Supreme Demon

Chapter 3275: At this time, invincible!

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The night is dark and deep.

Ye Jian is speeding, they should be the farthest away from the Wanshan Battlefield, but because of Ling Feng, the God of War, Ye Jian appeared on the Wanshan Battlefield, spanning 1,800 miles, and this is also Lingfeng’s limit. Up.

This means that they are still some distance away from the Devil's Ridge, so they did not appear in time. On the other hand, it is different with the wind. This battle group is hidden in the dark and does not need fierce fighting, so it is the fastest, faster than the Wanyu Legion. rapid.


What Suifeng is best at is speed. If it weren't for the Five Kingdoms Battle for the battle group, I'm afraid Suifeng will rush out of the Wanshan battlefield in the first place and become the first.

In the middle of the night, they crossed two hundred miles and finally appeared in the area of ​​Devil Ridge, because Ling Feng dropped a sentence at the time: The three thousand brothers of the Yaotian regiment were carrying the Wanyu battle group with death.



The Yaoshituan died and the Yaokong Tuan's vitality was greatly injured, and now the brothers of the Yaotiantuan are carrying it with death. What complaints do they have, and what tempers do they have?

That night, Ye Jian tried his best, without stopping, flying to Devil Ridge with all his strength, no matter how to find the intestines of the glory kingdom, and suppress the Wanyu battle group in Devil Ridge.


Only Wanyu battle group can make the three battle groups of Yaotian group do their best, and only they can force the strongest combat power of Yaotian group.

of course.

Ling Feng didn't want the Yaotian regiment to get better, he asked Suifeng to draw the other two battle groups over, not only to muddy the water, but to wipe out the three battle groups in one go.

"Your strength is enough!"

This was Ling Feng's ardent expectation for the Yaotian regiment, which made Xu Hang, Zou Yuan, Yuan Qing and others enthusiastic. The God of Glory said so. It proved that they were really good enough. Couldn't they still defeat the three battle groups?

However, those are the three most outstanding battle groups in the Five Kingdoms War. If the Yaotian group can sweep them, what will be the situation?

Within the five countries, who would dare to stand up?

That is glory!

The Yaotian group will wear golden armor and return the glory to the hometown!

How can they not be crazy?

How can they not burn?

While Ye Ren tried his best, Follow Feng was also moving. On the one hand, they needed to send news to Ling Feng and Ye Jian, and on the other hand, they were gathering.

When the storm converges!

Those who were watching the battle found that the number of people who followed the wind had gradually decreased from the previous hundreds, and in the end there was no one left.


A battle group wearing black armor and red scarf appeared from below the wasteland. There were a total of 4,000 people. Their aura was low, and their aura was low-key. They were like the undercurrents under the dark night, rushing to Hao.

at the same time.

People also found that Ye Jian was galloping in the direction of the Tianchen battle group. When they approached Baili, they flew down and quietly touched the Tianchen battle group with the yellow sand in the sky.

"What are they going to do?"

"The last force of the Yaotian regiment is about to be born!"

When both Ye Blade and Suifeng were born, people obviously couldn't imagine that they would dare to attack the three large groups at the same time. This would break the sky. No one in history can defeat the three large groups at the same time.

What's more, those three battle groups are still the best battle groups of this year.

Unconsciously, people’s eyes fell on the three powers of the Yaotian group, and their breathing became much lighter. The Son of Glory and the Lady of Glory also opened their eyes. They are the old Glory in the depths of the void. The ancestors showed a different color.

What is this going to do?

Does Ling Feng want to catch everything in one go?

I'm afraid this will stab the hornet's nest and cause the most terrible situation.


The Yaotian group became heavy.

Their hands holding sharp swords are sinking, and their people are sinking even more. The pressure on them by the Wanyu battle group is really too great, making it difficult for them to step by step, and they can only glorify the aura space.


How long can this last?

They were being beaten back step by step by the Wanyu battle group, their aura became dull, as if they had no vitality, but it really made the members of the Yaokong group who were watching the battle sweat.

The members of the Yaokong regiment know how terrifying the Wanyu battle regiment is. Even if they know how to deal with it, can they really deal with it?

That is a huge gap that can be filled by non-IQ and strategy!

IQ and strategy must ultimately be assisted by force. At this moment, any strategy and IQ are empty talk.

Hard power is the last word.

The Yaotian regiment was insisting, and Xu Hang was also insisting, but their eyes didn't fall on the Wanyu Battle Group, but far away.

They are enduring!

They are waiting!

Boom, boom...

Although the Yaotian regiment's defense is extremely strong, making Wanyu battle group very difficult, but no matter how strong the defense is sometimes broken, the Yaotian regiment paid more than a dozen martial arts, and this even stimulated the Yaotian regiment.

But at this moment, their layout is too big, even Xu Hang dare not act rashly, because once exposed, the casualties will only be more and more painful.

at last.

The sky became darker, it was dawn!

The sky should have been darker and gloomier, but a light tore open the night and lit up the void.

That is a person.

"At this moment, invincible!"

He is faint and pious.

He was cold and quiet.

He is invincible and coquettish!


At this time, there was nothing more charming and sassy than this person. He stood in the void, lighting up the night sky, almost like a living target, but he was dignified and solemn.

of course.

The most coquettish and invincible should be his line: at this moment, invincible!

Invincible your uncle!

What are you pretending?

Pretending to be a ghost?

To be honest, both the people who were watching the battle or the battle group that was fighting were very speechless by this person, and a pair of eyes watched that person like an idiot.

Which monkey is this teasing?

"Which country is this...thing?"

Some **** emperors couldn't help but want to spray. That person's words were so "sharp" that he would make people laugh crazy. Does he want to defeat other battle groups in this way?

of course.

These **** emperors still have to worry about the face of the major countries, so they only talked about the characters, and didn't say so. After all, there are half-step ancient sage-level figures in this class. It is not a good thing that they are too public.

"This man... is humorous!"

Other characters laughed.

Pretending to be a master is a profound knowledge. Once pretended, it is awesome. If you don’t pretend, it’s a fool.

Obviously, that person is not qualified for entry.

"Brother Yin, hold me fast, I am going to die of laughter!"

"Brother Yang, I'm so sorry, I'm almost laughing to death, I'm afraid I can't help you!"

Several Wu Xiu made fun of each other to laugh at the man in the sky.


Careful characters should be able to find that some of the characters present are not laughing, let alone mocking, but squinting their eyes and looking at that person.

For example, glorify the emperor.

For example, Xu Yuetian girl.

For example, the Eight Spirits.

For example, the Guardian Road and the Old Road Legion!

Just because that person is different.

Just because that person is Ling Feng!

Will a person who swept Vientiane Mountain have no target?

Will a figure looking down on the Lingshen Tianyu float?

will not!

At this moment, their eyes condensed slightly, and Yu Lingfeng's words felt a strong killing intent, and only people like them could sense it.

Wan Yu battle group is not weak, Hao? @ 湯庞 斐湯湯攀盗

"At this moment, invincible!"

Xu Hang chewed this sentence, everyone in the Yaotian group was chewing this sentence, Ye Jian and Suifeng were also chewing this sentence, everyone's eyes were lit up, and their blood was ignited. .

Yes, be invincible at this moment!

"Yaotian Group!"


"God of War makes us invincible at this moment!"


They did not feel that they would be ridiculed, they had no sense of humiliation, only the strongest fighting spirit.

This is what God of War expects of them.

After the experience, the fierce battle is like this, what kind of combat power can they exert?

Ling Feng wants to know!

"Then let's turn on the invincible mode!"

Xu Hang laughed, grinning sternly and solemnly. When his voice fell, the momentum of the Yaotian group suddenly changed, and it swooped up with a howling force. The low force finally formed an explosion, and the defense was also in force. This time has changed.

The glory and aura space exploded.

The magic door of Zhu Mo is completely ignited!

Om... boom!

The Devil Ridge trembled, and the strength of the Yaotian group was exponentially increasing, exploding to a suffocating level, because it exploded to five times.


This surge has not stopped. When Xu Hang merged into it, the auras merged, and the glory aura space exploded, directly breaking the six-fold limit.

Six times!

What is this concept?

The Yaotian regiment at this moment has the strength to crush all the Heavenly Venerates, and a Demon Slayer Knife can kill the gods and demons.

The people who were watching the game shut up, and the Wanyu Legion who was ridiculing the Yaotian regiment also shut up. The emperor Wanyu's eyes were red, and the situation changed so fast that he almost felt trembling.

How can a battle group be so powerful?

Hao? @湯焱⑻Fei straw yeast Oh, help kill pests, play   silk peach   焱耪 melon reproductive pirate Γ  钏羌 宥 squeeze         Yan Yan pan ampoules flashing flying and offering Yan Chee Najie! br/>


Xu Hang took the lead. Borrowing the aura space of the Yaotian regiment, a Demon Tubing knife could rival the Ultimate Heavenly Sovereign, and he directly killed the Emperor Wanyu.

The Yaotian Regiment’s Demon Slaying Sword was also lifted up, fully slaying the Wanyu Battle Group.

With three thousand people hard to beat ten thousand people!


There was no strong duel, no sound of war and soldiers fighting each other, only the trembling sound of the Slaughter Demon Knife splitting the enemy's flesh and blood, which surged six times, really unbeatable.

In just a moment of effort, the Wanyu battle group killed and wounded more than two thousand people, and none of them survived. The Yaotian group's performance was too strong, and the overall casualties were very limited.


Xu Hang launched an assault and forced the emperor Wanyu. Although he fell behind, the situation is different now. Once the emperor Wanyu is pinned down, the Wanyu battle group is a native chicken.


The emperor Wanyu collapsed and flew Xu Hang with a single blow, flew out with lightning, and directly integrated into the Wanyu battle group, shining the sky group with its mighty power.

Xu Hang didn't pursue it, there was a sneer on his face.

"With three thousand glory, help me kill demons!"

Xu Hang fell in the middle of the Yaotian group, and the glory aura space flooded with lightning, causing his power to surge.

At that moment, Xu Hang raised a sharp knife, and everyone in the Yaotian group raised a sharp knife.


Cut it down with one knife!


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