicate, and fighting this kind of person who has no experience of life and death is useless for him.


The void trembled, and the star suddenly glowed, because Ling Feng used the primordial qi galaxy of all things, and the endless aura gushed out, igniting the first star vaguely, causing it to shine brightly.

At the same time, the surrounding essence changed drastically, lightning came, and the first star revolved frantically, forming a light hole, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, making it more majestic.

Ten thousand ways return to the original, full of energy.

The cobblestone-like star swelled up in just a moment and turned into a grinding disc. The light was completely different from the previous one. The warm and moist spring-like aura dissipated, and replaced by the light that obscured the holy sun.

Scorching hot air, breaking through the sky.

But this is still not the true power of the first star.


The essence of the Quartet is like a tide, rich and scary, and the essence of thousands of miles is rolling in at this moment, blending into the first star, making it expand more powerfully, and the light is even more startling.

At this time, the martial arts field collapsed, the gravel turned into ashes, the space was torn apart, and cracks appeared. Although it was very subtle, the Tianwei of the first star could be seen from now on.

Can kill the sky!

People took a deep breath and couldn't help but fly upside down. This situation was far more terrifying than they thought. The destruction of the picture is presented, and the attack power is not limited to the ninth aspect. The surrounding gods are in this range.

It is conceivable that the martial arts field in front of the Xiangfu gate will be turned into ashes, forming a deep pit. I don't know how much manpower and material resources are needed to fill it, and how much energy it takes to make it as complete as before.

God of Glory is really ruthless!

At this moment, Xu Tiantian, Wu Yu and others are worried about the martial arts field in front of their house. They are really going to be stared at by Ling Feng. I am afraid that they will be unlucky. They are firm in their hearts. Even if Ling Feng stares at them, they must not be in front of the door. Fight on the martial arts field.


When the first star buzzed in the third, the essence of heaven and earth was more majestic, billowing like a tide, and all of them were absorbed and integrated, and the light within it was completely released, breaking through the heavens and advancing to the Heavenly Venerable.

"not enough!"

Lingfeng Dantian released the beginning energy of all things, vaguely sacrificed, and rushed to the first star, causing it to burst like a collapse, and the light and rain on it changed drastically, and it went straight to the ultimate heaven.

This is a limit!

If you want to break the limit, unless Ling Feng can ask the sky.

But this is also the mystery of the first star, he is not limited to any Tao and realm.

"It doesn't seem to be enough." The ninth phase squinted and sneered. At this time, he was preparing. The first star was indeed terrifying. Although it was ten miles apart, he still felt the terrible heavenly power within it.

As far as its light rain is concerned, it is possible to succumb to the extremely heavenly sovereign, and its inner light rain is even more terrifying, and can threaten the supreme, but this is far from enough.

The supreme that Tianzun can understand is far from the limit of the supreme.

"Yeah, not enough!"

Ling Feng grinned. Although the process seemed to be very long, in fact it had only three breaths from the first star to the present.

This kind of power is to slaughter the Ultimate Heaven, but it is far from enough to deal with the Supreme.

"Then make it detached!"

Ling Feng's face became more solemn, if it weren't for him to be supreme, he would definitely be sucked up if he used the first star, even if the power was not enough to see, but the beginning of the universe galaxy gave him this kind of strength.

No fear of any consumption!

Of course, if Ling Feng used a huge initial energy, it would definitely attract attention, so he didn't want to consume it in the dantian at all, but wanted the first star to take the initiative to plunder.

What to plunder?


Thousands of miles have been sucked up, and it takes time and energy to plunder.


At this moment, the surrounding space was shattered and turned into fragments, rushing towards the first star. In this process, the fragments were annihilated, and only the space rules and laws were truly integrated into the first star.


More and more spaces are collapsing, causing the heavens and the earth to be shattered, all paths are annihilated, and the laws of space flood into the first star, increasing the amount.

In the end, the quantity changes qualitatively.



It was not the first star that collapsed, but the light rain on the first star. The overall light rain was condensed and blended, and the law of space was the origin of the collapse. With this, the first star light rain completed the ultimate leap.

It became a cobblestone again.

But the rain of light reveals an unparalleled aura, in which people seem to see the time flowing, the years are like a fleeting, rushing forever.

Its light and rain are not as bright as before, but the whole has surged too much.


The ninth phase has completely changed color, with all its strength, inspiring the law of time, the majesty of the sky, and outlines a long river, billowing energy, and the years change, all in the long river.

This is a long history!

A supreme attack unique to the Supreme.

Once you enter the long river of years, you will become muddled. If you are in it, you may be beaten back decades, or hundreds of years ago, when the years have changed the most cruel.

Of course, the ninth aspect has only been twenty-five years after Wentian, which is far from that level, and the difference is too far.

Now the long river of years can only suppress the Tianwei in space, but it is like an ant for those who are truly successful in the change of the years.

"It's a pity, you are too slow!"

Ling Feng said quietly, at that moment, the first star fell, and billions of beams broke through everything.

Time has changed and the years have passed.

The first star, carrying the vast starry sky, Tianwei Town, fell, and hovered over the head of the ninth phase. The light rain fell on the long river of years on the spot, causing the river to dry up quickly, and the years collapsed.


Within a moment, the river of years fell apart, making a heartbreaking sound.

Photo break the years!

This is the Tianwei of the first star!

Not to mention Tianlan, Zhou Shan, Xu Qing and others, but Xu Tiantian, Wu Yu and others have all changed colors. Is this the true strength of God of Glory?

A star shone through thousands of miles!

Who can stun the front?

Who dares to stun the front?

"I knew it was so."

The Son of Glory took a deep breath and his face was depressed. Although he hadn't seen Ling Feng's real handwriting in Tianxiang Mountain, he heard of it later.

Ling Feng has a star, which can control the heavens, despise the eight spirit gods, and have the supreme power of slaughter.

Now, he saw it.

But no more courage.

Enemy with such a character is simply a nightmare.

"Don't get hurt by his way, try to get out of your way." An old man said beside him: "He is a genius, but he is too different, and I haven't asked the gods yet. Everything is too early. ."

"If Your Highness can obtain the peerless Dao Seed and become completely enlightened, why should I be afraid?"

"What's more, it is a taboo force, which is equivalent to external force. It is not good for you to use too much. Only by touching the avenue can you control the powerful enemies of the heavens."

"I understand!"

The Son of Glory took a deep breath and forced and suppressed the scene in his heart. After a long time, he recovered and his eyes became firmer.

Because there is only one Peerless Dao Seed at present, and that one is on Ling Feng.

Tian Lan was shocked.

Looking forward dumbfounded, at the man.

He suppressed the Supreme with the posture of Tianzun!

Like an eternal legend, dismissed the glory kingdom.

What kind of star is that?

Why is he so strong?

In the past, Tianlan felt that he was about to reach his limit. As long as he crossed that threshold, the heavenly venerables in this world were all enemies, but after encountering Ling Feng, this idea became naive.

What is the Tianzun limit?

Ling Feng told her that Tianzun has no limits!


Xu Tiantian and Wu Yu glanced at each other, and they could see the horror and sadness in their hearts. There were many young Tianzun present, but if you have seen this fierce battle, you are afraid that there will be shadows that you can't get out of this life?

Zhou Shan, Xu Qing and others have pale faces and are fighting in a two-strand battle. How can they not see them?

In this battle alone, cracks will appear in many people's firm Dao Xin. Is Ling Feng's use of the first star to kill the genius of the glory kingdom?

Xu Tiantian, Wu Yu, and others all regretted it a little, so why did they provoke this evildoer? After that, the Glory Heavenly Sovereign would be devastated.


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