Supreme Demon

Chapter 3300: A small order!

You can search for "Supreme God and Demons (ie in Baidu!

The arrow is light.

The entire sharp arrow plunged straight into the ground, knocking over the surrounding soil, forming a deep pit, and the tail of the arrow quaked and buzzed, annihilating the surrounding space.

It was a black sharp arrow, as pitch black as ink, but it was not conspicuous enough in this valley.


The black sharp arrow was very heavy, elegant as dust, and came quietly, without any sound, very curious, and the inherent spatial law, unless it is a very sensitive person, it can't be found.

Qin Xiaoyou was in a cold sweat. If Yuxie hadn't reacted quickly enough, she would be seriously injured if she didn't die.

Yundong's complexion was also pale, and there was no room for hair, and the hunting reaction surpassed him, the top celestial being. When the black sharp arrow appeared, he had no reaction at all. If the black sharp arrow was aimed at him, now he It shouldn't be as simple as turning pale, right?

Thinking about it this way, he couldn't help taking a high look at Yu Lie. It was not easy for this casual cultivator to be able to cultivate to this level. Without the intuition of life and death, he was afraid that he would have died long ago.

of course.

At this time, Yundong only felt that Yu Lie was taking advantage of casual cultivation, and only then had this intuition, not strength.


Several Heavenly Sects of Yun Tianzong all showed killing intent, and they were afraid that if their eldest lady fell here, then the whole Yun Tianzong would go crazy.

How can they not be angry?


A sharp arrow came directly, and the other party didn't mean to come forward at all, but wanted to shoot all the characters of Yun Tianzong.


The other party is very weird, but the inner space, even if they have extraordinary senses, it is not easy to find out in a short time, and the black sharp arrow is even more ghostly, definitely enough for them to drink a pot.

"You dare!"

Yundong's eyes were upside down, his face was gloomy, and the other party was too cunning. In front of Qin Xiaoyou's face, to shoot them, it was simply to hit him in the face.

He moved forward with lightning, and fully let go of his consciousness. Between the opening and closing of his hands, a giant net unfolded, covering all the heavenly veners of Yun Tianzong, and then resisting the sharp arrow.


That black sharp arrow was so sharp that it dented the giant net. With terrible lethality, it penetrated through the giant net and wounded one of the heavens.

"court death!"

The figures of Yun Tianzong were all furious. Judging from the aura of the black sharp arrow, the opponent should be a Heavenly Venerable, not yet supreme, otherwise there is no need to hide.


Yundong and the others grabbed the direction that the sharp arrow flew out, and Shenjue dived across the board, finally spotting the character.

At the next moment, Yundong took the giant net directly into the valley.


A man jumped out from the depths of the valley, and the lightning fled to the distance, while he was carrying a quiver on his back, with black sharp arrows hidden inside.

Obviously, this person is the culprit.

"Where to escape, today is your death date!"

Yun Dong was completely angry, chasing after him, faster and faster, because he found that the opponent's speed was not fast, judging from the momentum, only the strength of the second-class Tianzun was far less than him.

"Don't chase!"

Yu Xie's face sank, and an extremely dangerous feeling came into his heart.

This is the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways, it is very dangerous, and if that person dares to do it at this time, how can he not have a back hand?

What he fears most is that the cloud cave is in the way of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain. The other party wants to deal with the cloud cave. As long as the cloud cave falls, the situation will change immediately.

"Don't chase the poor!"

Yu Li shouted loudly, because he found that the other Heavenly Venerables of Yun Tianzong were also chasing in that direction, which was quite bad.

"Huh, it's just a second-class Tianzun, why bother?"

Yundong yelled coldly, and said disapprovingly: "If you are scared, you can wait until I punish this person!"

"Yu Lie, you can stay behind to guard Missy."

The Yuntianzong members didn't listen to hunting at all.

Looking at the backs of the people leaving in Yundong, Yu Li opened his mouth, but only the sound of the sky was left.

"It should be okay. With the strength of Senior Brother Yundong, it should be easy to deal with that person!" Qin Xiaoyou smiled and said, "Dare to make Yinben girl, he is looking for death!"

"What I am worried about is turning the tiger away from the mountain. Once they are in an ambush, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Yu Lie sighed.

"It shouldn't be it?" Qin Xiaoyou was far from the hunting alert, after all, they rarely left the sect. Although they knew the dangers of the rivers and lakes, they were not alert enough.

"It's better to dissuade it as soon as possible, and be careful to sail the Wannian Ship!"

Yu Lie said heavily.

"Okay, then let's dissuade a few senior brothers. After all, this is a mystery land, so be careful."

Qin Xiaoyou couldn't help worrying, she believed that Yu Lie would not aimlessly, this was indeed too dangerous.


After they rushed out of three hundred miles, their expressions couldn't help but change wildly, because the person had stopped, with a sly smile on his face.

This is a low valley with a radius of fifty li. There is a touch of aura and coercion around it. There is nothing at all, but when the eight characters appeared around the valley, the situation changed drastically.

"Multiple doors!"

Qin Xiaoyou's heart sank in an instant, because the other party was Tianzun from the Multi-Sect.

Although there is no supreme, but among the eight heavenly beings, there are three top-level ones, relying on Yundong alone, I am afraid that they will not be able to survive.


Duoyuan Sect and Yuntianzong are old enemies, and they are born to overcome each other.

They didn't expect that they had just entered the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Ways, and they were in an ambush at the Duoyuan Gate.

They were watching the battle from the rear and wanted to wait for an opportunity to move, but they soon discovered how pessimistic this idea was, because a few figures appeared behind them.

They were forced into a trough.

It's just because behind them are three deities, and two of them are top deities.

The situation changed smoothly, and Yundong and others' faces were as pale as they were.

"Sorry, we were careless!"

Yundong's face was dim and he blamed himself very much. He didn't put the previous character in his eyes, but the other party was just a bait, and the real pit was here.

"Yu Lie has reminded you before."

Qin Xiaoyou sighed slightly, her face was pale, but now it was useless to say anything.

Yundong's face flushed, and he did not dare to look at Yuhun.

"Now needless to say, let's kill it!"

Yu Lie's face was cold, he had no complaints with Duan Yuan, but if they dared to deal with Qin Xiaoyou, they would pay the heaviest price.

"it is good!"

Yundong responded loudly. At this time, they had no retreat, and their past grievances could be put aside.

"I will take care of Xiaoyou."

Yu Lie said in a deep voice: "I am here, she is here, I die, she will still be here!"

This is his oath, but also his guarantee.

"Thank you!"

The impression of Yundong and others about hunting has changed. This person is not disgusting. He dares to come forward at a critical moment. This kind of courage is not much.

"Haha, have a backbone."

Leng Ran, headed by Duoyuanmen, said with a smile: "If I say that as long as you hand over the young lady of Yuntianzong, you can let you go, I wonder if you will agree?"

The eyes of Yundong and the others were suddenly blushing, and these people turned out to be Qin Xiaoyou's idea.

Although it's a pity for life, if Miss Yun Tianzong's life is used in exchange for their lives, then he would rather die.

This is the backbone of Yuntianzong!


Once Qin Xiaoyou fell into the hands of these people, I was afraid that life would be worse than death.


Yu Li said indifferently, not so fiercely, but his words were cold and he couldn't hold his beak.

"Then only death!"

Leng Ran waved his hand, and the ten Tianzun instantly rushed towards Yundong and others.

"If you don't want to, then you will be captured alive!"


Yundong yelled, and a giant net was completely thrown out, blasting towards the heavenly venerables of the multiple sects.

"Hmph, this girl would rather die in battle than let you wait!"

Qin Xiaoyou's eyes were cold, and his hatred was overwhelming. These people were really hateful.

She was holding a blue light sword and looked directly at the ten heavenly lords.


She was blocked by Yu Lie.

"I haven't fallen, you don't have to act!"

Yu Lie said in a gentle voice: "I promise to protect you, so I must do it!"

"Yu Hunt..."

Qin Xiaoyou was deeply moved. Doesn't every woman want a man to stand up for them?

Although heroes save beauty is very cliché, but very effective.

Yu Lie shook his head faintly, and he took out a small Ling in his arms, only the size of a baby's fist, made of a special material, indescribably agile, with a broken blade engraved on it.

"Xiaoyou, this is my most important thing. If, I mean if... if we break through the defense, you immediately leave with this small order."

"Yu Hunt..."

"Xiaoyou, listen to me."

Yu Lie's expression is extremely solemn: "If you are in danger of life and death in the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways, perhaps lighting it up can save you once."


A very special magic formula was introduced into Qin Xiaoyou's soul sea, it was the magic formula to ignite Xiaoling.

"Yu Lie, you..."

"Xiaoyou, it is more important than my life, and now it is given to you as a token of love." Yu Lietan smiled but said, "I don't have a precious gift. On this occasion, it may be abrupt. But please don’t dislike it."

"I don't dislike it."

Qin Xiaoyou's eyes were weeping because of the sentence: It is more important than my life, and now I give it to you.

This is a token of love!

Nowadays, everyone can see that it is difficult for them to leave alive. Yu Lie is explaining the funeral.

Surprisingly no irony, no mockery.

People are in a heavy mood. Although they are unhappy with hunting this person, they have to say that what a man should do at this time is what Yu hunting is doing.


Yu Lie didn't rush into the battlefield, but stood by Qin Xiaoyou's side, because what they wanted to do was not to cut the enemy, but to break through.

Breakthrough requires an opportunity.


At this moment, a Tianzong of Yun Tianzong fell to the ground and was shot and killed by the top Tianzun of the Multi-Sect.

"Brother Xu Ku!"

Qin Xiaoyou let out a mournful cry, those top heavenly veterans had started, and only Yundong was present who could suppress them, but there was only one person in Yundong.


Suddenly, Yu Lie yelled, and Lightning shot, killing Qin Xiaoyou's back.


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