Supreme Demon

Chapter 3378: Thousand domain list!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Cross domain! </p>

For Ling Feng, this was not just a matter of Tianyu's record, but also a trial. </p>

People such as Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, and even Ling Feng need to be tempered. Only in this way can they be promoted, and the most important thing in the Tianjiao event is promotion. </p>

Just relying on the micro-domain level, it is a idiotic dream to sweep the Tianjiao event. Ling Feng has not yet thought that he can crush the super grade, the heavenly **** emperor, or even the ancient sages. </p>

and. </p>

In the Tianjiao event, especially the life and death battle of God Emperor Leng Mo, Ling Feng felt deeply pressured. </p>

This is just a microcosm of the Tianjiao event. When it expands the Thousand Domain Rankings, Ten Thousand Domains Ranking, and even stronger rankings, it is bound to face stronger opponents, with the talents of Lingfeng, Shenlie, and Tianjiao. Territory record, will face more kills. </p>

They not only have to deal with the same Tianjiao, but also with the encirclement and suppression from other forces. </p>

Tianjiao will fight not only for personal strength, but also fortune and power. </p>

Currently. </p>

Nishen hasn't grown up in God's Domain yet, and it is difficult to become the big tree behind Ling Feng. Ling Feng, Tang Jiu and others can only move forward bravely, fighting the world's Tianjiao for strength and luck. </p>

but. </p>

They believe that as long as the **** of rebellion emerges from the cocoon, it will be a brave and invincible behemoth. When they uncover Guxian, when they uncover a higher level, the **** of rebellion will follow as soon as possible. </p>

At that time. </p>

Nishen is an invincible heavenly soldier! </p>

"Xiaochu Tianyu!"</p>

Ling Feng, Tang Jiu and others picked out a domain map from among the many domain maps, but they didn't expect to enter the Xiaochu universe. </p>

This Tianyu was the first to break into the Spirits God Tianyu, but it was a pity that he finally returned unfailingly and was beaten so miserably by Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others. </p>

When Ling Feng, Tang Jiu and others appeared, the eyes of some characters in Xiaochu Tianyu were all red. </p>

"Fighting at the same level, can you dare?"</p>

Ling Feng shouted strongly, not wanting to be surrounded and suppressed by Xiaochu Tianjiao, and forced Xiaochu Tianjiao to fight at the same level with contempt. </p>


"We shall fight!"</p>

Xiaochu Tianyu is not weak, and its overall strength surpasses Lingshen Tianyu. It was only because of encountering Shenlie, Tangjiu, Lingfeng and others that it ended tragically. </p>

If it was only the Eight Spirit Gods, only one person from Xiaochu Tianyu could sweep it. </p>

and. </p>

There is no need to tell such a tragic story, right? </p>

thus. </p>

Some figures in Xiaochu Tianyu only knew that someone had ended in a tragedy in Lingshen Tianyu, but did not know what happened at the beginning, but Ling Feng and others fought for the righteousness of Lingshen Tian, ​​which stimulated Xiaochu Tianyu. . </p>

next moment. </p>

Dozens of supreme players went off the field, singled out Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, and the momentum was not weak. </p>

at the same time. </p>

The Weiyu Divine Emperor came off the court and faced Ling Feng. </p>

This is a decisive battle. </p>

Xiaochu Tianyu was very tough, and he wanted to crush Lingfeng, Tangjiu and others to let them know the consequences of Xiaochu Tianyu. </p>

then! </p>

The nightmare of Xiaochu Tianyu has started, and it will be the nightmare they least want to face in their lives. </p>

A pan is the most dazzling weapon in the nightmare. </p>

Shen Lie showed the demeanor of a crushing grade, the pan swept all things, and all the arrogant and arrogant women were annihilated in that pan and turned into a sky full of energy. </p>

Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can were not so arrogant. They only fought with fists and knives, but they were extremely eye-catching. </p>

At this moment, Xiaochu Tianyu fully understood what it means to punch a child with one blow. </p>

This decisive battle changed from a single challenge to an encirclement and suppression. </p>

It was because Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, and others performed so violently that they completely crushed Xiaochu Supreme, making them tragic, difficult to defend, and invincible in the world. </p>

Xiaochu Zhizun had to do his best and finally formed a situation of encirclement and suppression. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

They are still too small to look at the four gods, such as Shen Lie and Tang Jiu, their strength is indeed invincible to the supreme. </p>

When God Lie sacrificed the charm of Wu. </p>

When the soup wine sacrifices the charm of martial arts. </p>

When Fang Can and Fei Qian sacrificed the charm of martial arts. </p>

It means the end of this decisive battle. </p>

Xiaochu Supreme was all swept away, and dozens of Ultimate Supremes could not prevent the four spirit gods, causing the Xiaochu martial artists to collapse, and many girls wept. </p>

It's too awful! </p>

The most tragic thing in Xiaochu history happened. </p>

From ancient times to the present, Xiaochu Tianyu has never been beaten so miserably. The supreme of the entire Tianyu kneels in front of Shenlie, Tangjiu and the others. </p>

That is the bow of the entire Xiaochu Tianyu! </p>

That was the lament of the entire Xiaochu Tianyu! </p>

at the same time. </p>

Ling Feng's side also showed the strength of the crushing class, which made Xiaochu Tianyu Weiyu Divine Emperor miserable and tragic, and it was difficult to prevent it. In front of the Id Taoism and the origin of all things, all the fields are mirrored flowers and waters, a conversation. </p>

More than a dozen micro-domain **** emperors have fallen, and their deaths proved how enchanting Ling Feng really is. </p>

"Guandao come to fight!"</p>

Ling Feng is strong to the end, without fear of life and death. </p>

"You asked for it!"</p>

The eyes of the **** emperors of Guandao were red, and the body was chilly. The four spirits of Ling Feng and Lingshen were too strong, and they almost cut off the arrogance of Xiaochu Tianyu for a long time. </p>

Is this a challenge? </p>

This is a unilateral slaughter! </p>

As long as all the **** characters were stimulated, Ling Feng and others should stay here completely. </p>

however. </p>

When Ling Feng used the origin of all things and the Dao method of the original self to integrate into the fighting fist, the first Guan Dao **** emperor knelt before Ling Feng in a moment of tragedy. </p>

Still miserable! </p>

Boom! </p>

Boom! </p>

Ling Feng was in a strong mess, even the God Emperor Guandao could be suppressed with one punch. He was like an omnipotent Ultraman, while the God Emperor Xiaochu Guandao was a little monster. </p>

Altman's fight against the little monster is reasonable. </p>

When the five micro-domain **** emperors knelt and turned, the eyes of the super-grade characters in Xiaochu Tianyu were all red. This kind of loss is unprecedented and unprecedented. </p>

Their eyes are more poisonous, and they can naturally see how powerful Ling Feng and others are. No matter how many Guandao Divine Emperors and Weiyu Divine Emperors are all fish on the sword. </p>

Ling Feng is invincible! </p>


When the super character was about to start, Ling Feng Lightning withdrew from Xiaochu Tianyu and stepped into the illusion of light and rain. </p>

Shenlie, Tangjiu and others are already waiting. </p>

They knew this would be the result for a long time. They crushed dozens of supreme and punished fifteen **** emperors, which was equivalent to cutting off more than half of Xiaochu Tianyu’s power. This blow was quite heavy, even if they estimated they would go crazy. . </p>

Those super-quality characters are eager to be pets are proof. </p>

then. </p>

Ling Feng and others flew out of the battlefield in a flash, far away from Xiaochu Tianyu, and ended the showdown. </p>

"Lingshen Tianyu!"</p>

"Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Soup Wine..." </p>

The teeth of the people in Xiaochu Tianyu were ground, they hated these five characters, and their hearts were even more resentful and weak. </p>

Because the opponent is really too strong. </p>

Rolling grade! </p>


Pantheon! </p>

This is not ten domains, but a hundred domains. </p>

The strength of this Tianyu is second only to Luofan Tianyu, and its strength is not weak. </p>

After Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others appeared, they were actually despised, but in the end, Ling Feng and others used their strength to prove how miserable this contempt is. </p>

More than 80 Supremes have fallen! </p>

Twenty-five **** emperors have fallen! </p>

Although the Wan Shen Tian Yu was stronger than Xiao Chu Tian Yu, this kind of damage was no different from killing them half their lives. </p>

"Kill, keep them!"</p>

"You have to pay the price!"</p>

Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others were sniped, and some super-class characters stepped out to suppress Ling Feng himself. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

Ling Feng and the others had expected this situation a long time ago, and they fled the scene as soon as possible without being sniped and left the Pure Land of All Gods. </p>


Many characters in the Pantheon Heaven screamed wildly, wanting to leave Ling Feng and others, but it was too late. </p>


This is a madness! </p>

Ling Feng and others completely regarded Baiyu as a hunting ground and went to war within a few days, honing and tempering between life and death. </p>

Although they were extraordinary and strong, they all seemed weak at the moment, because there were too many battles. Take Fei Qian as an example, they fought nearly a hundred times. </p>

They moved through the nine heavens and became the nightmare of the nine heavens. </p>

finally. </p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others were injured and tired, Ling Feng was tired and sleepy, and they had to withdraw to Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

"Take a trip to the Xuanyuan God Realm and unveil the Thousand Realm Ranking!"</p>

Ling Feng's eyes burned. </p>

After more than 500 fierce battles, they boarded the most dazzling position in the 100 domains list, and their celestial records were all ranked in the top ten, of which Shen Lie had the highest score with 998 points. </p>

It can be said that as long as Shen Lie kills a character, the Thousand Regions Ranking can be launched, and its speed is the highest in the history of Spirit God, even if it is rare in Tianjiao event. </p>

At this time, Ling Feng didn't have too much scruples. </p>

The Hundred Domains List is not something that the Spirit God Tianyu can handle at present. There is not much difference in essence between the Thousand Domains List and the Hundred Domains List. </p>

As long as they stay away from the pure land of the spirit gods and the realm of the sky, the figures of the major forces will come across the ranks, and they will only be empty. Although their faces are damaged, this is a strategic shift. </p>

It will be more advantageous for them to reappear when they are promoted and have enough strength to deal with the situation. </p>

Before returning to the Lingshen Pure Land, Ling Feng and others really broke into the Xuyuan God Realm. With their powerful strength, they killed the two Supremes on the spot, and then the five people did not hesitate to withdraw to the Spirit God Realm. All the arrogances of the Xuyuan God Realm were completely blinded. </p>

How is this going? </p>

Boom! </p>

at the same time. </p>

The Lingshen Pure Land was completely boiling, and a series of light rains formed a vast sea of ​​turbulent waves, set off from the void, shocked thousands of waves, extremely magnificent, and ignited people's eyes. </p>

A vast domain list flew down from the void, hung in the air, and the shiny words on it made people crazy. </p>

Great! </p>

This name is destined to shine across the starry sky and go down in history. </p>

The Ten Domain List was unveiled, the Hundred Domain List was unveiled, and now the Thousand Domain List was unveiled. </p>

Top three! </p>

For the supreme, this is a great honor. </p>

In history, there has never been the same person who can unveil the three lists, let alone a bird or a supreme person. </p>

What a miracle! </p>

Thousand domain list! </p>

The speed of its unveiling is crazy. The fastest in history takes a year, and this session only took a few days, which gives people a hope. </p>

Maybe this year is really different, there are Xeon people who can unveil the stronger domain list. </p>

The Emperor of the Sky frowned slightly, his eyes lit up, but there was a sigh in his heart. The speed of Ling Feng and others was indeed very fast this time, but it also dragged the Spirit God Realm into the abyss. </p>


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