Supreme Demon

Chapter 3295: Unhappy?

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The void trembled violently, stunned the vast sea of ​​space, like a hole opened a door.

It was a terrifying picture when a crescent moon crossed the sky.

The crescent moon was originally powerful, and when it flew down and pressed down at the speed of the flash electrode, the storm it drove was terrifying. It instantly ignited the void, caused it to burn, the space exploded, and then formed a sonic boom.

During the downward pressure of that crescent moon, there was a kind of blunt frustration, which was the resistance formed by space, and the crescent moon broke through the space for life, and then formed a frustration.

This description just shows how terrifying the force of the crescent moon flying and falling, and it feels like it will knock and break a small star.

Not to mention that when the crescent moon flies and falls, it carries the emperor-level moon rainbow, which can completely annihilate space and time. The sky is infinite and extremely terrifying.

no doubt.

The Sea Moon God Emperor was angered by Ling Feng, and at this time he did not hesitate to use his full strength to beat Ling Feng to vent his breath.

It obscures the sky.

It swept across the sky.

People were shocked. The power used by the Sea Moon God Emperor exceeded their expectations, allowing them to have a deeper understanding of the Sea Moon God Emperor, and Haiyue was about to enter the third level of the God Emperor.

"Senior, you are really welcome!"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled. He knew Haiyue was angry, but he didn't expect this person to be quite angry.

How much hate him.

"Don't make you underestimate." The Sea Moon God Emperor said with a smile.

"If you stand and let the senior beat him, it is really an insult to the senior, the junior will work hard to make the senior beat better, and completely disgusting in his heart."

Ling Feng said with a smile.


The Sea Moon God Emperor curled his lips. He really wanted Ling Feng to do nothing and just stood there and let him beat him severely, but as soon as Ling Feng spoke, he choked all of his words back, making him wonder how to refute.

After all, Ling Feng can be shameless, he wants shame.


That crescent moon gave out a brilliant divine light and completely pressed down, and the terrible Tianwei immediately annihilated the world around Lingfeng, forming powder, which flew rustlingly, and the ground surface collapsed, and the entire layer was weakened.

The crescent moon hasn't completely fallen down yet, its power is only the projection of the moon rainbow, and its heavenly power can be seen, when it completely falls down, I am afraid that Ling Feng will become a part of the ruins.

Facing that crescent moon, Ling Feng's eyes suddenly chilled, becoming unprecedentedly solemn.

"Even if there is no fairy power, I still want to suppress the **** emperor!"

When the light rain was shining, Ling Feng stepped onto the void step by step, his eyes shining with invincible light, this was his first battle since he suddenly realized the Dao of the Self.

How strong is the Dao Fa?

Ling Feng was also very curious.


The tremor of Dong, it was not the picture caused by the crescent moon, but the sensation caused by Ling Feng's feet on the void, which caused the void to burn.

He borrowed from the void, stepped through space and time, pulled the mountains and rivers, and rushed straight to the sky, facing the crescent moon.

"Today, it is destined to be your glory!"

Ling Feng said in his heart that he was speaking to the Dao Fa of the Self, that this was his first battle, and it was the first demonstration of the Dao Fa of the Self.

In this battle, the entire sky must know that there is a Ling Feng in the world who dares to call no one in the world to be respected.


When Ling Feng flew out, every acupuncture point in his body was burning, the light rained all over the sky, the sky was infinite, every acupuncture point was like a star, and the three hundred and sixty acupuncture points were like more than three hundred stars. The holy sun, the light rain ignited the whole person, the tree of all things rooted in the pubic area, penetrated more than 300 divine acupoints, making it one body.


This kind of light did not overflow Ling Feng's body, but concealed in his body, forming a magnificent and simple ancient picture, but this ancient picture was hazy with light and rain, and its content could not be seen clearly.

However, when the ancient map appeared, Ling Feng's power was increasing geometrically, and in just a few moments, he reached a terrible level that made Ling Feng shudder.

He felt that he couldn't step through the mountains and rivers with a single foot, and he felt that he could see the past and the present in one glance.

Time and space are intertwined, and a unique heavenly power is brewing in the body.

next moment.

He greeted the invincible crescent moon.

Tianwei pressed down from the top of his head, messed with Ling Feng's hair, and each hair was extremely painful, like steel needles stuck in his face.

At this moment, Ling Feng raised his fist.

Only one punch!


When Ling Feng raised his fist, more than 300 divine acupoints emitted dazzling divine rainbows, bursting out, rushing to the fist in an all-round way, the light rain was hidden in the fist, and the essence of the self burst out instantly.

That is the self universe!

That is the ancient sky today!

Ling Feng closed his eyes slightly, the wind here is really strong.


When that fist met the crescent moon, there was no such terrible scene for the first time. The two sides felt a sense of pause, but the sense of pause only lasted for a while, and the scene of destruction appeared.

The huge sound flooded the whole world.

That crescent moon sent out a world-wide light and rain, and moon rainbows filled the sky, illuminating the endless universe, causing many Wu Xiu's eyes to bleed, just because the light and rain were too powerful.


It was the invincible crescent moon that did not annihilate the war fist. The war fist looked very ordinary. There was no strong light and rain escaping, but it just withstood the crescent moon and withstood the endless Moon rainbow.

It is like a fairy fist from eternity!

It is like an invincible universe!

"It seems not enough!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly, and the original Dao Fa spewed out. He could clearly perceive how powerful the crescent moon was, but the original Dao Fa was even more enchanting.

Its Taoism is like the universe, completely despising other Taoism.

Especially in the areas of space and time.

Although the original Dao Fa is not a field, it is similar to a field, except that it is hidden in Lingfeng's body and can play invincible power.

It has a power that surpasses the heavens, not to mention the Sea Moon God Emperor's field.


The Sea Moon God Emperor was a little horrified. He knew that Ling Feng had realized something extraordinary, but he didn't think that Ling Feng could match him.

After all, humane perception is hard to match Immortal Dao.

What power in the world can fight against Xianli?


The truth is often a little astonishing. Ling Feng did realize the shocking power and withstood the wind and rain with a fist, even if it was the sea and the moon, he couldn't make progress.

What kind of power is this?

To tell the truth, the Sea Moon God Emperor was shocked, a bit exploded, this evildoer did not seem to be abolished, but became even more evil.

But even if Ling Feng can perceive a stronger power, how can he become stronger in a short time?

That requires massive resources.

Moreover, with Lingfeng's injury, he wanted to heal in a short time, even with medicinal stones.

How did he do it?

"Senior is cool?" Ling Feng squinted and smiled.


The Sea Moon God Emperor is very angry, is this guy deliberate?

He is making a show?

"Use all your strength and let me see how strong you are!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was very curious. He knew that there was a terrifying power in Ling Feng, but the specific strength could only be seen when he forced his full strength.

He wanted to know.

Is that kind of power a stronger fairy power?

Perhaps it is the transformation of Xianli?

"Senior is upset, juniors should blame themselves!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly, only revealing a slight treacherous taste.


The next moment, his eyes burst into light, and a powerful celestial might suddenly burst out of his fist, releasing the most enchanting light and power.

In an instant, the crescent moon became gray and dimmed by the bright light released from Ling Fengzhan's fist.

The entire sky seemed to have only Ling Feng's fist.

The loud noise sounded from that crescent moon, the eardrums of the people who exploded were all painful, and many people's complexions changed drastically, because this sonic boom contained the terrible thunder and power, and they could go straight to the Taoist soul.

Immediately after.

People saw the incredible picture.

A person facing the light rain, facing the rainbow, facing the invincible crescent moon, holding a fist and a frontal hard bar, completely pierced the endless rainbow of light, and knocked the crescent moon into the air.

The huge fluctuations overturned the sky.

At that moment, Wan Dao was wailing.

At that moment, the sky was trembling.

"Today, the juniors must let the seniors have a good time!"

Ling Feng gave a treacherous smile, and flew directly towards the Sea Moon God Emperor. The speed was so fast that even the Sea Moon God Emperor was full of horror, and he felt Ling Feng full of malice.

Ling Feng raised his fist and pressed it down, showing no mercy.

Be merciful, that's disrespect for seniors.

"You want to be beautiful!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor's eyes were upside down, feeling that Ling Feng's malice was deeper.

However, Ling Feng's fist had already fallen, and the Sea Moon God Emperor had to deal with it in a hurry, using that crescent moon to block it, but could that crescent moon stop Ling Feng?



Ling Feng blasted down on the crescent moon, bursting out a strong sky, and smashed the void on the spot, knocking the crescent moon into flight. If the crescent moon was not strong enough, I was afraid it would burst on the spot. .

no doubt.

The Sea Moon God Emperor also flew, he was hit by the crescent moon, and his nosebleeds flowed across his back.


The Sea Moon God Emperor let out a mournful cry, he didn't expect this to end.

His flesh and bones are not as enchanting as Ling Feng, and he almost fell apart with just one hit. Although he is not a real body, but a virtual body, it is enough for him to drink a pot.


Before his voice fell, Ling Feng appeared in front of the Sea Moon God Emperor.

He smiled and asked gently, "Senior, are you out of breath? Are you cool?"


"I knew you were not upset, you haven't gotten angry yet!" Ling Feng smiled and said, "This is not good, it hurts your body so much!"

"What do you mean?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor asked with chills.

"Make seniors cool!"


As soon as Ling Feng’s voice fell, he raised his fist and blasted it out, directly hitting the Sea Moon God Emperor’s face, knocking him off instantly, and his entire face turned blue and cracks appeared on the face bones, causing severe pain. The Sea Moon God Emperor issued a very unsightly and imageless wailing.


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