Supreme Demon

Chapter 3393: Sweep the micro domain!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

The strongest one among the five **** emperors of the Zhou clan was annihilated! </p>

This made Heiyang Pure Land very quiet, and people opened their mouths, but they couldn't make a sound. </p>

Even the other characters who are also the **** emperor feel the unprecedented pressure, that blaze can burn all things in the world, restrain the dark field, and, like a sharp knife, can split it. </p>

It's too fast! </p>

It proved that Fenxian Lieyan was more powerful than the dark field, and it was completely suppressed from a bird's-eye view. Otherwise, it would take time for Fenxian Lieyan to break through the dark field. </p>

Several other Weiyu **** emperors of the Zhou clan were all squeezed, demented and unimaginable. </p>

As the micro-domain **** emperor, they naturally knew how powerful the head **** emperor was, but even so, they still did not block the flames. </p>

Can the flames really burn immortals? </p>


Tang Jiu was full of contempt and said, "Young Master Ling, that bird actually copied you!"</p>

"Fenxian, and it's also a raging flame, if you must not bear it, Young Master Ling, right?"</p>

"I will endure it!"</p>

Ling Feng grinned. </p>


Tangjiu stopped talking. </p>

"Really plagiarism, this bird is so cheeky!"</p>

The ancient tree of the universe joked: "Knowing that Ling Shao's Fenxian Flame is very domineering, so I copied it?"</p>

"Unfortunately, that is different after all!"</p>

Lei Ting Yin Yang Yu said with a smile. </p>

You know, Ling Feng's Fenxian was born out of immortal power and could really burn the immortal to death, while the godly Fenxian flame copied Ling Feng, but it did not give birth to immortal power. </p>

Although Ling Feng's immortal power was not necessarily stronger than Shen Lie's flames, it was essentially different. </p>

"Pick up people's teeth!"</p>

Celestial Reincarnation said with a smile: "However, let alone the burning flames are not weak."</p>

"Is there a burning fairy flame in Shao Ling?"</p>

Shi Pi looked bewildered, he hadn't seen Ling Feng use the Fenxian flame, otherwise he would have been roasted. </p>

"Hehe, kid you are still young!"</p>

The ancient tree of the universe took the opportunity to strike and said: "Ling Shao is a man with a great story, and you have a lot to learn!"</p>

"Too young!"</p>

Lei Ting Yin Yang Yu said: "Although Fen Xian La Yan Yan is domineering, but with Ling Shao's talent, why Fen Xian La Yan? He has already cut off Fen Xian La Yan and stepped out of his own martial arts!"</p>


Although Shipi is very cautious on the issue of Ling Feng, he knows whether he will be thrown into the pubic area? </p>

but. </p>

It is full of curiosity about the Fenxian flames and the martial arts born by Ling Feng. </p>

Is the origin of everything born from the transformation of its martial arts? </p>

Of course, people's conversations are all from the Taoist soul, and will not be known to others. </p>

"This is the Zhou clan?"</p>

Shen Lie curled his lips and said, "It seems like that!" </p>

"But, here comes today, so stay here!"</p>

Shen Lie moved forward with lightning, but did not want to give the four **** emperors of the Zhou clan a chance to escape. </p>

Whoosh! </p>

A blazing flame blasted through the ten thousand space, carrying mountains, seas and sky, and fully pressed against the four **** emperors, but it was quite difficult to suppress the four micro-domain **** emperors with a flame. </p>

Bo! </p>

At this moment, the Fenxian flames suddenly exploded and turned into a sky full of light and rain, forming a space that enveloped all the four **** emperors of the Zhou clan. </p>

It's like a death row! </p>


Shen Lie soared into the sky, and opened his mouth a blazing flame, which was still the Fenxian flame, and blasted at one of the gods in an instant. </p>


The face of the **** emperor changed drastically, and even the **** emperor headed by him was not able to guard it, and it was even more difficult to guard it with his strength. </p>

He tried his best to defend, offering a sharp weapon to withstand the Fenxian flames, and then with the help of several other **** emperors, tore open the death prison cast by Fenxianguangyu and rushed out. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

He underestimated the power of the Fenxian Flame, all defenses were in vain, and those magic weapons were swept away on the spot. </p>

Fenxian flames drove straight in, annihilating the **** emperor. </p>

He died! </p>

There is more than one **** emperor. </p>


Shen Lie became more and more courageous as he fought, and he was invincible. </p>

"This was killed for the fallen **** emperors!" </p>

Boom! </p>

When Shen Lie’s voice fell, the monstrous flames rolled down, and the remaining three micro-domain **** emperors became the firewood in the flames, and they were ignited on the spot, allowing them to use the field to crush, but still To no avail. </p>

Fenxian! </p>

Shen Lie indeed copied Ling Feng, borrowed various resources and power, and finally undergone the ultimate transformation. </p>

That restraining Tianwei is too strong, unless it is in the Guandao field, if you want to fight the Fenxian field, you are looking for death. </p>

Although Shen Lie didn't train much in the realm of the Divine Emperor of the Micro Territory, he could crush a piece with Fenxian Flame. </p>

This is enough! </p>

"You have to pay for the mistakes you made in the first place!"</p>

"Everything has a cause, it has an effect!"</p>

In the flames of Fenxian, the three **** emperors of the Zhou clan turned into raging flames and burned out, the screams stopped abruptly, and they fell into the flames. </p>

At this time, Shen Lie sacrificed the soul-suppressing artifact and shot the three **** emperors to death, killing them all. </p>

A total of five micro-domain **** emperors! </p>

They came strong, but did not go back alive. </p>

If you count the three creatures and get rid of the three **** emperors, the Zhou clan has already fallen to eight **** emperors, which is not a small number for any force. </p>

To know. </p>

The eight top ancient powers in the Lingshen Tianyu were just a few **** emperors at best. Killing so many of them was equivalent to destroying one power. </p>

But the Zhou clan is strong and prosperous in the end, and the Divine Emperor and Supreme still cannot shake their roots at this moment. </p>

after all. </p>

There are also two heavenly **** emperors Zhou Su and Zhoukou, as well as several super-quality figures such as Zhou Ke. </p>

"You **** it!"</p>

Before Shen Lie could breathe a sigh of relief, huge waves appeared in the void, and more than a dozen characters appeared and fell into the void. </p>

They were angry and angry. </p>

The mighty air current swayed all things in the void and exploded thousands of miles in the void. </p>

Headed by the three Guandao **** emperors, their eyes were about to explode, and they were stained with blood. </p>

Just because there were too many deaths and injuries among the Zhou clan, at this moment, there were a hundred people, most of whom were the gods of the clan. </p>

Just like the Zhou clan, it was cut horizontally. </p>

You know, that is the arrogant talents that they spent countless resources and countless energy to create, each of them is precious, representing the future and glory of the Zhou clan, but now they are all dead. </p>

If it is the death of the body, it will only hurt the face of the Zhou clan, but now it is the Tianjiao of the Zhou clan who has died. </p>

It's an endless **** vengeance! </p>

"Should you die? I can't let you say it!"</p>

Shen Lie sneered at the front and despised the Zhou clan. </p>

Tonight is different from the past. They don't need to be tragic. Whether it is the supreme level or the **** emperor level, they can suppress the Zhou clan. </p>

Today, the tragic and heroic belong to the Zhou clan! </p>

How miserable the Spirit God Tianyu was at the beginning, and today the Zhou clan will be so miserable, and even more miserable. </p>

"To slaughter hundreds of Tianjiao of our tribe, how can one kill you?"</p>

The three Guandao divine emperors had cold faces, their eyes were blood red, and the corners of their mouths twitched, making their entire faces distorted. </p>

"Then count us a few?"</p>

Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can flew out, standing side by side with Shen Lie, with a momentum like a sharp sword, which could tear apart the powerful side of the Zhou clan. </p>


"Then kill you, and find out the real murderer behind the scenes, and slaughter the forces behind you!"</p>

The three Guandao **** emperors of the Zhou clan and only ten Weiyu **** emperors swooped in, and they didn't want to rule out with Shen Lie and others. </p>

Today, Shen Lie and the four Weiyu Divine Emperors must pay a tragic price. </p>

"Are there few people bullying us?"</p>

The ancient trees of the universe and the thunder yin and yang fish got on, and even the stone ruffians could not bear to swoop out lonely. </p>

Although they are still a bit dangerous to the stronger micro-domain **** emperor, it is not a problem to contain them. </p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. focused on solving the micro-domain **** emperor. </p>

Boom! </p>

The whole scene exploded, one battle after another, Shen Lie and Tang Jiu four Weiyu **** emperors all did their best. </p>

When Fengdao appeared with the **** pot, it shocked the audience. </p>

Boom! </p>

It blasted a micro-domain **** emperor in one pan, disintegrating it, and died on the spot. </p>

Stabbed! </p>

The Phoenix Sword carried the Fenxian flames and broke through the opponent's field, splitting his life. </p>

But the soul-suppressing device is shining, leaving no life. </p>

Simultaneously. </p>

Shen Lie used his swiftness to shrink his ground into an inch and dodge the attack of the three Guandao emperors of the Zhou clan. </p>

Boom! </p>

It blasted down strongly and abolished the two Weiyu Divine Emperors on the spot. </p>

Shen Lie's potential and strength have undergone drastic changes since he was promoted to the micro-domain **** emperor, because it took the beginning qi heaven soul, and the Dao soul grew too much, not to mention its strength. </p>


Shen Lie was slaughtering, and Tangjiu was slaughtering. A sharp blade broke through ten thousand methods, a blade of grass flew out of its dantian, ploughed endless waves of energy, turned into the strongest soldier, and smashed a **** emperor on the spot. </p>

one flower one World. </p>

One leaf and one bodhi! </p>

The grass of the soup wine has the same magical effect, because he smelted the field into a blade of grass. Although the overall size has become smaller, the field is more condensed and can bloom with incomparable light. </p>

When it is cut down, it can indeed split the opponent's field, like a broken bamboo. </p>

However, he is different from Shen Lie in that Shen Lie has thick skin and thick skin, so he can hold the opponent's field, while his flesh and blood body will be damaged. </p>

When he cut off the two micro-domain **** emperors, the soup wine was already bloody. Although the grass could make him play its top combat power, it was much weaker in defense. </p>

Fang Can and Fei Qian are weaker than Shen Lie and Tang Jiu. If they are allowed to practice for a few more years at the level of the micro-domain **** emperor, they may be able to crush the micro-domain **** emperor. One or two Weiyu Divine Emperors are quite good. </p>

but. </p>

The pictures created by several characters are still terrifying, because several micro-domain **** emperors were crushed and cut across on the spot, and did not return to the Zhou clan alive. </p>

In the end, only three Guandao God Emperors were left. </p>

"Grandma's, you have to work hard!"</p>

The soup wine spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes became dark. </p>

"Fight, kill a few Guandao!" Shen Lie gritted his teeth, because it was also injured. </p>


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