Supreme Demon

Chapter 3271: Final Four!

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The Heavenly Legion is defeated!

Following the Yaoshi regiment, this was the first-class legion of the second spending bureau, and the Gudao Empire was also out of the game.

Unlike the Kingdom of Glory, although the Yaoshi regiment and the Yaokong regiment are out, the Yaotian regiment is not. It means that the Kingdom of Glory is not.

of course.

For many people, the Yao Shi regiment and the Yao Kong regiment are out, which is equivalent to the glory kingdom being out.

But for other people, the sharpness and terrifyingness of the Yaotian group has just revealed.

for example.

The **** emperors at the end of the mountains, when Yaoshituan and Yaokong Tuan were out of the game, they were really shocked to the world. The Glory Nation did not expect that Yaoshituan would be the first to go out, nor did other ancient nations.

Because there is still a second-class army that is not out.

But when they heard that the two legions of the Kingdom of Glory were defeated by the Wanyu Legion, they were as shocked as the sky collapsed.

Wanyu Army Corps.

That was the weakest first-class army five hundred years ago. Its killing array had many problems, and it was not easy to solve it.


The emperor Wanyu showed extraordinary courage, which made the Wanyu Army reborn. It was unimaginable. After slaughtering the Yaoshituan, he even slaughtered the Yaokongtuan.

You know, the overall strength of the Yaokong regiment is only slightly stronger than that of the Yaoshi regiment, and the glory of the goddess is even more difficult. It is a pity that they have encountered the strongest enemy in history.

no doubt.

In the eyes of the Son of Glory and the Goddess of Glory, their fiasco is equivalent to the exit of the Kingdom of Glory, but the **** emperors of the Kingdom of Glory have different faces.

These days battle reports came back from time to time, and the Yaotian regiment and the Ye Blade were also the focus of attention. If they didn’t know what legion Ye Blade belonged to at the beginning, don’t they know at this moment?

The Yaotian group is divided into three, the main force is the Yaotian group, and the night blade is a wing of the Yaotian group, and there is another wing that has not appeared so far, as if it was integrated into the ten thousand mountains.

Obviously, today's Yaotian regiment is unfathomable, and Ling Feng's appetite is not small at all. Although Yaoshi regiment and Yaokong regimen are defeated, it does not mean that there is no hope for the glory kingdom.

To know.

The Yaotian regiment can sweep many legions with only 3,000 people. There are five legions that were defeated by the Yaotian regiment. Although these legions are all second and third-class legions, has the Yaotian regiment been damaged?

How does that powerful strength compare to Yao Shi Tuan?

What's more, the Yaotian regiment has a heavenly soldier!

When the Heavenly Dao Legion was out, all the mountains of Wanshan exploded completely, not to mention that the **** emperors present, even the Son of Glory and the Goddess of Glory, all changed color in amazement.

Just because the Heavenly Dao Army brought a piece of news.

The Yaotian Regiment and the Night Blade Soldier are united!

This undoubtedly confirmed people's conjecture that Ye Blade did belong to the Yaotian regiment, and the Yaotian regiment's combat power was not limited to the second and third rank legions. They swept the heavenly legion forcefully.

They proved that they are qualified to become a first-class army.

Who said that the strongest legion in the Kingdom of Glory is the Yaoshituan?

Today, the Yaotian Mission is showing desperate power!

"Yaotian Mission..."

The eyes of the emperor of glory are complicated. He originally intended to let the Yaotian regiment sniper his opponents, but now?

Because of his greed and advance, everything collapsed, and Yaokong Tuan was also killed in Wanshan Gorge due to anger, leaving only Yaotian Tuan in the battle of the Five Kingdoms.

Who is sniping the enemy for whom?

of course.

At this time, the Son of Glory no longer wanted to think about this issue. He even wanted to know whether the Yaotian regiment could defeat other legions, especially the Wanyu regiment.

This time, the rewards of the Five Kingdoms War are too generous, enough to drive the five great kingdoms crazy. Although the glory of the emperor is defeated, it does not mean that he does not want Ling Feng to win the battle.

Between rewards and contradictions, the emperor of glory decided to put aside the contradictions for the time being.

When people were talking and marveling, the fire in Wanshan reignited, which surprised people, because there are currently only five legions in Wanshan, and every legion at this time is very important.

Especially in the Kingdom of Glory, they are afraid of being out of the game.

In fact.

This is not just the worry of the Glory Kingdom, but also the worry of other countries. Among the five countries, except for the ancient foreign countries, there is only one army in the other countries. Once it is out, it will be lost to the five kingdoms.

How can they not worry?


A rain of light flashed, dozens of people appeared at the end of the Wanshan Mountains, everyone with wounds, with blood and blood, sadness and sorrow, and deep resentment.

"Thousand Void Legion?"

The other countries all breathed a sigh of relief, this second-class army was finally out, and did not enter the decisive battle.

The **** emperors of the ancient kingdom of Wanyu frowned. The Wanyu Legion was unmatched, and the other two legions were not weak, but the third-class legion was out early, and the second-class legion was not qualified to enter the decisive battle.

You know, the Void Legion is qualified to fight the first-class legion, and its strength should not be underestimated. Which legion can kill the Void Legion to this level?

There were only a few dozen people in the Ten Thousand Void Legion that came back, and its miserable degree was no less than that of Yao Shituan.

"what happened?"

The **** emperor of the ancient kingdom of Wanyu frowned and asked, "Which legion?"

"Yaotian Group!"

The leader of the Ten Thousand Void Legion spit out blood and his eyes were blushing. He worked hard, but that person was like a monument, suppressed from the sky, making it difficult to move.

Forget about the glory of the God of War, but the real scary thing is the Yaotian group.

A sweeping sweep!

Only fifty people survived in the Ten Thousand Void Legion, and if he conceded a little bit more slowly, I'm afraid he would be the only one who could come back alive.

"There is also Ye Blade!"

The Ten Thousand Void Legion was very angry. Five hundred years ago, the Kingdom of Glory defeated them with a less-bright tactic. Five hundred years later, they were even worse than the Yaotian regiment.

Of course, what really made them angry was the viciousness of the Yaotian regiment. Only fifty people were left who slaughtered them abruptly, which was even worse than five hundred years ago.

But when he learned that the Yaoshi regiment was completely destroyed by the Wanyu Legion, the Yaokong regiment was greatly injured, and not much alive, the full of resentment turned into a heartbroken.

Dare to love this is the anger of the Yaotian group!

Dare to love is a disaster caused by the Wanyu Army.

All the Yao Shi Tuan died, only the Son of Glory came back alive, and the Yao Kong Tuan killed and injured more than 9,000 people. How is this tragic comparison to the Ten Thousand Void Army?

Even more!

No wonder the Yaotian group is so crazy.

The Glory Son and Glory Goddess are full of complicated hearts, and it is very unpleasant. They tried their best, but they were not as good as Ling Feng's unintentional blow. This kind of mental sadness far exceeded the suppression of strength.

But at this time they expected Ling Feng and Yaotian regiment to hold on and defeat all their opponents.

At this point, the top four of the Five Kingdoms Battle was born.

Wanyu Corps, Tianchen Corps, Hao? Pong about rake   Yan twist br/>

To be honest, if the Battle of the Five Kingdoms starts, some people say that Yaotian Group can advance to the top four, it is estimated that they will be laughed to death, or even called a lunatic, but no one can laugh at this moment.

The Yaotian regiment is truly brave and is absolutely qualified to wrestle with the other three first-class regiments.


People also learned that the four strongest legions all passed the Wanshan Gorge and are now galloping towards the Wanshan Battlefield. In terms of speed, they can enter the Wanshan Battlefield at most tomorrow.

"A considerable battle!"

The **** emperors all smiled. The Wanshan battlefield was different from Wanshan. Although the battlefield was extremely wide and spanned five thousand miles, the Wanshan battlefield was a very different place.

The battlefield of Wanshan is low-lying, like a valley, more like a arena. The surrounding mountains form a guarding position, and you can look at the battlefield of Wanshan. With the sight of the gods, you can naturally see the battle.


There is a misty sky around the Wanshan battlefield, which can annihilate Shenjue, Shenjue, etc. It is unrealistic to want to communicate through Shenjue, Shenjue, etc.

Therefore, watching the battle among the mountains will not affect the situation of the battle.

At the same time, people also know that it is not just them who watched the battle this time, but the half-step ancient sages of the Five Kingdoms who easily survived the birth. This shows that the Five Kingdoms attaches great importance to this battle.

"It is reported that the eight great ancient forces, Xiaolingtu, Xuyue Ancient Clan, etc. have all come."

Someone murmured.

This was an unprecedented event. In the past, the battle of the Five Kingdoms was nothing more than an internal battle, and it was difficult to alarm Xiaolingtu, Xuyue Ancient Clan, etc., let alone the eight ancient forces.

"Xu Yue Ancient Clan and Xiao Lingtu can understand that they are old from the Glory Nation. They also attended the battle five hundred years ago, but why did the eight ancient forces come?"

This is just a conversation between the juniors, and the emperors like gods remain silent. Most of them came back from Tianxiang Mountain, and naturally they knew where these forces came from.

Ling Feng!

That ruthless man!

Since he was invited to enter the Kingdom of Glory, it can be said to have attracted much attention, but the Kingdom of Glory has been extremely strict in blocking Lingfeng news, which has made it difficult for many forces to detect the news.

But the Five Kingdoms Battle is an opportunity.

It is precisely because of the birth of these forces that half-step ancient sages have to come forward, otherwise, once these forces attacked, the consequences would be incalculable.

"Let's go, this year is different from the previous one. If it is late, I'm afraid the war will be over."


Everywhere in Wanshan was empty, and people flocked to Wanshan battlefield.

at the same time.

Yaoshi Tuan and Ye Jian also began to march towards the battlefield of Wanshan. From Xun Huo's point of view, there are only four legions left in the Five Kingdoms Battle, and they are the most backward legion.

"The Wanyu Legion is the fastest, the Tianchen Legion, Hao? Shaoyun, brain, 诙唬 , thievery, 堌蠌ARC!br/>

"The news from Suifeng's side has come. We are still five hundred miles away from the Wanshan battlefield, and the Wanyu Army is only two hundred miles away. The difference is three hundred miles, which is not optimistic."

"If the Wanyu Legion is allowed to cross the Wanshan battlefield, then everything will stop!"

"So, we should be faster!"

Ling Feng's eyes were burning, staring at the front, with a touch of coldness, now that the Yaotian group has advanced into the semi-finals, so no one can beat them.


"However, don't worry so much. With the appearance of Tianchen Legion and Hao Nuo neon thief Γ Ω, Chen fierce gnomes are so inferior that they are stunned and adorned with silly people!br/>

Ling Feng squinted and said with a smile: "The Wanyu Army dared to block the Yaoshituan in the Wanshan Gorge. I think it won't be easy to cross."

"What does God of War mean?"

Xu Hang and Zou Yuan's eyes narrowed.

"That's five hundred years of resentment." Ling Feng smiled meaningfully.


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