Supreme Demon

Chapter 3359: Dare to be on the list!


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Wan Yumen is completely lost!

This is not a fairy tale, but a war song made of blood.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others showed an invincible fighting posture, and never used their full strength, but they still made the supreme Wan Yumen bleed and ended miserably.

Ling Feng crushed the micro-domain **** emperor, as if there were no enemies in this world that he couldn't solve with his fists.


People clearly remember that when Ling Feng fought against the Sea Moon God Emperor, he used a celestial skill, which once made the Sea Moon God Emperor sad, but now Ling Feng has never used it.

Was it because Ling Feng was promoted to the rank of God Emperor, and then he lost his memory of those Heavenly Kungfu combat skills?


Just because these micro-domain **** emperors are only equipped with Ling Feng's use of war fists, they are not qualified to let Ling Feng do his best, even the Guandao **** emperor is like this.

First day, first supreme!

People don't doubt that if Ling Feng is promoted to the Heavenly Territory God Emperor, he will be the first God Emperor to sweep the entire God Heaven Territory, and even capable of fighting ancient sages.

"Ling Feng!"

"Shen Lie!"

People were full of enthusiasm and shouted vigorously. When the Lingshen Tianyu was low and humble, it was Ling Feng and Shen Lie who turned the tide and crushed everything.

They saved the face and brought glory for the Spirit God Tianyu.

They deserve to be praised by the entire Spirit God Realm.

"Xutianmen Yueqing is very powerful!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor said with a smile: "That Aoxun is not easy to deal with. Even if it is this seat, before being promoted, I am afraid that it is not his opponent."

"Hey, that person is not easy!"

The Emperor Tianmo saw more clearly, and said: "If it wasn't for that person's spirit to disrupt Aoxun's fighting spirit and distract his attention, I'm afraid the battle will not end so soon."


The Sea Moon God Emperor smiled and said, "The Tianjiao event is not a one-person event. There are always some people who will stand up. Ling Feng and others are only one side. When the Xutian Gate has come out, the other forces will also come forward." /

They believed that Ling Feng could crush Aoxun and swept Wanyumen, but Ling Feng did not do so, instead let Yueqing fight and establish it.

Let the forces of the Spirit God Heaven Realm know that they are not trying to monopolize the ten realm rankings, but to be strong as a whole and advance and retreat together.

It is easier to get people's support.

"Eighty o'clock Celestial record, not far from unfolding the 100-domain list!"

Tian Lan looked at the sky, his eyes burning, unbelievable.

When Ling Feng asked him to participate in the Tianjiao event, Tianlan was very nervous, because the supreme was just that there were too many strong people. Even if Tangjiu, Fei Qian and others were not weak, they wanted to stand out in this event. Not easy.


The situation changed drastically. Shen Lie unfolded the Ten Domain Rankings in an unmatched manner and became the first bird in the Lingshen Heaven Domain. According to the current momentum, it is estimated that Shen Lie could expand the 100 Domain Rankings.

This is simply a miracle!


The higher the Celestial record, the more dangerous it means. People like the Eight Ancient Powers are easy to follow Shen Lie, especially the Emperor. They want to get rid of Shen Lie easily.

As the saying goes, shooting the first bird is the reason.

While she was delighted, she couldn't help worrying.

She wanted to remind Shen Lie that it’s too late to go too far. It can be stable now. It should not be too strong or too dazzling. But Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are righteous and vigorous. Where would you listen to her?

However, Ling Feng was restrained and not too dazzling.

After solving Wanyumen, Ling Feng flew towards Bangshuimen, with a harmless smile on his face.

"Boshuimen, isn't it?" he asked.

"Not bad!"

Divine Emperor Bangshuimen squinted his eyes slightly and said, "What are you going to do?"

"You have to be so nervous!"

Ling Feng comforted Bangshuimen Tianjiao and said, "I just want to challenge. At best, I will kill you, so you all calm down."



Every person in Bangshuimen was angry, and his eyes glowed with flames. If the flames could burn people to death, then Ling Feng estimated that he would die dozens of times.

"You are right, but arrogant!"

Yueqing flew in. Although he was a little tired, he took the pill in time to make his body stronger.

"Just as you were when you first came!"

Yueqing didn't put the people at Bangshuimen in their eyes, and Jinzi said to Ling Feng: "Guandao God Emperor handed over to this seat, others handed over to you, is it okay?"

"No problem!"

When the voice fell, Yueqing rushed towards the figure headed by the Bangshuimen, and his power instantly unfolded, and he launched a life and death battle with him.

"Three, do you need me to invite you to play?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said: "You should know my strength, then you should pay more attention to it, let's go together!"

A Weiyu **** emperor came from Bangshuimen more than Wanyumen.


The Divine Emperor of Bangshuimen Weiyu didn't dare to be big, he knew the horror of Ling Feng, and if they were singled out, they would all be blown up. Only a comprehensive response would be more confident.


The emperor of Bangshuimen Microdomain slammed out, swallowing mountains and rivers, and the weather was very overbearing.


Ling Feng's strength was far beyond what they could imagine. Zhanquan blasted through the sky, disregarding eternity. Since the first supreme rank, his strength cannot be estimated.


A micro-domain **** emperor was overturned on the spot, and his body disintegrated in the void. Although the field was used, it was still inferior to Ling Feng Zhanquan.

Id Dao Fa is integrated into Zhanquan and is invincible.


After a while, Ling Feng abolished the second micro-domain **** emperor with a punch, causing it to disintegrate underground and turn into fragments.


The third micro-domain **** emperor did not escape the bad luck, was blown to the head by Ling Feng, their proud place was in vain in front of Ling Feng.

"Immune field?"

The other two heavenly figures all changed color, and Ling Feng's strength was too incomprehensible. A sharp fist scorned the field, forbidden to break through.

It's like a knife cut tofu.

Simple and straightforward.

Rude is chilling.

The power of the Divine Emperor of the Minshuimen Micro-domain is so strong that it can be seen that the other two heavens have all changed color, especially the Divine Emperor of the Micro-domain, whoever confronts Lingfeng, I am afraid that the end will be predictable.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others were acting at the same moment as Ling Feng, and they challenged Bangshuimen Supreme.

With a pan, Shen Lie was so strong that he directly blasted the digital supreme and turned it into ashes, making it even more dazzling on the ten domain list.


Tian Lan was dumbfounded in surprise, it was hard to believe that Shen Lie could reach the second place in the ten domain list with his supreme strength. It was quite conspicuous. It can be said that among the ten domain supreme, it should be the most brave one.

Soup and wine ranked fifth.

Fei Qian ranked eighth!

Fang Can tenth!

People looked at the golden list and were speechless for a while. The previous Tianjiao events have not been as unpredictable as this one.

In the past, the top of the ten domains list were all **** emperors, and it was difficult for the supreme to be named, but now the most dazzling spiritual **** heaven, the top of the ten domains list is the supreme.

If this spreads out, it is estimated that several other big universes will come over.

"Ling Feng ranked 15th!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor smiled, and with this level of strength, he was fully qualified to advance to the 100 Domain Rankings.


With the current situation, as long as Shen Lie removes a supreme one, the Hundred Domains list will be unveiled, and the situation will be different by then.

"Too fast!"

The God Emperor Tianmo frowned and said: "The Hundred Domains List is slightly different from the Ten Domains. The Ten Domains list is the surrounding ten domains. It only takes ten Celestial Records to cross domains. There are no restrictions on the Ten Domains." /

To put it simply, the ten domains can cross domains with each other, and there are no other rules apart from the ten domain records.

Although the Lingshen Tianyu did not expand the ten-domain list, it can still be cross-domain.


The 100 domain list is different, the rules are stricter, and the domain list after that is even more so.

First of all, the Hundred Domains list is different from the Ten Domains list in terms of being cross-domain. Unless the domains of the Hundred Domains List can be expanded, they can cross domains with each other, and the domains without the Hundred Domains List are not eligible.

Secondly, the Hundred Domains List is not a Hundred Domains, just a domain list that can be expanded to the Hundred Domains, but in the end, it is quite good to have 50 heavens that are truly eligible to enter the Hundred Domains List.

The first to open the Hundred Regions list are generally very powerful heavenly regions. If the Spirit God Tianyu unveils the Hundred Regions list at this time, it will not be a good thing for the Spirit God Tianyu.

after all.

The surrounding ten domains are relatively weak, and the heavenly **** emperor is not without it, but it is estimated that none of them can be recognized by the sky domain, but the hundred domains are different, such as the reincarnation of the celestial pole will definitely be recognized by the sky domain.

Once this kind of heavenly figure crosses the territory, the spirit **** heaven will be wiped out.

Obviously, this was not what they wanted to see, at least they didn't want to take a risk before the Heavenly God Emperor was born in the Spirit God Tianyu.

"It's too fast, it's not good for us!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor's face sank slightly, thinking of a lot, the situation was too unfavorable for them.

Because without Shen Lie and others, it would not be easy to kill the supreme figure. After all, if there are rules before them, it is always good for them to go too far.

"Let them continue?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor frowned.

The **** emperor Tianmo had deep eyes, unable to do anything.

"It's up to them to decide."

The Sea Moon God Emperor sighed and said, "That's a human spirit, should there be a solution?"

"It can only be so!"

"It's still too weak!"

Ling Feng frowned. Didn't Shen Lie and Tang Jiu constrict?

As far as the current situation is concerned, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others will have to go out, otherwise the Hundred Domains list will unfold, and with the overall strength of the Spirit God Heaven Domain, it will be food delivery.

The loss of the two heavens made the people of the other two horrified and trembling.


The Emperor Yueqing also defeated his opponents strongly. This has a lot to do with Ling Feng and others destroying Bangshuimen. Moreover, the God Emperor Bangshuimen Guandao once wanted to kill Ling Feng, but Ling Feng strongly counterattacked him. His injury affects his strength.

Otherwise, it is really not easy for the Yueqing God Emperor to defeat the Guandao God Emperor in Baoshuimen.

"Weiyu Divine Emperor give it to me, the rest are your problems!"

Ling Feng shook the pot quite simply. If the God Emperor and Lingshen Tianyu couldn't solve this problem, it would be really difficult to go far.


The God Emperor Xuantian answered simply. Ling Feng knew the danger of the Hundred Regions Ranking, how could he not know?

It was not that Ling Feng could not solve the problem, but he was afraid to solve the problem.


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