Supreme Demon

Chapter 3373: These actors!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

The scene was strangely cold. </p>

Luo Fan Tianjiao was dumbfounded, and Xuyuan Goshawk was shocked. </p>

People's eyes were cast on Shen Lie, this enchanting creature, with its strongest strength, crushed the Xuanyuan Goshawk cold as dust, not crushed by a decisive battle, but despised. </p>

Leng Ruchen's hard work and defense only brought out the mighty stalwart. </p>

That pan seemed to be omnipotent, restraining everything. </p>

With just a sip of the pan, Shen Lie can be proud of the audience, even the **** emperor must take it seriously. </p>

but. </p>

It was precisely because Shen Lie was so strong that he was self-defeating, so that the Xuanyuan Goshawk Supreme didn't dare to fight, even if it was the first Tianjiao, I was afraid that it would not be enough. </p>

This is looking down! </p>

Shen Lie despised the Xuanyuan Goshawk with a high posture, making their faces pale and difficult to raise their heads. </p>

Not only in strength, but also psychologically. </p>

What is the gap? </p>

This is the gap! </p>

"Flies, can you dare to fight?"</p>

Shen Lie looked ahead, it was unwilling to let Tangjiu and others do it, and wanted to force the Goshawk Gate Supreme. </p>

Goshawk and fly are only one word apart. </p>

But people can still read the difference between the two characters. Some characters are slightly stunned, and then pursed their lips and laughed, while others are more obscure, but they suffer from internal injuries. </p>

Obviously. </p>

There are not many people in this world who dare to call the "Goshawk Gate" the "Fly Gate". People have not thought about it, but only Shen Lie dares to speak out. </p>

"Is Xiao Rufeng?"</p>

The super product **** emperor headed coldly said: "We remember you!"</p>

no doubt. </p>

The words Shenlie really stung the Goshawk Gate, making them hate and mad. Although they were not at the same level as Shenlie, as long as Shenlie was alone, that was their goal. </p>

In this life, Shen Lie don't even want to set foot in the Void Origin God Realm, otherwise, he will die. </p>

"I don't need you to bear hatred!"</p>

Shen Lie flew forward and said slowly: "I always feel that the problem has to be solved on the spot, it is not beautiful overnight!"</p>

"Does the flygate dare not play?"</p>


A Flygate Supreme Fryer was furious, jumped out of anger, flew out on the spot, and slashed at Shen Lie with a sword, bursting with anger, setting off a space in the void. </p>

Boom! </p>

Shen Lie was quite simple, and the pan popped out, and immediately shot the supreme into the air, causing it to spurt blood in the void, and then slowly collapsed. </p>

Simple and rude! </p>

Shen Lie showed an invincible posture, sweeping everything, no matter how powerful the opponent is, it is the fish on his sword. </p>

That's the crush from the top view! </p>

"The courage is commendable, but the strength is a little bit worse!"</p>

Shen Lie smiled and said, "Are you guys looking at me? Why don't you kill this seat? Why not crush this seat?"</p>

"Are you willing to watch this seat arrogantly?"</p>

The complexion of the Supreme Goshawk Gate became more and more ugly, Shen Lie despised himself, using this method to stimulate the Supreme Goshawk Gate. </p>

"Are you willing to carry the nickname'Goshawk'?"</p>

"If you don't want to, why not crush this seat under your feet?"</p>

"Made, it's so arrogant!"</p>

The third supreme flew out and rushed towards Shenlie, even though he knew that the battle was invincible, he still wanted to fight because Shenlie insulted them. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

He just flew out, he was suppressed in the void by Shen Lie, and the pan was suppressed and fell, crushing it into powder. </p>

The Goshawk Tianjiao was full of anger, but he couldn't get rid of Shen Lie, which made them very sad. </p>

"The battle of the supreme is here!"</p>

The Super Grade God Emperor of Goshawk Gate said in a deep voice, "Ten Luofans are indeed not to be underestimated."</p>

Obviously. </p>

He wants to end this tragedy as soon as possible, and if there is still a tough shot, the Goshawk Gate will be even more miserable. </p>

"Don't, Xiao Rufeng's evildoer is a special case."</p>

Tangjiu flew out and argued for reasons: "That is the first one in Luofan Tianyu, but Luofan Tianyu has more supreme people who work as hard as we do!"</p>

He smiled and said: "I am willing to fight Tianjiao Flies!"</p>

"Yes, I need to sharpen it."</p>

Fei Qian and Fang Canfei came out and classified Shen Lie as the "first supreme" and "most enchanting" category, strongly indicating that this is only an example of Luofan Tianyu, a genius that will not be born for ten thousand years, and does not represent the entire Luofan Tianyu . </p>

"Zhan Xukong, come back!"</p>

Ling Feng spoke at the right time and said solemnly, "This is not your battlefield!"</p>

"No, I want to fight!"</p>

Tang Jiu's eyes were red, and he said seriously: "Please let me fight, even if it falls!"</p>

"Oh, why bother?"</p>

Ling Feng sighed and said, "That incident was not your fault!"</p>

Tangjiu's eyes flashed, very vague, he said in a deep and hoarse voice: "But I can only become stronger, even if I die!"</p>

Ling Feng glanced at the soup wine, and finally nodded, and said, "Don't be too aggressive!"</p>


"You two come back, this decisive battle is not for you!"</p>

Lu Shan looked directly at Fei Qian and Fang Can, and said, "Don't be strong!"</p>

"No, this is our battlefield!"</p>

"Falling is not terrible, what's terrible is not having the courage to fall!"</p>

Fei Qian and Fang Can had firm eyes and never wavered. They showed an attitude of seeing death as home. </p>

of course. </p>

They also showed a posture of "I am weak". </p>

"Play, you guys continue to play!"</p>

They were so angry that these three guys are really shameless. It is estimated that these three guys will fight at the same time because of the lessons learned. They will not give the Goshawk door time to react, let alone restore their spirits. time. </p>

really. </p>

The Goshawk Gate Supremes became active again. On the one hand, the aura and power shown by the "Zhan Xukong" and others were not as strong as Shen Lie, and on the other hand, they did not believe that all of Luo Fan's ten statues were as Shen Lie. </p>

If all ten of Luofan Tianyu are as strong as gods, then this time Luofan Tianyu can definitely sweep hundreds of domains, thousands of domains, and even the supreme of ten thousand domains. </p>

But this is impossible. </p>

thus. </p>

They also felt that Shen Lie was just an example, and could not represent the entire Luofan universe. </p>

"I will fight you!"</p>

One person flew out of the Goshawk Gate, rich in gods like jade, and very handsome. Their eyes were full of evil, and they were extremely angry at Luofan Tianyu. Although they were no match for the gods, if they could crush Luofan Tianyu's other supreme, it would be one. Beautiful things. </p>

At least, they can vent their anger! </p>

"One is not enough, we must also fight!"</p>

Fei Qian said. </p>

"And this seat!"</p>

"Let's come!"</p>

Two Supremes flew out from the Goshawk Gate, and Jianzi confronted Fei Qian and Fang Can. </p>


Fei Qian and Fang Can are not nonsense.@ 綠娜宋铮 巧恋綶沙觯  Benzyongjiu 蛄 電話葉車湎湎蛄 instantaneous miscellaneous pa sedan chair recovery phosphinelt;/

This is a stalemate. </p>

Fei Qian, Fang Can, and Goshawk Gate two supreme smashed a real fire, igniting the void, and finally Fang Can and Fei Qian "struggled" to suppress the two supreme. </p>

The situation on Tangjiu's side was the same, and he was "working hard" to suppress the opponent and was injured. </p>

"These actors!"</p>

His teeth were tickled with anger, these three guys knew that as long as the performance was too strong, the Goshawk Gate Supreme would be alert and it would be difficult to fight again. </p>

Therefore, a little bit of "ordinary" performance will strengthen the Goshawk Gate Supreme a little bit. </p>

In this way, is the Goshawk Gate willing to watch these three supreme arrogant? </p>

"Let's fight!"</p>

The Goshawk Gate Supremes couldn't help it, and the three of them ended up rushing towards Tangjiu, Fei Qian and others. </p>

"Too despicable, they are already hurt!"</p>

"Their blood has not recovered, you are too much!"</p>

Some characters in Luofan Tianyu saw the problem and fully cooperated, wanting to add more color to the Goshawk Gate. </p>

However, Tang Jiu, Fang Can, and Fei Qian cooperated more and "diligently" suppressed the three characters. They coughed up blood to win. They inserted weapons into the ground, used weapons to maintain their stability, and stood in the field. </p>

No matter who looks at it, they are the end of the battle. </p>

"Fight again!"</p>

The three of Tangjiu were so angry that they would fight again even if they were seriously injured. </p>

"If you are injured, don't fight anymore, it's too bad like this!"</p>

The four Luofan flew out to replace Tangjiu, Fei Qian and others. </p>

"It's okay, as long as you don't die, you can fight again!"</p>

Tangjiu waved his hand and declined the "goodwill" of Luofan's four masters, and he still wanted to fight. </p>

"This is what you are looking for!"</p>

Three people flew out of the Goshawk Gate. They confronted Tangjiu, Fei Qian and others, and knocked them into the air, but the three of them were like Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten. They actually got up tenaciously and took a strong stand. Goshawk is the three supreme and defeated it with all his strength. </p>

"Three of you are seriously injured, let us take the rest!"</p>

Luo Fan’s four eyes were all red, and it felt like they were moved by the will of the "War Void" three people fighting to the death. In fact, they felt that there were not many Supremes left. They really divided. Not anymore. </p>

"We can fight again, don't let the Goshawk Gate look down upon us!"</p>

Tangjiu spouted blood and said: "You must die or fight, this is the will of our Luofan Tianyu!"</p>

If he didn't know the virtues of these guys, Ling Feng would be in awe. </p>

The four Luo Fan are about to vomit blood, and none of these three fellows wants to let it go. </p>

The corners of the spirited lips twitched, it underestimated the shamelessness of these three guys. </p>

"Too shameless!"</p>

"It's over!"</p>

Finally, the last three Supremes of the Goshawk Gate flew out, their eyes burning as if burning. </p>

Obviously, these three are the top talents of the Goshawk Gate. Previously they just didn't want to come forward, but now they have to come forward. </p>

"Come on!"</p>

The soup wine spit out a mouthful of blood, and said with a faint smile: "I can use you to break the limit!"</p>

"Break the limit?"</p>

The headed Supreme smiled indifferently: "You are still far behind!"</p>

They ended. </p>

"This seems to be the last supreme?" Tang Jiu looked at Fei Qian and Fang Can. </p>


Fei Qian and Fang Can nodded blankly. </p>

"Then solve it completely!"</p>


When the three Supremes of the Goshawk Gate flew in forcefully, they played a tyrannical might, and they were almost equal to the **** emperor. </p>

can! </p>

At this moment, Fei Qian and Fang Can, who were coughing up blood, stopped coughing up blood, and the soup and wine that were spitting blood no longer spurted, and a low and majestic aura was bursting out with lightning. </p>

The vastness of the sky, the town forever! </p>

then. </p>

Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can unexpectedly sacrificed a sack at the same time, and suddenly flew out of the room. The air was soaring, and the invincible aura suppressed and fell. On the spot, the three Supremes of the Goshawk Gate were frozen, and then the sack Flying down from the void, before the Three Supremes of the Goshawk Gate did not react, they skillfully and quickly "packed" them. </p>


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