Supreme Demon

Chapter 3285: Talk about a victory or defeat, fight a big bet!

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This is a peerless war soldier cast by Ling Feng with endless evil spirits. Its evil spirit is natural, with terrible lethality, not weaker than any **** emperor weapon.

It must be understood that Tianyin Snake had merged into this evil spirit before it had that terrifying strength.


The evil spirit is different from the Tianyin snake. On the one hand, the evil spirit of the evil spirit is far from comparable to that of the Tianyin snake. On the other hand, the evil spirit of the evil spirit is smelted from the entire Yin evil land, and it is more integrated into the endless essence and ancient energy. In essence, it has undergone a transformation, and its strength is extremely strong.

Therefore, when it came out, the endless evil spirit filled the sky, and the vastness was like the ocean. Before it fell down, it made the whole world dull, like the wind and rain, the wind filled the building, the evil spirit was cold and bloody. , Making it difficult for many people to breathe.

The gods present did not change their colors, horrified to death.

They couldn't imagine that the evil spirits of this kind would appear on the sharp blade in Lingfeng's hands. Is this bringing the entire evil spirits land?

At this moment, even Tianlan couldn't speak, his face was pale, and he couldn't help flying backwards. This level of evil blade could have suppressed Tianzun.

The Glory Son, the Goddess, the Xuyue Goddess, the Little Spirit King and others are also extremely dumb. What did this enchanting evildoer ever do, and how much yin and evil spirits need to be smelted by this evil blade?

The Eight Spirits God's face was pale.

At first, they were enemies with this evildoer?

If Ling Feng used this evil blade, it would be a question whether they could live or not, and they couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat.


Ling Feng gave a soft shout, the evil spirit pierced the void, and the endless evil spirit brought the strongest heavenly power down, breaking the void on the spot, and lightning fell.


A supreme screamed, and even though it used the top supreme space, it still couldn't stop the sharp edge of the evil blade, and it was cut open in an instant, becoming a dead body.

The evil force was like a broken bamboo, after cutting off a supreme, Ling Feng forcefully blasted the ten supreme figures who were facing the immortal pure land.

A kid with one blade!

Like cutting a watermelon, he cut off all the ten supreme ones, making them scream and mourn, but he didn't change the sad ending.


This is the most tragic story.


Holding the evil blade, Ling Feng flew to more than a dozen other top supreme, full of momentum, like a **** tiger traveling, crushing the void in one step, disintegrating the space, and he appeared in front of a supreme.

Hand up and down.

As clean and neat as cutting a watermelon, the supreme tried his best to defend, and the space soared into the sky, forming a solid cage, trapping himself in it, but still losing to the sharpness of the evil blade, was cut off the space on the spot, and then that Sha Blade appeared in front of him and killed him.


The supreme made a stern cry, very unwilling, even more unbelievable, but he could only close his eyes and let Ling Feng go on arrogantly.


This is an eternal topic.

"You are strong, but still not strong enough!"

Ling Feng strode forward, the overtures and sighs of the immortals resounded in the Pure Land of Immortals, and the first stars and petals all flew up like mountains and seas, breaking through all things in the world.

At this moment, he is invincible in the world.



A little partner with one blade, a big watermelon with one blade.

Don't say it is the top supreme of Yuchi Palace, even the last eight spirit gods were not Ling Feng's opponents. He was killed by life and life, and his death was extremely miserable, but Ling Feng did not use the fairy blade to hurt his Dao soul.

Unless the other party uses the same power to put it to death, Ling Feng is unwilling to get rid of the other party. After all, this is not a battlefield of life and death.

In his words: it's all fate.


The blade is trembling, and people are screaming.

Ling Feng was really like a slaughter of gods, and slaughtered like a dog. The few remaining sages were discolored and retreated step by step. They wanted to fight back, but they were far from Ling Feng's opponent. Now, this world can find a weapon that rivals it, but it cannot find a weapon that can boost its strength.

At this moment, Shabian and Ling Feng are like a fusion, and they are close to the **** emperor, which is not the supreme.

It is a pity.

Ling Feng did not let go of the few remaining supreme figures, and shot out with lightning, just like a giant dragon attacking, killing them all and beheading them on the spot.

More than twenty supreme, all fall!

This is the cruel truth.

Although people don't want to believe it, this is the fact, and they cannot believe it.

The gods of the eight ancient powers paled, and the faces of the figures in the Yuchi Palace suddenly changed. The strength that Ling Feng showed was too enchanting. It swept all the supreme in the realm of supreme, this is the first supreme.

As Ling Feng said: I am the supreme, who in the world dares to be respected?

Now, with a fierce blade, he made the strongest battle sound: I am the supreme, no one in the world dare to be respected!

Tianlan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

She thought about how Ling Feng dealt with the tragic appearance of the supreme, she thought about how Ling Feng would return to the country in embarrassment, and she also thought about how Ling Feng might defeat his opponent, but she did not think of such a scene.

Standing alone on the ruined cold mountain, looking down on the audience.

The supreme "corpse" was lying under his feet, and the supreme "essence and blood" was dripping on the evil blade, and the whole picture felt blurry and tearing.

It's crazy!

Although Ling Feng was also injured, many injuries were left on his body, but he was ignored by people. In the face of this crush, is that injury really an injury?

"More than a hundred supreme."

Tang Jiu squinted and said with a smile: "There are as many as 20 Ultimate Supremes, but they are still horribly killed by the owner. I feel a little sympathetic to them when I am honest."

"Use one to describe: I want to die!"

"If I were them, they would really lose face at this time!"

The gods against the gods all smiled, the more miserable the gods of the gods, the happier they were.

of course.

They were also shocked by the strength of Ling Feng. One man can carry all the wind and rain, and one man can crush all the supreme. The damage is extremely limited, and they are still strong. Who else is there besides Ling Feng?

The only thing that dissatisfied them is that the rewards of the sky domain have not yet appeared.

Although they acquiesced that Ling Feng was the first supreme, they did not get the approval of the sky domain.

In fact, Ling Feng also had the same doubts. With his record, is he not qualified to be the first supreme?

However, his thoughts are somewhat different from those of the gods.

"Not strong enough!"

Ling Feng shook his head and suddenly understood.

"Fight across levels!"

He is beyond the ultimate supreme, even if he sweeps the audience?

Without cross-level battles, it really can't talk about how good it is. Perhaps it is rare in the spiritual world, but it doesn't mean that there are no such Tianjiao figures in other large regions and ancient regions.

Cross-level is not his patent, and it is not the patent of God.

The cross-level is the patent of the world's best talents.

"Who will fight?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked into the distance, with cold light shining in his eyes. In this battle, he was far from his strongest strength. If he wanted to break the limit, he would need more wind and rain.

The surroundings of Hanshan are quiet.

People looked at each other, but they didn't know how to speak. More than twenty top supreme were defeated miserably. The eight great ancient forces finally ended in tragedy. Ling Feng carrying the evil blade was simply a god.

Who can stun the front?

Who dares to stun the front?

It can be said that no matter how many Supremes are just vegetables, Ling Feng's temper in the Supreme Realm can completely sweep all Supremes, unless it is the enchanting Tianjiao of the Ancient Realm and the Great Realm, everyone will bow their heads.

This is a tragedy.

Tianlan stood below, looking up at the man, feeling the man's aura, feeling the man's mood, and even more feeling out of the aura of the proud sky.

He put the Buddha as the king of this world, looking down on sentient beings.

"Hehe, don't know if I can fight?"

When people were silent and dared not look at each other, a voice suddenly sounded, and instantly the eyes of the gods present brightened, and they couldn't help looking in the direction of the voice.

A middle-aged man stepped out with a clear smile on his face.

He had his hands on his back, his eyes burning, staring at Ling Feng, like a love, a person, so affectionate and so persistent.

"Invincible to the Supreme, I think you should not be satisfied?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor smiled, completely seeing Ling Feng's intentions, but he didn't point it out. Just like some things, they knew each other well, but if they were placed on the table, the problem would be serious.

He understands Ling Feng.

The frenzied battle in this state is either for the reward of the first supreme, or to break the limit of the supreme and advance to the emperor.

In the eyes of the Sea Moon God Emperor, Ling Feng had both.

Ling Feng smiled.

He had long known that the Sea Moon God Emperor and another God Emperor had already arrived, and that such important treasures fell in the hands of others, and he was even scammed by others. How could this account be easily settled?

It's just that Ling Feng still overestimated the strength and bravery of these two people, and they didn't dare to break into the glory kingdom, which made Ling Feng somewhat despise them.

How about your **** emperor's face?

Don't you want your treasures?

If you are so brave, can I not give it?

However, when they heard that Ling Feng had appeared in the realm of the sky, they hurried over. Although they wanted to regain the treasure in the realm of the sky, the chance of crushing Lingfeng was not great, but was it always a chance?

Ling Feng was hiding in the Glory Realm. Even in the Five Kingdoms Divine War, he was extremely vigilant. They both passed the strange door restriction to go back and forth between the ancient country and the battlefield. The two **** emperors could not find a chance to start.

Ling Feng can afford it, but they can't afford it.

If Ling Feng really stayed in the Kingdom of Glory and never showed up for a lifetime, would they have to wait for a lifetime around the Kingdom of Glory?


These days, the side of the Kingdom of Glory has been alert, too long, after all, it is not good for them.

Therefore, they urgently need to solve the problem as soon as possible.

"Really not satisfied!"

Ling Feng's forehead, he knew the intention of the Sea Moon God Emperor.

"Then let's talk about it, the last battle?" Sea Moon God Emperor asked.

"How do you want to talk? How to fight?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and asked.

"Talk about a victory or defeat, fight a big bet!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor said with a serious face: "Win, you leave; lose, I will give you a good fortune you want, but some things need to stay!"

"it is good!"

Ling Feng's forehead, this gamble is not harmful to him.

If he wins, he can leave.

If he loses, he will get that good fortune, break the limit of martial arts, and advance to the rank of God Emperor, but he needs to pay for the treasure of the Sea Moon God Emperor.


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