Supreme Demon

Chapter 3304: Tu you full!

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The world is quiet.

It was so quiet that only Qin Xiaoyou cried.

Han Ruyue was very cold, making all the gods present feel chill, but didn't say much, because they were all very angry, that was terrible hatred.

Yu Lie is dead!

To die is not the **** of rebellion, but to die is the most important member of the **** of rebellion, who fell ten thousand talents and became a hunter, and he was more important than many gods.

The multiple doors violated the taboo against God.

"Yu Hunt!"

Qin Xiaoyou cried so much grief, how grief the hearts of the gods rebellious.

They didn't cry or sound, but their hatred was even more terrifying.

After a long while, Han Ruyue turned her eyes to Qin Xiaoyou. She appeared beside Qin Xiaoyou, patted Qin Xiaoyou on the shoulder, and said, "Do you really want to know who he is?"

"Do you want to know if we know Yuxie?"

Qin Xiaoyou's voice stopped abruptly, and his eyes were gray as cold as the moon.

She wants to know.

Although, Yu Lie is dead.

But she wanted to know everything about him.

"His way is different, I think he should have told you."

Qin Xiaoyou nodded subconsciously.

"We haven't met each other, we don't know him." Han Ruyue lowered his eyes and said, "But, we know that he is a member of that power."

Qin Xiaoyou opened his eyes, as if asking a question.

"Tian Huang, he came from Tian Huang!"

Han Ruyue said in an extremely firm tone: "This is his greatest secret in this life, and it is also our greatest secret. I am willing to tell you what happened today, but you must not spread it in this life."

"I don't want him to die with a sky full of regret."

Han Ruyue could have been out of hunting origin, which is beneficial to the gods, and more beneficial to Tianhuang, but he is even more unwilling to die like this.

"One out of ten thousand people can be a hunter. You don't know how good he is!"

Han Ruyue said loudly, "But we understand!"

"Are you curious, why didn't we slaughter those two people?" Han Ruyue asked.


Qin Xiaoyou nodded with hatred. She did not know that although they didn't know Yuxie, they knew that Yuxie came from the famine.

They were very sad, and they should take revenge for Yuxie.

But why are they lingering?

"Are you worried about the forces behind them?" Qin Xiaoyou said bitterly, "I come from the Yuntian Sect. If you are afraid of multiple sects, you can rest assured, as long as you send me back to the Yuntian Sect, the predecessor town of the Yuntian Sect. He has multiple doors!"


Han Ruyue smiled indifferently, and said, "Why have we ever cared about being too diverse?"

"That you……"

"Why don't we move the knife?"


"We don't need the help of any forces, let alone any forces." Han Ruyue said coldly, "Because we are waiting."

"Wait for?"

"wait for news!"

"What news are you waiting for?"

"Wait for a piece of news that will drive us completely crazy!"

"Are you waiting?"

"It will take some time."

Han Ruyue looked at the sky and said, "I think the news is coming soon, right?"

As if confirming the words of Han Ruyue, more than a dozen beautiful women flashed out of the void, flying down and arching their hands.

"Find it?"

"I found it!"

The dozen or so butterflies said respectfully: "There are a total of 120 people entering the Ten Thousand Ways of the Mysterious Sect this time. Among them, there are eight **** emperors, and no one wants to wait for their strength. There are four **** emperors worthy of vigilance.

"There are forty-eight Supreme Masters, and the rest are Tianzuns!"

"There are nine Tianzuns who previously died by the hunter."

A piece of news clearly showed the overall strength of the Duoyuan Sect, which stunned and horrified the two great gods of the Duoyuan Sect. Who are these people, and how can they understand the Duoyuan Sect so clearly?

What are they going to do?

Qin Xiaoyou was equally stunned, and a piece of news surprised him. The multiple doors were scattered, and there were not many people like Leng Ran. How easy was it to find out in a short time?

How did these people do it?

"But do you know where they are?" Han Ruyue asked.


More than a dozen butterflies nodded and said, "The eight **** emperors have four unpredictable trails. We dare not follow too closely, but everyone else is in control."


Han Ruyue nodded, looked at Yu Hunt’s body, and said, “You once said that you wouldn’t let them leave here alive. You said that you would let their forces pay the price... Today, I’m here to promise Han Ruyue that I will do my best. The multiple doors are annihilated!"

This is Han Ruyue's fighting spirit!

"I think the Tianhuang side should get news, right?"

Han Ruyue said with moist eyes: "They will take you home!"

She turned to Qin Xiaoyou and said: "Wait for a few days, Yu Lie's blood debts, we will retrieve them one by one. Don't even think of leaving here alive by the multiple doors!"

"you guys……"

Qin Xiaoyou was dumbfounded and forgot to cry.

Who are these people?

She just thought that they would be able to kill the two of Leng Ran, but these people actually wanted to remove the entire Duoyuanmen.

Can they do it?

"From now on, kill!"

Han Ruyue's voice was cold and flew out in the sky.


Liu Shushu disappeared in lightning.

This is the realm of the Fallen God, and Nishen is different from the realm of Spirit God. The influence of Hanruyue is different from that of Xinglan, and the butterfly develops very rapidly. It is only the secret earth of ten thousand ways, which can be fully controlled in a short time. How can Xinglan be able to achieve this terrifying strength?


All the rebellious elites flew away.

Qin Xiaoyou opened his mouth, wondering what to say.

Because the two "culprits" of Duanyuanmen are not dead yet.

What does it mean?

Throw a few ruthless words, and then play missing?

Damn beauty.

Leng Ran and the other Tianzun looked at each other, and both laughed, feeling that those people just acted and didn't dare to disadvantage them.

"Hey, Qin Xiaoyou, I see what your ability is at this moment."

Leng Ran gave out a cold smile. At this time, he was about to make a quick battle, and he was afraid of nights and dreams.

"Come here then!"

Qin Xiaoyou sacrificed all his strength and pressed down on the soul sea and dantian. As long as the two of them got close, he would immediately explode.

"Haha, it's better for you to blew up!"

The two heavenly veterans came forward suppressingly, with a grinning face.

"Do you know why they didn't kill you?" Suddenly, a voice rang in the sky.

Leng Ran stiffened in an instant, Qin Xiaoyou looked at the sky curiously.

The three people fell slowly, headed by a young man.

He didn't smile, his eyes were scarlet.

He didn't look at the two of Leng Ran more, but looked directly at Yu Lie in Qin Xiaoyou's arms.

He walked step by step, not fast, but in a blink of an eye he came to Qin Xiaoyou, and he took Yu Lie's body from Qin Xiaoyou's hand. Qin Xiaoyou struggled in vain throughout the process.

"Because they want to leave it to us!"

Bai Yuheng said quietly, "Why what?"

"Because we came to take him home!"

"Because we are in the wild!"

He raised his eyes to Leng Ran and said in a hoarse voice: "Tianhuang will kill me alone, and Tianhuang will slaughter you all over the house. This is not a lunatic, we say it, it will definitely come true!"


Bai Yuheng gave a soft sigh, and a person flew out beside him, his momentum was not obvious, only his fist was used.


He slammed Leng Ran's eye sockets with a punch, and directly hit his eyes hollow, blood flowed.


He punched Leng Ran's face, breaking his face to pieces.


He punched and punched, he was kicked.

There is no fancy, no strength, only simple punches and feet, but every punch and every kick is extremely fierce, which beats Leng Ran to blood and grief.

What they had to do was not to slaughter the two of Leng Ran, but to beat them to death.

Maybe Yu Lie will be more comfortable, right?

Qin Xiaoyou cried, crying sadly, crying sadly.

"Why are you here?"

"Why do you wait to pick him home after he died?"

Qin Xiaoyou shouted sternly, how much she wants to hunt back?

She wanted to be able to go home alive!


Bai Yuheng sighed with grief. He couldn't raise his head when asked by Qin Xiaoyou. This was indeed their negligence, but Tianhuang was the most unique person. Unless Yu Hunt was willing to show the imprint of Tianhuang, even butterflies and Tianhuang It is difficult to find him for Huang.

"But from now on Tianhuang will be your home!"

He could see Qin Xiaoyou's affection for hunting, and he didn't mind doing more.

"He is dead, where is there a home?"

Qin Xiaoyou howled sadly.

"Yu Lie has fallen."

Bai Yuheng said: "But our way is different, maybe there is hope."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Qin Xiaoyou suddenly raised his head.

"He retained a ray of remnant soul with his last strength, and perhaps there is hope." Bai Yuheng said, this is Gu Wu's special technique that can retain a ray of soul, but it does not mean that with this ray of soul, it can be saved. hunting.


Qin Xiaoyou was overjoyed and couldn't help asking, "How can I save him?"

"It's hard!"

Bai Yuheng sighed and said, "There were people who did this kind of thing back then, and kept a ray of remnant soul. Therefore, before I found that person, I'm not sure if I can save myself from hunting."

"Who is that person?" Qin Xiaoyou hurriedly asked.

Bai Yuheng's eyes dimmed slightly, but he was unwilling to tell that this involves the highest secret of God.

"How can I find him?" Qin Xiaoyou asked again.

"do not know!"

Bai Yuheng sighed, they wanted to find that person more than Qin Xiaoyou.

"But if he comes, he will do everything possible to let us know!"

Qin Xiaoyou still want to ask.

But suddenly, fireworks ignited on the sky, and it was brighter than the flames ignited by Qin Xiaoyou, making the sky all over the sky shine.

"what happened?"

Bai Yuheng was taken aback, because the flames were the unique symbol of butterflies, representing important news. As far as its brightness was concerned, it might be related to the Wing God.

"Quick check!"

Bai Yuheng snorted softly, and he took a few people, Qin Xiaoyou, and flew towards the direction where the flames appeared.

At the same time, Han Ruyue and the others were also surprised and couldn't help flying towards the direction that the flames burned.

"what's the situation?"

"A sudden change in the sky domain!"

"The realm of the sky?" Han Ruyue was shocked: "Say."

"The realm of the sky illuminates the four words with light and rain. Those four words are-I am Ling Feng!"


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