Supreme Demon

Chapter 3247: Mao Xiaoyu!

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Quiet everywhere!

People follow the prestige, their eyes are extremely sharp, as if they want to see Ling Feng through, with the smell of scrutiny in their eyes.

Among these people, the most fierce one is the emperor Wanchen. The ancient kingdom of Wanchen and the kingdom of glory are not kind, and confront each other, but this does not mean that the emperor Wanchen will face each other with cold eyes.

At least, they have to maintain their demeanor and maintain their own face. The kind of tearing thing is not what they should do.


Really defeating and crushing other countries cannot be done with sharp and vicious words. In the end, force is needed to solve the problem. Instead of swearing, it is better to laugh at the enemy country.

"Brother Wanchen, why did you say this?"

The Son of Glory smiled and asked, although Ling Feng was indeed invited by him, but now he is Glory of the God of War and indeed belongs to the Kingdom of Glory.

"This Tianzun, the emperor has never heard of it."

The emperor Wan Chen asked with a smile, just asking, not questioning.

"He is the God of War of our country!"

The emperor Glory said with a smile: "Since entering our country, he has been very low-key, and later led the Yaotian group to practice. Brother Tianchen might as well check this out."

Obviously, the Kingdom of Glory is not afraid of exploring Tianchen Ancient Kingdom.

Although Ling Feng entered the Kingdom of Glory for a short time, it has been almost a year. According to the rules of the five countries, Ling Feng is fully qualified to lead the Yaotian regiment to fight.


Not only the emperor Wanchen was a little surprised, but also figures from other countries were also surprised.

How important is the Five Kingdoms Battle?

Before that, how could they not conduct an investigation first?

The focus of the investigation is mainly on the glory of the emperor, the glory of the girl, and the Yaokong and the Yaoshituan. They don’t pay much attention to the Yaotian group. According to reports, the Yaotian group will change generals. But who is the specific, the glory country remains mysterious, even if it is It is not too clear that the other four countries want to investigate.


Because the Yaotian regiment is not very strong, it can be called the bottom legion. Even with the supreme leadership, it may be difficult to exert its full power, so the other four countries did not pay too much attention to it.

It should be noted that the strongest in the Kingdom of Glory is the Yaoshi group, followed by the Yaokong group. If there are really strong people, at least they should be in the Yaokong group, not the Yaotian group.

of course.

The other four countries have also invited other countries to martial arts for thousands of years, but this kind of thing needs to be about a year in advance, and it must be the **** of the country, otherwise it would be cheating.

It was not too soon or too late for the emperor of glory to invite Ling Feng to enter the kingdom of glory for almost a year. In this regard, the other four nations could not fault it.

One after another glances passed Ling Feng, a little bit cold and cold, but everyone was looking at Ling Feng.

Although the leader of the five kingdoms is not the most critical, they can also play a very strong role and they have to pay attention.


Ling Feng showed only the aura of the top-level Heavenly Venerable, which was very shallow and light, but not enough to threaten the Heavenly Venerables of the other four nations. At best, he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Glory Heavenly Lady, but this strength alone was not enough.

In fact.

When they looked at Ling Feng, the Son of Glory and Goddess were also looking at the martial arts of the other four countries, and found that not only Ling Feng but also other characters appeared, which had not been investigated before.

Obviously, all countries have become smarter, hoping to use foreign aid to win the battle of the five nations, but the strongest legion they lead is not ranked second in the country, and the first legion will always belong to the emperor of the country.

Ling Feng remained silent from beginning to end, but with a faint smile on his face. This is the battlefield, and he doesn't want to talk nonsense with these people.

Isn't it good to take a break when you have time?

The next day.

The Battle of the Five Kingdoms finally started.

The army of the five nations had to go from the end of the ten thousand mountains to the ten thousand mountains, and finally succeeded in crossing the ten thousand mountains, and the first to successfully "break through" was the laurel crown.

Ling Feng generally understood that this place was very different. No matter which giant mountain entered Wanshan, they would eventually meet, and there was bound to be a fierce battle.

Moreover, there are terrifying ancient beasts and creatures in Wanshan, and there are strange terrain and natural dangers.

The army of the Five Kingdoms must not only overcome the natural dangers of the ten thousand mountains, but also punish the beasts, creatures, etc., to be able to survive until the end to be eligible for the Five Kingdoms war.

This test is not only strength, but luck and so on.

"Into the mountain!"

The emperor Tianchen shouted, leading the legion into a huge mountain, disappearing into the clouds.

"Into the mountain!"

Figures from several other countries also led the army into the mountains.

"God of War, you must ensure the integrity of the Yaotian Group, that is extremely important in the final battle of God!"

The emperor of Glory reminded that he was afraid that Ling Feng would be too radical, and he would sacrifice the Yaotian group to complete the victory, and that loss would be too great.

Once the Yaotian group was damaged, it would not be easy to defeat the opponent based on the strength of these people.

after all.

In the end, although the legions of the five countries will be damaged, they can still maintain the three legions, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded.

"Into the mountain!"

Both the Son of Glory and the Goddess of Glory are leading the Legion into the mountain. This will be a protracted battle. Even if they may not be able to come out alive, in the final battle, most of the characters will keep their hands and don't want to tear their faces and squat in the end.

After all, the fall of the emperor of a country and important figures is too much trouble, and they don't want to die for the time being.

"Remember to be careful, don't be radical, living is victory!"

Ling Feng and the Yaotian group were the last to enter the mountain. They were not fast, and Ling Feng was really worried about the Yaotian group.

Because the Yaotian regiment is different from other regiments, it is divided into three small regiments, once damaged or falling into the battle, it may be destroyed by each.

"God of War, I will remember!"

Yuan Qing and the others bowed, this battle was plain, it was still a temper for them.

Because the Yaotian group is not strong enough, according to Ling Feng's statement, they are just getting started, and it will take a long time for them to achieve a true offensive and defensive alliance, and the momentum is connected.

But if they can bring out the real strength of the Yaotian regiment, then the current regiment is a chicken and waffle, vulnerable.

"Advanced Mountain!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan, because after entering the mountain, these two heavenly veterans will lead the army away from here alone and practice in the ten thousand mountains, but they will also really play a role.

Ling Feng only led Xu Hang and the Yaotian group.

next moment.

They entered Wanshan, where the mountains and rivers are rolling, and there are white clouds floating. Wanshan is slightly different from ordinary mountains, but most of them are the same.

"God of War, take care!"

Yuan Qing let out a soft drink, and then led the legion away.

"God of War, we will definitely return alive!"

Zou Yuan said solemnly, and then left.

As a result, the entire scene was left with only three thousand Yaotian regiments such as Ling Feng and Xu Hang, and this polishing began at this moment. The Yaotian regiment would be born against the blood and become the real elite soldiers of ten thousand wars.


Tianxiang Mountain.

Mao Xiaoyu was staggering, she staggered, her face was pale, step by step, coughing up blood.

She experienced the most tragic **** battle and almost fell, but in the end she broke free from death with a firm will and strong strength.

She won!

Now, she wants to go back as soon as possible and leave this place of right and wrong, because with her seriously injured body, she can't stand any attack at all.

As long as she encounters a god, she will fall now.

She was very vigilant. She remained sufficiently awake even if she was seriously injured, and immediately wiped out her breath and annihilated the traces every few steps she took, and she was still roundabout and didn't want to be followed.

After two hours of flying like this, she quickly rushed into the distance.


Just half an hour later, Mao Xiaoyu keenly felt the danger. Although she was very careful, she was still watching.

"what happened?"

Mao Xiaoyu's face is ugly and her eyes are sharp. If you know that she uses the extremely strong speed and ability to get rid of it, it is not easy for the Supreme to follow her.

But she was still being followed.

"There is a supreme in this Tianxiang Mountain?"

Because the peerless Taoist turmoil has passed, the supreme and the **** emperor have long withdrawn, and Tianxiang Mountain has returned to peace again. Mao Xiaoyu and others did not leave, but honed them here.

But now with her majesty of heaven, someone could follow her, it is hard to imagine.

At least, Mao Xiaoyu felt that Tianzun could not do this level, only Supreme.


This time, Mao Xiaoyu was wrong. Only an hour later, Mao Xiaoyu felt the aura around him. No Supreme appeared, but Tianzun.

"Can Tianzun follow me?" Mao Xiaoyu was taken aback, and his confidence had collapsed a bit.

It's not that no one can do it in this world, but Mao Xiaoyu thinks that no one in Tianxiang Mountain can do it.

But the fact is very slapped.

"God Tianyu is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!"

Mao Xiaoyu groaned and disappeared quickly. Even if he was seriously injured, his injuries were slowly recovering after taking the pill.

She wants to use a stronger concealment technique and must escape here.

However, the surrounding auras followed like shadows, always staying, and forced to do so, Mao Xiaoyu had to rush to the Phoenix Forbidden Land, and only there was it quiet enough to go shopping.

"You need to contact other people as soon as possible, and you must find out their intentions and get rid of them!"

Mao Xiaoyu's face was gloomy and she was most worried about being discovered by these people.


Mao Xiaoyu appeared in the Phoenix Forbidden Land and went straight into the Five Paths of Void Flames. At this time, the injuries in his body improved a lot, and the effect of the pill was indeed amazing.

She stopped and looked straight ahead, her eyes chilling.

"Someone, get out!"

Mao Xiaoyu swept everywhere with cold eyes and murderous intent, no matter who dared to follow this at this time, it must be removed.

However, the secret figure did not show up, only the sound of falling leaves was heard all around.

"Something's wrong!"

Mao Xiaoyu's face changed suddenly and he finally realized the problem.


She rushed to the sixth virtual flame without hesitation, trying to break it completely, because she found that the person in the dark took advantage of her pause for a moment, should have sealed the surroundings, pressed down the Qimen altar, and had to completely imprison him. Sacrifice her.


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