Supreme Demon

Chapter 3371: Protect food!


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The atmosphere of Luofan Pure Land was dull. </p>

The eighteen heavenly arrogances of Xuyuan Goshawk are coldly scorning everything and despising the gods of Luofan heaven because they are different. </p>

Luofan Heavenly Region is only the top of the ten regions, but the Xuanyuan God Territory is the top ten of the hundred regions. It can be as famous as the Fallen God Territory, which is enough to show their strength. </p>

The Goshawk Gate is the top three of the Xuyuan God Realm, and can even be included in the top two. </p>

They are naturally very proud and never put this kind of "weak domain" arrogance in their eyes, because in their eyes, these so-called arrogances are all geniuses. </p>

The gap between genius and Tianjiao is like a chasm. </p>

They are like the scorching sun in the sky, and Luofan Tianjiao is a mortal figure, and the gap between them can be imagined. </p>

"I'm waiting for a disciple of Xuyuan Cangyingmen!"</p>

The Super Grade God Emperor headed narrowed his eyes and said, "Luofan Tianyu, right? Come and fight!"</p>

He has a very tall posture, ignoring all the arrogances, it is not like a challenge, more like a gift! </p>

"Anyone at the same level can fight!"</p>

The super product **** emperor headed said: "Of course, one level of transcendence, we also agree to a battle!"</p>

His meaning is simple. </p>

If Luo Fan Tianjiao feels that he is not strong enough and wants to fight them with a higher level of strength, they agree. </p>

This is not a gift, but an insult! </p>

Because the Goshawk Gate Tianjiao did not face Luofan Tianjiao squarely at all, and from a bird's-eye view, it was said that Luofan Tianjiao could fight across levels, but in fact it was the Goshawk Gate who crushed it across levels. </p>

The most annoying thing about Luofan Tianyu is the high view and psychological contempt. </p>

Not only makes people powerless, but also makes people feel aggrieved. </p>

Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others are the most calm. They still have no affection for the Spirit God Tianyu, let alone Luofan Tianyu. If Yin and others are humiliated, then Ling Feng and others will have to fight each other to the end. </p>

But Luofantianyu's humiliation had no effect on them. </p>

Lu Shan's face was slightly dark, the Goshawk is not an easy-going person, and the strength is strong. If they want to deal with these forces, they must sacrifice enough powerful characters. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

Only four of Luofan's ten statues were present, and Yin and other micro-domain **** emperors had left. If they were summoned at this moment, wouldn't it be the same as slapping their faces? </p>

In fact. </p>

Luofan Tianjiao thinks the same. For Shangxuanyuan Goshawk, even Luofan Ten Sovereigns and Luofan Ten Emperors are not sure about it. Hidden among the Luofan Ten Emperors is a leader. Relatively speaking, he is more certain and can be hidden. Not here. </p>

How did they suppress the Xuanyuan Goshawk? </p>

"Ten Luofan dare to fight?"</p>

At this moment, a person flew out from the Xuanyuan Goshawk, looked ahead, and hurriedly passed by among the arrogances present, with natural pride and indifference. </p>

however. </p>

Luofan Tianyu was very quiet, no one spoke, and people frowned. The situation now is quite unfavorable, because the four Luofans have only experienced a big battle, and they are not optimistic when they appear. </p>

Just as people were at a loss, a voice sounded. </p>

"I am Xiao Rufeng in the empty mountain palace, and I barely included in the ten Luofan, to fight you!"</p>

A bird flew out, very proud. </p>

All the arrogances of Luofan Tianyu are dumbfounded, with a sense of dementia, like five thunders, and tender on the outside. </p>

If they hadn't seen Xiao Rufeng and didn't know if he had returned to the forces, they would really believe it... right? </p>

"Xiao Rufeng is a bird?"</p>

The supreme was slightly stunned, and his eyes were surprised, completely incomprehensible, how this is a bird name. </p>

"Why can't Xiao Rufeng be a bird?"</p>

Shen Lie despised the front, his eyes were full of contempt: "Isolate and ignorant, this seat is a **** bird!"</p>

"As far as race is concerned, this seat can look down on you!"</p>

The opponent used "birds" to despise it, so Shen Lie used "race" to despise each other. </p>


The supreme's eyes were suddenly cold, and a killing intent was gushing out of his body. </p>

He Leng Ruchen is one of the ten Goshawks, blessed by heaven, and his strength is invincible. His family background is even more extraordinary and extremely shocking. </p>

But now he was despised by a bird. </p>

This is no longer a life attack, but racial contempt. </p>

"You will pay for it!"</p>

Leng Ruchen's voice was hoarse, with a wave of anger, which showed the resentment in his heart. </p>

"Hehe, I, Xiao Rufeng, look down upon Luofan Tianyu. Have you ever been afraid of it?"</p>

Shen Lie simply wanted to go to heaven, and did not take the threat of Leng Ruchen in his eyes. </p>

The faces of several characters in the Kongshan Palace are distorted. Is this evildoer trying to offend the Goshawk Gate? </p>

Although the Goshawk Gate hadn't had the courage to intervene in Luofan's heavenly affairs, it did not mean that the Goshawk Gate could not deal with them. </p>

They were afraid that Shen Lie would not know the profoundness and cause the Goshawk Gate and Kongshan Palace to fight. </p>

of course. </p>

The thing that made their faces the most was Shen Lie's sentence: Who said Xiao Rufeng could not be a bird? </p>

It is estimated that Xiao Rufeng will be alive and well here. </p>

but. </p>

Kongshan Palace Tianjiao did not come forward. With the current situation, they did not have the strength to suppress each other, and Shen Lie came forward to their advantage. </p>

Because they knew Shen Lie's strength well, they could suppress the Supreme Goshawk Gate, and they would surely crush the opponent's aura. </p>

"Then don't regret it!"</p>

Leng Ruchen's face was gloomy, and water was about to drip. </p>

He strode forward, his aura was low and gloomy, like a piece of ice, the mere escaped breath was enough to freeze the space. </p>

Obviously. </p>

As the name suggests, Leng Ruchen is good at extremely cold space and time. </p>


Shenlie smiled and said. </p>

"Why? Do you regret it now?" Leng Ruchen smiled coldly and said, "Is it too early?"</p>

"No, you are wrong!"</p>

Shen Lie shook his wings and said indifferently and arrogantly: "I mean you are too weak, or the Supreme of the Goshawk Gate will join us!"</p>

The scene suddenly fell silent. </p>

Don't say the Goshawk Gate Tianjiao were stunned, even Luofan Tianjiao were dumbfounded. </p>

What did this evildoer say? </p>

Go together? </p>

It should be noted that the Xuanyuan Goshawk is different from Luofan Tianyu, and its strength is not small. Take the ten Luofan Tianyu as an example. Any supreme facing Leng Ruchen, I am afraid that he will do his best. The result is still unknown. . </p>

Although Shen Lie is very strong, the ten Phylogens can be matched, but the outcome of the encounter against Leng Ruchen is really a bit worrying, but if against all the supremes of the Xuanyuan Goshawk, it is not a fight, but a abuse . </p>

The faces of the Tianjiao of Kongshan Palace turned black. </p>

What is going on with this thing? </p>

Is this to let Xuyuan Goshawk and even Baiyu come to laugh at them? </p>

"Go together?"</p>

Leng Ruchen was stunned, Nu Nu mouth actually didn't know what to say. </p>

It was the first time they encountered a creature like Shen Lie, and it was the first time that a creature dared to speak such words to them. </p>

Even Wanyu Supreme is afraid to dare to be so big, to fight all of them. </p>

The eyes of the Goshawks are gloomy. This is not funny at all, but a real insult! </p>

They felt the deep contempt and malice of "Xiao Rufeng". </p>


Their eyes were deep and they became colder and colder, and the killing intent had become suffocating. </p>


However, what people did not expect was that the first objection was not the Xuanyuan Goshawk, but the soup wine. </p>

The soup and wine fly out. </p>

Falling in the position side by side with Shenlie. </p>

"I object!"</p>

He rightly said: "How extraordinary is the Xuanyuan Goshawk, can you challenge it alone?"</p>

"This seat is looking for Xianzong to fight the void, and is revered as Luofan's first supreme. This kind of challenge is for this seat to carry!"</p>

"Get out!"</p>

Shen Lie turned his face on the spot and glared at Tangjiu. This was a serious plagiarism. </p>

Tangjiu has stolen its originality. </p>

It pretends to be Xiao Rufeng, and Tangjiu pretends to be Zhan Xukong. </p>

What is more serious is that the soup wine wants to "divide food". With the strong "food protection" degree, how can it make the soup wine do what it wants? </p>

Although the Xuanyuan Goshawk Supreme is strong, Shen Lie is stronger, and it must be overturned to make the Tianyu record even more dazzling. </p>

"Xiao Rufeng, don't go too far!" Tangjiu said dissatisfied. </p>

"That makes sense!"</p>

Fei Qian and Fang Can stood up and said with a smile: "Xuyuan Goshawk wants to challenge the ten Luofan, and I, as the ten Luofan, are naturally among this list."</p>

"Get out!"</p>

"Xiao Rufeng, your temper is too hot and hot, you have to change it!"</p>

"Get out!"</p>

Shen Lie glared at these three guys, but in the end he had to sigh. </p>

"So, we can also play?"</p>

The four Luo Fan spoke, one by one was quite excited. Before Shen Lie jumped out, they did not dare to speak, but Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can tried their best to refute them, and they dared to jump out. </p>

however. </p>

The next moment, they will be tragic. </p>

"Go away, what's the matter with you?"</p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and other four people all turned their faces, but the more than a dozen Supremes of Xuanyuan Goshawk, it is estimated that they are not enough for them. If Luofan four really jumped out, where are they enough? </p>

The four Luo Fan are very aggrieved! </p>

They are the ten authentic Luofan, right? </p>

It's shameless! </p>

but. </p>

They really didn't dare to face Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others. These are all evils, brought out by the owner himself, and their strength is too extraordinary. This is the trump card of the Tianjiao event. </p>

They are still slightly weaker. </p>

Mo said Luofan Tianjiao, even Ling Feng rolled his eyes, these four guys are too "protecting food", they have reached the level of shame. </p>

of course. </p>

He also felt that Luofan's ten statues were still too dangerous, and it was more appropriate for Shen Lie and others to attack the Xuanyuan Goshawk. </p>

and. </p>

With the strength of Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, they have experienced life and death battles, and it should not be long before they can break through the supreme, and they are all gods. </p>

He didn't want to fight alone in the Nishen Dojo, only hiding is not enough. </p>

He hoped that Shenlie, Tangjiu and others would become stronger! </p>

Lu Shan remained calm and watched with cold eyes. He could see that Shen Lie and the other four could hardly be fierce in the Luofan heaven, so they had to find some achievements in the heaven on the Xuanyuan Goshawk. </p>

He was caused by these people. </p>

Other forces also have this kind of thinking, they are happy to see it happen, as long as "Xiao Rufeng", "Zhan Xukong" and other people are not too serious, they will not speak. </p>

can. </p>

Xuanyuan Goshawk is frying, and their eyes are breathing fire. What do these four guys think of them? </p>

Is it the fish on the knife? </p>

Let them divide? </p>

"You guys are looking for death!"</p>

Leng Ruchen looked gloomy and glared, and said, "Just because you are not qualified, I alone will be enough to kill you all, no other brothers and sisters are needed!"</p>

"Are you a toad?"</p>

Shen Lie curled his lips and said: "The tone is so big!"</p>


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