Supreme Demon

Chapter 3208: Kick off a stone!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The ancestor of glory asked Ling Feng if he needed help?

Ling Feng dare not agree?

He was full of smiles, full of sincerity and expectation, and he was extremely surprised. He was even more sincere and sincere about the ancient sage-level figures who were willing to help him.

This is the difference between acting and non-acting.

He is a living spirit.

"Okay, then you have to pay attention, the process can be a bit painful!"

The ancestor of glory said solemnly: "The epiphany comes from the Dao Soul, so I want to stimulate your epiphany ability from the Dao Soul."

"Yes, the younger generation must work hard!"

Ling Feng said solemnly: "Senior, please do it!"

He lowered his eyes, no one noticed the deep haze in his eyes. From just a few words, Ling Feng knew what the ancestor of glory was going to do. Although it looked harmonious, it was actually full of murderous charm.

The King of Glory did not ask about his origin, nor did he ask about the Son of Glory and the Lady of Glory.

No one in his Shimen family had any concerns.

But it doesn't mean that they don't want to know, especially after Ling Feng showed the overture of the immortal, the problem became more difficult. If one can't make it, the two ancient races are fighting.

The Glory Ancestor was also very cryptic, but Ling Feng felt it involved Dao Soul, which was extremely taboo.

But the ancestor of Glory was extremely clever, and did not force Ling Feng, but made a suggestion. If Ling Feng is willing, it is not that he has made a taboo. Even if the forces behind Ling Feng find it, he needs a statement.

But in this case, does Ling Feng have a choice?

Only by agreeing can he eliminate the guard of the Glory Patriarch.


The void trembled, and the ancestor of Glory remained motionless, but the vast Tianwei had already rushed to their soul sea. It was an attack from the Dao soul. It didn't need to be gorgeous, invisible to the naked eye, but extremely terrifying and easy to see. Will die.

At that moment, Ling Feng felt that the soul sea was like being pierced by a needle, more like a sharp knife cutting in, disintegrating his defenses, and powerfully entering the soul sea.

That is the light blue soul power, which has evolved into Dao power, carrying time and space and the heavenly power is fully suppressed, almost destroying it.

Tianwei is endless, annihilating everything.


The Lingfeng Soul Sea was violently turbulent, and a sharp knife smashed his Dao Soul.

Where is this exciting, this is basically to kill.

Ling Feng stood still, Dao Soul sent out a faint rain of light and defended. He knew what he couldn't prevent, and he knew what the ancestor of glory was going to do. This was to spy his Dao Soul.

However, this doesn't mean that Ling Feng can't help it. If he doesn't have some back players, would Ling Feng dare to be so big?

It's just that the other party is a half-step old sage, and he also has his own concerns.


Just as the power flew down and set off the sky-shattering waves, a thin rain of light carried the strange door and the restraint, rolled up, and restrained himself against the spirit power of the glorious ancestor.

The faint light rain was like a blazing flame, with a light like fairy quality.

There is power behind Ling Feng, but he is not yet strong enough to suppress the ancient sage. He now represents the highest combat power of the entire **** of rebellion. Therefore, this strange door ban comes from Ling Feng, but he wants to suppress the ancient sage. Need stronger power.

The Tree of All Things can indeed be suppressed, but it is too obvious, and now Ling Feng has been included in the Spirit Devouring Orb, and only the Void Land is suppressed in the Dantian, which can prevent half a step from the ancient sage's snooping.

Therefore, to deal with the Dao Soul of the Glory Ancestor, Ling Feng only used Nirvana.

Although the eighth stage of Nirvana Skyfire was extinguished, there was always some raging flames scattered down. Ling Feng used it to forge the Dao Soul, and even used the fairy flames to create the strongest Dao Soul in history.

It is true that he can't guard against half-step ancient sage characters, but he can use Nirvana Skyfire and Immortal Flame to make him nirvana. Once the Dao Soul is ignited, he will either bravely rush through or die.

To die, drag the glory ancestor to die together!

Ling Feng had to bet his life, but he was even more betting that the ancestor of glory did not dare to touch him.

Sure enough, Ancestor Glory's face changed in shock and he discovered what kind of flames it was. He was vigilant and frightened. Although he could spy in without force, he would also be ignited by the fairy flames and the Nirvana fire, and he would not be able to stop him by then.

Although he is a half-step ancient sage, he is very taboo against this kind of flames and is unwilling to contaminate cause and effect.

What's more, Ling Feng borrowed the tree of all things to jointly create a strange door, magnifying the fairy flame and the Nirvana sky fire by ten times, and the power is doubled. Even if the **** emperor comes, he will be burned alive. Although the ancient sage has a preliminary understanding Order, but not the real ancient sage.

The ancestor of Glory tried several times, but in the end he didn't break through. Although Ling Feng's origin was important, the Peerless Dao Cult was extraordinary, but compared with his life, it was really not worth mentioning.


Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he knew the result.

After a breath, the soul power of the ancestor of glory withdrew from Ling Feng's soul sea, and at this time the ancestor of glory opened his eyes, his eyes were cold, staring at Ling Feng's eyes became more complicated.

After a while, Ling Feng opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and looked at the ancestor of glory with incomprehension.


As soon as Ling Feng opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Glory Ancestor.

"Does your soul sea have restrictions?"


Ling Feng was taken aback, and asked in a puzzled manner: "What prohibition?"

Then, as if thinking of something, he said, "The elders in the clan did leave something in my soul sea before I left, but I didn't feel anything."

The Glory Ancestor looked at Ling Feng with scorching eyes, but Ling Feng looked at him inexplicably.

"Haha, that should be left by the elders in your clan." The ancestor Honor smiled and said, "That prohibition is extraordinary and should not be underestimated. Even I am not willing to be contaminated, I am afraid it will not help you. what."


Ling Feng bowed regretfully, with a sigh between his eyes.

"Your clan is extraordinary." The ancestor of glory said pointedly.

Ling Feng opened his mouth, after all, he didn't explain.

"Why are there scruples?" The ancestor Glory asked with a smile.

"There are ancient precepts in the clan. You can't mention the clan before you have completed your cultivation." Ling Feng sighed and said sadly: "I have not asked the heavens before, I am not qualified to tell my clan, please forgive me."


The ancestor of glory had a smile on his face, but his heart was full of horror. What kind of clan actually has such power and ancient precepts?

Without asking the day before, it is impossible to name it.

However, he didn't think it was so abrupt, because he had indeed heard such an ancient precept while traveling, but it was all for those big clans, and these big clans all came from the ancient heaven.

Obviously, these ancient tribes had concerns. They were worried that future generations would mention the ancient tribes too early, which would make other forces taboo. As a result, it would be too easy for future generations to experience them and eventually fail to meet their requirements.

And Ling Feng should come from that ancient clan.

"There are thousands of celestial domains, there are not many that are truly vast and powerful. Since ancient times, there have been eight domains, ancient domains, etc., and there are even horizons."

The ancestor Glory smiled and asked, "More than a billion stars are separated from each other? You should go far, right?"


Ling Feng's face darkened and said, "When I first came out of the clan, I was a little too proud. I wanted to cross domains and venture into the legendary heaven, but in the end I came out on the ancient altar. problem……"

Ling Feng showed an expression of lingering fear, and then glanced at Lie, his eyes filled with grief and regret.


This is a Tianjiao who is too conceited, but when he crossed the domain, the ancient altar had a problem, which caused a major injury and almost caused a tragedy. The bird was lucky to survive.

At this point, the Goddess of Glory heard something.

Ling Feng should come from a certain big realm, and even from an ancient clan, otherwise there are not many people who have dared to enter the realm of heaven since ancient times without the qualifications for such pride.

Ancestor Honor nodded, noncommittal.

"Leave this bird here, you can go back."

The ancestor Glory didn't ask more, turned around and went to weed again.

"God of War, please!"

Lie Yan said unsmilingly.

"Thanks senior!"

Ling Feng bowed ninety degrees, and then Shi Shiran left the small courtyard, but he still reluctantly left when he left, bidding farewell to Shen Lieyi.

"Take care of yourself from now on."

Ling Feng dropped Shen Lie and left in a big stride. When he left the pure land of the gods, Ling Feng's footsteps became firm, but his expression was a little trance, obviously he was not used to the days without that bird.


Ling Feng kicked a piece of stone that seemed to be scattered among the grass, but he didn't react at all, and followed the Glory Goddess forward in a muddled manner.

The Goddess of Glory turned around when she heard the sound, looking at Ling Feng's appearance, she frowned insignificantly, and said, "God of War, don't worry too much, my ancestor agreed. Your bird is naturally fine. I'll see you after a while."


Ling Feng nodded blankly.



"We have arrived!"

Not long after leaving the main temple, the Goddess of Glory stopped because they had already arrived in front of Jingfeng Garden.

"God of War, please rest first, the goddess still has something to deal with."

After speaking, Goddess of Glory turned around and left.

"Han Qing, give away the goddess."

Ling Feng nodded, but did not leave the Glory Goddess to eat, and let her leave. His expression was depressed, and he was indeed in no mood.

"May you all be well!"

When he returned to his home, Ling Feng's haunting appearance suddenly disappeared, becoming cold and gloomy. The Glory Ancestor was indeed going to disadvantage him. Ling Feng asked himself that he did not feel wrong.

So, the ancestor of glory will sooner or later attack Shenlie.

"Glory Kingdom, you forced me this time!"

Ling Feng said with murderous intent, because when the ancestor of glory invaded him, he had "looked" at the eight ancient chariots in Ling Feng's body, and even explored Ling Feng's dantian and flesh and blood, as if looking for something.

What is he looking for?

Peerless Taoist!

The intention was obvious, and I was already a little anxious. The reason why I didn't show my fangs was because I was afraid of the forces behind Lingfeng, right?

"You dare to touch it, I will make the glory kingdom crazy!"


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