Supreme Demon

Chapter 3406: Brother Dao doesn't talk about martial ethics!


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After the ban on the secret soil.

The strength of Ling Feng and others is not strong, only the micro-domain and Guandao level, while the celestial reincarnation is deliberately hidden, showing super-quality strength.

For characters like him, even if they want to hide, it is not so easy.

It is quite difficult to suppress the strength in the super product.

And Ling Feng only needs to converge a little, without showing all his strength.


Dong Yi is not as nervous as before. After all, Ling Feng and others are the strongest only with Super Grade, and there is only one character, and the rest can be ignored.

You must know that being able to enter the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Paths by yourself at this time is a single player with multiple rows. If you don't have the strength, you will probably be eaten easily.

The forces behind Dong Yi were not without Tianjiao, but because these Tianjiao had already entered the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Ways first, he could only stand alone.

It was a fate that Ling Feng and others appeared on this mountain at the same time.

Although he is the Heavenly Emperor, he is not as good at this aspect as Ling Feng and others. Even the celestial reincarnation is not enough to see, only Ling Feng's origin and everything can despise the rules of the Mystic Land.

They came along Dong Yi's direction, and Dong Yi couldn't see it because of the effect of the Void Land.

of course.

If you agree easily, it will easily make Dong Yi wary.


Always make the other person feel that the initiative is there, which makes it easier for people to believe.

"This... not so good." Ling Feng and others are still very vigilant.

"Oh, don't be so nervous!"

Dong Yi smiled and said: "I am Dong Yi, power, not worth mentioning, if I want to suppress you, can you resist with your strength?"

The expressions of Ling Feng and others changed suddenly, and they were dumbfounded.

"You... want to suppress us?" Ling Feng asked cautiously.

"Hehe, this is just an example. I didn't mean to suppress you, otherwise I won't have to tell you so much!"

Dong Yi said with a smile.

He signaled that he was very sincere, because if he wanted to be disadvantageous to Ling Feng and the others, there would be enough time to suppress Ling Feng and the others.

"Well, we believe in your sincerity!"

Ling Feng smiled and nodded.

"It's better to hit the sun than today!"

Dong Yi said boldly: "I'll have a banquet here when I wait, and drink a few swigs!"

Dong Yi is a daring master of art, and did not put Ling Feng and others in his eyes at all, because he felt that it was difficult to threaten himself with the strength of Ling Feng and others.

Ling Feng and the others were even more daring. They used tigers for skin, which really made the celestial reincarnation very dumbfounded.

He was sure that even without himself, these guys would dare to fight Dong Yi.

This is not a question of strength, but a question of courage.

On the low mountain.

A jade table was moved out, and it was filled with fine wines, as well as the rare and delicious food brought by Dong Yi. Ling Feng and Shen Lie also showed their rich "collection", not only fine wine, but also delicious food.

The celestial reincarnation was stunned. These guys were very anxious before, and they could not wait to fly out and rescue Han Ruyue and others. But what is going on now?

Are they in a hurry?

Wine is more important than beauty?

Although it is very difficult to understand, but the celestial cycle is still patient, and Dongyi fight wine.

Moreover, he felt that Ling Feng and others weren't the guys who failed the beauties, and they certainly made sense to do so.

Fine wine and food.

Several guys drank and ate meat, their mouths were greasy, and the connection between them disappeared.

"Hey, it's rare to meet you here, I will form an alliance here, and then we will have the blessings and the difficulties together."

Dong Yi burped alcohol and said drunkly.

If it were ordinary flames, Dong Yi would naturally not get drunk, but what Ling Feng and others took out were genuine immortal brews, even the Heavenly Emperor God would be drunk.

"Okay, we form an alliance. From now on, as long as we need my help, we will not say much!"

Ling Feng and others smiled and persuaded them to drink, very satisfied.

They did not reveal their real names, but replaced them with the false name "Zhou Fengyu".

"This time, Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth is very important. It is said that a super power in God's Domain is coming. I need to do my best!"

Dong Yi said with a solemn expression.

"Are all those characters here?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, and said, "This is indeed a tricky problem."

"Brother Dao, only you will come in this time?"

Shen Lie was drunk and slumped on the ground in an imageless manner, blowing with Dong Yihai.

"I am indeed the only one!"

Dong Yi smiled, his face flushed, and said, "My sect Tianjiao has all entered the Mystic Land."

"So, Brother Dao is going to join Zongmen Tianjiao?"


Na Dongyi's eyes flashed suddenly, without saying much, as if he didn't want to mention the power of Tianjiao.

"We are waiting for the sect and the heavenly emperor to enter the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Paths. By then, we can form an alliance or pit superpowers!"

Shen Lie got up and patted Dong Yi on the shoulder, instead of sipping stubbornly, he was almost a brother.

"This can be!"

Dong Yi smiled and nodded, thinking it was a good note.

"Hey, I think you are a good character this time."

Shen Lie said with a grin, he didn't regard Dong Yi as the **** emperor of Heaven, but a **** emperor of the micro domain who had been discussed by the same generation.

"Brother Wei thinks you are a good bird too!"

"Haha, encourage each other!"

The two guys almost had a drink.

In the end, Fei Qian and Fang Can were the first to fall to the ground because of their alcohol power.

"Dregs, just this little wine!"

Shenlie despised: "Brother Dong, let's drink!"


In a short while, the short mountain was filled with wine jars, even if Dong Yi was the **** emperor of the heavens, he was almost drinking at this moment.

"Hey, Dong brother, let's not hide it........."

Shen Lie hiccuped his wine, waved his wings casually, and said, "We are entering the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Ways this time, but there is something important..."

"Hey, it's important to drink with Brother Dong!" Ling Feng quickly rolled his eyes, and his eyes appeared.

Celestial Reincarnation fell to the ground, he felt that his acting skills were not good enough, and he didn't want to drag down these two enchanting evildoers, and playing "Dead Man" was not easy to reveal flaws.


Dong Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I am waiting for a few women."

The God Lie Shen mysteriously said: "It is said that those women have found two secret techniques, but now all the major forces are looking for the whereabouts of those women. I am waiting for this time to converge with the sect Tianjiao and conspire together." /

Na Dongyi was obviously taken aback, his eyes flickered.

"What happened?"

"Hey, I didn't want to tell you, but Brother Dao is a close friend, so I won't hide you." Shen Lie smiled and said, "My sect Tianjiao figures have trapped those few. Woman, I'm narrowing it down, just find...hehe..."

"According to reports, those women are all pretty."

Ling Feng's eyes lit up suddenly and he said, "The secret technique is not important, but this woman can't let it go."


Shen Lie rolled his eyes.

"What about the promise?"

Dong Yi laughed and said, "However, my brothers are fellow men. Those women are indeed pretty, if they are..."


"Brother Dao knows those women?"

Ling Feng and others were shocked.

"If you are talking about those women, then we should be the same."

"So, Brother Dao is also here for those two secret arts and a few women?"

"Not bad!"

Dong Yi drank too much, and Shen Lie was in front of him to "guide", he was not as scrupulous as before.

"My sect Tianjiao discovered them in Tianyu Mountain, and they have indeed trapped them now, in the Fengtian realm." Dong Yi said with a solemn expression, "Of course, it is not only my sect that trapped those women, but also There are other forces."

"Yes, because there are other forces, I waited until I flew here. Although it is difficult to deal with the heavenly **** emperor, it should be no problem to suppress some Guandao, micro domains, and even contain the super products."

Shen Lie said with a smile.

At this time, the eyes of the celestial reincarnation brightened, and Fei Qian and Fang Can began to sober up.

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, Shen Lie's body became wet and the fragrance of wine drifted away.

"Feng Tian Jing!"

This is the news that Ling Feng and others got from Dong Yi.

Although it is not certain whether it is Han Ruyue and others, but it is not far from ten.

At the beginning, Ling Feng vaguely heard Dong Yi talking with his sect powerhouse around Ten Thousand Ways, and mentioned several women. Now, Ling Feng is very sensitive to "several women".

It turns out that he was right.

"In this way, we need more alliances!"

Ling Feng smiled and said: "If we can use our two forces to capture those women alive and obtain a secret technique, how about you and me?"

"This needs to be discussed with my sect figure, I can't do it alone." Dong Yi said solemnly.


Ling Feng nodded, and said, "The secret technique, naturally there are great sect masters who are in charge, but this woman, I only need one, the headed woman, I want it, and the others are given to brother, how about?"

"Ah, you want to be beautiful!"

Dong Yi stopped doing it on the spot. He said, "That's the number one beauty in the Fallen God's Domain, you are not good, you are too greedy."

"Yes, I am too greedy."

Ling Feng squinted and laughed.

At this time, Shen Lie had sacrificed the **** pot, which was very cryptic, because Ling Feng had sacrificed the void and enveloped it on the **** pot.

"I am not only greedy, but also unkind."


As Ling Feng's voice fell, the **** pot in Shen Lie's hand flew down from the void, directly banging on the back of Dong Yi's head, making a dull loud noise.

Dong Yi was already drunk, not as alert as Ling Feng and others, and the Void Land was even more obscure and difficult to be discovered. When he reacted, the **** pot had fallen on the back of his head.


He snorted and was thrown into the mud on the spot, his mouth full of mud.

"You... don't talk about martial arts!"

He was struggling to fly, but he was poisoned by Shen Lie, and was blasted into the mud by a **** pot.

"Brother Dao, you are too late."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "Mouse's tail juice!"



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