Supreme Demon

Chapter 3201: The stars fall, the gods go to dusk!

"Supreme God and Demon"

There was silence.

People held their breath and couldn't make a sound. Everyone was shocked and speechless, especially Xiaodao Wang and the Ninth Phase. Their eyes were bright, but their faces were pale.

The first star is like a nightmare, shining thousands of miles away, but the king of the small domain is even more different. A "spiritual realm" smashes thousands of ways, ignoring the first star, and suppressing it strongly.

However, King Xiaoyu didn't take advantage of the victory and pursued him with magnanimity and detachment. He looked directly at Ling Feng like that and said with a smile: "I know you haven't done your best yet."

People's complexions changed suddenly, one by one in disbelief, and when they looked at Ling Feng, their eyes became more complicated.

The first star is as tyrannical as it can be invincible, sweeping across Tianzun, but is it still not Ling Feng's full force?

So, how deep does this person have to be?

Xiaodaowang and the Ninth Phase both sighed. Since that war, they have been thinking that they are trying their best and playing stronger power, will they be able to break through the first star?

Now, King Xiaoyu has broken their illusions, even the first star is not Ling Feng's full strength, he can be stronger.

"The king of the small domain is well-deserved."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment before he smiled and said, "It is rare to cultivate to this level with ancient paintings."

"To be honest, you are a respectable opponent, so use all your strength."

The first star was dark, and Ling Feng didn't change its color. It seemed that this was an extremely common thing. If Xiaoyu Wang didn't have such strength, he would be surprised.

"it is good!"

King Xiaoyu nodded, he knew Ling Feng was serious and wanted to use his ultimate power.


The lupines spread out, and the stars are scattered, like a pouring rain, splashing in the void, like ink, in the sprinkling, there will be faint mountains and rivers to emerge, time changes, everything withers, only the spiritual realm is eternal.

An ancient picture of the spiritual realm appeared in front of people, and the spiritual realm seemed to come alive, making a phoenix sound like a sharp sword out of its sheath, straight into the nebula.

The spiritual realm becomes a sword!

The sword is in Fengming, like a living phoenix.


The phoenix was shocked in the sky, and it really flew out of the spiritual realm, and the entire spiritual realm followed behind it, forming a guard and a foil. The phoenix was not an entity, but merely the evolution of a sharp sword after the spiritual realm changed rapidly.

Slashed down with one sword, exploding mountains and rivers.

The long river of time has died, and the time flowing in it is the most terrifying, like reincarnation.

There is no doubt that this is the ultimate evolution of the spiritual realm, far surpassing the previous spiritual realm, unparalleled strength, and can slaughter thousands of miles.

"Spiritual Sword!"

People's expressions changed in shock, and they took a sigh of relief. They didn't expect King Xiaoyu to realize this step.

The spiritual realm is a dead thing.

Xiaoyu Wang can borrow the "spiritual domain" to ask the sky. Although it is out of the ancient map category, it is still limited to Tianzun. Therefore, if you want to be truly detached and become a supreme figure, you must breed a difference.

King Xiaoyu is a genius. He follows his father's way and comprehends the law of time, and he has made a sharp sword.

This sharp sword is different from ordinary sharp swords. It is a sword of law condensed by the law of time. The sword cuts the law of ten thousand ways, nothing is unbreakable, and once it is cut by the sword of law, it is not only unbearable for flesh and blood. , That is, the law must be contained, thus becoming the fish on the sword of Xiaoyu Wang.


The sword of law is born in space, condensed out, and is much more powerful than the general law of space.

The Ninth Phase and Xiaodaowang have not yet condensed their own time law, and Xiaoyuwang's time law has grown to this point, which shows how talented this person is.

"The only sword in the world!"

Xiaoyu Wang Baoxiang was solemn, a sword slashed towards Ling Feng, the space collapsed silently, forming ashes, black holes appeared in the sky, when the sword completely fell.

Invincible, the world is exhausted.

This is his strength!

"The King of Xiaoyu has become the weather, both of them are supreme. After all, the other two are much worse." Someone sighed and said, this person was talking about the King of Xiaodao and the ninth phase.

Although there is a difference of several decades, there are some things that can't be done in decades.

For example, condensing the law of space!

"not bad!"

Ling Feng looked ahead, secretly confessed to his forehead. With this strength alone, King Xiaoyu was proud of himself. Even if someone like the Son of Glory succeeded in Wentian, it would be at this level in fifty years.

When Xiaoyu King used his full strength to sacrifice the sword of law, Ling Feng just watched with cold eyes. When the sword of law fell from the void, his eyes became cold.


The dantian trembled, and the endless heavenly might slowly surged, making the first star rain dazzling, sweeping away the gloom, and a transformation occurred in the lightning, and the time changed more severely.

People were shocked, what did Ling Feng do?

Do you still want to use the first star to fight?

Just as people were incomprehensible, Lingfeng Dantian trembled again, and a pure land slowly emerged, falling below the first star, exuding a hazy aura, although illusory, it revealed the most fierce aura in the world.

Gods Twilight!

This is a nightmare for many people. There are vast heavenly powers within it, and there are no enemies, and the heavenly powers of the gods at dusk are the most taboo.

But people frowned more, because the twilight of the gods was limited to the heavenly deity, and it was impossible to break through the supreme.

Even King Xiaoyu couldn't help frowning, he used his full strength, would Ling Feng use this power to deal with it?

Is it too childish?

Isn't he underestimating him?

However, soon everyone shut up, only because Ling Feng made a decision, and it was this decision that made many people horrified and crazy.

The Twilight of the Gods is only confined to strong, if you want to deal with the Supreme, you still need the first star.

However, even if the first star is suppressed together with the Twilight of the Gods, I am afraid that Ling Feng will not be able to compete with the King of the Small Domain, but what if the first star becomes a star in the Twilight of the Gods?


Ling Feng did just that.

The first star carries the supreme heavenly majesty, intertwined with the changes of the years, merges into the dusk of the gods, and becomes one of the stars. The star shines and the light rain breaks through the sky, making the gods and dusk rise to the supreme level in an instant.

The power of the first star's time change broke out in the twilight of the gods, like a bursting shed, the strongest, just turbulence can crush mountains and rivers, just shining can brighten the eyes of many people.

Obviously, Ling Feng used the power of the first star to completely ignite the dusk of the gods and transform it. Its internal secret power came alive, spewing out the weird light and rain, and the power of the years has increased sharply by several times, and it is unimaginable. .


Xiaoyuwang's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "The Twilight of the Gods has already heard about it, so let's take a look today!"


He carried the violent heavenly might and blasted towards the dusk of the gods to completely destroy it.


Suddenly, the gods changed drastically at dusk, and it flashed suddenly, almost inconceivable, like a sky, and instantly enveloped the king of the small domain, and it was too late when the king of the small domain reacted.

The next moment, the Gods Twilight changed back to the original state, but Xiaoyu King was suppressed inside. When the light and rain flashed again, the sword of the law was trembling, and if there was a terrible forbidden device, it was shaking.

If Xiaoyuwang's body was suppressed, it turned out to be bloody.

"It's really strong, but it's still a bit worse!"

The little domain king was disheveled, and the secret power in the Twilight of the Gods was indeed terrifying to the extreme, but it was still a little worse to suppress him. If the Twilight of the Gods could be stronger, the result would be different, but it is not enough now.

"Yeah, almost."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "You are a arrogant man, but you are still a bit short."


Xiaoyu Wang was taken aback, wondering what Ling Feng meant.

However, Ling Feng did not respond again, but looked at the dusk of the gods solemnly, and said quietly and piously: "The stars are falling, the dusk of the gods!"

Eight words!

Only eight words!

Everyone is heavier than ten thousand catties, so that people can hardly breathe and breathe, and everyone's heart is like a heavy blow.

It's quiet.

The wind stopped.

The first star fell in the dusk of the gods and turned into a streamer into the sky, with a little wind and rain, like the setting sun, but that is definitely not the same thing.

The first star seems to fall in the dusk of the gods.


A blood hole appeared in King Xiaoyu's chest, only an inch large, but it penetrated the back of his chest.


King Xiaoyu's legs were pierced, blood gurgling out.


King Xiaoyu's arm was pierced, and blood rushed out, making his eyes red.


The sword of law collapsed, the spiritual realm collapsed, and a star fell, suppressing everything.


King Xiaoyu's face changed drastically, knowing that he had encountered a big problem, and the gods could slaughter the supreme in the evening. It was strong and unpredictable. With his strength, he wanted to insist on seeking death.

He unfolded the feather fan, and an ancient painting flew out of his eyebrows, propelling the dusk of the gods alive, and flying out of it with difficulty.

Ling Feng didn't pursue him, but looked at King Xiaoyu with a faint smile on his lips.

"Being able to rush out from the dusk of the gods proves that you are not bad."

Ling Feng smiled and asked, "Today, this matchup is over, right?"

He was asking.

With the strength of the king of the small domain, this is the end, because the first star and the gods at dusk can completely despise the king of the small domain, if it had not been used by Ling Feng, he wanted to escape from the pure land with the strength of the king of the small domain. How easy is it?

He has been merciful.

King Xiaoyu's face was gloomy and dejected. He asked the sky how strong is fifty years?

But in front of this Tianzun, even the courage to raise his head was impossible.

He is pessimistic.

He was frustrated.

But he still didn't want to.

He stood up struggling, looking at Ling Feng with red eyes, and asked, "This is still not your limit, right?"

With sincere eyes, he asked with sadness, just wanting to know an answer, even though that answer would be very hurtful.


Ling Feng pondered for a moment before speaking slowly.

King Xiaoyu smiled relieved, he knew, he should have known it a long time ago.

He still looked at Ling Feng, his eyes moist, and he was very grateful, at least this person was willing to confess to him, it was a kind of respect.

Then, he asked awkwardly: "Then can I see your ultimate strength?"


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