Supreme Demon

Chapter 3348: Turn it on!

You can search for "Supreme God and Demons (ie in Baidu!

Wait for the storm!

The God Emperor and others carefully savored these four words, with a smile in their eyes.

This is really personal!

They knew the meaning of Shen Lie, the story of Ling Feng, the Kingdom of Glory, and the Little Soul Land. They had already known it, and now it is the realm of the sky. If they can kill the Son of Glory and the God of Heaven, it will undoubtedly be a serious injury to the Kingdom of Glory.


This is the realm of the sky, and it is extremely difficult to destroy the true body of the Glory Son and the Goddess. After all, if you dare to set foot in the Tianjiao event, who has never done enough defense.

Even Ling Feng's fairy blade is afraid that he can't even pass through the sky to kill the two great arrogances of the glory kingdom.

What's the point of getting rid of the two virtual bodies?


Before the Tianjiao event started, they provoked a civil war in the Lingshen Tianyu, which was extremely detrimental to Ling Feng. Once they became the target of public criticism, Ling Feng was afraid that he would face more wind and rain.

"Don't worry about everything!"

The Emperor Huantian smiled and said, "I have a piece of news here."

"What news?" everyone asked.

"The Kingdom of Glory will have no fear this time." The God Emperor Xuantian said solemnly: "It is said that the God Emperor Leng Mo has successfully asked a few days ago that he has been promoted to the Super Grade God Emperor and has now entered the Tianjiao Festival."


Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others all changed color. The news they heard was that God Emperor Leng Mo, Lie Bai Yuan, etc. had not entered the Tianjiao event. Why did God Emperor Leng Mo suddenly come in?

"The God Emperor Leng Mo has extraordinary talents and should not be underestimated."

The Emperor Xuantian solemnly said, "Otherwise, can the people in the Kingdom of Glory and the Little Soul Land be able to control the situation?"

"So, are they waiting for us to pick something up?" Ling Feng squinted and sneered.


The God Emperor Huantian nodded and said, "Although this news has not been confirmed, I think it is hard to get a hole in it."

"So, we can't touch them now?"

Shen Lie said very upset.

"So I say nothing is urgent, the Tianjiao event will take at least hundreds of years to end."

"It's a shame that they could have been let out at this time."

Shen Lie said helplessly.


The Tianjiao event will last for hundreds of years, which means that they have more time, energy, etc. It is not a problem to get rid of the two great Tianjiao of Glory Kingdom.

"Wait for the wind and rain, we are not in a hurry!"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled: "But I think they should be very anxious!"

This time, the ambition of the Kingdom of Glory is not small, and the **** emperor Leng Mo has come in, so they just want to expand the Ten Domain Ranking, the Hundred Domain Ranking, and even the Thousand Domain Ranking and the Wan Domain Ranking. How can they give up lightly?

But as long as Ling Feng is present, then God Emperor Leng Mo has to beware, otherwise, the Son of Glory, the Goddess and others will never want to live.


Divine Emperor Leng Mo was very anxious, he must get rid of Ling Feng and others immediately.

"In the past, the spirits of the heavens were consumed too much, many Tianjiao did not die under the enemy's sword, but died in the hands of people in the same domain."

The God Emperor Xuantian sighed and said: "In this session, all the major forces will abide by the bottom line and fight the enemy together. Only in this way can we control the outside world!"

"So, anyone who dares to violate this rule is the enemy of the forces of the Spirit God Heaven?"


"Well, we will stick to the bottom line!"

"Could it be that you just let go of the Kingdom of Glory?" Shen Lie asked rather unwillingly.

"Don't worry about everything!"

Ling Feng smiled strangely: "That Leng Mo Divine Emperor doesn't seem to be a person who can sit still. If we create some imaginary images to make him think that we can just cut it off, then..."

Shen Lie's eyes lit up suddenly.

They want to kill the characters of the Glory Kingdom, and the Glory Kingdom wants to get rid of them.

Violating the rules of Lingshen universe, it also depends on whether it is worthwhile.

As long as you can do it without knowing it, can you say that God Emperor Leng Mo can still sit still?

The Emperor Huang Tian smiled very satisfied.

At this moment, he could finally feel relieved. He was really worried that Ling Feng was a rookie, and he was alone and courageous in everything. I was afraid that even the Xutian Gate and the Sea God Gate would not be able to save Ling Feng.

But Ling Feng is a personal spirit.

Although I first came into contact with the Tianjiao event, I was very clear about everything, and some places were even older than him, the **** emperor.

It's not easy to deal with this kind of character.

I'm afraid that when the Leng Mo Divine Emperor wanted to deal with Ling Feng and make a one-shot kill, all he was waiting for was a tragedy.

"So, your ten Heavenly Territory record points are outside the Territory?"

Asked the **** emperor.

"There can be no internal friction within the domain, then only focus on the outside."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "I am a person in the domain, but no one knows outside the domain."

Is Lingshen Tianyu really so easy to reach an agreement?

If it is placed two thousand years ago, I am afraid that no one will agree.

Without ten celestial records, how to cross-domain?

Do you have to wait for characters from other universes to come across?

However, there is no opposition from people or forces this year. There is only one reason.

Ling Feng!

The eight ancient powers and two generations of spirit gods all bowed their heads, and the four kingdoms including the glory kingdom, the small spiritual soil, the Xuyue ancient tribe, and even the Tianchen ancient kingdom were all tragedy.

First day respect, first day respect!

Who dares to stun the frontline?

Internal friction?

As long as Xutian Gate and Sea God Gate signaled, it wouldn't be a problem for Ling Feng to expand the Thousand Regions Ranking.

For Ling Feng, except for the super-grade **** emperor, he was afraid that they were all achievements in the heavens. If he really wanted to face such a monster, it was not internal friction, but slaughter.

Xu Tianmen raised it on behalf of Ling Feng, which meant that they stood firmly behind Ling Feng.

Five forces in total.

It is completely possible to fight against the eight great ancient forces. Unless the eight great ancient forces want the entire army to be annihilated, there is no reason to disagree.


This time, Lingshen Tianyu was so quiet.

People are only looking at other heavens, waiting for them to cross over, and then expand the ten domain list, the 100 domain list, etc.

"Yes, that's exactly what we meant!"

The Emperor of the Sky nodded in approval and said, "The name Ling Feng can control the heavens in the Spirit God Realm, but other realms are not well-known. I think it’s not a problem to use this name to expand the Hundred Domains list, right?"


Ling Feng and Huantian looked at each other and smiled.

Only they dare to be so crazy!

It should be noted that as soon as the Tianjiao event started, I dared to single out the Tianjiao of Ten Domains and Hundred Domains. This world is not without, but they are all the top great domains and ancient domains, such as Spirit God Tianyu and Luofan Tianyu. happened before.


Too dazzling, easier to be targeted.

Few Tianjiao is willing to take such a risk.

After all, beheading the top of the list and the top 100 people is more beneficial to Tianyu's record.


Really invincible Tianjiao, who cares?


Suddenly, Tianjiao Pure Land rained up into the sky, exploding into the void, causing turbulence in all directions, and the entire sky domain was boiling.

Tianjiao Festival is on!

The strongest battlefield that will last for hundreds of years has finally opened.

The light and rain around Tianjiao Pure Land suddenly changed color, with a hazy phantom white, turning into a hazy phantom gold, which meant that the sky domain's test of Wu Xiu's talent and potential had ended.

This also means that the Octagonal Magic Golden Light Rain can be cross-domain.

"As long as you communicate with the sky and Yuxu, you can fight across the domain from the magical golden light and rain, provided that you have to achieve ten heavenly records." The God Emperor said with a smile.

"Hey, it depends on the performance of other universes!" Shen Lie grinned and said, "I want to be the first person to expand the ten regions list!"

"You're a bird at best!" Ling Feng glanced sternly.

"Yes, this seat is the first bird to break the ground!"


Tangjiu, Tianlan and others have to admit that this is a very dreamy bird.

However, Tianlan didn't understand Shen Lie, only knew that this was Ling Feng's life and death brother, but the strength was unknown.

But for those who want to crush the big universe, this bird alone might not be enough to see.

The real difficulty is her.

She had just asked about success. Although Nishen had provided enough ancient books of Tiangong and so on, her understanding of Supreme was far from enough. It was a dream to cross domains and obtain ten celestial achievements.

of course.

Now, Ling Feng just asked her to experience and experience the Tianjiao event for hundreds of years, and Tianlan needn't rush for a while.

All the heavenly arrogances in the Lingshen Tianyu became quiet, and they looked everywhere, from the initial looseness to solemnity.

The Tianjiao event opens.

They have to beware. Although the rules are set for this session, the ghost knows if anyone ignores the rules?


Other heavens should not be as "harmonious" as the spiritual gods. Someone will definitely complete ten heavenly records and cross domains.

"Come for a drink!"

Ling Feng sat down, very calmly.

Although the top level of Lingshen Tianyu is not strong, there are only super-grade **** emperors, but there should not be many super-grade **** emperors in this hundred domains, and heavenly **** emperors are even rarer.

For now, there should be few heavenly **** emperors who will fight across domains.


Everyone talked happily, pushing the cup and changing the cup, which was incompatible with the tight atmosphere of the Tianjiao event.

Shen Lie's eyes flickered, looking at the glorious kingdom from time to time, trying to find out the whereabouts of God Emperor Leng Mo.

"Don't be anxious, you think it's a good hiding, but you can't hide it from the **** emperor's eyes."

Ling Feng patted Shenlie's head and said, "If the intention is too obvious, it will not be easy for people to enter the game."

"You need to know, moisten things silently!"


Shen Lie finally "let go" of the glorious kingdom side and devoted himself to this reception.

But the God Emperor Huantian had twinkling eyes. Ling Feng was not as simple as a human being. This kind of pattern and thought really made people chill.

Any power and character will suffer from this evildoer.

For a long while.

The light and rain of the eight directions illusion finally fluctuated, and it was quite violent.


Xuantian God Emperor's eyes brightened, and he had to pay attention to the others. Once it was a Super Grade God Emperor, they would need to suppress them.

The light and rain drifted slowly, and eight figures appeared before the people, led by a **** emperor.

"I'm the arrogant of Xiaochu Tianyu, I want to fight now..."

The headed **** emperor stopped talking as he said, because he discovered that the Spirit God Realm hadn't even opened the Ten Realm Ranking, it was empty and not strong, and it was simply the weakest realm.


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