Supreme Demon

Chapter 3321: Happy to everyone!

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Who is the celestial cycle?

That is Tianjiao who has survived since the ancient times. He can refine the time, comprehend the six reincarnations, and survive the dark years. Would he be an idiot?

The IQs of these characters are generally not low.

of course.

The celestial reincarnation made a "little brother", making Ling Feng feel that he was still too superficial, one should not just look at the surface.

With the IQ of the celestial reincarnation, it is completely possible to see the current situation of rebellion.


With their power, the Kingdom of Glory can be tragic and severely damaged, but are they capable of slaughtering the entire Kingdom of Glory?

Nishen came with an invincible fighting spirit. Although he had forged a terrible record in the Kingdom of Glory and swept hundreds of ancient cities, is Nishen not damaged?

Wanting to slaughter the entire glory kingdom is not a matter of day and night, and the consumption every moment is an astronomical figure.

Today, Wenxian does not show up, their family is not rich, after this battle, I am afraid they are stretched?

It can be said that if it continues to be consumed, the current Nishen will be hollowed out.

What's more serious is that the power against the gods must be displayed in front of the major forces in the gods, as long as they want to investigate, they can find out.

Today, the most favorable situation for them is to stop the loss in time, so that the antagonists will be confused.

With the strength of the gods, even the Tsutenkaku Tower is not easy to investigate, let alone other forces.

The meaning of celestial reincarnation is very simple. With the current situation, Nishen can completely come back, but there is no need to rush for a while, recuperate, and eat up the glory kingdom bit by bit.

Ling Feng is not an idiot, the celestial pole reincarnation expressed his attitude, he should immediately follow.

The Glory Ancestor, Leng Mo Divine Emperor and others are not weak, it is really urgent, you can definitely drag a few people to die together, whether it is against the gods, or the Sea Moon God Emperor and others, or cold as the moon, etc. Divine emperors invited by people, once this happens, the end is not beautiful after all.

Now, the ending is satisfactory. The **** emperors of the major powers just came over and walked through the scene, but they were grateful to Han Ruyue and others. This ending is exactly what they want to see.

Otherwise, once life and death struggle, apart from the celestial reincarnation, not many people will really fight for them.

Human feelings can be born out of profit, and even die out of profit.

Ling Feng couldn't talk about feelings with these characters, but he could trade them out.

People like Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng, Tangjiu, etc. are all smart people, and naturally see the whole scene transparently.

Today, these people have stepped up, and then they will tend to rebel against God.

How beneficial is this for the early days against God?

Originally, this was a decisive battle of life and death, and the damage to all parties would not be small, but because of the reincarnation of the celestial cycle, the taste changed, and it was developing in the direction of everyone's joy. Why were they unhappy?

To be honest, Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng and others also breathed a sigh of relief. They finally invited the Zongmen Divine Emperor to sit here. If there is a battle of life and death, they are willing to fight to death. Zongmen Divine Emperor is afraid it is unwilling.

Even if they eventually defeated the Kingdom of Glory, Zongmen God Emperor was afraid that he was not willing to show them a good face.

For now, this is the most ideal ending.


If the celestial reincarnation did not come forward, even if it offended the sect **** emperor, even if they tried everything, they would slaughter the glory kingdom today.


This is a complete tragedy for the Kingdom of Glory, Little Soul Land, and the ancient Xuyue tribe.

Let's not talk about the extraordinary and terrible character of the celestial reincarnation, just say that the **** emperors invited by Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng and others are enough for them to drink a pot.

It should be understood that they are here to stand up for Zongmen Tianjiao.

But the ancestor of glory is very shameless.

Although these figures do not represent the forces behind them, their influence on the sect is extremely broad. After that, if the three powerful figures of the Kingdom of Glory, the Little Soul Land, and the Ancient Xuyue Clan enter the Heavenly Realm of the Fallen God Realm, I’m afraid it will Was targeted.


They are more worried about Ling Feng and others.

The three major forces have caused extremely heavy damage to Ling Feng and others, especially Shen Lie. It is estimated that he will die or be injured, and if it is not done, he will suffer sequelae.

This is blood debt!

How did Ling Feng let them go?

Today, they can't keep Ling Feng, and after that, the three major forces including the Kingdom of Glory will face the most violent storms.

Just as the Sea Moon God Emperor said, in two thousand years, Ling Feng will suppress everything.

At that time, Ling Feng's wings were full, what did the three major forces fight?

this moment.

The figures of the three major forces are all complex and extremely pessimistic. Although they want to keep Ling Feng and others, but the celestial pole reincarnation sits in charge, who dares to move?

Isn't the end of the Glory Ancestor not tragic enough?

not to mention.

In this situation, I guess the **** emperors invited by Han Ruyue and others are happy to do it, right?

The influence of the great **** of celestial reincarnation is too strong, as long as you are not an idiot, you can understand that this "little brother" is only the heavenly **** emperor, and even stepped into the realm of ancient sages.

Don't they want to get to know the celestial reincarnation?

Only when you take the initiative to play can you leave a deeper impression.

It's a pity that the three major forces such as the Kingdom of Glory actually held back it, and no one dared to do it.

"You are paralyzed!"

Looking at the faintly resentful eyes of the more than twenty **** emperors, the eyes of the **** emperor Leng Mo were about to explode, and these things actually wanted to use them to stand up and to arouse the attention and gratitude of the celestial reincarnation.

When are they?

Although Celestial Reincarnation offered to drink alcohol on its own initiative, the main character present was still Ling Feng. Although Celestial Reincarnation had said that he was leaving, Ling Feng was the first to take the initiative.

Celestial reincarnation is a personal spirit.

He came too late and didn't know the details of many things, so Ling Feng had to decide.

Ling Feng walked in the forefront, squinting his eyes slightly, ignoring the complicated eyes of God Emperor Leng Mo, Glory Ancestor, and even Glory Son and Daughter.

He did not fly out of the Lord of Glory Palace, but walked back in the direction of the time he came step by step.

When he came, he walked in dignifiedly.

When he left, he also wanted to leave openly.

This involves personal and antagonistic moral positions!

He just wanted the whole Tianyu to express his stance, even though Ling Feng had come out of the Kingdom of Glory, there was a reason for it. They were not wrong, and they could criticize the Kingdom of Glory from a moral standpoint.

When Ling Feng came to the front of God Emperor Leng Mo, he kept walking and came from him, as if he was about to hit him hard. At such a close distance, God Emperor Leng Mo even felt that he could directly strangle Ling Feng.

He has this idea.

But just because of this idea, cold sweat came out of his eyebrows and palms.

Unfortunately, in the end he gave up.

Because the terrifying soul power of the celestial reincarnation had already locked him firmly, as long as he dared to attack Ling Feng, he would be attacked by the thunder of celestial reincarnation at that moment.

If the celestial reincarnation is done, let alone the **** emperor Leng Mo, even the ancestor of glory should not even touch the corner of Ling Feng's clothes.

God Emperor Leng Mo couldn't help but step a few steps away, allowing Ling Feng to pass by him.

"Go away!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor walked away slowly and directly smashed God Emperor Leng Mo away.


God Emperor Leng Mo raised his eyebrows, and he was annoyed that he didn't dare to do it. He didn't expect that Emperor Sea Moon would dare to touch him.

"Why do you have a big opinion?"

Celestial Reincarnation looked around, staring coldly at Divine Emperor Leng Mo, he didn't want to kill him, because the Kingdom of Glory was a dish against the gods.

However, he didn't mind losing one or two **** emperors.

God Emperor Leng Mo was startled, and finally lowered his eyes.

Obviously, he did not have the courage to reincarnate against the celestial pole.

Ling Feng is in front, and the celestial cycle is in the back, the Sea Moon God Emperor and others are walking slowly. They are not fast, but they are walking extremely steady, just like their hearts at this moment, completely stable.

The Sea Moon God Emperor, Tianmo God Emperor, etc. were worthy of this trip, and the God Emperor they invited felt even more worthwhile.

Although it was thrilling and exciting, the ending was perfect.

Not only can they get massive resources, but they can also get to know the "Little Brother Samsara". If they make good use of it, this little brother can become a "weapon" for them from now on.

"I used to drink at the same table with my little brother Samsara!"

Based on this sentence, many characters have to look at them high, and if the other party wants to be disadvantageous to them, they have to weigh themselves.

When they walked out of the Glory Palace, Ling Feng couldn't help but stop.


Tianlan swooped over in a stride, anxious, and asked, "Are you okay?"

When she heard that Ling Feng had entered the Palace of Glory, her face changed drastically, and she flew quickly, hoping to intercede for Ling Feng, perhaps the Son of Glory and others could give her a little face.

After all, she can only do so much. She is only a god, not a supreme or **** emperor, and has limited influence.

Although her master is not weak, she is ultimately a member of the Kingdom of Glory. How can she come forward for Ling Feng?

Tianlan didn't ask for help because she didn't want to embarrass Master.


Ling Feng's heart was slightly warm, and Tianlan was able to rush to show her sincerity, because she did so, it was equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the glory kingdom, and the glory kingdom could not accommodate her.

"Don't call me the **** of war either."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "From now on, I am just Ling Feng."

Tian Lan looked at Ling Feng for a moment, and then focused on Ling Feng's back. He couldn't help being demented. All these characters came for him?

Who is he?

"What are your plans in the future?" Ling Feng asked.

"Travel around the world!"

Tianlan's face flushed slightly, she knew that Ling Feng had seen the problem.

The Glory Nation cannot tolerate her, she must leave early, otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to leave alive.

"Not cleaned up yet?"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Go and clean up and leave with us."


Tian Lan was slightly upset, this guy was really direct, but she did leave in time.

At the same time, she was very disappointed in the way of the Glory Kingdom. Although she did not enter the heavenly palace, she knew exactly what happened in the heavenly palace.

In fact, she was not a citizen of the Kingdom of Glory, just because Master is a citizen of the Kingdom of Glory, she came.

Now, it's time to make a decision.

After Tianlan left, Ling Feng walked forward. There was still a 10,000-person battle group standing there coldly, their eyes slightly red, and the soldiers had already been out of their sheaths.

From the surrounding situation, it is not difficult for Ling Feng to discover that this battle group once wanted to forcefully break into the Palace of Glory.


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