Supreme Demon

Chapter 3283: The first supreme!

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Hanshan is very cold.

The colder is the atmosphere.

Hundreds of supreme being cold to Ling Feng, the momentum of the sky filled the sky, not to mention Ling Feng, the surrounding gods felt this pressure, the sky changed color, and the gods of the rain gate almost suffocated.

Many of the eight ancient powers have come from the gates of the dojo, their strength is too strong, even if they are dealing with the **** emperor, it is estimated to be this level.

It can be said that Ling Feng's previous sentence caused a catastrophe, and the eight ancient forces had no patience to talk to Ling Feng, but wanted to make a quick resolution to solve the disaster of Ling Feng.

Dare to target all the dojos, and now they are here.

"The Ruthless Man is too crazy, but unfortunately he underestimated the eight ancient forces!"

"The foundation of the eight ancient forces is shocking, and they can be shaken by non-individuals. Although the ruthless people have successfully advanced to the ranks, they still don't look at them enough in front of the eight ancient forces.

"How early is a genius!"

People couldn't help sighing that the stronger Ling Feng's performance, the more genius, and the more the eight ancient forces wanted to get rid of Ling Feng. This kind of arrogance would definitely be a disaster in the future, and it would be smart to get rid of it as soon as possible.

"The Eight Great Ancient Forces are a bit deceiving and persecuting ruthless people in the Tianxiang Mountain. Now the same trick is repeated, trying to force ruthless people into submission, but then the fan is dead. Who will nod?"

Some people shook their heads coldly, despising the eight ancient power figures.

"The winner is king. If the ruthless person died today, then the eight ancient powers have the final say? Who will stand up and explain for him?"

Some characters told the truth.

History books are all compiled by victors, and black and white are really not important.

Ling Feng is alive, and someone still speaks for him, but what if he dies?

Who wants to stand up against the risk of being buried alive by the eight ancient forces?

In a corner where people hadn't noticed, several figures were looking at the man with wet eyes, their bodies trembling, and before they knew it, their eyes were already red.

"He...really coming!"

The crisp voice sounded, but it was extremely low. In the cold wind, the voice quickly dissipated without attracting the attention of others. What's more, people's attention was on the cold mountain at this moment.

"The eight ancient forces are targeting, are they trying to die?"

A lower voice sounded, and the words were full of evil intentions. If it weren't for the situation, he would shoot out at this moment and cut off all the eight ancient forces.

"Encircle and suppress the host, shall I wait and ignore it?"

The third voice sounded, killing Yingtian.

There is no doubt that these people are against the gods. If they don’t know that the lord has come, they will not pay too much attention to the sky domain, but when they know that Ling Feng is coming, the glory kingdom and the sky domain are their focus objects. .

They knew that Ling Feng brought the Yaotian regiment into a fierce battle against the Five Kingdoms.

Others are still looking forward to the result, but Nishen doesn't need to look forward to it, because they know that the Yaotian regiment will sweep all battle groups.

When Ruthless People reappeared in the Skyland, they got the news immediately, but they did not appear in a hurry, but watched the battle behind the scenes, because they wanted to know what Ling Feng's intention was.

But seeing a hundred supreme encirclement and suppression of the human master, the gods against the gods are about to explode. With the pride of the gods against the gods, how can this happen?

If it hadn't been for Xinglan's stern warning, and not to be arrogant, at this time they would have to kill Hanshan.

"Don't panic, and look at the owner's intentions!"

Tang Jiu squinted his eyes slightly, and his eyes flashed with anger. No matter what the owner's intentions, they stood here in a torment at the moment.

Why did the **** be so suffocated?

"Bacchus, the host is suffering." Someone was filled with righteous indignation and shivered with anger.

"Is the owner stupid?"

Tang Jiu glanced at the man and said, "If the owner is not stupid, why do you do this?"


"From the perspective of the performance of the Lord in the Kingdom of Glory, is it just a supreme who has just asked the sky to succeed? With my current strength, I can't see the Lord at all. What kind of strength do you think the Lord is?"


Tangjiu waved his hand and interrupted the man and said, "The owner dares to come, and he can naturally cope with it. Now I want to know what the owner's intention is. If you don't know the intention and act brazenly, you will be self-defeating."

"This... alright!"

In the end, people calmed down and didn't move rashly, at least until they figured out Ling Feng's intentions.


"Coming to fight!"

Ling Feng's eyes were chilling, but there was a smile at the corner of his mouth. This was what he was waiting for.

He waited for unprecedented pressure, and these hundred supreme might be able to give him.

It is because he has a strong feeling that the Dao Fa of the id needs this kind of pressure, and only strong enough pressure can break through the limits of the Dao and achieve the true id.

"Ruthless man, this is your own death!"

"Hundreds of supreme encirclement and suppression, slaughter God, you will become a myth!"

The eight great ancient forces sneered. They had seen arrogant, but they had never seen such arrogant. Of course, in their opinion, Ling Feng was not arrogant, but was looking for death.

"With your auspicious words, I will make a myth!" Ling Feng laughed arrogantly, which undoubtedly stimulated the eight ancient forces.

"Then we will fulfill you!"

The voice fell.

The eight great ancient forces and the hundred supreme sages completely smashed into Ling Feng, and the space spread out, one after another time, filling the sky and annihilating the sky.

The Hundred Supremes are like a giant net, caught in the net for thousands of miles, while Ling Feng is the fish in their net. Once the net is closed, the fish will die.

At this moment, Hundred Supreme is closing the net.


The sky collapsed, everything was decayed, the space fell like raindrops, the space was turbulent rapidly, the world was dark, and Hanshan instantly became dust, floating in the void.

Hundreds of spaces are integrated into the law of time, not to mention the supreme, even if the **** emperor comes, I am afraid that it will have a headache, not to mention, among these supreme, there are many supreme who set foot on the ultimate, and the overall strength is even stronger. .

When the prestige of the day fell, Lan Yumenting waited far away, not daring to contaminate the cause and effect, because the prestige of that day was too strong, even if the ultimate supreme fell into it, it would become a fan.

"I am the supreme. All beings in the world dare to be honored?"

Ling Feng smiled.

Wei finally fell that day, extremely strong, even if he felt the pressure, but it was just pressure.


The gods suddenly appeared in the evening, and the nine heavens and the thousands of roads all thundered, and the sages who rushed in front almost kowtow.


The first star radiated the divine light, ignited the void, and ignited the eyes of people, showing a detached majesty. When it fell into the dusk of the gods, the majesty of the sky exploded and exploded the divine sky.

Of course, this is not the most terrifying force.

When the overture of the fairy and the sigh of the fairy appear, and when the gods and the first star become the power in the overture of the fairy, the top celestial power will truly come out.

The petals are flying, all are fairy swords.

The sound of the piano is thorough, and it is a fairy!

Ling Feng brought the Pure Land of Immortals to a hundred supreme figures. He carried everything in his power. He surpassed all beings in the world. In this battle, he wanted to make gods and immortals and achieve ancient and modern myths.


The petals flew out of the pure land of the immortal, carrying the sky full of light, and directly broke through the power of a supreme, leaving a little blood on his chest, and the sprint of the supreme turned into a dive, directly blasting towards To the surface.

In the loud noise, a supreme was broken.


The first star rushed out of the pure land of immortals, like a comet, carrying the strongest weight, and smashed the two supreme princes down from the void on the spot.

The two Supremes fell.

Ding Dong!

The prelude of the immortal trembles, like the singing of an ancient Buddha, and the sound of war roars, breaking through all obstacles and sweeping out the five supreme.


This is the invincible battlefield.

Sitting in the pure land of immortals, Ling Feng fought with the first star, petals, immortal overtures and sighs, showing the ultimate supreme invincible demeanor, and everything collapsed as far as the power came.

The eight great ancient forces and hundreds of supreme encirclement and suppression are not unreasonable, but after all, they are not a single person, let alone a battle group, their strength is difficult to balance and cooperate, and they are easily defeated by Ling Feng.

In just a few moments, more than a dozen supreme beings have fallen, which really shocked all beings in the world.


At this time, dozens of supreme lords were still killed and went straight into the pure land of immortals. Although they knew that the pure land of immortals was extremely dangerous, how to eliminate Lingfeng without breaking the pure land of immortals?

"How happy is life, why bother to die?"

"Just a sigh!"

At this moment, the sigh of the immortal sounded, with a roar of the sky, the dozens of supreme who swooped down all let out a miserable howl, and more than twenty supreme were killed on the spot, and the others were blasted out of the immortal. The Pure Land.

Ling Feng didn't let them go, and offered a stronger war tone, and the Pure Land of Immortal fell in the sky and annihilated it.

Dozens of supreme all have fallen!

The first star and petals all flew out, fiercely fighting the remaining thirty-plus supreme.

The cold mountain was blasted into a big rift valley, and the world collapsed in an unpredictable way...When everything was over, the hundred supreme princes were all dead, and none of them could survive.

But Ling Feng was still arrogant, overlooking everything.

The whole Hanshan was quiet. People opened their mouths and couldn't make a sound. They knew that Ling Feng was very strong, but who had ever thought that Ling Feng would be so strong?

Contempt for all supreme!

I am the supreme, who dares to stand up?

I am supreme, who dares to call it respect?

This is a myth, a dream-like record!

He can be called the number one supreme in the world!

"Ultimately Supreme!"

People are astonished as they wake up from a dream.

In the past, people always thought that Ling Feng was Tianzun, so the ones who didn't move were Tianzun, but at this moment, they found out that the mistake was outrageous. This thing was hiding in clumsiness.

The Eight Great Spiritual Gods were still very angry, and they were all quiet now.

What kind of evil did they encounter?

Is it really a blessing to provoke such evildoers?

The eight ancient forces paid a heavy price for a hundred supreme, although Ling Feng did not kill, but those eight supreme would be hurt for some time.

"Not strong enough!"

Ling Feng looked directly at the gods and said frantically, "You are not strong enough, who else will fight?"

Contempt and insult.

Ling Feng made these interpretations vividly and vividly.

This alone is not enough, he needs stronger pressure.

"The eight ancient powers only have this supremacy, is this strength?" Ling Feng looked down at the audience and made the people of the eight ancient powers furious with a single sentence.


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