Supreme Demon

Chapter 3225: The discussion is a matter between you and Hades!

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"I don't want to hurt both sides!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor sighed and said, "You know my details, I know your intentions, and the real benefit is the Kingdom of Glory."


"But the jade unicorn and the Tianwei Shentu are too important to this seat." The Emperor Sea Moon said earnestly, "So, as long as you hand over the jade unicorn and the Tianwei Shentu, I can promise you a request."

"Then give me the Tianwei Shentu and Jade Qilin!" Ling Feng said with a smile.


The Sea Moon God Emperor really felt that his temper was too good, and his chest became broad, otherwise why would Ling Feng still be able to jump around in front of him?

"Do you think that's possible?"

"Does the Sea Moon God Emperor think it's possible?"

"Jade Qilin and Tianwei Shentu are certainly aimed at, but you are a hot potato. I think you don't understand the truth of the crime."

"I only have a **** map of Tianwei, and I have never obtained a jade unicorn."

"Ling Feng!"

The eyes of the Sea Moon God Emperor became colder, and there was a chill inside: "Do you know if I release the news, the Kingdom of Glory will let you go?"

"Haiyue, do you think I will release the news, what will you end up?"

"Indeed, under the suppression of the Kingdom of Glory, I will not be easy." Haiyue squinted and smiled: "But there is a big power behind this seat. Even if the Kingdom of Glory wants to be held accountable, it is extremely difficult, but you are different. "

"How did senior know that there is no power behind me?"

"With your talent, it's normal to have a big power behind you, but don't forget that you are currently the fish on the sword of the Glory Kingdom. If you say it is dangerous, you are a hundred times more dangerous than me!"

Ling Feng was a little silent. His situation was indeed very dangerous. If he hadn't been forced to this level, would he be willing to gamble with Shen Lie's life?

"I think Senior Haiyue must have some misunderstanding."

Ling Feng explained patiently: "I didn't want to be disadvantageous to the Kingdom of Glory. Now I follow the Son of Glory to enter the Kingdom of Glory, but I just want to save my pet."

"What do you mean?"

"Junior means that the kingdom of glory is very clear about my intentions, but the kingdom of glory should not be clear about the intentions of Senior Haiyue."

"Do you think they will believe your words?"

"If you don't believe me, you can release news!"


Haiyue's expression turned ugly. To tell the truth, he didn't know Ling Feng's intentions, but just to save the battle pet, it didn't seem to be so laborious, right?

"My war pet is very badly injured, and the medicine stone is weak. Only the ancient sage can do it." Ling Feng explained: "If I have other intentions, do you think I can live until now?"


"You got eight ancient chariots, and you stole the celestial phenomena and Dao seeds. Do you think the glory kingdom will let you go?"

"The eight ancient chariots were indeed powerfully plundered by me, but the peerless Dao seeds are not mine." Ling Feng said frankly, "If they want them, they can take them."

"Since that day, the peerless Taoist species has disappeared."

Haiyue looked at Ling Feng with scorching eyes, and said, "You are the only one who can do this level?"

"The clearer clears himself!"

"I don't want to worry about these things, so I return Jade Kylin!"

"Senior Haiyue, why do you think the Kingdom of Glory will save my battle pet?" Ling Feng did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

The Sea Moon God Emperor's face changed slightly, and he faintly guessed something.

"Senior Haiyue, we are not far apart, have you ever sensed the aura of a jade unicorn on my body?" Ling Feng then asked.


Haiyue nodded, he really couldn't feel it.

"If I really have a jade unicorn on my body, even if it is hidden in the God Map of Heavenly Might, can the senior's sense of consciousness be sensed?" Ling Feng asked the third question.


In this regard, the Sea Moon God Emperor was very confident.

"So, Senior Haiyue thinks that if I stand in front of the ancestor of glory, can this half-step ancient sage figure feel the aura of a jade unicorn?" This is the fourth question.

The Sea Moon God Emperor did not answer, but his face had become ugly.

Although Half-Step Guxian is not a real Guxian, his strength is extremely terrifying. What he can do, can the Half-Step Guxian character not do?

"What the **** do you mean?"

His face changed drastically.

"Didn't Senior guess the truth?" Ling Feng said with a sigh.


The corners of Haiyue's mouth twitched, her eyes turned black, and she almost fainted: "You mean Jade Qilin fell into the hands of the ancestor of glory?"

"Senior think I can keep it?"


Haiyue was dumbfounded, but her face twitched. The pale was as ugly as it was.

Yu Qilin fell into Ling Feng's hands, and fell into the hands of Glory Ancestor is different.

In Ling Feng's hands, it was easy for him to take it back, but if he fell into the hands of the ancestor of glory, he wanted to take it back indefinitely.

"If you want to save someone, you have to pay some price." Ling Feng said regretfully.

"So, the price is the jade unicorn in this seat?" The Emperor Sea Moon trembled with anger.

"Do you think I am willing?"

"I was forced."

Ling Feng's meaning is very simple. I didn't intend it, but the ancestor of glory chose Yu Qilin, and he could only recognize it.

"So I blamed you?"

"If Seniors think so, I don't know how to refute you."

"Ling Feng!"

Haiyue's eyes were completely red, and the scarlet was about to bleed, and said, "Do you know how important Yuqilin is to me?"

"I know!"

Ling Feng said seriously: "Just like Yu Qilin is important to me."

"You successfully angered me!"

Haiyue's hair was upside down, and said coldly: "You have done these things to this seat, people and gods are angry, steal my Qilin magic medicine, steal my heavenly power, how many heads do you have?"

"Junior has a problem."

Ling Feng asked, "If I change places, will the predecessors return my Qilin magic medicine?"

"Is this the same thing?"

"This is a truth!"

"You don't have the magic medicine for unicorns!"

"But seniors do!"

"I can't help it anymore, even if the Heavenly Might and God Map is ruined today, this seat will kill you!"


The Sea Moon God Emperor took a step forward, and the Haiyue field appeared again, carrying the full weather rhyme, blasting towards Lingfeng in an all-round way, the sky is endless, and it blasted towards the **** map of the sky, powerful and unscrupulous.

Ling Feng Lightning flew upside down, he knew that the Sea Moon God Emperor was crazy. Compared with the Jade Qilin, the God of Heavenly Might was really nothing.

Now, Yu Qilin has fallen into the hands of the ancestor of glory, it is really meat buns and dogs.

What else does he have to worry about?

What **** does he still care about?

Today, he wanted to slaughter Ling Feng to vent his anger!


The earth collapsed, forming a terrible hole. The Sea Moon God Emperor really moved his killing intent, and even if he destroyed the Heavenly Mighty God Map, he would kill Ling Feng, so the Haiyue field was very cold and hot.


The Sea Moon God Emperor had his eyes red, blasting Ling Feng forcefully, the field spread out one after another, his aura hit the sky, and the world changed its color.

Ling Feng was unwilling to fight fiercely with the Sea Moon God Emperor, the more he showed, the more disadvantaged he was.

of course.

The Supreme Blade had already detached itself and became a real blade. He had no scruples. If he really wanted to go shopping, the Sea Moon God Emperor might not be able to defeat him.

"Senior, if you have something to say," Ling Feng persuaded.

"Good, uncle!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was furious, things have reached this point, what else can be said?

"Jade Qilin is very important to you and me. Rather than go shopping, it's better to find a way to get it back from the ancestor of glory!" Ling Feng discussed.

"Retake your sister!"

He is just the **** emperor, and Ling Feng is just the supreme. Although there are some differences, how easy is it to take back the Qilin magical medicine from the half-step ancient sage?

What is the difference between that and looking for death?

At this moment, who can understand the grief in his heart?

Qilin magical medicine can be immortal, but it is an important resource and springboard for him to ask Gu Xian, and now this springboard has been demolished, can he not be crazy?

Can he not grieve?

The Haiyue field was completely bombarded, pressing on every step of the way, Ling Feng was stretched, and the situation was extremely unoptimistic. He was embarrassed by the bombardment, and had to flee deeper into the cloudy sky.

"Ling Feng, today you have nowhere to go to heaven!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was completely powerful and his strength was too strong. Although Ling Feng used his full strength to dodge, he was still injured, his chest and back all broke, forming a blood hole, and blood was rolling out.


He rushed directly to the trough, and took advantage of the lightning speed of the mountain to jump off the sky and the earth quickly, but the Sea Moon God Emperor had already expected it, and he came with a strong bombardment. Space must be left completely.

"Senior, calm down when things happen, you are so crazy, what's the point of killing me?" Ling Feng fleeed, while persuading him.

"Killing you can vent your anger!"

"Let's discuss it again!"

"Discussing that is a matter for you and Hades. All I have to do is send you to see Hades!"

Ling Fengdun was embarrassed, Haiyue killed frantically.

The entire cloudy sky seemed to be destroyed, and as Ling Feng and Haiyue deepened, the yin and death air became thicker and thicker, and they were about to condense into water droplets. For this situation, Ling Feng has no effect, Bi Luo The last three floors are more terrifying than here.

But Haiyue calmed down. There was a terrifying thing in the depths of the cloudy sky. Even the **** emperor did not dare to step in, so he had to slow down.

"Ling Feng, the cloudy sky is extraordinary, and there is a terrible femininity inside."

Haiyue said, "Are you trying to find death for breaking in like this?"

"Hehe, I'm looking for death by quitting like this." Ling Feng sneered: "Come in if you can!"

"What I am against is that I can still escape, but if I am against the feminine inside, I am afraid that escape will be impossible."

"You treat me as an idiot!"

"Let's discuss it again!"

"Discuss your sister!"

"Ling Feng, Yin Tianhuang has all kinds of legends. There was a **** emperor who had fallen inside." Haiyue persuaded him with a serious expression. Although he hated Ling Feng, the Qilin magical medicine had been lost. In the cloudy sky, I'm afraid I will really cry.

Moreover, when he calmed down at this moment, he also felt that there might be a chance.


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