Supreme Demon

Chapter 3351: Birds collapsed!

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The aura of the blue domain is extraordinary, like a azure blue battlefield, waves of air surging from all directions, forming a azure blue space, within which time shines and space is turbulent.

Time is like a cold wind crushing the years, and space is like flames that burns everything in the world.

One yin and one yang complement each other.

It caused a violent turbulence in the Blue Domain, and its inner power was strange and could annihilate all living things in the world.

It can be said that the clear sky has indeed exerted the yin and yang Tianwei to its limit, exploding with unimaginable power, making the Sifang Tianyu tremble, and when it fell down, the space instantly collapsed.


A destruction channel blasted directly to Shen Lie, which was a black hole caused by the Blue Domain.

Everyone was shocked.

People squeezed a sweat for Shenlie, especially Tianlan and others felt shocked. It was because the strength of Qingtian was too strong. This strength, not to mention the Snow Mountain Spiritual God, even the Eight Spiritual God I'm afraid of tragedy.

The Blue Domain is better at melee.


Unlike the clear sky, Shenlie didn't show too strong aura, and the gray suddenly appeared as if he had just crawled out of the bird's nest, sleepy and not awake enough.

But the posture of it carrying the pan is so handsome!

Tangjiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can were tasting the wine, and they did not face the decisive battle at all. The clear sky is indeed not weak. If it were Fang Can and Fei Qian, it would take a bit of work, but his opponent was God. Strong.

Ling Feng was talking and laughing with the God Emperor and the others, as if he didn't know that this was a life-and-death showdown, and the entire face of the Spirit God Heaven was placed on Shen Lie.

In fact.

The God Emperor and others were not in the mood to talk to Ling Feng at all, it was just that Ling Feng alone was saying that one was laughing.

Tianlan was more eye-catching, clenching her fists, how to say her feelings for Lingshen Tianyu and Shenlie were more important than Xiaochu Tianyu.

She was very worried because she had never seen Shen Lie show her strength.

Is it possible?


This is Shenlie's strong response.

The next moment, a little star rain burst out from that pan, and it suddenly blasted out, carrying the sound of the sky full of wind, carrying Shen Lie's strongest fighting spirit.



The loud noise overturned the whole world, and the pan was like a broken bamboo, and it slammed into the black hole.

In an instant.

The black hole that spread came to an abrupt end and didn't take a step forward, while the pan was so powerful that lightning moved forward, like a sharp knife plowing through a dark gap.


This was not the sound of the Blue Domain breaking through the space to form a black hole, but the sound of the black hole collapsing. A pan actually knocked the black hole out of smoke, and then blasted it towards the Blue Domain like a bamboo.


The turmoil of the Blue Domain instantly collapsed.

Shenlie brought the pan directly into the clear sky.


A loud bang, carrying the will of the Spirit God Tianyu, carrying the sorrow of the clear sky, carrying the astonishment of several Tianjiao of Yushan Sect, landed in response.

Simple, direct and domineering!

Shen Lie is interpreting these words.

That pan was like a weapon that was as powerful as a broken bamboo. In front of it, even Blue Domain could not withstand a single blow, it was exploded by the pan, and the clear sky was overturned by the pan on the spot.


The clear sky let out a sorrowful cry, directly planted from the void, with a black pot mark on his face, knocking down the bridge of his nose.


Even the Tianjiao of the Spirit God Tianyu felt so, let alone the few Tianjiao of Yushan Sect.

If the six spirit gods of the Spirit God Tianyu were defeated miserably and vulnerable to a single blow, then people's visual impact is now even stronger, because the powerful clear sky has been beaten into pigs and dogs.

How strong is Shenlie?

Yushanzong's contempt disintegrated in an instant, staring at Shen Lie in disbelief, as if he had seen a monster.

They knew how strong the sky was.

But they didn't know how strong Shenlie was.

The Spirit of Snow Mountain was blinded, and the Son of Glory and Goddess were blinded. They didn't know how strong Ling Feng was as a battle pet, because Shen Lie was seriously injured at that time and his strength was weakened so much that he almost disappeared.

But is it healed now?

The ultimate supreme monster!

And it is a monster creature that can turn the sky into a dog.

Earlier, people thought that the clear sky was basically the limit of the supreme. Unless it was Ling Feng and other evildoers who could sacrifice the immortal power and suppress the clear sky, there should be no second supreme in this world.


Shen Lie brightened people's dog eyes!

It lets all beings in the world know what the supreme limit is.

The wine in the mouth of God Emperor Chaotian was dripping, and Tianlan's slightly opened mouth was difficult to close.

Is this the gray bird?

At this moment, Tianlan knew Ling Feng's true intentions and put the gray bird on her shoulder, not to protect her, but to protect her.

God Emperor Haiyue, God Emperor Tianmo, etc. were naturally visible, and they were equally surprised that the Shen Lie who Ling Feng desperately wanted to save was actually this Shen Lie.

These enchanting creatures, even the Seagod Gate and the Great Desert Palace, will desperately rescue them.

The entire sky area was quiet, people couldn't speak, they were all overwhelmed by Shen Lie's invincible combat power, and then there was a mountain and sea of ​​cheers.

Some martial artists in Lingshen Tianyu had never had any evil with Ling Feng and others. All they expected was that someone would suppress Qingkong. Therefore, they did not have a bad feeling for Shenlie. Instead, they had a good impression of Shenlie's suppression of Qingkong.

"All the fuss!"

Tangjiu, Fang Can, and Fei Qian were tasting the wine, and they came up slightly.

Shen Lie came forward, and that mere Yushan Sect's Supreme Tianjiao couldn't be seen enough.

"The ten-domain list hasn't been launched yet, this little record has made them crazy?" Tang Jiu felt very uncomfortable, this kind of honor should have been his.

"Nine-point heaven record!"

Shen Lie did not pay too much attention to the eyes of others, but inwardly looked at the sky Yuxu, and inside it appeared a nine-point Celestial record, which was only a little bit from the unfolding of the Ten Regions list.

"Not bad, it's not just the ten-point Celestial record that came across the domain!"

Shenlie squinted his eyes, spread his wings and flew, and said, "Then, who is next?"

It is not as arrogant as the clear sky, but its demeanor is invincible.

who is the next?

The sky in Lingshen Tianyu calmed down, and people looked towards Yushan Sect, because Shen Lie mentioned the nine-point Tianyu record, which meant that they were only one step away from the Ten Regions list.

no doubt.

As long as Shen Lie suppresses a supreme arrogant of the Yushan Sect, the ten domain list can be launched.

At this time, people's eyes all looked at Yushanzong.

"Ahem, the supreme decisive battle is over." The headed **** emperor said with a smile: "If you click, don't hurt your peace!"

You take a look.

When they beat others, they never talk about peace, but when others beat them, they must talk about peace.

How can there be such a truth in the world?

"Don't talk about peace between us?"

Shen Lie sneered and said: "If you dare to come across domains, then don't say anything kind!"

It flew slowly and said with a smile: "Do you take the initiative to attack, or should I ask you to attack?"

"Do you know that I am waiting for Yushan Sect Tianjiao of Xiaochu Tianyu?"

"I don't know!"

Shenlie said coldly: "I only know that I have only defeated champions!"

"Do you really want to be tough?"

The face of the **** emperor suddenly sank, and he didn't expect that there would be such a vigorous character in such a weak heaven that could kill Qingkong.


The Tianjiao of Yushan Sect has suffered two casualties, and no more casualties.

If Shen Lie dared to come, he wouldn't mind shooting the bird to death.

"Oh, what?"

Shenlie squinted his eyes and said, "Are you going to do it yourself?"

"The **** emperor fights against the supreme, you Yushan Sect has set the rules, do you want to slap yourself?"

"Old man, do you want to consider replacing it?"

Tang Jiu shouted from a distance: "The Lingshen Tianyu only has such an arrogant bird, as long as it is replaced, the Yushan Sect can sweep the Lingshen Tianyu!"


The corner of Yushanzong's **** emperor's mouth twitched.

Be an idiot.

Even if the Lingshen Tianyu is in conflict, it has not reached this level, and it seems that Shenlie and Tangjiu are not at odds with each other, so would he consider it for them?

Really want to replace Shen Lie, they will only be worse.


Shen Lie stared, Tang Jiu, Fang Can, and Fei Qian couldn't help but want to replace it.

no way!

"If you don't want to, then I will personally force you to fight!"

Shen Lie said coldly: "This is not bullying you!"


It pushed forward, forced out all the people behind the **** emperor, suppressed them, and expanded the ten domain list.

"Do you want to die?"

The **** emperor's face was cold, and he stared at Shen Lie suddenly.


The realm of the sky booed, and the Yushan Sect came arrogantly, pointing to a decisive battle with the spiritual **** Tianyu in the supreme realm. When the seven spirit gods were defeated, they did not talk about peace, and they still want to talk.

When Shen Lie was forced out, he brazenly wanted to attack Shen Lie, really shameless!

"What a shame!"

"Yushan Sect, you are losing the face of Xiaochu Tianyu!"

"Old man, can you be more shameless?"

People ridiculed and despised Yushan Sect. The rules were set by them. When the Spirit God Tianyu was miserable, people did not stop.

But Yu Shanzong was miserable for the two Tianjiao, and the **** emperor couldn't sit still.

This is the God Emperor?

This is Yushan School?

It's ridiculous!

"I said I won't die, do you believe it?"

Shen Lie smiled coldly, nonchalantly, and Jian Zi rushed to the back of the **** emperor, and killed all the supreme who came across the domain.

"You dare!"

The **** emperor's eyes were upside down, murderous.

"Why doesn't it dare?"

A cold voice sounded slowly, and Ling Feng, who had never come forward, came forward, forbidden to appear in front of the **** emperor, his eyes burning and sneer.

"The rules are the rules. If you dare to settle down, then don't violate the rules!"

Ling Feng's voice was firm, and he said without letting his beak: "If you insist on breaking the rules, then none of you can get out of this pure land today!"

"Huh, is it up to you?"

"Just rely on me!"

Ling Feng strode forward, without a strong momentum, but with Tianwei.

"The show starts, get on the bench!"

Tang Jiu, Fang Can, etc. clamored, they knew Ling Feng would do it a long time ago. Although the opponent was the God Emperor of Guandao, he was stronger and younger than the Emperor of Sea Moon.

But who is Ling Feng?


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