Supreme Demon

Chapter 3332: Talk about life, talk about ideals!

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Tianding suddenly flew up, it was not the pill that only had to be lifted, but the space exploded.

Various medicinal juices merged into one, the prototype of the pill appeared, and then the pill was melted, and the space was used to explode to polish and make it completely rounded.

Only in this way can the medicinal power be qualitatively changed.

This is not one plus one, but a radical change as a whole, resulting in massive transformation.

To put it simply, a small leaf of the Heavenly Soul Magic Medicine can improve Wu Xiu’s Dao Soul, but it is quite limited, but the Heavenly Soul Pill is different. It can transform Wu Xiu’s Dao Soul and make it unimaginable. One step.

This is the result of the blending of various concoctions.

Ling Feng tried his best to control, so that the pill's embryonic form was rounded, and it was shining with shocking light and rain, so that it was born with spirituality and turned it into a creature.


The explosion caused by the Beginning Qi Tianhun became more and more intense, that is, the Tianding was trembling, if it weren't made of ancient sage grade bronze, it would probably explode.

Do not underestimate a pill.

When it becomes a pill, the heaven, earth and Taoism will be integrated, and the space will explode. The madness is no weaker than any **** emperor. If Ling Feng is not successful in the promotion, he will be refined with the strength of the **** emperor, I am afraid that it will burst at this moment. Up.


The Beginning Qi Tianhun was integrated into the beginning Qi of all things, and only Ling Feng, the enchanting evildoer, could suppress it.

I don't know how long.

Maybe a few days, maybe dozens of days.

The Beginning Qi Heavenly Soul exploded violently and slowly calmed down. By this day, it was completely quiet, the space did not explode, and the entire Tianding had no turbulence.

"Your sister!"

Shi Pi yelled and jumped with anger.

They had been overturned by the celestial cauldron before, and they were almost shaken to death by the blast. The two magical medicines were injured, and the little celestial elephant almost urinated in terror.

It's just embarrassing.

But the ancient tree of the universe and the yin and yang fish are watching them embarrassed in the distance.

They didn't need to ask, they knew that these two old buggers must know that the pill was about to become a pill, and they avoided far away without notifying them, waiting for their tragedy to end.

"Too ruthless!"


"This celestial phenomenon is endless with you!"


"Ahem, what does this have to do with us?"

The old man, the ancient tree of the universe, spoke, and said, "We have something to discuss, that side is too noisy, we are just looking for a quiet place."

"A liar?"

"You are just two old pit bulls!" The little sky elephant grinned and rolled up his sleeves.

"What? Do you want to fight?"

The ancient tree of the universe asked quite savagely.


The few creatures present lost their temper.

Why can the two old pits, the ancient tree of the universe and the yin and yang fish, be proud of the dantian?

That is their qualified capital!

In fighting, never lose.

Can't do it!

Shi Pi had no temper, the little celestial elephant lowered his head, and the two magical drugs were not involved. They were not good at fighting.

"Count you cruel!"

"When this seat is transformed again, you two old scumbags must be suppressed!" Shi Pi said stiffly.

"Brother Shipi, come here."

The ancient tree of the universe smiled and beckoned: "Let's talk about life here!"


Shi Pi flew away.

Just kidding, these two used the excuses of "talking about life" and "talking about ideals". I don't know how many creatures have been beaten up. If it really passes, the Maokeng rock will be peeled off.


Just when the two old guys were going to talk to Shi Piao about their ideals in life, there was a loud noise, the heavenly cauldron opened, and a pill suddenly flew out, with a trembling sound, and a roar of heaven and earth.

It was a pill as big as a bean, and it was dark gold throughout, like a bronze bead, very beautiful.

Light and rain were hazy around it, and those light and rain were pale ink colors, as if they were flying down from the eternal night, but they were not contaminated with the dark golden bead, forming a guard and foil, making it extraordinary.

No medicine!

No momentum!

It is quiet and gentle, it is calm and indifferent.

If this was not refined by Ling Feng, it is estimated that the few creatures present would regard it as the most ordinary bead, but at this moment it is really too dazzling.

"Finally come out!"

Ling Feng let out a suffocating breath, and after decades of training, he could smile with satisfaction.

Just because that is the beginning of Qi Tianhun Dan.

You don't need to ask more about the level, God Emperor level!


Just as Ling Feng exhaled, two shadow lightning rushed towards the Beginning Qi Heavenly Soul Pill. At this time, the black mouth did not move, when did it move?


At this time, the only people who dared to make a black mouth against the Beginning Qi Tianhun Pill were the Yin Yang fish and the ancient universe tree.

They are well aware of Lingfeng’s alchemy strength. As long as one Beginning Qi Heaven Soul comes out, Lingfeng’s refining is more effective with less success, and the success rate is quite high. The remaining herbs are enough for Lingfeng to refine a few, even ten. The soul is angry.

Eat one, nothing serious.

Of course, this requires them to be able to eat them.


They look down on Ling Feng too much, even if they are weak, Ling Feng is not something that these two rammers can challenge.


With a flick of his finger, he flew two rammed bombs.

"This is Shenlie and Qiu Shuyi's pill." Ling Feng said lightly.

The two rammers blinked, expressing puzzlement.

"I know you don't understand."

The two rammers wanted to nod their heads, they just wanted to make Ling Feng feel like this.

"However, rest assured, when Shen Lie and Qiu Shuyi recover, they should let you understand."


The two rammers knelt.

They eat secretly but learned from Shen Lie, but secretly learn from Shen Lie, if Shen Lie knows that they wanted to eat this pill, I guess Shen Lie will fry the pan, that pan really dare to stew them .

"You have today too!" Shi Pifei returned, watching the embarrassment of the two rammed goods.

Ling Feng didn't pay attention to the two rammed goods with earthy faces. He grabbed the pill and allowed it to open violently, which was in vain.

If Ling Feng hadn't stopped the Beginning Qi Tianhun, it was estimated that neither of the two tampers had a chance to see this medicine.

"You can't fly away!"

Ling Feng said indifferently.


He sat cross-legged to adjust his breath, because one Beginning Qi Heavenly Soul is not enough, he needs more Beginning Qi Heavenly Soul, at least three.


It took Ling Feng ten years to refine two Beginning Qi Heaven Souls. The quality is the same as before, and each one can be called the best. What makes him most gratified is that the refinement level in the past ten years is quite good, the success rate is extremely high, and the loss There are not many herbs.

Although it has been a little longer, it is more secure.

"There are nearly a hundred piles of herbs, but you can still refine a few Beginning Qi Heavenly Souls."

Ling Feng smiled.

As long as you find a smelting method, it will be much easier to refining. With his powerful control of the primordial qi of all things and the extraordinary power of the Dao soul, it is not a big problem to refine a few pills from a hundred piles of herbs.

"Almost seventy years."

Ling Feng sighed, alchemy is really hard work, without enough stamina, I'm afraid I can't hold on.

However, the result is wonderful.

"Where is the Spirit Devouring Orb?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly.

At the beginning, he discovered this problem when he was refining the pill. The pill became shocking, but as long as it was in the Spirit Devouring Orb, there was no such wind and rain. It could isolate the heavens.

He is not too entangled in this issue.

"What kind of storm will this be?"

Ling Feng smiled slightly. The three figures outside are probably impatient with waiting, right?

Are they just ready?

no doubt.

The Heavenly Soul Pill was originally terrifying, capable of causing great calamities of the heavens and the earth, but now, after the Beginning Qi of all things merged, the Heavenly Soul Pill became the Beginning Qi and Heavenly Soul, and its Heavenly Tribulation had to be different.

At this time, Ling Feng did not dare to directly integrate the Beginning Qi Heavenly Soul into Shen Lie, Qiu Shuyi, and Hunting Dao Soul. He had not survived the Heavenly Tribulation. Although it can be taken, the Heavenly Tribulation still exists, although it will not crash the pill. But it will blast towards Wu Xiu.

With Shen Lie, Qiu Shuyi, and Yu Lie's Taoist souls, I'm afraid they will be gone on the spot.

Only after the tribulation of the heavens, the Beginning Qi Tianhun can be taken with confidence.

"Congratulations to my lord for refining Shiqi Tianhun!"

The ancient tree of the universe ran over to congratulate him. When would you wait if you don't hold your thighs at this time?

"Don't think that I won't tell them this way."

"Of course, my lord told them that there is a reason to tell. If you don't tell them, there are naturally reasons not to tell."

Yin Yang Yu said with a smile.


"Yes, shameless!"

"That, Brother Shipi, Little Celestial Elephant, after my lord leaves, let's talk about the ideal of life." The ancient tree of the universe said with a smile.

"My lord, please take me away!"

Shi Pi changed color on the spot.

What can happen if you fall into the hands of these two rammers?

That is a tragedy.

"Don't bully them!" Ling Feng glanced horizontally at the ancient universe tree and the yin and yang fish.

"how could be?"

The ancient tree of the universe smiled and said, "We are just talking about the ideals of life, how can we talk about bullying? I also have good wine and tea here. I will invite you brothers to celebrate for the host later."

The faces of the few creatures present changed.

What kind of good intentions can these two old people make?

"Don't make trouble, I can't take care of you yet."

Ling Feng shook his head, knowing the virtues of these two goods.


He detained all the creatures present and threw it into his dantian.

"It's all right, my lord, you are busy, we will have time to drink and talk about the ideals of life in the future."

The ancient tree of the universe said with a smile.

The creatures such as Shipi felt that life was not good.

These two old guys are not only powerful, but also very vengeful.

Their meaning is obvious. If today is not enough, then tomorrow.

Tomorrow will not work, some of them are waiting for time.

Wait until Ling Feng can't ask, wait until Shi Pi and others are miserable.

Ling Feng flew out of the Spirit Devouring Orb and landed directly on Hongfeng Mountain.


In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, thousands of wind and rain rolled down from the sky, lightning bolts galloped across the sky, and disappeared in a flash, but the entire sky was trembling, making explosive sounds.

That's an electric explosion!

Teleport like a person.

Thunder and lightning can also teleport, and to reach this level, the power of electric explosions can be imagined.


The electric explosion is nothing but the tribulation, not the end of the tribulation, the truly terrifying tribulation is behind.

"what's the situation?"

The three **** emperors who were lazily basking in the sun were suddenly startled, and Lightning sat up, and their faces became heavy. </p>


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