Supreme Demon

Chapter 3316: Ling Feng's battle oath!

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The scene suddenly fell silent.

People couldn't help looking at the position where Ling Feng had stood before.

"It's really sinister!"

"Is this the style of the Kingdom of Glory?"

Ling Feng's face was cold, if it weren't for him to be promoted to the Divine Emperor, with the self and Taoism, he might have ended up in a different place before.

"Ancestor Glory, haha, it's ridiculous!"

Ling Feng looked at the old man standing right in front of him with contempt in his eyes.

This veteran is the biggest joke of the glory kingdom.

He was kind and kind on the surface, but he was actually a cold-blooded and sinister old monster.

It was this evaluation when Ling Feng first saw the ancestor of glory, and now he will not change his opinion.

"Huh? Can you escape my attack?"

The ancestor of Glory was slightly stunned. He had come before, but he didn't show up. Because the Glory Son and Goddess had fallen into Ling Feng's hands, he wanted to wait for an opportunity to move.

But I never thought that Ling Feng could dodge his attack strangely.

This is incredible.

It should be understood that he is a super-grade **** emperor, not Lingfeng micro domain **** emperor can match, even Guandao **** emperor can not see enough in front of him.

If he wanted to deal with the Sea Moon God Emperor and Tianmo God Emperor, it was just a matter of one blow.


That is an empty dream!

But Ling Feng still dodged.

This had to make the ancestor of glory curious and surprised.

"Old Piff, you are really shameless." Ling Feng despised: "Guxian, dare to confront me head-on?"

"Then you let them go first, I will confront you head-on." Ancestor Honor smiled.

"You should let my brother go first!"

Ling Feng said calmly, "Otherwise, they will die too!"

"Then it depends on your qualifications!"

Ancestor Glory's body flashed strangely and directly slammed towards Ling Feng.

"Okay, you forced me!"

Ling Feng's heart was so angry, do these people really think he dare not kill?


Ling Feng used a knife with one hand, and fell from the void, while his body moved horizontally in midair. When he fell with one hand, the neck of the Son of Glory was split on the spot, dripping with blood.

A head almost fell off his neck.

at the same time.

Ling Feng dragged the Son of Glory and the Lady of Glory across with lightning, which could dodge the fierce attack of the ancestor of Glory.


The void exploded, the space collapsed, and the ancestor of glory was a step slower after all.

"Do you dare to hurt the goddess?"

The eyes of everyone present were red, and Ling Feng was really vicious, and he dared to attack the Goddess of Glory in front of the ancestor of glory.

"If you dare to attack, I will let her be destroyed!"

Ling Feng's eyes were cold, and he looked straight at the ancestor of glory, saying this to him.

"Weird spirit, weird speed."

The ancestor of Glory squinted his eyes slightly. Although Ling Feng's speed was not as fast as him, he responded extremely quickly. As soon as he moved, Ling Feng had already begun to move horizontally.

How powerful does this require?


Ling Feng also stabbed the Goddess of Glory in the middle, nearly killing her.

This requires more courage and speed.

"Old Piff, is this the focus of your attention?" Ling Feng really felt the cold blood of the ancestor of glory.

"Let go of him, I can keep your whole body!"

The ancestor of glory despised Ling Feng and didn't take it seriously.

"Are you an idiot?"

Ling Feng despised: "Let my brother go!"

"It's dead!"

The ancestor of Glory said indifferently: "It was originally seriously injured, and the medicine stone was weak, so it was simply boiled."

Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged, he knew that Shen Lie was not dead, but was very weak.

"So, it's useless to keep these two?"

Ling Feng's eyes flickered, staring at the Heavenly Son and Goddess of Glory, and then sharply cut off the head of Heavenly Lady of Glory.


The Goddess of Glory let out a sorrowful cry, her hair was messy, and she wanted to die.


All the gods present were panicked, shouting loudly, and the dignified goddess was cut off.

"It's a shame to feed the dog with such a beautiful head."

Ling Feng carried the hair of the Goddess of Glory and smiled and said, "If my brother dies, I will use you to bury him?"

"My brother has no other hobbies, but he has no natural resistance to food. He had regrets. He wanted to taste the taste of human flesh. He didn't do what he wanted before he died. Satisfy him after he died."


Everyone's hairs are horrified.

Is Ling Feng going to drink the bird with the head of the Glory Goddess?

Too vicious, right?

Both the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor were sweating in cold sweat.

"Ling Feng, dare you!"

The Goddess of Glory shouted loudly, furious.

Although Ling Feng chopped off his head, he did not annihilate his Dao soul. He had always grasped the bottom line very well, otherwise, he might anger the ancestor of glory to kill God Lie.

"Why not dare?"

Ling Feng despised: "Anyway is a death!"

The Goddess of Glory was silent.

With Ling Feng's current situation, how could it be possible to leave alive?

But being able to drag them to die together before death, this account is still very good.


Ling Feng kicked the emperor's head and shouted, "Don't pretend to be dead, you will be the next one!"


The Son of Glory opened his mouth and fainted again.

This is a nightmare, he may be drinking.

"Ling Feng, are you forcing me to kill it?"

Ancestor Glory's face is getting more and more ugly, since ancient times, he has not been so despised.

"You said it was dead and cooked."

Ling Feng said indifferently.


Can the ancestor of glory say that I lied to you?

The Glory Lady had their heads cut off by Ling Feng, and was about to be taken by Ling Feng to feed the dog.

This is not only an insult to the glorious goddess, but also an insult to the glorious kingdom.

The ancestor of glory was very angry.

But he was very restrained. At this time, he was angry, and it was no good for the battle.

"You mean it, right?"

Ancestor Glory flashed between his hands, and a bird fell on his palm, covered with blood, even the golden feathers could not conceal its sadness at the moment.

It is dying, and there is a blood hole in the center of its eyebrows. If it weren't for a strong restraint and guardianship, I'm afraid Shen Lie would have been destroyed.

"Search for souls!"

Ling Feng's eyes were completely red, and the scarlet ones were about to bleed: "You are forcibly searching for its soul!"

"So what?"

Now that the face has been torn, and the ancestor of glory has been shameless, what scruples are there?

"Unfortunately, this bird's beak is very hard, and I don't want to be searched alive or dead."

"I have to say that the restrictions in its soul sea are very powerful."

The ancestor of Glory said with a smile: "However, after studying for so long, there will be no gain at all!"

"Now, it shouldn't be so difficult for me to break the ban!"

Ling Feng pondered and said nothing.

His eyes were getting redder and red, and a murderous intent was condensing into a stern air.

His brother suffered inhuman insults and torture and almost died.

How much does he blame himself?

He would rather be injured!

He would rather be humiliated by him!

Today, Shen Lie was dizzy, he had no spirit to transmit soul power, and he didn't have the ability to open his eyes.

How desolate Shen Lie is, how painful Ling Feng is.

It was he who sent Shenlie into the clutches of Glory Ancestor.

"Ancient Celestial Sparrow, do you still want to fool me?"

The ancestor of glory is not that easy to deceive, although Shenlie has carried out a good containment, and even returned to the basics, but still can not escape the venomous eyes of the ancestor of glory.

"How about I'm breaking its soul sea restriction now?" Ancestor Honor pressed a finger on Shen Lie's forehead, facing the blood hole.

He smiled at Ling Feng.

That ridiculous smile was as vicious as it fell in Ling Feng's eyes.

"Then hurt each other!"

Ling Feng didn't want to compromise at this time because he knew that even if he let go of the Glory Son and God, the ancestor of Glory would not let Shen Lie go.

"It's dead, I will let them bury it, and I will let the whole glory kingdom bury it for it!"

Ling Feng took an oath.

This is not Ling Feng's battle oath, but the entire rebellious battle oath!

As long as Nishen is still alive, as long as one person in the Kingdom of Glory is still alive, then go on fighting.

Then annihilate it!


The ancestor of Glory squinted his eyes, that finger suddenly used force, spraying a light rain, and directly hit Shen Lie, trying to tear Shen Lie's Dao Soul restraint.

"Okay, then come on!"

Ling Feng hissed loudly, and the Soul Sea exploded flames and rain in full bloom, directly blasting at the Son of Glory and the Goddess.

If the gods die, they die!

This is Ling Feng's first oath!

"The Son of Heaven!"


People's faces changed drastically, they were anxious, but there was no way.

At this moment, the ancestor of glory moved, all he wanted was to provoke Lingfeng, and then find a chance to start.


He flew out with lightning, fast to the extreme.

When it fell, it happened to shoot towards Ling Feng.


This time Ling Feng didn't dodge, he was in a situation of anger, dragging the glorious goddess to die with the emperor.

With a single blow, the ancestor of glory blasted Ling Feng into flight.


At that time, Ling Feng's eyebrows were in full bloom, and a small tree flew out in the sky, almost to the point that the ancestor of glory could not react.

Of course, the little tree didn't shine and didn't attract enough attention from the ancestor of glory. When it was discovered, the little tree had appeared in Shen Lie's eyebrows and merged into it at the fastest speed.

Ling Feng flew away, but his face was full of smiles because he succeeded.

He knew the ancestor of glory was going to do it.

He sensed a sharp killing intent.

He just wanted to glorify the ancestors and approach him.

He wanted to let that little tree take root in Shen Lie's soul sea at the cost of serious injury.

It is too difficult for the Tree of All Things to cause huge damage to such characters as the Glory Ancestor, but it is much easier to take root in the soul sea.

Because God Lie Soul Sea originally had Ling Feng's restraining power, and even more powerful treasures to guard, it was precisely because of this that the Glory Ancestor did not break it.

Now, Ling Feng used the Tree of All Things to suppress the Soul Sea and the body of Shen Lie, whose strength can shake the world, and it is not so easy for the ancestors of glory to break the sea of ​​Shen Lie.

of course.

Ling Feng wouldn't be able to take advantage of Old Ancestor Glory. When he was Bengfei, he dragged one hand and held the Son of Glory and the Daughter of Glory firmly beside him.

Indeed, he was badly injured and spurted blood, but the ancestor of glory also gave up all his previous achievements.


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