Supreme Demon

Chapter 3345: Tianjiao event!

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Yuetian Pure Land.

Xinglan wears a uniform, has a dusty temperament, a pretty face without a smile, full of heroism.

"Lord, be careful!"


Ling Feng nodded slightly and said, "Once the event opens, Butterfly and Nishen will have to pay more."

"I know!"

Xinglan smiled slightly and said, "But Butterfly will try its best to find out all the news, and Nishen will try its best to overcome all obstacles for others!"

The Tianjiao event was not a matter of Ling Feng alone, but a matter of rebelling against God.

To know.

Once the Tianjiao event opens, the strength, resources, and background of some Tianjiao are all very important, which requires butterflies to explore.

And once there are characters, forces, etc. who want to deal with Ling Feng, they must stand behind Ling Feng to protect him from the wind and rain.

of course.

Nishen is different from the forces of Xutianmen, Seashenmen, and Desert Palace. They are a dark force. Unless Ling Feng suffers life and death, Nishen will not appear in the world.

Xutian Gate and Sea God Gate are in the light, while Nishen Gate is in the dark.

One light and one dark!

As long as Ling Feng did not advance to the Ten Thousand Regions Ranking, they would be able to cope with the situation, but Xinglan and Wu Yun and others had different views.

She didn't think that Ling Feng would be limited to the Thousand Domains and Ten Thousand Domains. Once the owner agreed, he would put in ten times a hundred times harder. Their goal was not the Ten Thousand Domains but the Gods Domain.

Not the top 100, but the most dazzling moment.


Xinglan even knew how dangerous it would be once the human lord broke out that level of strength. Relying on the strength of the **** against the gods alone was not enough, then he needed to find a force capable of overpowering Tianyu as soon as possible.

Lingshen Tianyu is too weak.

Even the Fallen God Realm is too weak.

Once the leader is out of the Ten Thousand Domains list, it will require the top forces of the top ancient domain and the big domain. This aspect requires the joint efforts of the leader and the god.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Ling Feng nodded vigorously, then took Tangjiu, Tianlan, Fang Can, and Fei Qian out of the Yuetian Pure Land.

Fang Can, Fei Qian.

These two supreme beings are not characters recruited by God against the gods, but characters who entered the gods universe at the same time as Xinglan and others.

At that time, they were just entering the Heavenly Sovereign, but now they are the supreme one.

"Do you want to throw my uncle here and leave alone?"

Suddenly, a voice rang in Ling Feng's soul sea, causing Ling Feng to pause, and he couldn't help looking back in surprise.


Fei Qian, Fang Can, etc. looked at Ling Feng with incomprehension, wondering how Ling Feng suddenly looked back and smiled.

"Go back first!"

Ling Feng and the others returned to Yuetian Pure Land again, really surprised Xinglan, but she smiled the next moment.

Because Ling Feng smiled, he flew directly to the three most core rooms of Yuetian Pure Land.

He landed in front of the first room.

A gray bird was lying lazily under the holy sun, squinting his eyes slightly, the terrifying wound on his forehead had healed, his momentum was weak, and he looked very wilting.

But it has sharp eyes, and its occasional momentum is enough to make Wandao collapse.


This celestial bird finally resurrected.

Moreover, Ling Feng felt that this bird was stronger than before, and it should be the ultimate supreme.

"You bastard, things like the Tianjiao event are not called the uncle!"

Shen Lie grinned, his face full of discomfort.

If he didn't just wake up, I'm afraid that he would miss this cosmic level Tianjiao event.

"Just wake up!"

Ling Feng stepped forward and hugged Shenlie hard and his eyes were moist. Shenlie paid too much and almost died. How could Ling Feng not be grateful?


That shameless, very arrogant and very awkward Shen Lie lived, although it was very annoying, but very familiar.

Without Shen Lie, Ling Feng was not used to it.

"Don't think that this will eliminate your mistakes!"

Shenlie's eyes were moist, but the dead duck's beak was hard. Although he was moved in his heart, he was determined not to show it.

It wants Ling Feng to feel owed to it, and it wants Ling Feng to feel sentimental.

Otherwise, it would be too cheap Ling Feng.


Ling Feng didn't think as much as Shen Lie, as long as this brother wakes up, it is more important than anything.

"Don't think that one Beginning Qi Tianhun is enough, you owe me too much!" Shen Lie said angrily.

"As long as you need, I can refine more!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"It is said that you have also refined Beginning Qi Wuji?"


"Then give me a dozen!"

"Yes, but the herbs are currently limited!"

"Then this seat is reluctant to do it, and put it in the future."


"In this Tianjiao event, I want to go there too." Shenlie said with a smile.

"you sure?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, with Shen Lie's current state still quite dangerous, after all, the Tianjiao event was not a joke.


Shen Lie smiled on his forehead and said, "The Tianjiao event will last for hundreds of years. It would be a shame if I missed it."


Ling Feng nodded and agreed. Although Shen Lie's state has not fully recovered, his strength is not weak, and Shen Lie will also be his help, otherwise it would be too difficult for him alone.

"However, you are not suitable for doing it right now!"

Ling Feng persuaded Shen Lie, the Tianjiao event is extraordinary, there are many Tianjiao, and the strong are like clouds, even he must be vigilant, if Shen Lie is too arrogant, this is not a good thing.

"calm down!"

In the end, Ling Feng placed Shenlie on his shoulder.

At this moment, a small tree flew out of Shen Lie's eyebrows and fell into Ling Feng's body.

"I wipe!"

Shen Lie is very anxious. These days, he knows the extraordinaryness of the tree of all things, and wants to take it for himself, but who knows that the tree of all things will fly out automatically, completely uncontrolled.

"Small, want to claim it for yourself?"

Ling Feng grinned and said, "Why don't you be so beautiful?"


Shen Lie was very hurt: "How can I say that I was injured for you, just a small tree, don't be so stingy."


"Ling Feng, you white-eyed wolf!"

"Siqi Tianhun, Shiqi Wuji, now you still want to hit the tree of all things, you are going to heaven."

Ling Feng squinted at Shen Lie, this bird was a black hole, and he wanted to swallow something.

"Why don't you borrow the tree of all things?"


"Ling Feng, do you know the pain I suffered in the Kingdom of Glory?"

"Ling Feng, how did you promise me?"

"So as long as I lend you the Tree of All Things for a few years, then you can stop the Beginning Qi Tianhun? Beginning Qi Wuji?"

"That won't work!"

"Beginning Qi Tianhun, Starting Qi Wuji and the Tree of All Things, you choose one."

"Then it's still Shiqi Tianhun and Shiqi Wuji."

Shen Lie said sadly.

It knew that even if it had chosen the Tree of All Things, Ling Feng would not give it to it.

"Is it resolved?"


"Then go!"

They flew out of the Yuetian Pure Land again, forbidden to walk toward the Yunlou.

The Tianjiao grand event unfolds in the sky domain, and Ling Feng and others have to enter the sky domain from the Yuetian Pure Land. It is not impossible to enter the sky domain from the Yuetian Pure Land.


Ling Feng met with God Emperor Wu Yun, God Emperor Sea Moon, and God Emperor Tianmo in the Cloud Tower. Several major forces set up the strongest altar and restrictions, and they entered the sky from here.

When Ling Feng and others appeared in Yunlou, Wu Yun, Haiyue and others had been waiting here for a long time.

In addition, Ling Feng also saw two other **** emperors.

Obviously, standing behind Ling Feng is not only the three powers of Xutianmen and Seagod, but also the other two powers of Haiyue.

"These are the two **** emperors of Wu Dao Sect and Heavenly Remnant Sect!" God Emperor Wu Yun introduced to Ling Feng.

"I knew the prestige of the two great **** emperors long ago, I will ask you from now on!"

Ling Feng bowed slightly, followed the etiquette of the younger generation, and met the two great emperors.

"Haha, Brother Ling is polite."

The two great **** emperors are extremely satisfied. This is the most dazzling first supreme in the entire **** universe, and it is also full of brilliance to be respected.

"I would also like to wish Young Brother Ling in the Tianjiao event to show off his supernatural power, and to promote my reputation in the spiritual world!"

"Ling Feng, do your best!"

"Altars and restrictions have been set, Ling Feng, you can enter the realm of the sky!"

Wu Yun and several **** emperors did not intend to enter the realm of the sky, because they had to sit here to prevent changes, which was the normal state from now on.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng smiled and nodded.

of course.

The Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor didn't give up, they wanted to enter the sky domain together, at least they had to try.

Ling Feng took the elite of the gods and set foot on a hundred floors. There are indeed a hundred ancient altars and restrictions. Unless it is an ancient sage, no one should try to force it.

next moment.

It was convenient for Ling Feng and others to separate a virtual body in the light and rain and directly enter the domain of the sky.


The light and rain were full of the sky.

Ling Feng and others appeared in the sky domain. For Fei Qian, Fang Can and others, this was not a surprise, because they had entered before, but Shen Lie was different. It was the first time that it entered the sky domain. .

Although Ling Feng explained when he came, this bird was still very curious.

This day.

The realm of the sky was obviously different, and it was very lively. Many people came. Ling Feng and others appeared in a desert. They were inaccessible, but they could still see the crowds within a hundred miles.

at the same time.

Ling Feng and others also discovered that there was a vast palace in the sky. The palace came out in the form of light and rain. There were many stone tables and coveted items inside. It was really a grand event.

It was an open heavenly palace with no giant gates around, but huge gates everywhere, because the light rain formed a "gate", and only with the approval of that light rain could you enter the heavenly palace.

In the sky, four big characters are displayed in the form of light and rain: Tianjiao Festival.

"This is only the Tianjiao event in the realm of the spirits of the sky. There will be no figures in other fields yet, but as long as you reach ten field points, you can fight across domains!"

Ling Feng explained.

This is not just for the **** emperor, but also Tangjiu and others, because the news that the gods have detected is not comprehensive.


At this moment, a **** emperor flew up to the sky and set foot directly on the heavenly palace, but it was a pity that the light rain was like a waterfall, erupting unimaginable heavenly majesty, and blasting it down.

Obviously, his talent is not enough.


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