Supreme Demon

Chapter 3314: Strong to the end!

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Glory to the main heaven.

Ling Feng stood in the wind, and a slanting sun fell from the void, forming a light like broken gold, reflecting Ling Feng's face.

He was cold and solemn, facing the people of the glorious kingdom such as God Emperor Leng Mo.

Just as God Emperor Leng Mo suppressed and wanted to kill Ling Feng, the three God Emperors flew down from the void, their aura like a rainbow, and they couldn't see their faces clearly.


That tyrannical aura covered the entire sky, as if it were about to come down like a vast ocean, making all Wu Xiu in all directions shocked.

Especially the Glory Son, the Goddess and others, they had no idea that at this time there would be a **** emperor flying over to stand for Ling Feng.

The three **** emperors stood side by side and flew directly in front of Ling Feng, blocking him behind him.

"Do all of the nation's efforts to deal with a Tianjiao?"

The headed man sneered: "What did he do wrong? Because he won the crown of the Five Kingdoms God War for the Glory Kingdom?"

"Said it was to save his brother, but in fact he did nothing. Now he is imprisoned. This is the style of the Glory Kingdom?"

"Can your Glory Kingdom do something normal people should do?"

He defined the Kingdom of Glory as an abnormal person.

It’s just because it’s really shameful that the Kingdom of Glory has done these things. Ling Feng has paid a lot for the Kingdom of Glory. If the battle of the Five Kingdoms had not turned the tide, the situation in the Kingdom of Glory would not be so optimistic, right?

But they are too greedy.

They don't want to let Ling Feng go and squeeze him out of work. Is this a human thing?

Unload the mill and kill the donkey!

Do Asuka make good bows?

To be honest, these practices of the Kingdom of Glory are indeed despised by many people, and to be like this, I am afraid that there is not much in the Kingdom of Glory.

They are hypocritical!

"Who are you?"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo squinted slightly, but there was not much fright, because the three of them were merely Guandao Divine Emperors, and had not yet reached the super grade, otherwise, there would be a fierce battle today.

"Are we?"

The headed man sneered and said, "You don't need to know who we are, we are just unhappy with the deadly virtue of the Kingdom of Glory!"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo blinked, and he discovered something from the man's words.

These three **** emperors are indeed going to stand up for Ling Feng, but they are not the powerful figures behind Ling Feng, otherwise they don't need to be like this.


It is very likely that these three people are acquainted with them.

To say that the person who has the most contact with Ling Feng is the Sea Moon God Emperor, but this God Emperor once fought Ling Feng decisively in the Sky Realm, shouldn't they have reached the same level of life and death?

Even if the Sea Moon God Emperor was willing to stand up for Ling Feng, wouldn't the two God Emperors behind him have to fight for life and death with the Kingdom of Glory?

"Hehe, who you are, you will know in the final battle!"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo said coldly: "Dare to intervene in the glory of the kingdom at this time, then you have to figure out what the price will be!"

Obviously, this is a threat.

"Oh, I'm so scared!"

The headed man poked his mouth and smiled: "If you have done a lot of evil in the Kingdom of Glory, are you not afraid of nightmares? Are you not afraid of harvest? If you are not afraid, why should I be afraid?"

"Huh, the emperor of Guandao is really crazy enough, do you know how to write the word ‘death’?"

"Isn't it written on your face?"

The man counterattacked quite fiercely.

"Okay, you are fine!"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo was successfully enraged, strode forward, and directly rushed towards the man in the lead.

"Then let go!"

At the same time, the man used his soul power to signal to Ling Feng that everything was ready, as long as Ling Feng wanted to leave, they would flee with Ling Feng as soon as possible.

Indeed, it is not easy for them to defeat God Emperor Leng Mo, but it is even more difficult for God Emperor Leng Mo to keep them.

There is no doubt.

It was the Sea Moon God Emperor who appeared at this moment, and he came by appointment.

"Not urgent!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly and responded with soul power.

The Sea Moon God Emperor was able to fly here at this time to cover him from wind and rain, and Ling Feng was very moved.

But today, he was not trying to escape, but to force the ancestors of glory to hand over Shen Lie.

"Humph, it's just a trivial Guandao God Emperor, why bother Senior Leng Mo? I can suppress you later!"

At this time, six **** emperors flew out from behind Leng Mo, none of them weak, and the speaker Ling Feng knew him.

Lie hundred yuan!

The Sea Moon God Emperor squinted his eyes. It was really a narrow road to the enemy. He was almost a tragedy in Tianxiang Mountain, but there were three great emperors at that time, but now there is only Lie Baiyuan.

"Put your hoofs here!" Sea Moon God Emperor shouted.


Lie Baiyuan exploded on the spot. This person is really rude and demeanor. Does he really think he is a donkey?

"You are looking for death!"

Lie Baiyuan flew over, with a vigorous momentum, and a pair of eyes exuded a cold killing intent.

"Senior Leng Mo, Hundred Yuan wants to fight!"

Lie Baiyuan did not rush to do it, but first asked God Emperor Leng Mo for instructions, which gave the God Emperor Leng Mo a face.

"it is good!"

God Emperor Leng Mo nodded slightly, and the Three God Emperors of Haiyue came forward to make God Emperor Leng Mo a little alert. Their goal today is Ling Feng, but the wind and rain are not weak on all sides, and they must be vigilant.

"I am here to punish a **** emperor!"

A person flew out from behind Leng Mo and directly confronted the person behind the Sea Moon God Emperor.

"I'm here to kill one person!"

When the third God Emperor flew out, the Sea Moon God Emperor was completely separated, and the situation was quite unfavorable for them.

"Ling Feng, the situation is unfavorable, we must make a decision as soon as possible."

The Sea Moon God Emperor said in a voice transmission: "If things can be done, then we will naturally try our best to rescue your brother, but if we can't do it..."

Obviously, the Sea Moon God Emperor felt a headache.

The bird fell into the hands of the ancestor of glory, how easy is it to rescue it?

He just promised to rescue Ling Feng.

"You can rest assured that I won't let you lose here."

Ling Feng smiled and spoke, today is not just the Sea Moon God Emperor.

"I have invited three **** emperors, I really underestimated you!"

The duel between Lie Baiyuan and Haiyue God Emperor had no effect on God Emperor Lengmo. He still looked directly at Ling Feng, with a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"But, do you look down on my glory kingdom too?"


Ling Feng nodded and said, "But, did you look down on me?"

When Ling Feng's voice fell, three more **** emperors flew down from the void, the same as the sea moon **** emperor, their faces were flooded by light and rain, and they couldn't see their faces.

no doubt.

These three are headed by the Tianmo God Emperor, and are the other three God Emperors invited by Ling Feng.

Divine Emperor Leng Mo's face changed slightly, and he really underestimated Ling Feng. He didn't expect him to invite six Divine Emperors.

This is going to fight against the glory kingdom.

"court death!"

The three **** emperors behind Leng Mo Divine Emperor flew out and directly confronted the Tianmo Divine Emperor and others.

This is a decisive battle.

The entire twelve **** emperors duel, the scene is as magnificent as it is, and its power will overturn the world. If this is not the glory of the main temple, there is a strong altar to suppress it, I am afraid the main heaven is in ruins.

Not to mention that this is the site of the hatchet, and its prestige is even stronger and can suppress the audience.

"Six **** emperors, is this your limit?"

The **** emperor Leng Mo sneered, he didn't think that Ling Feng could invite more **** emperors.


Ling Feng was very calm and unmoved.

This is indeed the limit he invited.

But that's just please!

"Does the Kingdom of Glory really want to fight for life and death?" Ling Feng asked, "I am willing to hand over the peerless Dao Seed, and I am more willing to hand over eight ancient chariots in exchange for my brother!"

"Ling Feng, you are really naive."

God Emperor Leng Mo sneered and said, "My kingdom of glory treats you very well, but you want to go out of the kingdom of glory, forcibly break into the Lord's Palace, and anger the taboos of my ancient kingdom. This is not to be taken lightly."

"I knew you were greedy, but how could you easily let me go?"

Ling Feng laughed at himself. When he raised his eyes, there was only a crazy flame in his eyes: "Then, now I should have an idea."

He clanged: "Six cities in one hour!"

As if to confirm his words, less than an hour later, news came, and the situation became more and more severe, and eight ancient cities were killed.

"These guys, it's really shameless, but it's really refreshing!"

Ling Feng said with a wry smile.

The performance of the god-defying people is too strong, and they are casting miracles every hour.

When God Emperor Leng Mo got the news, he couldn't help being stunned. Now the border of the Kingdom of Glory is embarrassed on all sides, and the situation is quite unfavorable. Four forces come from this direction, slaughtering several ancient cities every hour.

That speed.

That power.

That tragic.

All horrified the glory kingdom.

People also had to look at Ling Feng at this time. Are these people really coming for him?

"Don't let people go?"

Ling Feng asked loudly, now it's just the border, but after two hours it won't be like this.

"Since ancient times, no one has dared to threaten the kingdom of glory!"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo despised Ling Feng, not to mention whether those people came for Ling Feng, just talk about this situation, if the Glory Nation really releases people, then what face will they have afterwards?

Lost the face of the glory kingdom?

"Then kill again!"

"I'm afraid you have no chance!"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo suppressed, walking step by step, his aura getting stronger and stronger, he blasted out with a punch, and directly slammed in front of Ling Feng.

With a strong and sharp punch, Ling Feng was killed on the spot.


God Emperor Leng Mo couldn't help staying for a while, the situation was a bit wrong, how could he bow his head and kill with Ling Feng's strength?

next moment.

God Emperor Leng Mo looked behind his face, his face suddenly gloomy, because at this moment Ling Feng was standing behind the Son of Glory and Goddess, with a cold smile on his face.

"Don't move, don't move, otherwise your master can't save you!"

Ling Feng didn't have a horizontal knife on the neck of the emperor of glory, just smiled faintly, but as long as the emperor of glory and the girl made a slight move and wanted to escape, that would be a dead end.


Divine Emperor Leng Mo's face changed slightly, he really underestimated that person.

Ling Feng actually deceived his Tao Mu with a virtual body, but he didn't even notice it.

Now the glory of the emperor and the goddess are in the hands of Ling Feng, so that the **** emperor Leng Mo has a bit of a rat avoidance.


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