Supreme Demon

Chapter 3288: Good wind depends on strength!

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It's just a ruin.

Ling Feng's eyes were heavy, he knew how important this battle was. If he didn't use this battle to make a name for himself, he didn't use this battle to ask questions; then, he was just Supreme.

It is much easier for the Kingdom of Glory to deal with a Supreme.

It is quite easy for many forces in the Lingshen Tianyu to suppress a Supreme.

If it is only Supreme, he is the fish on the knife of others.


If you can use this battle to ask, the question is not as tricky, even if it is still the fish on the knife, it is also the hardest piece of fish.


This is what the Sea Moon God Emperor promised, how could he easily repent?


In order to ask, Ling Feng used immortal power and immortal blade. These crazy powers are very taboo. In the small universe, no one has the idea of ​​immortal power?

It was just that Ling Feng and Nishen were incomparable at that time, but all forces that dared to target Ling Feng and Nishen paid a heavy price.

At that time, Nishen swept the entire universe, who would dare to stand up?

Therefore, no one dared to fight Ling Fengxianli's idea.

But what is the situation now?

The gods all wanted to get immortal power, and God Tianyu didn't know how powerful the gods were, and they didn't put Ling Feng in their eyes.

In fact.

The strength of the gods is placed in the gods' realm. It is really not that powerful. Let's not talk about the ancient domains and the big domain forces. Let's talk about the spirits of the gods. The eight ancient forces are no small thing. God maintains the overall situation, I'm afraid it is not enough.

It is not that the gods are not strong enough, but the elites of the gods are not strong enough, especially at the top level.

For example, Ling Feng is nothing more than a supreme now, and other top-notch figures against God can be imagined. He didn't ask Dao God Emperor, after all, it was a lot worse.

However, is God Emperor enough?

The eight great ancient forces are all sitting on half-step ancient sage-level figures, which are extremely difficult to deal with. However, there is too much difference in this aspect. If they can get the help of the three figures of Huang Jingjing, Celestial Reincarnation, and Meng Po, then Nishen is not so vulnerable. , But the background of Nishen is too thin.

They need more time to settle and more time to prove themselves.

Ling Feng is in a hurry!

At the moment when he showed his immortal power, there was no way of retreat. He could only move forward bravely. Whether it was a patter of light rain or the violent rainstorm, he would crush it.

This battle is going to fight!

He needs to use this battle to ask, advance to the **** emperor, break all imprisoned forces, break all violent powers, give up everything that should be given up, even if it is Xianli, it is not the power that Ling Feng wants to insist on.

Ever since he experienced the celestial hatchet, Ling Feng has been thinking about the issue of immortal power. Is this the greatest power between heaven and earth what Guwu needs?

The ancestors of Gu Wu once said that Gu Wu does not need immortal power.

Although Ling Feng didn’t notice any conflict between Guwu and Xianli, he was quite alert. Once there was a problem between Guwu and Xianli, it must be a big problem. At that time, he wanted to make a change. Everything is too late.


Ling Feng needs to solve this problem in advance.


Giving up Xian Li has a great impact on him, directly affecting his strength, but on the other hand, giving up Xian Li also has other benefits.

Xianli is too dazzling, it is easy to cause great trouble, which is quite detrimental to Ling Feng.

It would be quite dangerous if he became a public enemy of the entire God Heaven Realm.

of course.

Ling Feng didn't think in the bad direction either. Giving up the power of immortality was not to disperse it and become a spirit, but to cut off the power of the immortal, and then merge into the body to become another power.

"Do you really want to fight?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor frowned, unwilling in his heart.

At this time Ling Feng was really too dangerous, so dangerous that he wanted to immediately take back the Qilin magical medicine, etc., and stay away as soon as possible.

Xianli is a beacon, making Ling Feng dazzling.

Too many people were staring at this time, and he negotiated with Ling Feng too deeply, which was not a good thing.

"Really want to fight!"

Ling Feng looked directly at the Sea Moon God Emperor, and said with a smile: "This is your opportunity, and also your only opportunity!"

Obviously, this is a warning.

If the Sea Moon God Emperor dared to retreat at this time, then there would be no chance in the future.

For Ling Feng, this time was too important. Without the Sea Moon God Emperor, he wanted to advance to the rank of God Emperor, but he was afraid that it would not be so fast, so easy, and it would always take time.

And this is precisely what Ling Feng dare not wait.


The corners of the Sea Moon God Emperor's mouth twitched, and it was a headache. This guy was too cruel.

However, the fierce battle at this time did not have much impact on the Sea Moon God Emperor.

He fights when he wants to fight.

But is it that easy?

"It's not impossible to fight..."

The Sea Moon God Emperor smiled and said, "But..."

"Don't think too much about some things!"

Ling Feng despised: "Apart from it, everything else is fine!"


The sea moon **** emperor's face changed suddenly, and others couldn't understand, how could he not understand?

The "it" in Ling Feng's mouth is clearly the magic medicine of the unicorn, which is too important for him.

"If you don't have it, then everything is free!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was so angry that his body couldn't help but shivered. Isn't this stock intentional?

"Of course, you can defeat me!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, "This is our gamble!"


"Of course, even if you lose, you won't be so miserable."

Ling Feng bewitched: "Perhaps, you will have unexpected gains?"

He didn't say it clearly, because he knew the Sea Moon God Emperor would understand.

The eyes of the Sea Moon God Emperor flickered slightly, and he looked directly at Ling Feng's eyes. The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds before moving away.

He asked Ling Feng with eyes, and Ling Feng responded with eyesight.

Simple and straightforward.

What he wanted to ask was what it was. In fact, he had a scrutiny in his mind, but Ling Feng was firm in his thinking.

"Okay, let's fight!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor yelled and calmed down completely. Although there were risks, it was worth the risk.

"Come to fight!"

Ling Feng nodded.

"Go ahead!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor made the invitation very generously.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded, and flew out without hesitation, Xian Sha blasted towards the Sea Moon God Emperor with the vast and unparalleled majesty.


The Sea Moon God Emperor drank low, and the vast sea space was suddenly pressed out, and every drop of sea water turned into space, into laws and rules, with the sky full of space and tremor, and fully pressed against Ling Feng, to suppress it.


The situation is different from before.


Xiansha is not evil, nor is it immortal, it is a stronger blade!

Break everything with one blade!

When the immortal smashed, the vast sea space unexpectedly collapsed, as if sea water was evaporated by extremely high temperature, without any hindrance.

This is breaking!

This is annihilation!

This is Ling Feng's top strength.


The vast sea space was split by the immortal creatures from the middle. The hundreds of millions of space formation rules and the laws of time are all annihilated, and the same is annihilated. It is two different things between the evil blade and the immortal.

At this moment, Ling Feng was so forceful that the Sea Moon God Emperor was discolored.

Immortal evil is invincible, who dares to stun the front?

"Han Hai Sheng Tao!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor raised his hand to point out, and Hanhai instantly burst out an incomparable tsunami, diving directly from the bottom of the sea to the sky, with a surge of several times the power of the sky, and it turned into a rain of arrows.

The power is completely different!


In front of the immortal, the vast sea was after all just the vast sea. When Ling Feng carried the immortal and fell down, the vast sea was instantly torn apart, and it could not stop the immortal Tianwei.

"Divine Emperor, shouldn't it be the only strength?" Ling Feng squinted and smiled.

People were stunned.

But the eyes are brighter.

The dignified **** emperor was even looked down upon by a supreme being. I'm afraid it's hard to happen in this world, right?

of course.

The more powerful the fairy, the more people pay attention to it.

"Indeed, but I hope you don't regret it!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor said with a serious face.

"I don't regret it!" Ling Feng solemnly forehead, he knew that the Sea Moon God Emperor would do his best.

"Good wind depends on strength!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor sighed. He didn't know how much Ling Feng could do, but he already felt Ling Feng's state.

Ling Feng was silent.


A low heavenly might appeared in the vast sea, and then the vast sea made a freezing sound, and when people's eyes were attracted, they couldn't help taking a breath.

The endless sea is really frozen.

What force can freeze space and time?

"This is fishing for the moon in the sea!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor smiled elegantly, with a touch of deep confidence.

Although Ling Feng's strength is good, but more is to borrow the sharpness and strength of the fairy, and what he wants to borrow is only his own strength.

A round of moon appeared from below the ice layer, reflecting the heavens and all paths, and it was even brighter and stronger than the moon in the sky.

no doubt.

The celestial might of the icy sea was emitted from the sea within a month. It icy space and time, transcends it, and proves its power.

And this is the origin of the title of Sea Moon God Emperor.

That is the moon in the sea!

"Cold Moon for Ten Thousand Years!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor solemnly and solemnly sacrificed the crescent moon, causing it to fly towards Lingfeng.

In an instant.

The world is frozen, all space and time must be frozen, only a crescent moon traverses the void, illuminating hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers, and breaking the law of time.

That month is empty, annihilating endless light.

That month was empty, annihilating all hope!

"Is this the God Emperor?"

Ling Feng was slightly surprised. He knew that the Sea Moon God Emperor was very strong, but he had never thought that this person would be so strong.

Divine Emperor is indeed different from Supreme.

As powerful as him, it is so difficult in front of the **** emperor.

Even though the Celestial Might was used, it was still a question whether he could hold the Sea Moon God Emperor's Might.

of course.

This is because the Sea Moon God Emperor is not just entering the realm of the God Emperor, but has been tempered in the realm of the God Emperor for two thousand years, which is not comparable to the junior God Emperor.

"But, this is what I need!"

Ling Feng closed his eyes, he didn't know if he could ask success, but at this moment, he was fighting.

When the crescent moon flew, he felt that he was about to be frozen, but the stronger fighting spirit spewed out from the sea, and the fairy lightning rushed forward, spraying out thousands of rays of light, and blasted away. Everything is frozen.


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