Supreme Demon

Chapter 3381: Tragic!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Xuantian God Emperor stood in the void. </p>

There are five people in front of him, their auras collapsed, affecting a huge amount of space and distorting time. </p>

The five figures are like five sky domes that lie across the void, depressing everything and disintegrating space. </p>

The Emperor of the Sky is like a leaf, falling in the vast sea, as if it will be swallowed by the wind and waves in an instant, and disappear without a trace. </p>

Lonely! </p>

This is the word that emerges in people's minds. </p>

The God Emperor Xuantian represents the highest level of power in the Spirit God Realm, and he has to face the five giant mountains, with only one person in the world. </p>

Contempt! </p>

This is the second word that pops up in people's minds. </p>

The five characters never put the God Emperor in the sky, let alone the Sky of Spirit God, since they knew that there was only one super character in the Sky of God God, they knew this When it was a heaven supported by the supreme and micro domain, the ridicule and contempt went deep into the bones. </p>

People are hurt. </p>

The heart is moist. </p>

They can feel the loneliness of the God Emperor at the moment, full of martial arts, but he is the only one to fight. </p>

There is only one person in the world! </p>

When he sacrificed a sword, he was alone with one sword to stand the wind and rain. </p>

He is the last dignity of Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

"Hehe, it's just a weak super product, why do we need a super character of my clan?"</p>

At this time, a Guandao **** emperor flew out from behind the super character, with a vigorous imposing manner, staring coldly at the audience, squinting at the **** emperor, insulting. </p>

"This seat is here to fight you and beat you into a dog!"</p>

Zhou Ku stepped forward, carrying his hands on his back, carelessly, he didn't regard the God Emperor as an opponent at all, but a dog with a sword. </p>

"Okay, it's up to you to fight!"</p>

The super character nodded slightly, thinking it was a very good whetstone. </p>

"Then let's fight!"</p>

Xuantian God Emperor sighed in his heart. He knew that it was difficult to be kind today, and he would die for the Spirit God Tianyu. </p>


Zhou Ku Lightning forward, a dash, like a thunderstorm shooting out, so fast that many people feel suffocated. </p>

When a giant hammer flew out, lightning blasted out. The giant hammer was purple-gold. When it blasted out, it flashed with purple-gold lightning, which was shaped like a purple-gold dragon. </p>

The endless field all turned into purple and gold lightning, and the giant hammer evolved, erupting unimaginable heavenly power. </p>

"Open the mountain!"</p>

The Emperor Chaotian evolved into a mountain, and the field boiled to defend it. </p>


Zhou Ku coldly snorted, his purple golden sacred sky, can be said to be insoluble, can a small mountain be defended? </p>

Boom! </p>

The pure land of Lingshen was completely boiling, and the light rain overturned the sky. Zhou Ku was indeed very strong. A giant hammer could blast through the void, so powerful. </p>

But the super character is indeed extraordinary, and a giant mountain alone can prevent that giant hammer. </p>

However, the huge mountain was also collapsing, and the purple-gold giant hammer was a sharp weapon to attack the mountain, blasting it away layer by layer, forbidden to come towards the God Emperor. </p>

But that takes time after all. </p>

"Cracked Rock!"</p>

The God Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, and when it sounded, the huge mountain suddenly collapsed, and the huge stones broke apart, turning into the most powerful field force, not only restraining Tianwei, but also suppressing Tianwei. </p>

One boulder is not enough, but ten thousand? </p>

How about ten million yuan? </p>

That's a broken world! </p>


Zhou Ku's expression changed slightly, and the purple golden hammer rose into the sky, emitting a brilliant divine light, and his inner court fully recovered, sending out a mighty sea, and the purple golden thunder turned into a thunderstorm, fighting against the mighty power of the world. </p>


This is a big showdown, the thunderstorm meets the boulder collapse. </p>

The entire sky was beaten to pieces. If this is not the Pure Land of the Spirit God, it is estimated to be in ruins. </p>

finally. </p>

Giant Mountain was even better, suppressed it strongly, and collapsed Zhou Ku, so that the blood flowing out of his arm and hand was turned into essence and dispersed into the world. </p>


Zhou Ku grinned, his smile getting colder, exuding a strange light: "Very good, you really irritated me, then you will regret it!"</p>

"I will let you die!"</p>

Finished. </p>

Lightning came out from Zhou Ku, and on the purple-gold giant hammer, lightning exploded, igniting the sky, causing the dark clouds to press on top, making the sky dark. </p>

"I will punish you with the might of heaven!"</p>

The purple-gold giant hammer exudes the strongest thunder, even making the thunder substantive, and has evolved from the field into various creatures, including divine phoenix, unicorn and other divine beasts. </p>

More legendary artifacts. </p>

The space was boiling, time stopped, only a purple golden hammer was burning in the sky. </p>

Boom! </p>

When the Zijin giant hammer fell, there was no sound of thunderstorms, only the loud noise of the space shattering, causing pits in the entire pure land, and the essence and air currents were suppressed with the Zijin giant hammer. </p>

Even if they are far apart, people feel this pressure. </p>


Huantian Divine Emperor's complexion remained unchanged, still maintaining his own rhythm, and did not change his face due to Zhou Ku's rage, let alone Zhou Ku's madness. </p>

He is very stable! </p>

He exerts his strength steadily. As for the victory or defeat, he doesn't want to think about it, because it has no meaning. </p>

It is still that huge mountain. </p>

It is still those boulders. </p>

The huge mountains and boulders collapsed. </p>

But at this moment, the huge mountain and the boulder are reuniting, from fission to fusion. </p>

This is the power detached from the God Emperor of Guandao. </p>

Power is burning. </p>

Tianwei is bursting! </p>

The endless energy and the endless heavenly power were all frozen. The bottom of the mountain appeared at Zhou Ku's feet, and huge rocks were flying around him, reuniting quickly, and the endless power was blessing. </p>

"Zhou Cool, retreat quickly!"</p>

Zhou Su's face changed slightly, because he knew exactly how terrifying this huge mountain was, and it was still too dangerous to use Zhou Ku's strength. </p>

however. </p>

Zhou Ku didn't retreat. From the bottom of his heart, he despised God Emperor Huantian and treated him as a grindstone knife. Now he must be suppressed. </p>

"Open, all chaos is ants!"</p>

Zhou Ku yelled, the purple and gold giant hammer blasted the sky, and the lightning completely exploded, fully facing the sky full of boulders. </p>

That soaring power is destroying. </p>

Rumble! </p>

The sky bursts. </p>

The Zijin thunderstorm formed a field, defending Zhou Ku within it, to suppress the sky full of boulders. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

He underestimated the huge mountain, and it was not a fluke that God Emperor Xuantian could break into the Tianjiao event, but he really had such strength. </p>

Bo! </p>

A crack appeared in the Zijin field, and waves of air exploded on it, while Zhou Ku snorted, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with essence and blood, which turned into essence. </p>

"Quick Back!"</p>

Zhou Su's face was sullen. </p>

Boom! </p>

In the end, Zhou Ku was submerged by huge rocks in the sky, the huge mountain reappeared, and the mighty roar of the sky suppressed all generations. </p>

Noisy! </p>

Only noisy! </p>

The people in the Spirit God Heaven Realm boiled over, and they applauded, because the Heavenly God Emperor showed the strength of the crushing class. </p>

The Sea Moon God Emperor, Tian Mo God Emperor and others did not boil, nor smile. </p>

The suppression of the Guandao God Emperor was in their expectations, but what really worries them is that the Huatian God Emperor suppressed Zhou Kuo's use of super-grade power, and he could not suppress Zhou Ku at the Guandao level. </p>

This shows that Zhou Ku's potential is terrible. </p>

and. </p>

Suppressing Guandao figures with super-grade strength is really no surprise. </p>

Boom! </p>

When the huge mountain cracked, Zhou Ku was dying, and the purple golden hammer turned into a drifting spirit. </p>

Obviously, Zhou Ku was seriously injured, was judged to be defeated by Skyland, and lost his qualifications for the Tianjiao event. </p>

"Second brother, please avenge me!"</p>

Zhou Ku said harshly when he was about to disperse. </p>

He actually fell into the hands of a super-rank character in the weak universe, which made him quite hate, and the hatred was overwhelming. This person must be removed to unlock the hatred in his heart. </p>


A character flew out and landed in front of the God Emperor, saying: "You shouldn't do this, let my brother out, you will die!"</p>

"The rules of the Tianjiao event are all!"</p>

The God Emperor said, neither humble nor arrogant: "If I lose, it will be the end!"</p>

"No, you are different!"</p>

Zhou Ke said: "You will die, the real death!"</p>

"Hehe, dare to stand here, if you are afraid of death, then you are not qualified to be a Tianjiao!"</p>

Huantian Divine Emperor said in a dark expression: "It is true that the Spirit God Realm is still very weak, but I am willing to use my death to wake up those who are still sleeping Tianjiao."</p>

"I'm dead, there will be thousands of people who will stand up!"</p>

"I'm dead, naturally someone will step on the Tianjiao event and fight across domains!"</p>

"I'm dead, they will be more brave, they will be even more disregard of life and death, they will embark on the journey of ten thousand realms!"</p>

"I'm dead, so why not die!"</p>

With a roar of anger, the God Emperor struggled to take off the hairpin on his head, letting the long, restrained hair fly down. </p>

"Life is impermanent, then fight to the end!"</p>

"That seat will fulfill your dream!"</p>

Finished. </p>

Zhou Ke flew out of lightning, blasted out with a punch, the sky broke and the earth burst, and the entire sky was burning. </p>

The Emperor Huantian sacrificed to the giant mountain and used the giant mountain as a defense, but he was instantly punched through, and the punch hit him. </p>

"You are weak, you can only be weak!"</p>

boom! </p>

He hit the bridge of the nose of the God Emperor with a punch, punching his entire face through, and it collapsed. </p>


Xuantian God Emperor shouted with all his strength. </p>

Boom! </p>

The huge mountains began to reunite, and the huge rocks began to reunite. </p>

"It's a pity, I'm not Guandao!"</p>

That Zhou Ke exploded with two bolts of thunder in his eyes, and in an instant, the boulder broke apart, pierced the mountain, and stopped its reunion abruptly. </p>

This kind of forcing the God Emperor to despair completely. </p>

This is the strength of the crushing class. </p>

boom! </p>

Zhou Ke slammed the head of the **** emperor with a punch, and went straight into the soul sea, leaving his life here completely. </p>

The God Emperor had no choice but to disperse his virtual body. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

The armor of Zhou Ke's body glowed, and unexpectedly confined the Taoist Soul of the God Emperor, making it inexhaustible. </p>


Huantian God Emperor let out a sigh, he knew the end. </p>

He looked at the people, looked behind him, that was the direction of the Spirit God Tianyu. </p>

That look was expectant, burning with sadness. </p>

That glance traverses the eternal wilderness! </p>

That was the last glance of the Emperor Huangtian. </p>

"Hope, Lingshen Tianyu will be... strong, I hope you... come back..."</p>

A generation of Tianjiao, the God Emperor has fallen! </p>

"God Emperor!"</p>

God Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo yelled and cried. </p>

People screamed and glared, people shed tears with hatred. </p>

While they were still looking forward to the power of the Lingshen Tianyu, the Emperor Huangtian used his life to defend the last pride of the Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

Only one super product! </p>

Now it's gone. </p>

Where are the eight ancient forces? </p>

Where are the strong people? </p>


People screamed in pain, and at this moment, the God Emperor Raised the glory of the Spirit God Heaven with his death. </p>


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