Supreme Demon

Chapter 3297: Food is a heritage!

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I am Ling Feng!

There are only four words.

This is the simplest and most direct voice that Ling Feng can think of after careful consideration. With the cleverness of the gods, he should be able to guess the meaning of these four words.


These four words can better conceal Ling Feng's true intentions. Even if the gods present know it, it is difficult to guess Ling Feng's intentions. Therefore, Ling Feng is not afraid to let the gods present know.

To put it simply, "I am Ling Feng", you will understand if you understand, and you can only guess if you don't understand, but the promise should not be what they want.

"Projection is not impossible, but the price is different."

The old man Xu Yu of the Tongtian Pavilion frowned and said, "This matter is extremely serious, I'm afraid I need to go to the Tongtian Pavilion to discuss it in detail."


Ling Feng's request was quite complicated. Although there were only four characters, it was not an overnight task to cross-domain. Mass resources were needed, and it was not a place to talk at this moment.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng agreed without even thinking about it, not to say that he was just a virtual body at the moment, even if it was the main body, it would be extremely difficult for Tongtian Pavilion to keep him.

Unless, Tsutenkaku wants annihilation.

Ling Feng nodded slightly to Tianlan and the others, and then flew away with Xu Yu.

Although people want to know what Ling Feng's intention is, no one dares to follow up at this moment, but the characters who despise the Sea Moon God Emperor are not to be dealt with unless the God Emperor wants to die.

The Son of Glory, the Lady of Glory and others have complex expressions, and more worrying. Although they still can't guess what Ling Feng is going to do, judging from their various performances, they are afraid that Ling Feng will go out of the Kingdom of Glory.

They hurriedly left the realm of the sky, and wanted to deal with the current Ling Feng, they needed to make some arrangements.

"Three days later..."

The Sea Moon God Emperor stood up, looking at Ling Feng's back when he left, a bright light flashed under his eyes.


It is located in Tianyue Valley. Although it is a valley, the overall terrain is much higher than the surroundings. It should be said that this is a basin.

In the Tongtian Pavilion, there are many tall buildings, like a sharp sword, inserted upside down in the Tianyue Valley, powerfully pulling the mountain and river.

Ling Feng was invited to enter a building in the most central part of Tianyue Valley, and in the Accord on the top floor, there was a loli girl holding tea.

Xu Yu came side by side with another Tongtian Pavilion old man, smiling.

"Lingtu God, this seat is the elder Xu Yu of Tongtian Pavilion."

Xu Yu introduced to Ling Feng: "This is the Great Elder Yuchen of the Tongtian Pavilion. If you have any requirements, you can talk about it in detail here."

"Elder Xu, Elder Yu."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, neither humble nor overbearing. Although the status of these two elders was extraordinary, they were only **** emperors.

Xu Yu should be the elementary **** emperor, and Yuchen is the sea moon **** emperor at best.

Therefore, Ling Feng can sit on an equal footing with them, but there is no awe.

"Brother Ling is polite." Yuchen is kind and amiable, but he dare not hold him up in front of the new "God Emperor" Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling has something, but it's okay to say."


Ling Feng nodded and said, "I told Elder Xu Yu earlier that I want to spread a piece of news to the heavens of God. I wonder if Tongtian Pavilion can do it?"

Yuchen nodded slightly, as he knew it before.

"Spread the entire God's Domain. Unless it is the top-level domain or ancient domain, other domains can't do it." Yuchen sighed and said, "Moreover, even those top-level ancient domains and large domains are rare. Will do such things."

"Oh?" Ling Feng frowned slightly.


Yuchen said sincerely: "Don't say four words, even if there is only one word, it will burn up all the resources and communication spirits of the Tongtian Pavilion, I am afraid that it will not be enough to read."

"Unless the eight ancient forces are burned out!"

Yuchen is very direct.

God's universe is too vast. It is extremely difficult for ordinary characters to cross domains, while Ling Feng needs to spread news throughout the God's universe. Even in the sky, there are many resources that can be borrowed. There is not enough consumption, I am afraid it is a foolish dream.

There is no doubt that with Lingfeng's resources, I'm afraid it can't be used up.

Ling Feng couldn't help but took a breath, his heart was full of horror, he didn't want it, just to send a message, he needed to consume such a huge resource.

Only when the eight ancient forces have burnt their foundations will they be possible.

This is too luxurious.

Who dares to play like this?

Although Ling Feng didn't take the resources seriously, he wouldn't consume it like that.

"To what extent can Tsutenkaku do?"

Ling Feng pondered slightly and asked, "How about the cost?"

"Brother Ling, please have a look."

Yuchen drew out a piece of gold paper and placed it in front of Ling Feng. On the gold paper there were the limits of what the Tsutenkaku could do, as well as the cost description.

"Only in the realm of the Spirit God Tianyu, five thousand **** stones are needed?"

Ling Feng was a bit staggering. Although the Spirit God's universe was vast, it shouldn't be difficult to spread the news all over this area with Ling Feng's strength and expending some effort and resources.

But Five Thousand Sacred Stones are not so easy to get.

"Brother Ling knows something."

Na Yuchen explained with a smile: "Tongten Pavilion has different ways of delivering news. We will use the most dazzling way to make your news bloom in the void, so that everyone in this field can see it."

"Moreover, this effect can last for as long as a stick of incense."

"One stick of incense and five thousand sacred stones..."

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth were drawn straight, and the cost was not low at all. Although it was dazzling, it was only a flash in the pan.

He carefully calculated the resources he had, and suddenly felt that he too wanted to do this kind of thing.

Even if you ask the immortal, you didn't make that much, right?

of course.

This kind of thing does not happen every day. Most people only send messages within the domain, and when it comes to outside the domain, even the eight ancient forces would not be so extravagant.

"The limit of Tsutenkaku is Baiyu?"


Ling Feng stared at the piece of golden paper, his eyes a little straightened, because it would cost a lot of money to spread the news all over the world.

This kind of expensiveness is enough to exhaust the divine emperor's background.

"Too expensive?"

"Haha, Little Brother Ling doesn't know anything. If I want to spread the news to hundreds of domains, the Tongtian Pavilion consumes a huge amount. If the little brother thinks it is too expensive, we can make a ten domain."

Ling Feng glanced at Shiyu. Although it was much cheaper than Baiyu, it was much different.

"Ten domains are still too small."

Ling Feng sighed, his eyes gleaming.

The previous fierce battle may not have been discovered by others, but he already knew it.

The **** against the gods were inside. Although he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the unique breath of the **** against the gods had been transmitted through and made him feel.


The gods against the gods are in the heavens of gods, just because the ancient realms are too far apart, and the gods against the gods are too scattered today, otherwise, in today's battle, someone will be unable to sit still and want to come out.

This further strengthened Ling Feng's determination to call out against the gods.

"forget it!"

Ling Feng stood up and shook his head slightly, intending to give up this crazy idea.

"Ahem, Brother Ling should think about it."

Yuchen and Xu Yu looked at each other, their eyes gleaming, and then Yuchen stepped forward with a smile, and said, "It's easy to discuss the cost."


Ling Feng stopped.

"What do you think of this number?" Yuchen stretched out nine fingers.

"too expensive."

Ling Feng thought for a while and stretched out five fingers.

"Brother Ling, are you here to rob?"

Yuchen shook his head, and said firmly, "Hundred Domains consumes a lot of resources, and 50% of it is definitely not possible. We don't consume enough resources."


"Sixty percent!"

"Seven percent!"

Yuchen gritted his teeth and said, "This is the limit of the Tsutenkaku, and it cannot be less, otherwise, we would rather not do it for the Tsutenkaku."

Ling Feng smiled.

He knew that this was not the limit of the Tongtian Pavilion. If he stayed for a while, the cost could be lower, but Ling Feng didn't want to wait any longer, because he needed this news now, and the gods in the distance needed this news even more.

"Okay, deal!"

Ling Feng smiled and nodded, and said, "Tomorrow, I will enter the sky again, and then I will bring all my resources."

"it is good."

Yuchen smiled and said, "We also need to make some decorations in the Tongtian Pavilion. At most one day, this news can be spread over hundreds of domains."

The next day.

Ling Feng reappeared, he really sent the resources needed by the Tongtian Pavilion.

Its massive level is enough to make many **** emperors crazy, and Ling Feng's background is not enough, so he uses the background of the Sea Moon God Emperor and another **** emperor.

"Okay, please wait for a day, little brother Ling, Tsutenkaku will spread the news all over the world at the best moment."



Luofan Tianyu.

A person is skillfully dismembering a Celestial Beast, which is an ancient King Kong beast, with strong hair and a gilt color, very dazzling.

But there was a striking blood hole on the forehead of that King Kong ancient beast, and golden blood was pouring from the blood hole.

The man's eyes were bright, and his saliva was about to flow down.

He dismembered the King Kong ancient beast, cleaned it, and put it in a large pot. All kinds of spices were thrown into it. As the flames burst out, the large pot became scarlet, and the **** smell that escaped was diluted. After that, a faint smell of meat drifted out of the pot.

The flames boiled for two hours, and the soup in the cauldron became thick and milky white. The golden beast meat was boiled. Some of the beast meat was blended into the soup. It was a golden feast.

"So delicious!"

The man squinted his eyes, took out the jade bowl, and started drinking soup and meat, his expression filled with satisfaction.

The taste is endless.

"Brother, your craftsmanship is getting more and more exquisite." A beautiful woman smiled and praised, like that person, holding a jade bowl, and eating full of satisfaction.

"Hey, food is a kind of heritage!"

The character called "Senior Brother" smiled and said, but in a corner where others hadn't noticed, a touch of sentiment flashed across his eyes.

Food is a kind of heritage.

Inherited from that person!

Each of them is a foodie.


Suddenly, the celestial phenomenon suddenly changed, and a ray of light dispelled the haze of heaven and earth, illuminating Luofan's sky domain. </p>


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